Jackbox with Artists is Cursed..

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in this video I brought some of my artist friends together to play jackbox games wait till you see the incredibly cursed stuff that we came up with and it's curse not to subscribe it really really helps out oh no did I not see oh no sometimes I cry when I jerk or hey guys can we please keep it down what is the thing on the right is it a car that's an RC car the Hot Wheels car hypothetic it could be a battle bus that shit's not taking me to battle that's taking me to school wait is that supposed to be the battle bus we'll never know yeah I guess not knows I can tell you it was supposed to be a battle bus cuz I was like I don't know what to draw someone oh the balloons really tiny I got you I got you the battle bus is kind of funny that's a [Laughter] really me who passed out on their keyboard sounds like you by writing 17 of them no I know exactly what I wrote I could recite most of them one of them was Uncle Grandpa Uncle Grandpa to throw that is not Peter Griffin that is up [ __ ] you Ross's labotomy is getting swept by Peter Griffin that's true appeal to rubber R Us viewers and you win and it's over let's go oh I really want that demon lady [Laughter] I win I win I'm actually goes well every time holy Peter Griffin from and he's smoking a fat blood damn that's pretty cool holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] that's so so you candy holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy oh man I like that one I need that as a shirt a little guy saying C oh wow that one's so good there's so much soy he doesn't know what's coming guys he doesn't know what's coming I got The Perfect combo for that one that's a great SpongeBob what the [ __ ] I'm so good why I'm SpongeBob like why SpongeBob I'm SpongeBob SpongeBob it's the final round final round the final two T-shirts must face off against each other introducing into the ring okay Bob speci a little guy go little guy ah I'm fighting for myself come on Mom special little guy he's just come on Mom special little guy my hands hurting 64 era in yeah this is my Mario Party era coming back I tunnel which side are you on I'm onit I minimized my window [ __ ] oh CH really want me that is a great Shir oh [ __ ] what I didn't know this was possible damn what the how the did this happen like one of you French girls g girls oh this is I did not think I was going up against a doubleganger today all right wait this go clutches it how do you all have the same drawing is that how does that work I don't know I feel like the game [ __ ] up chat as the creator of milk of my I can't stand this milk dude that's how I feel right now that shs kind of fire that's a good one but I I got to go daddy's uh Daddy's milk Drinker man what I can't complain that was my prompt what oh no actually kidding me dude you clicked the wrong one yeah wait there's a sleeper agent here there's some people who started writing milk prompts that's not me who's the milk it was it was me I MIL Drinker might have been me some someone has started writing milk promps that's not me that sh go hard though can't I can't stand this milk our first opponent enters the ring what gra look at me photograph one man one jar that's just my one man one jar is just my Bo um what we always talking we're we're we're clicking to defeat the thing right you're voting on it that's right yeah I always forget I always forget yeah yeah yeah now entering the ring what what the what is this oh my God what the trust that's so good guys we have to defeat the villain no he not a villain let's go he's the hero with our powers we can go together pull out no must like win dude if you don't vote for Biden it like you die right that's what goes onid blast he's actually doing it Biden sweep dude thanks guys so you vote for what right that explains why I lost I should have picked the more relevant meme for the masses [Laughter] puppy Rob God it's just someone who it's just somebody who kins deu and you think kids got money for for Cosmetics come on now do you they afforded Roblox de of course they do you know how much I cost like a dollar the big p foolish big p oh no oh my god oh this is just unfair dude this is too much got glasses unfair you just add ER to anything and you just win you also steal this is such a sweep this is such a sweep damn oh my God it's the shades it has to be the shades need to call it oh my God it's not even like close stop it he's already dead holy [ __ ] apparently you just had Shades to anything and you win puppies all ultimate Nemesis dude guys Mr be is the villain we have to defeat him he can't keep he can't get keep giving away all these iPhones they can't dude Mr Beast is killing it and working eyes oh [ __ ] it's pretty close yeah is not my villain oh Mr Beast one just like milked you dude yeah I did my stop saying you milk to me please stop I so hard milked you so hard I do not lact tape please stop oh my God oh my God it lagged out so bad I couldn't write what I was writing someone would call me a modern artist I would pull you that oh no jackbox are people still typing uhhuh I don't I only I only I only had to type two things what we're figuring it out no I'm just I'm not funny I don't know dude jun's just decided to write the entire first [ __ ] verse of the Bible the entirety of [Music] Genesis is covering all of Leviticus and uh and bacon is just writing [ __ ] the walls are cling guys it's j which blank are you all right I know I'm picking we are off to a phenomen general R of thumb is if you see come on on quiash you don't pick it shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up what you come wait you telling me it took you the entire 40 yeah you were 45 minutes of typing and you wrote minutes to write why did I chat love that way AI I love you okay listen all you come all the got to be well what pretty good thank you I thought about it hard St askings fast if I see come I'm going to be [Laughter] pissed oh buff the keyboard spam was when I got I got nervous at the end after you spent 45 minutes writing come oh dude I am very against having come as an answer now watch this now watch this you want to see an answer takes 2 seconds and there it is dad dude I got to go lster Dad the opposite of music oh no my voice what the [ __ ] actually true why you actually write so true 24 hours why did you write that what is wrong with my that's my normal speaking voice nobody what are you talking about no one said it's Tik toku that's not you man that's my normal speaking voice you guys are making fun of me for how I sound listen buddy listen listen buddy the verdicts in sound that's not that's that's literally that's that's not Co get [ __ ] on like angle it as the antenna wait hold on three things to do jump off the brid if the first one is in buff I'll be very surprised huh huh I just it also it just gives me buff energy H huh huh huh huh huh huh why who is a villager getting hit what the [ __ ] okay can someone means you know what it means you don't know Tik toku is this the joke or is Tik Tok is Tik Tok deu lactating Now kill you you guys cook yeah there's teams right so glad I've got all trive on my team he's the typing master we got all trive we got Ross and we got bacon bacon what the fck you do oh we got brain rot this is just brain rot the team bro what orb anal bead Ros bead round bro what orb anal Ros Ross bead round for my hole can't wait to shove in hard when I Bodacious I on the proudness for my whole can't wait to shove in Hills hard when I come to your pix come come come okay pondering your or all right thanks everybody I know how to guys it's guys it's team my it's team class 1 A's turn they walls are mhm I don't think the infrastructure of this game can handle the amount I can't type anything the walls are closing the walls are closing I can't write anym are you guys having a mental breakdown what's happening hey uh buff could you uh buff could you read that for us or be there in 20 minutes I'm going to nut so we'll be there like SK the walls are closing the walls are oh oh yeah like it adds to the Ambiance of it I just like hold on listen okay can you guys deal with charged robots are see will get there like a Ohio RIS Master yum yum baby gr be me I up the r and the walls are closing the walls are closing the wall I like I like oh rism Master yeah wow I genuinely do not remember what I wrote for any of this I know what I wrote it was specifically the walls are enclosing you're moving I'm typing is going in C's struggling here oh moving in didn't think that was moving a bit fast P I love laboot movies literally I not nothing just try harder type harder there's literally nothing I typed is going in I'm not even I'm like being serious I'm not F nothing I tyed in I'm out of bro I'm taking a screenshot I'm out of characters nothing can we play with a Rubik C Cube grong I'm not C [ __ ] I don't care k oh I got disconnected I got disconnected too oh we broke the game no
Channel: RubberRoss
Views: 310,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RubberRoss, jackbox party pack 10, jackbox with viewers, jackbox, jackbox party pack 9, jackbox party pack 3, jackbox 10, jackbox fun, jackbox party pack 8, jackbox all games, jackbox animation, jackbox ranked, jackbox intro, jackbox ost, jackbox online, jackbox party pack 4, jackbox party pack, jackbox games, jackbox switch, jackbox games trailer, jackbox games live, jackbox hololive, jackbox live, jackbox live stream, jackbox channel, vtubers, envtuber clips, vtuber
Id: l0SVLkglbyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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