Getting my website ready for launch

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all right let's catch you up to speed i was sent on a bold quest to learn how to create a website in exchange for some kind of book assumption i don't know this little [ __ ] gave me 14 days to do it and in the first seven i managed to scrape together a proof of concept with the help of our cultural appropriation is it and i have a very basic understanding of web development a betterly functioning website and seven more days to deliver a final product if i don't deliver on time well it's time [Music] but have no fear we've got a whole seven days to kill five days to kill by the end of the timeline here's what i want finished extremely clean funding flow from hitting the landing page to the final thank you message very clear vision for what the website is about and what my goals are beyond my being dedicated to things yes as well as do a bunch of sign optimizations to make everything load quicker and all around just be nicer to use so let's go first off funding point believe it or not the site actually works at the moment but the live version of the website isn't using the live key for stripe so i can't actually collect payments it's all just test data at the moment but to change that all i've got to do is join the live keys plug those bad boys in and oh what are we going to use to test now all to the rescue you can literally pop open a new branch use that as a preview site with the test keys in the preview arrive in the production and we're ready to rumble ladies and gents nice to make sure the flow for that was working i put my own card details to the live site and just like that i sacrificed one dollar from my own card i mean it's just gonna come back to me anyway now i've just noticed a little buggy [ __ ] disgusting bug one dollar even though it's a recurring subscription doesn't qualify for the membership page for a membership it's five aud and above right but then why am i still getting the membership page let's look into it ah also since there's other currencies how do i go about setting limits in the other currencies as well it seems like a little bit of a rabbit hole that i'm gonna go down hey i began by literally just hard coding the uh five aussie dollar equivalent in all the currencies that i support on the page at the moment that way it's actually a consistent amount you're not doing any like conversions for every single recurring thing so it's not going to be inconsistent like that next up was deciding a minimum transaction again i would have just took the one on the dollar equivalent put it into the other currencies what a day and there we have it these values and now currency dependent just like that see that wasn't so hard was it but while doing that i also noticed that there's no way of putting in decimals at the moment obviously that's a bit of a no-no decimals are cool why in the can i not get this text input daughter says correctly making me angry let's put that on hold of the time being shall we there are bigger fishies to fry like member benefits one benefit of being a member is that you get this discord roll which gives you access to the sub cake but i have absolutely zero clue on how to hook that up and after three hours of reading the discord api docs and uh looking around some code i've come to the conclusion that this is indeed a problem for future randall the man the myth the well-slept legend well this guy looks like he knows what he's doing maybe he'll have better luck making some progress i bet he's had a good night's sleep um no not at all this chord can suck my peepee but i tell you what let's continue on with that funding flow right for starters i'd really like to get the total amount displaying on the landing page so i went ahead and did that yeah we'll style it properly later but for now it's a loud talk like [ __ ] now i just remembered yesterday i was working on that whole sense business so after polishing up some code i got that bad boy working now you can plop that center mount in and there we have it a recurring amount of seven dollars and 24 cents [Music] turns out stripe sets up a recurring payment by these things called products the way we actually alter the amount of the subscription in the end is just by having a base one dollar amount and changing that quantity so the recurring payments can only be multipliers of that dollar amount in other words since a goddamn useless oh well i never really like scents anyway we can still use them for the one-time donors but uh for the recurring amounts bye-bye well that's another day down the drain and i still haven't tackled this funding flow yet i swear to god i'm gonna finish this by the end of the day if it's if it's the death of me i styled up the fun preview on the landing page and added this little call to action here so that way when people first come to the site they can be like oh what's this then clickety clackety they call me mr market man whether or not that actually happens is a completely different story all men can really do is speculate after that was done i got sick and tired of looking at this really disgusting article so i decided to give it a revamp and uh this this literally took me five goddamn hours there were just so many little issues like getting this preview text to start in the right place and the articles weren't updating properly then to top it off trying to get this [ __ ] into css was just a goddamn nightmare because well between you and me i uh no idea what the [ __ ] i'm doing but i'm glad i did it because i learned a lot of new things and i reckon i'll finally be able to tackle that discord integration i was talking about earlier tomorrow i'm going to bed good night ah i feel refreshed he's worn the same pants three days in a row to that i say the only reason i'm actually wearing pants to begin with is because i'm recording a video but holy moly guacamole do i finally understand this now now i've gone and set up a discord bot with that i can use the library discord.js to make a go b boop and give a role to a user automatically but riddle me this how in the freaking heck and flip am i supposed to get a user's id now i could just get them to copy and paste it over by going into settings turning on developer mode clicking on that person copy paste but you know that's not exactly the most straightforward thing for little timmy over here so it's time for a little bit of cheeky a wharf too baby do i actually know how to use a wharf 2 no randy what's that worth too you ask good question we're just going to use the library so we don't actually have to learn about it introducing nextauth.js a library for lazy people who don't know how to implement authentication properly like me except it's not simple maybe it is simple maybe i'm just maybe i'm the simple one so after spending an entire day uh trying to mess around with that scouring the docs for any semblance of what i'm after and finally there it is there it is boys that right there is my discord i d baby yeah now that's an excellent accomplishment pat on the backs all round but i've still got to get the get lab id somehow and uh this library is a bit iwacky when it comes to authenticating multiple accounts so eventually after sleeping on it i've managed to figure out a really scuffed way of determining whether it's discord or gitlab with this sign in now you've been warned okay this implementation is not for the faint of heart um if it starts with the then it's discord elsif oh this is genius why did i think of this before i was blinded by my eager next up what is going to be the best way of i mean i know a way you can do index of we can really do that uh dot index of i don't know how [ __ ] javascript works discord get lab so scoff but it works surely surely this works we're compiling we've compiled everyone prepare your anus discord login get lab login yes we've done it holy [ __ ] it works yes i'm a genius it works that's all that matters now we just literally tell the discord bot to assign the randy dot gg role to the user id tell gitlab to add this [ __ ] to each repository and bada bing bada boom completely automated perks baby you have no idea how proud i am of myself for actually figuring that out on my own um but that's been plaguing me for this entire week however the funding first fully implemented it's time to make things look pretty made the membership sexy as hell and optimize it for mobile flexboxes are so goddamn useful holy [ __ ] with that i've officially evolved into a css mega chad if only my high school it teacher big jen could see me now and then do the same thing for the landing page except i'm really just getting to do something about this background it doesn't work in this aspect ratio and of course the fun page got the same treatment and then i went about ah well that's why i don't set deadlines well future randy will take care of that one what a lovely little website you've created here i tell you what you get a gold sticker and have a walk you what came in the map i mean have here you go you've earned it readings for [ __ ] nerds you
Channel: Randy
Views: 105,460
Rating: 4.9718013 out of 5
Keywords: randy, randall, thomas randall, tom randall, randal, randle, tom randle, tom randal, aussie game dev
Id: J5_rBMLCv24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.