The BEST Cooking Videos on YouTube

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if you ask me the best cooking videos on YouTube are surprisingly these infomercials for infamously high sodium dehydrated broth products featuring an over-the-hill British celebrity chef who can barely be bothered to try anymore believe it or not I think there's some great things you can learn about cooking and about life by watching Marco Pierre White half-heartedly smear a steak with a smushed up bouillon cube while generally making an art of being over it being over it is basically my favorite trait in other people and it's one of my favorite feelings on the occasion that I'm able to experience it before I proceed I want to acknowledge that there is a lot of reason to believe that Marco White is or at least sometimes can be a terrible person and we'll get to that if you're in the United States there's a good chance you don't even know who Marco Pierre White is this is basically the one place in the english-speaking world where Marco Pierre White has not been a major pop culture figure for going on 30 years he just never seemed to break through here the way his one-time protégé Gordon Ramsay did but a lot of people traced the birth of today's global celebrity chef movement to Marco Pierre White he is arguably patient zero for a phenomenon that I do believe is a plague upon us but that's a topic for another day prior to Marco cooking was rarely viewed as a high status profession working in the kitchen was basically like working in the laundry this is something Anthony Bourdain talked and wrote about a lot in his two short life Bourdain is on record is saying that everything changed for both him and for his trade when these iconic photos by Bob Carlos Clarke hit the world in 1990 in particular this one there is Jim Morrison and an apron a wire thin Jackrabbit of relentless obstinate culinary perfectionism the dyslexic child of an alcoholic working-class widower he was beaten down by the English schooling system that most of us know only from Pink Floyd songs you have to wonder if it was that ship on White's shoulder that drove him to demand respect as a young chef to say to the aristocratic twits in his dining room I am good enough to walk among you you will not treat me as an untouchable to be neither seen nor heard whilst I service you our gluttony I am an artist and you are merely passing through my gallery as he clawed his way up the English social ladder that was infamously light on rungs he seemed to drag his entire lowly profession up with him or at least so goes the legend for what it's worth I think that interpretation of history may be a bit overblown certainly there were high status celebrity chefs before Marco Pierre White but none of them were as media savvy as he was the footage I've been showing you is from two series about Marco that aired on Britain's ITV circa 1989 - the British media White was basically their bad boy friend they loved him because he was mean to them check out this legendary clip one being paid for not being paid for anything else to make sauce as long as I live you'll never convince me that was a sincere outburst I think Marco knew exactly what he was doing cultivating or to some extent inventing the volatile genius persona that Gordon Ramsay would imitate into self parody what you can also see in these videos is the kind of cuisine that Marco was cooking the plates that made him the then youngest chef ever to earn the maximum of three Michelin stars the dishes look pretty dated and some of them are positively Baroque none more so than this dessert of caramelized pears with honey ice cream there's the poached pears that he brulee is them that's nice about 15,000 garnishes go on the plate okay that's what you did in those days little edible dish goes down ice cream goes in there and then done right oh sure well you gotta have a cherry on top and then we eat it right okay well then what that sugar birds nest has the phrase gilding the lily ever been more apt okay now fast-forward a couple of decades and this is the Marco that we see making cooking videos for noir the stock cube manufacturer now owned by multinational food and consumer products giant Unilever this Marco has no time for sugar birds nests he has time for exactly two things his sponsor this video by the way is brought to you by skill share more about them later and he has time for the food he actually likes back in his salad days marco took more oak cuisine to bed than most could ever dream of now he just wants to settle down with a nice rib of beef and knock out a few Yorkshire puddings I love this Marco I love his physique not so much fat as swollen with pleasure he looks like my feet feel when I've had too much wine I even love how lazy and occasionally just wrong he is like he's got this thing that he says every single time he saw tased some onion does it every single time what I'm doing is I'm cooking them without colour just to soften them to remove the water content within them to remove the acidity to bring out the natural sweetness as always cook your onions to remove the water content to move this is to allow the natural sweetness he really can't be bothered to come up with a new thing to say about onions he just busts out that old warhorse every single time and onions of course are not particularly acidic they have a pH between five and six like basically most vegetables what he's talking about is the pungency of onions which comes from their sulfur compounds compounds that you can indeed break down by cooking them this is a broader phenomenon you see among experienced practitioners who are suddenly called upon to be teachers practitioners tend to know really well what works they tend to have not such a good handle on why it works I mean here's Marco explaining why you whisk liquid into a roux bit by bit when making a sauce you whisk it into incorporate air into it by incorporating their you break down the starch you work yeah I'm pretty sure everything about that explanation is wrong but the technique works I just kind of love that he doesn't care whether what he's saying is right or credible or coherent or consistent most people make that ship is apply to dry I like my ship it's quite quiet wet a lot of people tend to make the mints too wet now I understand that you might find the false confidence of a high-status man to be infuriating rather than charming it's especially infuriating in light of Marco's recent interview with the Irish independent in which he said that men are better than women in the professional kitchen because quotes they are not as emotional and they don't take things personally yes that quote was given by this guy clearly agitated Marco asks the cameras to stop rolling don't take me on this one please it's been frozen on to know why it's very simple isn't it I don't to be filmed do you understand do not film what I say do not fill me have some respect do not push me I don't think you understand what I am I control myself very well so look I'm not here to tell you you're wrong if you think MPW is a POS I am here to say there's something we could all learn from how few T Gibbs about what either of us think of him and also how such a supremely accomplished chef on this earth could be so unconcerned with impressing anybody with his food anymore I think the single biggest breakthrough in my own cooking came summers around the age of 30 when I stopped trying to cook to impress all the damn time which if I'm honest had maybe been my primary motivation up to that point I kind of realized that was indeed the most selfish way to cook here I'm not giving you this to give you pleasure or make you feel nourished or nurtured I am here to make you sit there and be awed by me sounds great doesn't it these Marco noir videos helped me liberate myself and my loved ones from that particularly oppressive prison and once you're out you can go on a much more gratifying and still challenging journey of discovering what you and the people around you actually like to eat and I love how Marco acknowledges that is not necessarily an easy thing to do say it's about finding that balance of what you like it's all about easy why should be a recipe why can't it be just feel a philosophy it's what I treat taste you don't taste your food you know it's gonna be like at the end it's what you got to do pour in a little bit taste it put in a little bit more taste it until you like it and even then you might sit down to dinner and be like this isn't really doing it for me it takes practice to learn yourself and really it's rather like our intimate relationships right when you're a kid you don't really know who you need to be with or what you need from them in order to be fulfilled what you have is somebody else's idea of what is or is not desirable it's usually only through a lot of sloppy experimentation that we figure ourselves out enough to get who and what we want and becoming a person who knows themselves is usually the first step toward becoming the kind of person whom someone else will want now as valuable as these lessons may be let's say that you want to learn some a little bit more specific and learn it from someone who doesn't have the false confidence of an impossibly high status man might I suggest the sponsor of this video Skillshare Skillshare is an online learning community with thousands and thousands of classes covering all kinds of creative and entrepreneurial skills you know I posted a video last week that I was really happy with because I felt that it demonstrated some progress in my still nascent skills as a cinematographer I'd barely touched a real camera until a few years ago but the people who watch this video said they were kind of more impressed with the music which I had composed myself this was funny to me because basically all of my formal schooling is in music composition it's not in journalism or cooking or filmmaking or teaching but at the risk of exuding precisely the kind of false confidence that I was just decrying I have a little bit of game in all those areas now and that's not because I'm just so damn awesome it's really just because I'm old life is long and if you just don't stop learning it's amazing how many distinct skills you can amass as the years march on and on and skill share can help you do that since we're talking about music let me recommend the excellent music mixing and mastering classes taught by young guru recording used to be sort of a black art because it was passed down by word of mouth yes there's science in it but the things that make particular engineers special we're things that were passed down so that's the complete wheels too wide you need to take information and make it available to the public so that the art form doesn't die sure you could spend a couple hundred bucks on some software and watch enough free YouTube tutorials to cobble together an understanding of how to use it but that's not really how most people learn well that is not a class most people learn well in a structured environment and that's what you get from Skillshare you get a logical progression building upon skill upon skill upon skill what they call scaffolding and education Theory premium skill share membership gives you unlimited access to these courses so you can follow your passions and your curiosity wherever they lead you at an annual subscription of less than $10 a month that is a steal compared to all the other ways that you could take a class and hey because you watch me you can follow my link in the description and get two months of skill show premium for free and while I really do kind of love Marco Pierre White I doubt any of you would want an instructor who would say something as stupid as this what I was search for but I'm looking for meat is a coating of fat around the eye of the meat because that tells you what's in the meat if there's no fat coating you might as well he gobbled you know it's an even better indication of what's in the meat looking what's in the meat because a steak is definitionally a cross-section of muscle so if there's no marbling in there then there's no marbling in there it doesn't matter what the butcher did or did not trim off of the outside Marco go home take a stock cube go to bed
Channel: Adam Ragusea
Views: 1,827,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marco pierre white, marco pierre white knorr, marco pierre white gordon ramsay, marco pierre white angry, marco pierre white masterchef, marco pierre, marco pierre white steak, marco pierre white cooking, marco pierre white gordon ramsay cry, marco pierre white hells kitchen, food videos, gordon ramsay, cooking videos, cook (profession), chef ramsay, knorr marco pierre white, knorr stock pot marco, knorr stock pot, how to cook, knorr, knorr stock pot commercial
Id: RykewR-BdzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2019
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