I FORCED Myself To Read Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

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joseph's adventure is so boring or at least that's what i thought a few years ago when i dropped the anime after just one episode hey everyone knows what jojo's bizarre adventure is but as far as the story goes i'm actually clueless i'm in the dark so why is jojo's bizarre adventure as popular as it is and is it actually worth all the hype that it gets now maybe judging a show based off of one episode isn't really giving it a fair shot so i decided i would give it a fair shot and answer the question myself is jojo's bizarre adventure worth all the hype now i have a lot of manga and included in all this manga is a lot of jojo's bizarre adventure this is really heavy here's volume one i'll just hold this up so i bought all of the children's bizarre adventure manga okay well it was all that was released when i bought it like a year and a half ago i think i'm pretty sure more has come out since then i'll go buy whatever i'm missing but my plan is to read all of the jojo's bizarre adventure manga and give it a fair shot then i can truly say if george's bizarre adventure is even a good show is it worth it should you read it what do you think no i what do i think what do i think that's what i'm going to tell you that's what the that's what this whole video is about so lucky for me george's bizarre adventure is split up in two parts so i think what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna turn this into a series and i'm gonna read one part per episode this episode being the first we're gonna read the first part phantom blood and lucky for me that's only three volume i'm gonna force myself three through the entire series even if i'm not liking it so three volumes is gonna be pretty digestible but before we go into reading the manga and giving you my thoughts let me tell you about today's sponsor me i'm releasing merch look how awesome that is for a very limited time only you can get your very own captain ryan merch we have t-shirts hoodies crew necks and my personal favorite some very special tie-dye variants make sure to get yours quick because once they're gone they're never coming back so if you want to help support the channel or you just want some sick trip then be sure to check the link in the description or go to bonfire.com captain ryan okay so without further ado i'm gonna read jojo's bizarre adventure part one volume one let's get into it [Music] uh don't forget to put a transition there hello so i'm about to start reading jojo's bizarre adventure honestly i don't really know what to expect i know a little bit about jojo's bizarre venture but i think most of the stuff that i know comes from later parts in the series so yeah i'm basically clueless about this um but i'm excited so let's get reading okay i'm reading along and i have to stop it because i'm pretty sure this is a meme i don't know much about jojo but this translates to kono dioda so i'm pretty sure this is that meme it has some significance right i never really understood the memes so far i'm enjoying this a lot more than i enjoyed the anime and i think that has something to do with the pacing of everything and now that i think about it i'm wondering if i even finished the first episode of jojo anyways i'm enjoying it so i'm gonna keep reading i finished volume one man okay i'm actually way more into it than i thought it was gonna be i'm interested to see where the story's going i think i still need some time with the characters to really get a sense of which characters i like and which characters i don't like i mean right off the bat there's the very kind-hearted joseph joestar or jojo and the very not so kind-hearted dio and so obviously you're meant to like one and dislike the other but i don't know i think i need some more time with the characters to really form opinions on them the art is amazing but i kind of figured that would be the case going into this i mean you have such a big name series like this the art has to be at least somewhat decent i know they weren't the infamous jojo poses and stances because i think that's an actual thing some of the stances that they took like when they were fighting they were running at each other and they took like some really interesting stances this panel right here like what is he even doing right there but surprisingly it just makes it a little bit more interesting it's like everything's exaggerated they definitely did the dog danny dirty you just can't do that to a dog you just can't they've been talking about like the stone mask is that gonna be a thing throughout the whole series i don't know there's one part where jojo is fighting some thugs and like one of the thugs turns his hat into like a boomerang blade hat or something like that i was like what even is happening right now what's going on the whole thing definitely has like a certain charm to it like it's goofy it's not taking itself too seriously but at the same time it kind of is i don't know i guess i haven't quite figured it out yet i guess i'm gonna have to read the next two volumes that are in part one so let me do that next ah i'm gonna read jojo's bizarre adventure part two no part one volume two let's go i already read it okay so what happens in this volume they punched a frog so right from the get-go this volume was way more violent than the first one the first volume was mostly like fist fights this volume starts off with theo just killing a bunch of people and i gotta say that was actually like really cool made me appreciate dio just a little bit and the whole time you just you don't know how jojo's gonna be able to beat dio if he is i will say though around the last bit of the manga you know how when you're reading a book or something and you start to zone out and then you like snap back into reality and you're like oh i gotta go back and read all this because i was not paying attention that started to happen a lot definitely towards the end and funny enough it happened during like some big battle i don't know i guess i just wasn't really feeling it that's not to say i didn't like this volume maybe i like this volume more than the first volume i don't know i guess i haven't really had time to process it all it's still very confusing to me i will say though the art is phenomenal i love it it reminds me a lot of the fist of the north star like i'm flipping through here and just like some of these panels are just incredible it's amazing but as for like the story and the characters nothing has quite stood out to me that much i like it good enough to where i want to keep reading and i'm excited actually to continue reading but i'm still so unsure about the series but yeah like i said it's like the artwork that really stands out to me but i mean just like when they're fighting here they just do like ridiculous things it's funny almost like comical in a way he's fighting one guy at the end and the guy's hair wraps around jojo's arm and starts sucking his blood it's like wait what is happening how unexpected his hair wields the sword you could say that again the action and the fights are very cool they're just very strange and i guess that's part of the charm of jojo it's very unusual and so it stands out and i actually kind of like that about it i don't know how the third volume is gonna turn out feels like our story is only getting started not that it can come to a close soon but my interest is peaked a lot so i'm gonna keep reading and like i said even if i'm not enjoying the series i'm gonna force myself to go through and read the entire thing with that being said let me move on to volume three i'm reading volume three right now and i'm only a few pages in and i forgot to mention in the last clip zapelli the dude with the top hat who like drinks the wine or whatever he's like jojo's mentor character yeah here's my prediction he's gonna die because they always do some guy comes out of nowhere to like train the hero they always end up dying which just makes the hero more motivated so that's my prediction for jojo zapelli or whatever his name is he's dead now i'm not going to follow up on this because i don't want to spoil anything but if you've read or watched jojo's for yourself then you'll know if i'm right or wrong so if i'm right called it all right i'm gonna keep reading this it's the last volume let's go i've done it i've read all three volumes of jojo's bizarre adventure part one phantom blood and i gotta say it was i yeah honestly like it was fine the artwork was seriously amazing on another level but everything else was kind of like i didn't really get behind any of the characters there was a part where dio was just like tearing people up and that part was kind of cool the rest of dio's character was just like oh yes i'm a bad guy whatever i thought i was gonna like speed wagon a lot more than i actually did he started off and it was like oh this guy's kind of funny and then he just became like the exposition character the character was narrating what's going on because lord knows you have no idea but i mean yeah just like the story the characters literally everything yeah i didn't i didn't care for it it wasn't impressive at all not to say that it was bad judge's bizarre adventure so far is not a myth it's just not impressive if jojo's bizarre adventure was just part one i don't think anybody would care if i were to give part one phantom blood a rating out of five i'd give it maybe i don't know a three i guess by definition it's mid i just didn't care but yeah that's my thoughts on jojo's bizarre adventure part one phantom blood next up is gonna be part two battle tendency i'm looking forward to it i think it'll be a fun time if it's not a fun time then at least i will have learned something i'm gonna post a couple other videos before i post part two of the series so if you want to be notified of when i do upload that be sure to subscribe and hit that bell button to be notified when i do upload a video i am curious though be sure to leave a comment what is your favorite part in jojo's bizarre adventure and that way i'll know which part to look forward to the most but yes if you enjoyed this video be sure to leave a like don't forget to check out the merch link in the description thank you so much for watching i'm ryan and bye [Music] you
Channel: Captain RAIAN
Views: 30,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manga, anime, manga haul, manga review, manga log, manga collection, japan, raian, raianastro, good manga, recommendation, captain raian, raian manga, manga recommendations, jojos, jojo's bizarre adventure, manga review 2022, review manga jojo, jojo's bizarre adventure reaction, jojo bizarre adventure, jojo's bizarre adventure manga, manga room, manga dub, manga story
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 20 2022
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