i finally snapped...

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it's just really not a priority at the moment you know i've got a lot more important to do what would you look at the time it's progress o'clock consistent monthly uploads cringe your boy is finally back home i mean as a result i will now be streaming every single [ __ ] day over on twitch.tv forward slash tom randall 8 a.m australian eastern standard time be there it'll be square enough for that though it's time to go over the changes that i have been chipping away at since last video last video i implemented serialization with an s not a z and uh got the game world being all infinite and stuff which is uh pretty a-okay and i don't really know what to do next so let's just mess around until something pops into that good old noggin of mine well i've been meaning to switch to a different code editor for quite some time now so vs code thank you we're breaking up now i've been keeping my eye on this puppy for quite a while it's called four coder and uh right out of the box it's just your standard text editor with a few little nifty features here and there but where this bad boy really shines is in its customizability it's been developed by a bloke named alan webster so if you want to check it out the link will be down in the description below anyway after learning how to fly through the new editor at mach 1 and switching to this national treasure of a theme i decided to tidy up a few loose ends from the previous video namely that annoying as stuttering that happens every time a chunk gets loaded in it's not exactly what we want but i tell you what we do want as of where the hell have you been great shadow legends now i'm sure not a single one of you at home has uh heard about this small little indie game before so uh let me just run you through what it's all about it's a free-to-play rpg that you can download on your mobile or desktop for the low low price of free oh bowser that's a great price now i picked this starter champion because she's got a really nice set of hands my favorite part about raid shadow leg is that you can press this auto button and the whole game just plays itself they've just added in champion fragments which lets you collect uh little pieces of them to build a big one kind of like a megazord with special events running all the time there's also a new bazaar where you can snag yourself high value items with the gold bars that you win from the tag arena and they also just extend the daily login rewards up to 270 days my in-game name is askgoblin69 if you're quick enough i might just even let you join my clan so what are you waiting for bucker go to the link in the description and get yourself 50 000 silver 50 gems one energy refill clan boss key five mystery shards one day xp booster a free champion and some elven puss free champ you get is apparently pretty goddamn spicy so uh who's in with care all your awards will be when for you over here but only if you're a new player and pick this up in the next 30 days anyway thank you to rage shadow legends for sponsoring this video i did some timings to try and track down the lag spike and it turns out that this little unload function over here is taking 120 milliseconds so it's time for some optimization now i don't think i'll be able to shrink the function from 120 milliseconds down to 16 so uh it's time to crack open another thread i've got no clue how the [ __ ] to do multi-threading so quick couple articles later and a little pigs into the telescope platform layer and would you look at that ryan's already got a multi-threading system set up for us thankful now she would have been a nightmare set up now for those of you have no idea what the hell i'm talking about have no fear it's explainee time old made cpu over here he make code go bleep bloop yes but he's not omnipotent he can only make code go blue at a certain limited speed here's a real kicker though modern cpus can have multiple threads of execution meaning our boy over here can just pop open another thread and do more bleep loops while the main thread is already doing bleep bloops simultaneously but since multi-threading is implemented differently across different operating systems like mac windows linux etc ryan's gone ahead and created a system within telescope for us to use instead that way we don't have to implement windows specific multi-threading or mac specific multi-threading we can literally just call the cue job function over here telescope will handle all the platform specific things behind the scenes me like so now the job that i wanted to complete on another thread was just this bigger save function i was talking about earlier and while that takes its merry house time to complete the game can just go about its game related business without having to wait around with this big ass that's the actual multi-threading part taken care of but uh we ain't done yet since your save job reads from a bunch of hottest [ __ ] global data to prevent everything from just straight up and dying i just need to create a copy of that global data for the same job to use instead but randy you can't use global data that's bad programming practice begone you object-oriented rats so all i to do is cue that bad boy up with the copy data and bob's your auntie multi-threaded saving now it's time to do the exact same thing but with loading oh dunskies there's a little bit of lag but it's significantly better than before this doesn't make any goddamn sense everything's being serialized correctly the data's all there but when i go to read the back in it just magically reaches the end of file in the middle of the fire what why does it do that end the file over here but it didn't end the file here wait a minute well there goes two whole [ __ ] days multi-threading is running pretty smoothly now but there's still a teeny little stutter going on so with a little bit of profiling i found out that it's just this fat ass memory set over here that i'm doing it's taking 31 milliseconds which we do not want so i whipped up an alternate solution to that it is now running at 0.65 milliseconds anyway so now that that's all out of the way this video i wanted to focus on getting the starter area of the game all sorted originally i was just planning to use all these chunk files to store information about the map but after giving it a bit of thought i figured that approach would be pretty problematic considering how likely it is that all this will get really changed at some point so i need to come up with another solution instead of serializing the map why not just procedurally generate the whole thing on the fly for structures or just divide the whole thing up into little the chunks no please i'm sorry i got carried away oh that's okay man happens to the best of us oh i'm just here to give you a bit of a [ __ ] whenever you need it who are you name's progress doctor progress yeah you know what i feel different now i feel like i feel like actually making some progress let's just forget about all this map creation stuff over here why am i thinking about creating a massive ass map when i don't even have a single gameplay looping cringe so let's just boopity scoop create a floating test platform and then add in some trees hills background vegetation and some big old mountains we're going to be using this bad boy test island for the next six bloody months no procedural generation nonsense no wack ass map editing tools no over complication it's just you me and some gameplay loops baby now i would like to work on the combat first but since like 90 of that is animation related i've got to wait for ryan to finish the 3d animation to 2d pipeline thingy that we got going on over here it's gonna be pretty cool i'll talk more about that at a later date but uh no combat yet so instead i'm going to be working on the second most important gameplay loop gathering and crafting now one of my goals for this game is to have no yuck ass looking ui interfaces whatsoever that means no statistic bars no pop-up inventory nothing i want everything to be highly integrated within the game world how am i gonna do that i've got no clue but uh we're just gonna make a start on crafting eh and for the love of god this program is called onenote i see one more [ __ ] comment asking about it crimes will be committed the first step of crafting is going to be figuring out what to actually craft with i know exactly what that thing's supposed to be but um yes next up i've got to re-implement items since i kind of yielded this whole system a while ago and never got around to putting it back in so i got that sorted and also added in a flint and twig item these bad boys are going to be used in our first crafting recipe so that's pretty cool i guess so step one is to get all the crafting recipe data set up and ready to rumble with that done now i've actually got to create a means of interacting with this little guy over here whipped up a new component which will let me figure out whether or not the player is actually within range of the crafting stunt so we'll just go ahead and attach that bad boy right up the system for it and we're good to go but now i just made it so that things change color slightly whenever they are able to be interacted with it'll look more sophisticated one day once i actually spend time figuring out how to do shaders and whatnot and make it look all magic and cool but good enough for now so now it's time to work on the actual functionality of the crafting station now the basic premise of this is you interact with the little fellow by pressing e at least the craftable items will pop up you scroll through them select which one you want press another button there we go it'll most definitely be iterated upon in the future it's very uh prototypey for now but i just want to get the basics of it down pat before i start giving it a polish and uh yeah we'll see how we go now why do we even need a crafting station in the first place similar to other games like terraria minecraft there's gonna be a little gather craft loop you go out grab some come back give it a little bit of a tinker and rinse and repeat now nailing the mechanics uh behind this loop is gonna be very important graphing station is the first step in that process but certainly not the last so join me next time when i uh figure out what the that next step is in the meantime though if you're an absolute witchcraft smash like and subscribe ring that bell join the community discord server follow me uh everywhere and you know what if you really like the cut of my jib then maybe consider becoming a patreon to aid my efforts in total world domination anyway that's me done for the day i'll be seeing you around fellas go watch more videos if you want
Channel: Randy
Views: 366,211
Rating: 4.9600496 out of 5
Keywords: Randall, Thomas Randall, Thomas, Arcane, Telescope Engine, Ryan Fleury, Physics, Programming, devlog, video game, development log, Randy, Pixel simulation, simulating everything, multi threading, tom randall
Id: WtBTqGzErn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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