Is it Wrong to Use This in a Sauce ? (ft. Modernist Cuisine)

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today's sponsor fast hosts have let me write a question for their techie test if you're based in the uk you have the chance to win your ultimate tech bundle including your dream pc setup worth up to 5 000 pounds link is in the description box more on this later but for now sources what's up guys sally this is alex and yes this is the mother freaking series now if you remember when in the previous episode i went all the way to istanbul in turkey to make my own ultimate saucepad in the world of saucepan this is like formula one nascar if you're in the u.s yeah you see i i think of all of you let's put it to good use so basically my plan today is to make another mother sauces in episode number four i made sauce espanol now i want to make sauce veloute following what escoffi wrote in his culinary bible a sauce is basically just white stock thickened with a white whoa the first step for this recipe is to make a full blonde some white stock could use veal but this time i choose to use chicken because i'm in charge remember i made brown stock in episode four and to be honest it is very similar to white stock the only difference is that for white stock ingredients are not roasted before being simmered okay so we got the white stuff the foam blonde salted now in order to make it a sauce we need to thicken it and for that we're going to use a very traditional thickener a roux so the thickener roux is made with equal proportions of both butter and flour mix these together and cook them over low heat if you cook them for a short period of time you'll get white roux a bit longer you'll get blonde roux a bit longer you'll get brown room so for a volute sauce which is supposed to be that velvety lighting double of color subtle sauce you're aiming at a white whoa so the least cooked rule possible problem is if you don't cook it enough it's gonna taste like flour yeah you really need to cook it for at least three four minutes and right now i've got a white hole i can't taste any flour in fact i can't taste anything because i just burned myself really bad which basically means that the whole must be ready [Music] so you start with the overall liquid weight and then 10 percent of that will be the amount of roux you need so in just a moment i'm going to pour that stuck into this boiling hot piping hot roll and you want to keep stirring as you're pulling the thing in right so i just brought the whole liquid to a boil and that's very important if you want to activate the gelatinization process so the texture seems about right it's extremely smooth it smells buttery almost like caramel have to confess something i was aiming at a white veloute and i got a caramel veloute fond in the first place was rather colored and so was my hoo it was blondish instead of being white-ish anyways i think it's fine so i'm gonna have it as is i can smell butter and rich flavors [Music] very very nice rich anxious buttery the sauce is amazing yes but i've got a slight concern do i really taste the chicken look [Music] right so clearly we are facing a problem i think it's too certain on the chicken flavor basically i think the thickener we use works great from a texture point of view but from a taste point of view i don't think it's doing its job right basically there are two things involved the volume of thickening agent we had to use in this case it's ten percent of the overall liquid weight that's enormous that's way too much and second the flower has this annoying tendency to track flavors and not to be able to release them properly but it's not a problem with console a while back i had the chance to have in my studio nathan merfold from the modernist cuisine well i'm nathan nervold and i had a career in technology chief technology officer at microsoft for many years but i always loved uh cooking while i worked at microsoft i decided i wanted to learn cooking for real so i went to chef school in france i went to chef school in france yes i got bill gates to give me a leaf of absence he's a good guy i started experimenting and i decided to write a book and it took five years but i wrote modernist cuisine which is this 2400 page giant thing that covers basically all of the techniques of modern cooking so at this moment we're just talking about traditional french cuisine and the use of rules he told me different situations require different thickening agent and clearly this is the one you should be working with which one [Applause] xanthan gum one of the best discoveries in food science since yeast so i'm not going to lie but working with the white powder in the kitchen feels a bit odd if it does a better job than a who why shouldn't we use that instead works at any ph any temperature only have to use 0.05 percent that's almost nothing it's clearly gonna have less impact on the taste i'm excited so 2.5 grams of xanthan gum is the amount i need to thicken 500 milliliters or a pint of my stock the problem is i only have one liter left and the second i never use xanthan gum to to thicken sauces in the past so i think it would be safer to try it out on just water fur so let me just do that [Music] [Applause] [Music] right so it's sticking a lot to the spoon it's sticking to the edges of that container got tons of lumps i'm gonna try to solve that by mixing it with a blender oh that's so good tons of air bubbles trapped inside i managed to improve the distribution of the gum in the liquid that's good but now i've got a foam that's not so great so i've been doing a few research online and i basically found out that my blender is not gonna work for this job it's just introducing too much air into the liquid however a homogenizer it's an amazing device that i immediately want to buy ultrasonic homogenizer mixes all the particles inside by creating bubbles and exploding them and vacuum and also it cost a fortune [Music] now there's another type of homogenizer water stator homogenizer it works like an immersion and then you've got that spinning end trapping particles outer skirt so the rotor but it's not solving our problem like right now so i found some very interesting information on a soap making website you should be mixing your xantham gum with oil that's that's a simple solution to what i thought was a very complicated problem [Music] can't believe i found something useful on the internet but i think we've got a winner so that's one thing to remember when you want to disperse xanthan gum in liquid disperse it in fat first and then use it in liquid i think we got everything we need let's just start the sauce okay let's talk about today's sponsor fast host regardless of your experience fast host can give you the tools to build a strong web presence they aim to support uk businesses and entrepreneurs at all levels providing effective and affordable hosting packages to suit any need fast host is based in the uk with their cutting edge uk data centers regardless of your hosting package you can talk to their 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more intense can only be connected to the thickener the type of thickener we use has a tremendous impact on the ability to release flavor oh it's good but this it's cleaner this makes me salivate more the first one with the rule you get quite a creamy texture it's a good thing yes because it's very creamy but it's also a bad thing where in this case coats the whole mouth very rapidly but it's a thin layer i think i like it it feels more like a than a thickened sauce lighter and yet very very intense in terms of flavor it's like roasted chicken flavor it's way better i'm sorry to say this but it's way better okay i'll stand by my words it's way better i don't want to spoil the next episode too much but if you've been watching the series closely in the second episode i told the guy in the three michelin star restaurant that i would like to come back and have them taste my sauce that's how foolish i can be i just want to see where i stand in all this i feel like my knowledge is definitely better than it was my tools are so much better than they were and i feel like now i can not fight on the same level easy but at least i can defend myself and then it will be judgmental slightly scared i hope you enjoyed this episode we'll catch up in the next one bye-bye [Music] foreign
Channel: Alex
Views: 865,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: french sauce, mother sauces, sauce velouté, veloute sauce, xanthan gum, xantham gum, modernist cuisine, nathan myrhvold, how to make roux, blond roux, white roux, brown roux
Id: Id8DMssn6gU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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