I finished the Vault as fast as possible in Stardew Valley!

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hey everybody and welcome back to our little speed running mini series last time we took on the boiler room so now we've we've finished every room except the vault and the bulletin board and i'm not touching the bulletin board after looking into it i realized that speedrunning the bulletin board would suck so we're not going to do that so i'm just going to save all that for when we try to speed around the whole community center which is a whole can of worms that's going to take weeks of figuring out what to do so it's going to be a while before that comes out so this is going to be our last individual room speed run of this mini series we're going to do the vault today as always make sure to subscribe so you know when i do the full community center speed run because i don't know yet when that's coming out and you're going to want to know when it does for this one i found a couple of speed runs and i'm going to kind of like stitch them together to make like a franken speed run mixed in with a lot of ad-libbing i'll give myself blonde hair today because it looks like gold looks like money i don't know i'm doing my best three two one go i really hope i turn on animation cancelling because i forgot to check until now okay it's probably fine okay zoom out i did okay we're fine we're literally just gonna a whole bunch of spots plant parsnips and i think we're going to bed cause we're gonna let water or not water of course we're gonna let water water the parsnips we're gonna let rain water the parsnips for us so now we're just gonna sleep until spring 27 and i'm gonna count rain days in case we need to rain again so that's one we need four and if we don't get enough then we're gonna have to like water them manually at some point if we somehow don't get four rain days this whole time i'm gonna be furious we still are only at one rain day the third oh okay this is kind of getting ridiculous this speed run is pretty much entirely watering so getting lucky with rain is gonna be the name of the game and we're off to a bad start because it is about to be the 15th of spring and we have received there we go that was our first rain day besides the third we need two more we need two more between now and the 27th which we should be able to get i'd be shocked if we didn't there's another one okay we need one more i'm worried i didn't clean it like i'm worried i didn't clear enough land and that like our parsnips are gonna get wrecked by the weeds and die okay we should we should be good we should have enough rain if our parsnips got murked while i was sleeping i'm gonna feel so guilty i'm sure it's okay though i'm not too worried okay 27th let's go good and it's sunny we need to be sunny so we need to unlock the community center oh my god look at our prices they barely survived okay i'm looking around for foraging i see a leak i see a dandelion on our farm we see a horseradish down there that's really helpful we're gonna need to get spring forwards today things that we need to do today we need to make a chest do spring forage we need to get our parasites to unlock the community center gonna name it we need cash cash we need to get one call for our future scarecrow [Music] okay everything goes in there we already got the call we need so we're good on coal let's go do some foraging we're gonna grab everything we can find because we need spring foraging to unlock the vault and we also need just money in general to buy as many blueberries as we can in summer so all of the forging we find we're gonna pick up all right we have barely enough inventory space also i'm gonna need this anyway for scarecrow down the line so let's go ahead and just scythe any that we happen to pass oh and we gotta make sure to there we go we made a chest state our parcel forage okay we gotta unlock the community center i shouldn't be pausing i see a horseradish on there we'll have to grab that should be pausing oops i need to you know actually i need to unload stuff my inventory i should just know what we're supposed to do uh but i don't so okay we're gonna forage at the bus stop and then we're gonna go get our community center cutscene go inspect the scroll and we're gonna come back and go to bed as long as we have all of spring forage which we should okay let's go get our cutscene nice okay anything we happen to run into on our way we grab here's an example there's another example down there we'll get it on our way back this one up there we'll get it as well and we're in and we're out okay let me get this all right and we're good okay good stuff so we should be done with uh spring already it's a beautiful system i think let me let me give it a peep let's see we put everything away we have spring for it yeah we're done all right now we sleep until the second of summer all right and we're on to summer first we're gonna do is clear some land and hoe a bunch of spots i don't know exactly how many we need but we need many so we're gonna home many is what needs to happen we need to make a scarecrow so let's go ahead and cut some trees we need 50 wood for that okay scarecrow is crafted we're just gonna throw that fool down like right here i don't know okay we are about out of energy that is very bad okay uh we'll figure that out later okay clear and how we need to visit the wizard we need to donate spring forage actually we need to bring everything because we need to sell everything so we need to go visit the wizard pick up any summer forging we find along the way and then we need to we need to um you know what this is actually going to be tough we need okay we have four leaks so we need to make 30 spring seeds eventually i actually don't know how inventory management is going to work for this part i think we have to ditch uh these two i think these two have to get ditched because i don't really know how to i forgot to check my mail i just threw the run do we reset no it's it's a small time loss we'll just have to deal with it okay that we just absolutely threw okay well this will give us a chance to figure out what we're gonna do with inventory management because at the moment i do not know okay we need now we need to go back i'm not sure what to do this might this this is gonna break our run because i don't know what we're supposed to do on this day like i know what needs to happen but i have absolutely no idea how we're supposed to do it with only one like a bar of inventory space we need to sell everything we have turn everything we have into spring seeds like sell it all we need to donate both spring and summer forest the community center and then buy our seeds but it's like how do we create enough room in our inventory space for summer forage i guess we will ditch the pickaxe and the axe and then i think we have to leave behind uh the silver daffodil um okay it's fine if we get really good at watering with animation canceling we'll make all of our time lost back so we need to get rid of these and this okay and now i guess we just hope to find a grape and oh there we go now you've seen a sweet pea yes oh my god that's so lucky okay so we're done and i see that spicy but i don't need it okay so we freaked out about a problem that didn't exist and forgot to check our mail so rough not not a good look but it's fine so now here's what's going to happen we are going to donate all of spring and summer forage right here oh you can animation cancel out of that i forgot about that here i go that saves time uh oh i'm stuck if i just glitched the game that would be so bad okay it's fine i forgot you can animation cancel out of that cutscene that saves time okay now we want to we need 30 more spring seeds this all should be enough to buy all the seeds we need so now we're going to sell everything we might actually need some more energy to host spots so i'm actually going to eat this i accidentally hit the tebow into type okay so we need one melon seed one tomato one hot pepper and then [Music] that's enough it's supposed to be like 70 or not it's supposed to be but 70 was my plan but that's close enough that's all i can afford but that should be good enough so now we plant it all and then we go to bed i think yeah go to bed and at that point the run is just watering and then hoping that you get all the fall forage stuff okay and we don't have the water yet we just go to bed tomorrow's when we start watering okay we now the rest of the season is literally just water unless it rains that's it this is gonna be really entertaining for everyone including me especially me all right so buckle up folks okay get the watering can this is when we're gonna have to really figure out how to water fast as we're not doing all right and that's one day this is gonna suck i know i know zee's done this speedrun a few times and i know he usually does it when he's live and i kind of envy that because he was able to like talk to chat i don't have anyone to talk to i'm just here this is going to be a really short video because i don't know how i'm going to we have to start thinking of like stories to no i got to think of like stories to tell while i'm here watering oh this is a fun story oh i probably forgot the one behind the scarecrow yesterday i okay there is at my college last night there was a trivia competition uh i didn't know anything because it was music trivia and i'm not cultured in any way i just went there with some friends we were like why not apparently one of the prizes is like a harry styles cutout and like an actual guitar so you're like might as well just pull up for the heck of it right so we went we got there late so we had to like merge with this with this group of people we'd never met but the first like four rounds we didn't do anything there's a bunch of stuff that we absolutely nothing or knew like nothing about there was like a beyonce around and we all just kind of mentally checked out i wanted to go get food so i left with one of my friends and we went to get food and then we sat down we were eating and as we were eating our other two friends ran up with a with a guitar and we're like oh we won the guitar it's like how could you have possibly won the guitar and apparently right after we left they like emerged teams to make fewer teams and the team that we got merged with was absolutely disgusting and like swept the board so now there's just a guitar in my room and my roommate and i know of us know how to play guitar so now we just have a guitar it's just kind of on the floor it's a guitar i don't really know what else to say so that was neat i didn't know a few of them i remember one of the categories was called oldies and i remember thinking okay i'm not gonna know any of these i'm not cultured in like music of the past i'm not gonna know a single thing okay we don't water the pepper anymore and then i had one thought where i was like actually unless they play beach boys because i know the beach boys song really well because my mom puts beach boys on in the car a lot when we would go to like the beach and stuff like that and for some reason like 11 year old me was absolutely obsessed with the beach boys music i have no idea why but every time i would like go to the store with my mom i'd be like you playing the beach boys so i was like oh if they ask a beach boys question i'm in there the very first song was good vibrations by the beach boys and they had this weird janky buzzer system because the buzzers didn't work where it was just like you stand up to buzz in and i was okay i'm biased i acknowledge that i'm biased i was 100 the first person to stand up in the room and one of the like people whose job it was to like look out for who got up first literally pointed at me then they picked some other random girl and she was like get vibrations by the beach boys freaking duh but overall it was a good experience okay i feel like i'm getting better at this animation canceling thing i don't know because i don't know what like the actual proper technique is i really have taught myself all the animation canceling well i how to animation cancel in the first place that was a boo so thank you very much abu for showing me how like to program the button and then z showed me like or he sent me the thing from the starter valley speedrunning discord of like how to use autohotkey so that was helpful but in terms of timing it was just i kind of did trial and error so if you're on computer and you want to learn how to animation cancel look up a tutorial and then just practice it's actually less hard than you think that's the thing about animation canceling it's really easy to start doing it's really hard to start doing well and that's kind of where i'm at right now like i am by definition canceling my animations i'm not nearly doing it as efficiently as i possibly could but i'm doing it can we get a little more rain please i've only gotten like two rain days so far actually no i've only gotten one trying to get more stories but i just haven't been doing enough interesting things all i've been doing lately is homework uh i guess youtube sometimes not sometimes i'm not giving myself enough credit i'm doing youtube literally all the time that's what i'm doing that's where all my time is going also two rainy days in a row love it all my time is going towards oh my god three in a row pop off all my time has been going it's been alternating between homework and youtube uh that's spring crops done or summer crops i mean also i literally forgot about blueberry harvest day thank god today is like the first day to get max harvest i almost threw the run by like forgetting entirely okay i need to make sure i save one blueberry because if i sell them all i lose the run okay we got leveled something for me maybe three i have no idea put away one blueberry there we go now summer crops are done ooh something fun to talk about i have become incredibly invested in uh march madness this year in a way that i'm usually not because of saint peter's i swear i don't even go there and i've never even heard of that school but all of a sudden i'm like peacock nation proud i don't know it's just so hype to see a 15 seed this far and have you seen like the pictures that have been everywhere on social media of their gym it's literally like a high school gym like they have so little funding and they're so disgusting at basketball it's so cool okay we're already on the 18th this is actually moving faster than i thought it would we're doing a great job probably we're definitely not we forgot to check our mail that one time which was really not clutch for us you know what i'm still proud of us and that's what's important okay tomorrow is the next blueberry day is everyone excited that we're marking your calendar uh what a moment what a moment for this community oh i think you can do a thing where like if you on the last one animation cancel is this faster to go like this probably not i'm just trying to discover something new man i don't know okay we're in the 20s we are firmly in the 20s which means we're in the home stretch shut up i know i'm whatever farming i'm not a stupid idiot oh no rain no rain you know what i know i know it's the time loss but i'm really worried about this there we go i don't want any of my blueberries dying okay i think i'm trying to think of what we're gonna do on the i think on the 27th our blueberries aren't gonna be done so we're not gonna harvest those but since it's like a fun fun time happy fun time foraging day what we're gonna do is we're gonna like go foraging and try to get as much as we can and turn it all into the summer seeds because i don't want to like not have enough money to finish the vault that would suck also thank you very much for the thunderstorm it also rains scripted on the 26th which is great oh no oh no we just missed a harvest of blueberries by sleeping on the 24th uh so we that's um that i i think that loses us the run we can try to recover that's yeah that's that's a run killer but i don't have the time i literally do not have time today because of my schedule to reset instead we're gonna do is just sell everything we can right here okay so we've thrown enough i think we're just gonna have to reset let's try it again okay i i don't have a lot of time today so i'm gonna have to i guess that's an incentive to get a great time because now i'm very behind schedule and everything three two one go this time we have practice we've done a warm-up run okay get the prices in the ground and bedtime and now we sleep until spring 27 count the rain days and here comes our first one kaboom you know the reset's probably for the best from a video standpoint because this is a pretty short speed run uh and otherwise this would have made for a really short video which would have been lame uh so it's great for a video standpoint we're doing two tries uh it is not great for a me standpoint because one i'm already bored of all that watering and i gotta do it all again and two i have a lot of stuff i have to do today uh now i am behind schedule there's rain day number two we need two more oh this is not good actually this is terrible i know this is supposed to be good luck but this is a huge time loss because we do not need a jump start on these parts they would have been done in time anyway please please i didn't i didn't i didn't need this this is not what i need this is not what i need doing this to the blueberries would have been so great but instead you have ruined everything okay so i guess there's no point in really counting rain days anymore well there still is for the ones that didn't get magicked okay so that was just pure time loss but it's fine okay please no rain on the 27th if it's raining today we have to reset again okay oops i forgot the backspace yogi cash it is that sounds like a type of uh crypto you know what i mean like there's like dogecoin like yogi cash could totally be a oh shoot just kind of grab everything we can find hanging around the map we all we have so far is a leak we've got our one coal for our uh scarecrow all we need is a daffodil that's all we need should be one yep there we go i would say should be at least one at the bus stop anything up north yup you better believe cutscene incoming skip our spring foraging isn't great this run so i hope we have enough money to even like afford all the blueberries we need we should in theory but i'm gonna grab this just for the heck of it okay okay now we sleep until the second of summer and this time we're gonna actually do it right we're gonna do the second to summer right step one clear the land okay and you need to hoe like about 70 spots i think okay let's put everything away we are literally one wood short of a scarecrow give me that nice okay put that down and now what we're gonna do is we're gonna put everything away that we don't need which is all this we're gonna grab all our stuff we're gonna go to the wizard we're gonna unlock the community center i didn't check my mail oh god i whined so much last time i'm making the mistake and then i did it again how do i forget that every time it is so simple just to see a letter floating above your mailbox and just check it at least this time i realized before getting all the way there so it wasn't as much of a time and loss okay where we'll get all of our time back this time is by uh watering very fast okay i need to get this sweet pea we need to get summer foraging today and any any extras we grab as well because we need as much money as we can get okay we got everything but grapes we need grapes hopefully we find some either at the bus stop or uh on our way to the community center we have four league we only have one horseradish so that's really bad that means we can't make uh-oh that means we can't make any spare spring seeds for money we might not be able to afford all the blueberries we need because our spring forage was so like uncharacteristically bad i've actually never seen worse on spring 27 so that might also be a run ender there's so many run enders in this run i don't have all day to record this i have a lot of stuff i gotta do today we can't keep resetting because we're getting bad luck any grapes okay that's good at least we'll just keep playing as if we're doing okay and then if we hit a snag with not being able to buy nearly enough blueberries then we'll address the situation okay i've canceled out of the cutscene and i'm leaving and i'm leaving and i'm leaving what happens if i just is it gonna break the game no i'm fine i'm fine okay good stuff can i make any ah i can't make any spring seeds we couldn't find any horseradishes okay well we found one but only the one that we needed let's see if i sell everything that's uh yeah that's not gonna be enough we have to reset again oh this sucks dude three two one go okay so far we've had two runs one with bad luck and one with us just absolutely throwing this time we're gonna do neither i need to get better at like day one i'm still very bad at this first day partially because i'm so bad at hoeing it's animation cancelling okay bedtime okay sleep until spring 27 count the rain days you know the drill we've already gotten all four rain days wow this is the most rain i've ever seen in spring please be a sunny day okay that would have been a reset if it was not this time i'm gonna name him yogi coin new crypto yogi coin there we go there's a leak right there oh my god okay this one's off to a good start foraging wise can we oh that's good this is good but i say can we continue it on the left side and it looks like the answer is yes perfect and i just need plenty of daffodils this is our run this is our run i'm saying it now this is gonna be our run i'm gonna sweat this one i'm gonna absolutely sweat this one because most of the mistakes that i've made i'm not saying are directly caused by but i think it definitely contributes that i'm trying to talk at the same time so when i'm doing the watering in summer that's very like speed based i'm gonna be silent this time i'm gonna just cut like the whole thing unless something very notable happens like a crop fairy or something which would be oh so beautiful all right we've inspected the scroll i did not find any more daffodils that's gonna be our downfall this time see there's a new downfall every time this time it's the daffodils i don't have enough daffodils to make a bunch of excess spring seeds to get more cash out of okay sleep until the second check mail immediately mail's been checked clear space okay and now we go talk to the wizard now there are a lot of variables in this run now i need to finish summer foraging today that's another aspect that we that that could ruin our run even though the start of this run has been so promising if we can't find summer forage today uh that's like that's it so we need to find all three of the things we need oh there's a grape okay that's good okay we have a grape we need a spice berry we need a sweet pea please please another grape oh no it's just a spice berry or a sweet pea ah there are neither uh oh oh there's a spice berry oh my god thank god i just on a whim checked behind a tree now i need a spice or i need a sweet pea a lot of them spawn around ish the community center so there's gotta be one up there right like there's gotta be so nervous right now that there's not gonna be one i'm gonna look around the whole area uh oh there it is oh my god or two that's a relief okay we got summer foraging but barely finished spring and summer foraging get our awards oh my god i almost threw away the reward cancel out of the cut scene and i'm gone and i'm gone and i'm gone and i'm gone and i'm gone and i'm gone where am i where am i where am i i have no idea where i am here i am what up hope we have enough to buy all the seeds we want oh wait almost forgot oh yeesh okay now okay melon tomato pepper 65 still not as good as our first run but that should be enough question mark i actually don't know uh i guess we'll have to see it probably isn't i think you're supposed to have like it's like the 70 that i got the first time or i got 67 okay it's probably fine it's probably fine oh i didn't plant those well okay i didn't plant those in a good configuration whatever for now on it's just water oh my god two rain days in a row this is great we had such great rain luck on our first on our first go dang i was kind of i was on like a roll in our first run with the watering eventually i had it down but i've kind of like already forgotten how to do it we got an owl statue man that's gonna save our run the more i think about it the more i realized that i'm pretty sure we're not gonna have enough money at the end because i don't think we had we could afford enough blueberries okay we got a pepper and a tomato we just need a blueberry and a melon and that's another bundle a done okay no matter the weather wake up tomorrow for god's sake if it's raining don't go back to bed okay oh my god you're kidding i just tried to equip my oh my god dude you're kidding that's so tragic for those of you who might not have a keen eye i just asked two of my plants to death god damn i tried to whip out the watering cannon i whipped out the glock okay so that that puts us down to only what is that like 63 plants right now that is not enough we're gonna have to think of some wacky money-making methods for the end of the season to figure out how to drum up enough money for this okay all right then tomorrow is rain and then on the 27th we're gonna forage because we're not gonna be able to afford the vault at our current state it has been a full season and this is the best we can do come on guys we could do better and i guess i'll also check the bus stop because we need literally every penny we can manage okay nothing at the bus stop that was a really bad saturday foraging day that's okay we're just gonna go to bed wake up tomorrow harvest everything that's that let's go bin everything that we can okay we need 42 150 or 42 250 i think we need around like a little less than 43k uh so we're not quite there but we're closer than we were so we're gonna sleep until saturday well no because we need to raise money now how are we gonna make that much money i guess we have to do the mushroom thing let's uh let's leave until this saturday and then just forage at the bus stop and then we'll sleep until the cause we're gonna probably need to split it into two days because we need to make absolutely sure that we finished fall foraging before the end of the season i'll take the bats i don't really care uh we got a plum and that's it that's that's really really bad that's a very bad day of foraging like like exceptionally bad we're gonna have to go check for like blackberries and such you know what let's just turn this into a no that wouldn't make sense that wouldn't make sense i'm worried like what if we don't what if we can't get fall foraging okay we're gonna we're just gonna sleep until just every saturday we'll check the bus stop yeah this is we just we got off to a good start we just didn't we couldn't afford enough blueberries and then we killed those two that might have actually been what did it i'm sure if we didn't kill those two we'd have enough that is so rude happy saturday okay we got plenty of hazelnuts good i need some spares to sell and i'm gonna check the community center area for blackberries because we already have a common mushroom and i don't want to risk just hoping we find it on the way like on the day of on the 27th because if we don't then we're just aft okay yeah we're good okay fall foraging is complete so now we're going to sleep around to the 27th we're going to sleep to the 27th go to the left of our farm pick up all the mushrooms bend them and then sleep until the next day and then on the 28th of fall we should have enough money to finish this finish the run we could have had a great time if we got off to a better start well we didn't but that's okay this seems like a run where if i like do it enough times i could get a really good time because yeah i made mistakes but like i don't think i'm actually losing that much time on like bad animation cancelling i think most of the time i'm losing is just on like not really getting good forging luck which just means reset so i'm not unhappy not happy but i'm not unhappy i'm very neutral about this run alright it's the 27th okay look at all these mushrooms look at all these mushrooms look at all this money yeah there we go okay been all that this all should be enough i'm gonna go to bed and hope that i make like 4k oh my god why why did i think i would make even clothes why did i think the mushrooms were so much more valuable oh we don't have enough money god this is this is such a train wreck dude okay i don't know what we're supposed to do i'm just gonna go and see if i like miscalculated although i'm sure i didn't i'm sure i just can't do it i just i don't know what i did wrong like i bought as many blueberries as i could i don't know the run i saw they could afford like 90 and i don't know how that's even possible because i did the same thing they did like i guess they must have just gotten really lucky forage maybe this is one of those runs where you just have to reset over and over again until you get like lucky forage okay you know i'm gonna make fall seeds from this i'm just gonna have to wait outside pierre's to sell the fall seeds if i can't afford summer crops bundle yep this gives you a sprinkler which i can't sell we're gonna check out the vault we're gonna do everything we can yeah it was we're we're 1500 so i don't know how much these sell for i'm just gonna go wait outside pierre's door i'm gonna see if i can drum up 1500 gold worth of random crap we need to get to 10k you're you're kidding me you are you're joking i gotta go look for another forgeable to sell i guess this game sucks man can you sell like sap straight to pierre you can okay bye that was rough that was that was a rough this is this video as a whole is pretty rough when the screen flashes white and let me check our time 41 55 58 we very easily could have had sub 40 if we didn't make so many dumb mistakes and ended up just aimlessly wandering around at the end okay this is a run that i am definitely going to try again in the future not now okay well the way that's going to do it thanks so much for watching i'll have more stuff coming out i'm going to have my big community center speed run pretty soon and then i'm going to have like i'm gonna revisit some of these for sure especially crafts from involved by the way thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in a few days goodbye [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Therm
Views: 56,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: therm, stardew, stardew valley, therm stardew valley, stardew valley speedrun, stardew valley bundles speedrun, stardew valley all bundles speedrun, stardew valley beginners guide, stardew valley gameplay, stardew valley community center, stardew valley community center first year, stardew valley community center speedrun, stardew valley community center guide, stardew valley vault, stardew valley vault speedrun
Id: fMX-10Wwjx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 14sec (1634 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 28 2022
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