Building a game world

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hello there random person browsing popular video streaming service i hope you're having an excellent day wherever you may be in the world now one of the most common questions i get asked from friends and family is hey matt how's that that was a game of yours going huh well in this last month alone i spent two whole weeks creating a map editor right but when i re-implemented parallax entities that broke the entire thing because they can be everywhere at once they're not just in one particular spot and then spend the next two whole weeks coming up with some elaborate art scheme for fitting the little boxes into chunks i'm going to have some guy pull up on a broom backhand me nuke the entire thing saying i was over complicating things and then flying up into the sunset so it turns out this entire last year that i've been thinking about chunks and all the mental gymnastics i've done and put into it has just been for entirely tom said as how's the game going yes over engineering the act of implementing something unnecessarily complex relative to its functionality or value let's say in the final analysis the game has a hundred thousand entities no let's make that a million entities with each entity coming out to around 20 bytes it's probably going to be more but let's roll with it and that means all the entities in the entire game will take up around 20 million bytes also known as 20 megabytes god help us we can't store that at runtime how on earth are we gonna fit 20 megabytes into the game oh since this world is going to be absolutely massive i needed a more clever way of handling world data you stupid little i'd like to say this is going to be the last time i create a solution to a problem that doesn't actually exist but all i can really do is just move on being a little wiser and try not to fall into the same pit again anyways let us continue to zigzag uphill my head is off screen let's not do that in the name of progress in this video i'm going to be creating the starting area of the map the player is going to wake up here it's going to be where they first set up shop create a little base all that kind of cool stuff so um yeah let's get cracker lacking now this last month wasn't all bad here's some progress that actually managed to stick around i've created some pretty easy to use map editing tools like the terrain editor and entity editor this edits the initial map directly which is the data that each new world is initialized with these two little fellas here so that right there is basically the initial state of the game first thing i did was sketch out some of the key features i wanted the area to have i then drew out the general shape of the terrain and to help with blocking out the map i created this little debug note thing just as kind of like a visual to do i pull up some happy little trees in and some items for the player to craft their first axe with um i've definitely got to make this process more intuitive so the player actually understands how to craft the axe because right now it's kind of just a big prototyping mess of mashing randomized buttons next up though i moved on to getting the background in and adding some parallax to it for those of you that don't know what parallaxing is it's basically just a neat little trick our monkey brain does to perceive depth now when moving these guys around the edge of the handle is at the initial position and i certainly feel that intuitive to like move around so to fix that all i've got to do is reverse this parallax function with a little bit of basic high school algebra algebra yeah all right we just gotta just gotta um now it hey well would you look at that too easy let's move on the hill sprites don't have any angled variants at the moment for the slopes so i touched that up real quick and added in the first background layer and while doing that i added in some useful tools for the editor along the way to help speed up the process like snapping movements to a grid duplicating entities and multi selection and with that out of the way hang on a minute what in the is going on here something smells a little wacky hey got a minute is is that oh g'day mate it's me bazzer i've been waiting patiently in this time-lapse stock footage for the last eight months no no no i hear that music coming in you're not just about to reappear after eight months and plug a sponsor in the middle scenario you've just finished a hard long day's work you're about to kick back relax and watch that one particular show or movie on netflix that you heard was good but upon retrieving snackies and getting comfortable to your dismay you search up the title nothing it's not available in your country night ruined or is it luckily for you this video is sponsored by pia vpn no longer do you have to be bound by mere geography bypass region lock content with the click of a button private internet access is the leading no walk vpn service found it all the way back in 2010 it's got 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in the world's name is that doing there huh i also changed around the parallax function a little bit uh so now the base positions are in the right units instead of being all over the god damn place and that seems to have fixed the issue and then moving on to getting the next background layer in but the entities were getting a little hard to select so i devised a solution um yeah it's literally just two lines of code oh well i guess that's me done for the date see you tomorrow fellas [Music] all right now that that's all out of the way and now that i've got the tools for the job time to pimp the out of the rest of this scene i'm not going to spend too much time on it it's pretty temporary for the moment and there'll definitely be some overhauls to the visuals at some point kind of just one of those things that i'm gonna be infinitely tweaking whenever ideas come to mind and um for now that's good enough time to get some more subtle gameplay stuff in well the first thing the player is gonna do is build some walls and set the boundaries to the base to keep the bad guys at bay yeah look i don't really know how a flimsy wooden wall was gonna fare against a 10-foot monster ogre but it'll keep the early game enemies out like wolves and so i did up a cheeky little sprite for that and brought it in game as a blueprint blueprints in this game are going to work similarly to the forest you'll just gradually be adding materials until it's complete so much has changed since i've always played this it's just gonna turn into an hour one gameplay of me just blueprints whoa i added the system in a while back so i just moved a few things around and it was ready to rumble right now it's just using twigs to complete the build i've got some in my inventory so just walk up to it press e after remembering how to use my own collision system i finished setting up the proper collision box for the wall since it is a physical solid thing the player's gonna have to climb over it eventually there'll be a sexy looking animation for this but uh for now you can just stay scuffed you just jump to sing and while i'm here i may as well put some more thought into how the actual building mechanics are gonna work these walls are just pre-existing blueprints in the map the player doesn't have to place them down they're just there but what about this structure structures the player does need a place down the first of which are going to be things like a bed um campfire all the sort of necessary survival things previously i had this little build tool that you held onto and used but that felt way too cumbersome so i don't really want the player worrying about carrying around another tool just for the sake of building big cringe in the forest you get access to this guidebook which lets you sift through blueprints so i think i'll take a similar approach now i've already got the idea of arcane mode flushed out so when you press x that acts as a way of interacting with the world differently again scuff visuals definitely not final so i reckon i'll just pop some kind of user interface in here that the player can place down blueprints with and by some kind of user interface i literally mean three buttons i'll figure a proper way out one day and all the crafting recipes so far like for the axe and the walls there needs to be some sort of material to act as a binder to tie stuff together these crows are so annoying i hate them i hate them with the passion there are so many crows here i don't know why they're just here i'm going to kill them you like music of course you do you're a human being can you please just stop interrupting this video [Music] well guess what we've got a bunch of playlists to suit all of your head nodding needs my personal favorite i mean randy's personal favorite is arcana and it's basically just one big mood board for what the game soundtrack is gonna sound like [Music] but there's plenty of others like lo-fi hip-hop beats to beat your meat too shut my absolutely head bang in the house [Music] the chillest play was known to man like to know just in case i didn't hear from you and uh yeah we don't we don't talk about that one [Music] so go chuck them a follow over on spotify at forward slash playlist have fun now this game ain't no minecraft you're not making wooden tools with some sticks and blocks of wood but this game also is in real life either that would be tedious as hell and just not to mention boring so we've got to walk that fine line of uh realism and playfulness i did a bit of research to figure out how to make rope in the wild apparently you just take the fiber from plants or the inner bark of a tree or some and use that for tying stuff together some plants are better than others though like the yucca for example and this fella looks pretty cool so uh let's run with that i quickly did up some sprites for the plant and it's fibre ideally you'd walk over to the plant and harvest it for fiber probably with a sharp rock or something orga booger caveman style and we'll figure that out another day though i added the fiber in the axe to the wall recipes i also added a scuff review for the held item just so you can see what you're holding it's about time don't know why i didn't do it earlier oh and would you look at that that's all the time i've got i gotta get back to playing animal crossing new leaf on my nintendo 3ds but you thought there's going to be some sort of satisfying cohesive ending to this video what do you think this is huh see you in another month
Channel: Randy
Views: 157,197
Rating: 4.9802799 out of 5
Keywords: randy, randall, thomas randall, tom randall, randal, randle, tom randle, tom randal, aussie game dev
Id: Xl74TqaLsdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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