I find my *Biggest Gold Nugget* in 3 years for the Challenge!

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I've been challenged by Mr Beast to find a nugget and I want to find one well hello everyone Dan her with Dan her prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome I hope to earn your subscription today I am here on my dream claim I have been challenged to find a nugget within one week I've got 4 days left and I am going to do my very best to find the best nugget I can there is only one claim I have that I can guaranteed to find nuggets on and that is the dream claim so we're here today with the Bobcat a little excavator the permits are in place we're all ready to go I'm going to find a nugget so wish me luck and I hope you [Music] enjoy so we've had permits in on this claim for about 6 months ready to go here just planning for the right time now the right time was going to be next spring when it warmed up but as you can see by the frost on on the Hills it's not spring it is late fall and frozen solid here but I was challenged to find that nugget and I am up for the challenge we're going to do it so we're here on short notice in a rush trying to do our best in very bad conditions ground is frozen very bad conditions and to see what we can do down below there these are our old workings and we know down below there there is nuggets we rented an excavator because I haven't got my own yet we towed the Bobcat all the way up here all to find one nugget for the challenge and for this little 4day stint we're just going to be using my little simple passive wash Plant here this has no moving Parts it's basically just a giant high banker you dump the material in there it goes over a Grizzly out of slle no moving Parts I do have a TRL specifically for this claim a buddy of mine made one said I could use it but it's way up North and I couldn't get it here in time so we brought in the old wash Plant that we had to kind of resurrect it'll do it'll find that one nugget dad came up to help set everything up and Tow all the machines up let's see what we can do and this is our second day on site we gave ourselves one day to set everything up including towing all the Machinery in we had two glitches along the way we lost a tire on the Bobcat came off the rim we had to repair that and one of our water pumps was not working my dad's a Honda mechanic he ripped the whole thing apart last night in the motel room put it all back together one of the seals was gone it should be good to go today dad's awesome what else do I have to tell you I am not making money this trip there is no way I'm going to find enough gold in that pit to pay for everything we've done here it's going to cost us about $5,000 in order to run for these 4 days we're going to be lucky if we pull one to $22,000 wor a gold out lucky but I have been challenged to find that nugget and I'm not giving given up on that challenge no matter how much it cost me and another reason I don't mind losing a bit of money to find this nugget today is this is a big learning experience I have never run an excavator before so we rented this little guy for me to learn how to work an excavator this is my first time digging with an excavator also we are learning a little bit along the way we want to run a couple of test holes to see what kind of gold is actually down there we did the tests with the high aner in the past found in about 3 yards of material 6 g of gold that's good but we need to see if moving bulk with machines has a similar grade so it's not just me needing to complete that challenge which makes it so I'm okay losing about $5,000 doing this I have budgeted that into this project here just to learn what the gold is like here and learning how to machine mine of course never stop learning well for my first time on an excavator it's a steep well it's a learning curve that took me a long time to dig like five Scoops but we're getting it got it in the wash flat our hoses are frozen which we don't have the water pressure we'd like but I think as water flows through it'll uh thaw them out better we're mining we're finding a nugget this stuff here is all overburdened and tailings from a previous run we want to make sure we get all the Kinks worked out before we start putting the good stuff through looking good good looking good unfortunately this plant here you we're lucky if we can put 2 yards an hour through it it's a very very slow plant but it'll be enough to find us one nugget one nugget is all I want one nugget so I'm slowly getting the hang of the excavator but we have a bit of an issue with our Salle box we have to change the geometry a little bit uh we have to make it steeper it's we don't have enough water for what we're running through so we need to make it a bit steeper so that it will actually flush those uh 1in rocks through we got a 1in Grizzly on this and the amount of water we have coming just isn't enough for the 1in grizzly unfortunately nothing we can't fix with a few modifications so we just pushed the rest of the material through the amount of water we have and the angle is not bad for the 10 in sloth but when it goes up to 14 in there's just not enough angle or not enough water not enough anything so we're going to take the excavator dig a trough get more angle on that cuz we can't get any more water we'll have to get more angle let's go turn off the pump steeper Angle now our tailings pond is freaking huge we could pump for a week straight and not even get a tenth of the way full so we are great for tailings so easy enough to put the bottom end down a bit more and see how that goes I'm liking it right now I think we're ready for round two I need to check to see if there's any nuggets the stuff I dug was all tailings from before and basically the top soil the overb bur we're not down onto the good stuff yet okay firing up the pump we'll go for another half hour run and evaluate how the loose is running we'll get it dialed in look at this Frost we've been here for 2 days now and the frost hasn't gone away so it hasn't got above zero not once couple quick adjustments and we like the look of what we've got going on here still a few rocks building up but the top section is where the Nugget will fall out if we find one and it looks pretty good when we find one when we find one I like the way it's well let's go dig one up and put in the Box well here we go round three we haven't even looked in this loose yet we're hoping we're getting it figured out we know our water levels we know our angles we're getting it figured out [Music] nicely [Music] is the Nugget in that one we can only hope there it [Music] goes dad supervises very well I'm really not liking the material that we're working at the bottom here it is not what I expected I know this pit we did a lot of work at this Pit and the Nuggets were always on a clay Bedrock I keep going down and down and down and we don't see the clay anywhere down there we're almost at the extent of what I can dig without stepping myself down and there's no clay right on the other side of that rock there 2 ft down we had clay nothing here so it must be on such a steep angle that we're just not getting it our thought here is to drop the big rocks into the bottom push all the old tailings on top then move the excavator over and dig down right there if we don't find the clay Bedrock we're not getting the Nuggets I can tell you right now we won't get we won't have had a nugget in this material yet but that's nugget shooting for you you either get it or you don't we got to get to the spot where we can get it let's keep digging we're here for 4 days on this video we're going to put 2 days worth in I'm going to finish off today in this pit at the end of the day we'll fill all this in and move back to where we're pretty sure the Bedrock is little confused but that's gold mining it's all a big gamble no clay we need the clay where's the clay well I've decided two more scoop fs and if there's no clay we're done here I'm going to fill in and go back towards the bank more where I know the clay is because there's just no point if I'm not putting gold in the Box there's just no point in putting more material in the Box we will get the Nugget well I did not want to have to do this that was a lot of work to dig that hole but I can't dig any deeper and we didn't hit Bedrock we're going to throw some of the bigger rocks in there we're going to drop that guy cuz he's where I want to dig and then all of this tailings from our hand work we'll put on top and fill it in and make a parking spot I'll park the excavator there and we'll dig down once we find the Bedrock we'll follow it right and left up and down in and out once we find the Bedrock then we should start finding gold it was a good learning day and don't worry as I said we'll be putting two days days into this video so hopefully hopefully by the end of the second day we'll have some nice gold to show you and who knows maybe we're lucky maybe there's something in the box now I can't do this one-handed time to get a tripod or something for the camera I wasn't thinking I should have detected the hole before I put anything in it okay there are no gold signals in the hole now I get to fill it in droing that rock is going to be a challenge I've got to chain onto it pull it in but first i'm going to undermine The Edge Let's see if we can get this rock in the hole with the chain oh yeah she come real easy a little bit of bug catw work move some of those heavier rocks this thing doesn't dig so well but it can move really heavy [Music] things okay need two hands now good learning day for sure I am like 10,000 times better on an excavator uh we learned about how deep the overburden is here learned a lot about that we are learning a little bit about our tailings our tailings have a lot of decomposed clay left in them we ran a little bit and it looks real good learned a bit about our water pumps not working so well not enough water tomorrow will be a better day because we learned so much today we will still be cleaning up that slle and seeing what's in it oh yeah it's hard to believe after a full day of running here our tailings pond doesn't even have enough water in it to Pump from our idea was to move the pump up here once this was full we could just recirculate right from here the ground is taking the water so fast we don't even have 6 in of water at the bottom and when we shut down that 6 in goes away in 5 minutes if you're seeing a whole bunch of build up in the slle I actually want that I'm good with that I told Dad to stop clearing that if a nugget does start getting blasted see the top it's going to hit that buildup area and just stick there so I'm okay with that I actually really like how the whole SLO is running we're just about to push through the last little bit and then we're going to clean out the sloes liking how this is all working we're losing light though we probably only have half an hour before the sun is gone and I'm sure Dad wants dinner by now let's do a quick clean up of the top mat and see if we've got anything so if we were crazy lucky enough to get a nugget in the first day it'll be up there in the Nugget catch at the very top where all those rocks are so we're just going to clean that out we'll clean the rest out after tomorrow's run nugget nugget nugget come on nugget I don't see anything but pretty deep in material put that in the pan and find out and let me make excuses before I even do this this is a nugget claim we're either finding a big nugget or we're probably not not finding much at all and the fact we never got down to bedrock I'm going with not much at all on this first day but day two we will be on Bedrock oh dad's got the pan ah let's see what we got this is just the stuff I can grab off the top oh okay of the Nugget uh catch so it probably has nothing in it but that stuff still in the mats is where a nugget will be if there is one today the great nugget challenge nothing on top let's get some water in [Music] there all right there's a 10 in not an eight it doesn't quite fit a pan we have to do this differently there's the good stuff here Dad hold the camera all right hold the camera which way should i w aim it at your face no does the overburden pulled any gold because we never got down onto the pay on Bedrock tomorrow will be the day it is getting really dark here getting dark yeah we got get these lines I uniced handy gold for today four or five little specs one good size flake but a day of running with machines got to find that Bedrock that does not pay the bills that's for sure and that's definitely not going to complete this challenge tomorrow we'll do it lights fading we got a lot of work to do before the night freezes up here I'll see you tomorrow morning right here and here we are back for day two yesterday was all a big learning day today we're finding the Nuggets it's still early in the morning and everything is frozen solid we're currently heating up some water to start falling things out because everything is Frozen including us us we got a little bit of work to do with tailings whatnot before we get running I plan to film a lot more today yesterday was a big learning day I didn't pull out the camera very much at all today I hope to show you what we're doing explain things a lot more explain about this Challenge and let you guys have fun with us so let's get at her we don't want to use all of our panning water either we can get more water if we need it yeah now I thought this hill was steep enough that the course tailings would go away in their own but they are still piling up a bit here so I'm going to take the excavator and dig that down so we'll have more of a chance of them just going away on their own today we're F out some of the material that we left in this loose box yesterday we thought we'd just clean out the top mats but we realized it's best to clean out the whole bottom mat see how it's all going so we poured some warm water in there dad's heating up some more warm water to melt that we'll clean all of that out and make sure that you know there was no nuggets up top here maybe there's 20 down there and that tells us something about the slop over here I've made myself a little platform that's where I'm digging today now if you haven't been following Along on my channel the last few videos you'll notice I've been talking about this nugget challenge that Mr Beast gave me I was lucky enough to do a video with Mr Beast where I was teaching him and his gang how to pan and we found specks tiny specks of gold we did find gold but it was small and they wanted to see what a real piece of gold look like so the crew down at Mr Beast gave me the challenge to find a nugget before they finished off shooting their whole video which was a week's time I'm now on day five and we got 2 days left here to find that nugget because I've been challenged by Mr Beast to find a nugget and I want to find one so we're going to do our best today I'm sure we'll get on to bedrock today and I'm sure we'll find a [Music] nugget [Music] okay first indications of the clay bed rock right here okay I've been digging a long time I thought it was closer but there is the clay once we're on the clay we can follow it if it goes down we go down if it goes up we go up we just keep following the Bedrock some of these big rocks are a pain to move I've been moving rocks all morning here trying to get down to that Bedrock we don't want to start running until afternoon when it starts warming up a little bit cuz water is cold uh so I've just been moving material trying to get down onto the best best stuff and finally I find the clay big rocks we're on the Bedrock Rock let's hope we're on the gold lots of clay coming up now we're clearing lots and lots of clay I want to get down to it over there but over here we got it nice at some point I got to drop the two big rocks I keep tapping them to make sure they're solid but uh some point they're going to will make a big hole and just drop them into the hole how's this loose running dad needed a break to warm up it's cold working in water when it's so cold out here he's soaking wet so he's uh just sitting by the fire warming up I will man this loose for a bit I just loosened up over here the best probably 10 scoops of the trip so far I'm clearing Bedrock all the way around that clay right there is bedrock and probably about 10 Scoops worth of material here that is the very best I have seen great little pocket over here just loving what I'm seeing thank you jco rentals for the excavator had to fuel up the pumps isn't this crazy the frost the sun is out right there but the frost here just never leaves the Sun never hits us this is looking good look at that Bedrock layer the Bedrock here is just this decomposed coat clay and down in the bottom you can't see it yet because my pay pile has come down over it but there's a trough it actually goes up to the left up to the right both sides are up so there's a trough in the bottom decided to chase that up under that rock but this guy will have to go at some point he's just too big that guy will have to go too but looking good looking really good I think what I'll do is I will clear this this whole Bowl here perfectly I'll scrape everything I'll go back as far as I can we'll do a complete clear of that and then we'll drop these in I just did a sweep in them there with metal detector nothing went out [Music] there we go we have one heck of a Bedrock trench and I just took the metal detector and swung over the bottom and I get a signal that goes both iron and gold so I'm going to go dig it out put in a pan find out what it is it sometimes goes gold mostly iron well the signal was right there and now right there and it's looking more and more like gold oh Dad is good he's been heating up water and putting in our panning tub so it's not going to be freezing cold see what's in the pan nope nothing in the pan I don't know what the signal was it was back and forth but I got to go fill up the pump again we're running out of gas well we filled up the pump we filled up the hopper we'll let Dad run through one last Hopper load which is probably what quarter yard probably a quarter yard well he does that I've cleared the Bedrock perfectly down there there is nothing more in the that Bedrock trench I could possibly get so it's time to do the deed I don't know if I'm going to dig more out this side or more out that side but I want to drop that rock H let me think this through that's a big rock she don't want to move considering it's overhanging so much right now there must be so much in behind it not budging well we got it wiggling but it's not coming down tonight you'll see it come down in the next video unless the Rock wins right now dad tells me we're just about ready to clean up down to turn off the water and then we get to see what kind of nuggets we got today well looking at the Box this piece of gold sha back at me first there's actually two right there picked around a little bit in here and just looking up there I see a nugget oh I might be able to pick that up come on there it is that is 2 G nugget maybe even a bit more ah gam and a half G and a half we've got Nuggets oh let's hope there's a whole lot more in here I think we'll see it off on this left hand side where it all accumulates on like left hand side yeah oh no oh I got excited I got excited H I'm not positive that's not no it's not oh there's one another one oh it's a big Meg is the camera getting this I should get the closeup it's really dark in here there's a four grammar in here who let's hope it's five or six cuz my second biggest nugget is a four gramar so my biggest is eight you see it right there okay yeah my biggest is eight my second biggest is four I'm hoping for a nine or bigger you're hoping for a 17 okay I'm hoping for a 17 cuz prob got a 16 let's get this out in a pan off with a hard hat on with real hat and I got the closeup let's go have a look at those nuggets it's pretty dark down here yeah we might need to pull this out a bit to get the proper shots we ready to pull okay now it's out in the open a bit more there's our first Little Nugget it's just a little guy here here's the second nugget that I'm thinking is 2 G pretty little thing and the third nugget I'm thinking that's four to six G in that range but big nuggets like this I'm really have a hard time guessing so it could be anything well let's look to see if there's more and poking around I saw another shiny right there oh and another one there's another one below it there's two there one two there's another one here Dad there's two more actually another one right there and right beside it so in the camera right now we see four nuggets five nuggets if you call the little guy a nugget I think it's time to put it in a pan and start panning it out dad wanted to do the lower mats first I want to do the upper mats first uh dad's rinsing the lower mats into a bucket then we're going to be able to wash out the upper mats into the pan we want to see the Nuggets so we're going to do the upper pan first well I lost count of how my piece of gold I saw go into that pan I know of a nugget that's probably 4 to 6 G I saw two or three 1 to 2 G nuggets and a whole lot of smaller pieces this could be fun how much material do you think we ran today I worked that out to five yards I guessed four so I panned the first one down to just concentrates dad's patting the second one down to just to concentrat so we're going to put all the little cons in one to give you a big reveal at the end well full day of digging with an excavator running through a wash pant is now concentrated down to one coffee cup worth of cons let's go down to the river and pan those out so we're down here at the river to pan this out just because it is such a Scenic spot want and if this is the biggest nugget of the Mr Beast gold nugget challenge well then I want to find it here in such a beautiful spot I know there's at least one in there and doing this at the river gives us nice clean water to work with too oh I see Gold Everywhere already gold nuggets everywhere wash off that muddy water oh okay let's do this here we are the Mr Beast gold nugget challenge what do we have after 4 days on the claim 4 days on the claim reveals gold and lots and lots of it woohooo the big nugget there is probably I'm guessing $800 to $11,000 worth of gold nice there we go in one week I found my second largest nugget ever it's amazing what a little bit of motivation will do for a guy my best guess here is probably 13 to 14 g of gold maybe up to even 16 that would be a half oun of gold this is worth well over $11,000 not bad for a day run not bad now this is the most picturesque claim I have the sun is not on the water right now to show how blue like a sapphire blue it is but hey look up in the sky for a sec the sun is on the mountain beautiful well if that doesn't make a guy happy you're not a gold miner I'm guessing 13 to 14 g of gold there and yesterday we moved probably four yards today we moved probably five and nine yards 14 G that is a good good average so my guess was 13 G here let's throw it on the scale and see what it comes out to I'm not very good at guessing with this big chunky gold the big nugget comes out to 5.27 G the next biggest which I figured was about a g to a g and a half 73 so I'm a bit off and the really dirty one again I thought was over a gram 68 and all together in what we figure was about 9 yards of material we have 9.7 G more than a gram a yard not bad I did it I found a nugget if you haven't seen that video I keep talking about with Mr Beast I'll leave a link below to Mr Beast Channel where I teach Mr Beast how to gold pan and that's why we have the the gold nugget challenge I had an awesome day maybe the most gold I found in one day ever myself with the help of my dad of course I hope you enjoyed the video if you did please leave me that thumbs up if I haven't ear your subscription yet I hope I earned it today and a big thanks to everyone especially my patrons because it's supp my patrons I get to make these weekly episodes of damn her prospecting have a great day everyone and until the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 168,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold panning, prospecting, panning for gold, mining, gold, rock hunting, rock hound, rock collecting, british columbia, bc, video, canada, finding gold, gemstones, gems, treasure hunting, metal detecting, metal detector, gold detector, gold river, metal detecting gold, gemstone hunting, gold panning for beginners, metal detecting for gold, sluice box, how to gold pan, gold mining process, gupta dham, Real diamond, MrBeast, Mr Beast, Mr. Beast, gold nugget challenge
Id: wfK4qA20UjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 3sec (1743 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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