I Faked My Death in Minecraft to PRANK Preston

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I died in Minecraft but not for real today I'm pulling the ultimate prank on my friends to see how much they truly would miss me we loved [Music] you we know you're faking it Bri what why didn't they care more that hurts my let's go find me a new wife guys um what guys I'm going to make them regret that let me take you down here to show you my prank room this here is a list of everybody who attended my funeral and was not upset so I'm going to prank everyone on this list starting with Chase right here I have an invisibility cloak so they can't see me and I also have something called x-ray goggles this allows me to see into people's houses and then I also have a scary megaphone chase you took my chicken Chase is a scaredy cat no I'm not I I don't like cats I'm a scaredy dog he's being haunted okay at least I have my sea pickles these are my protective sea pickles we're fine when you're haunted you make sure you don't go under the bed I see pickles here we're good we're good you think you're safe I am safe just you away what that's not supposed to happen come back down bed please I freak it out how would you like some sea pickles oh my sea pickles oh my gosh no okay this is not good uh this has happened before all I got to do is go to the basement Chuckles come on you think the basement safe go I don't know about no one knows no it's a t okay there's TNT everyone no no chuggles no ghost Brie I'm so sorry I'm going to run to Bron's house and tell him that you're actually dead Bri I'll do this for you I guess we can cross Chase off the list next we have to prank Preston Preston Preston Preston what I'm enchanting I think Bri actually died her ghost is haunting me and blew up my house Chase believes it how many times do I have to tell you she's not dead you're crazy do you want me to prove it to you what how you know Eloise right Brianna's cat I've been intentionally not feeding her for the past few days excuse me because Brianna's not going to have Eloise starve to death never which means as soon as Eloise gets fed we know Brianna isn't actually dead don't you worry I'm going to save Eloise from starving I just need some cat food to give to her why is that cat food floating um I didn't think about that um Eloise come with me I want to make sure you're okay Eloise is floating oh my God I knew you were a demon oh oh I'm not I'm out of here what just happened to my cat she's transforming Eloise guys I swear this isn't her true self I always knew you got to be kidding me there's no way she doesn't look like this in real life I swear I've been saying this for so long guys cats are not man's best friend this is what Preston gets for not being nice to her okay she's getting her Vengeance wait what what oh no where are you taking me that was the weirdest experience of my life it looks like we can check Preston off the list what's up Preston what's going on that doesn't sound like Josh did you not just see what happened to me I got yeated out of Bree's house by Eloise but she wasn't Eloise she was like some kind of metamorphosized demon Eloise it's been Eloise this whole time why is Josh British no listen like I didn't feed her the last few days right and she turned it into something I've never seen before you know I always hated cats but this was this was different I mean come on that's that's a rookie era not feeding not feeding a girl that that they they're going to get hungry yeah they don't turn into demons hungry demons same thing I think Noob does the same thing when he's when he's hungry no he doesn't no he does I've never seen him grow muscles like that dude well according to uh Josh if that is his real name I'm going to use noob's hangr for my next prank all right now I am something crazy this is going to be an ultimate prank I must distract Noob take his dinner and see how angry he truly gets if he catches me as his hand we're going to have our plan foiled time to it that means time to eat oh we have to distract him away from his meal that's what we're going to do to start with that oh no he's going to have to turn off the music now we're going to get the dirt oh he's going to grab that run run I don't want him to see the Monster Hand now we're going to have to distract him yet again away from his plate so we have a beautiful Anvil here why don't we just make a little bit of a no noise it worked okay run guys run this is the second of third piece of food that we have destroyed all right he's not suspecting a thing he's going to sit down and before he eats we're going to OAB Booga I wonder what Noob watches on Netflix put it on in the comments I'd be curious all of the food is gone now what's going to happen when Noob is super super hangry why is he not thinking about that I could be haunting him I feel like something bad's about to happen remember what Josh told us tummy feel no good good ew oh oh my goodness what is that why is he red I've gone invisible and oh he's creating a storm guys what the heck happened to him oh jeez wait this can't be a coincidence earlier Prest was telling me that Eloise she she turned angry when she was hungry it's just a coincidence it's just a coincidence bro they going to feed him you have some dirt right Caleb yeah wait wait let me let's get some dirt get some dirt get some dirt get some dirt get some dirt y'all better hurry this is not looking too good Noob come down we have your food we have food we have food here here take some take some dirt eat it eat it yes this is all the food you need work it looks like I'm going to be able to cross Noob off the list but since Joshua is out of his house I think we should prank him next okay so right now I am outside Josh's house we have set a lot of scary traps in here okay I I'm I'm I'm going I'm I'm done with this now since when is Josh British all right well good luck man I'll I'm going to go my house since I'm invisible I can just walk through oh my Lord why wait oh that's scary oh that's actually scared me oh oh don't let him catch us I'm invisible remember but I was holding the chicken he almost saw you look too suspicious you do um I'm going that door oh I think he's pretty nervous okay they're all dead I think I think I'm okay now no there are still beautiful scares upstairs you just um my my Bo away for the oh my God there's a creeper on my bed wait wait this must be fake oh this is fake look it's not even doing anything wait oh wait what's it doing what it's chasing me it's chasing me go go Caleb Caleb help me what the heck is that there there's a creeper I don't even I left my sword inside why is it so big I don't know it was just in my room okay okay this was definitely a success Josh what are you doing I went inside my all the dots are connecting now why'd you have a prank creeper in your house huh I I don't know I I he's thinking Josh set up all the pranks angry Noob angry Eloise all of it's been you no it wasn't me honestly kind of makes sense I'm tired of this man I'm going to sleep obviously Bri is not dead dude I think she is not there's no one else who could have done this well Josh's crossed off the list looks like Caleb's next on the pranks I'm going to go upstairs I have something called ghost TNT I'm going to place it in his house hey who's in my house I swear I heard something over here thank goodness he couldn't see me what is that noise it's blending in with the trees so he can't see anything is there something outside I'm just going to place some of these in his house just like a couple here and there who is doing that it sounds like someone's breaking here I'm going to go check all I have to do is ignite it and oh what what the heck what the crap that's terrifying that's so scary that was like a ghost explosion guys guys guys all right I should probably clean up in here which reminds me of Preston's favorite soap to clean with Dr Squatch this is literally the best soap Preston has ever used and that's only the fresh fall smell just look how great it lathers well how else is he going to get back with their bu three get three bundle you literally get three soaps such as cool fresh aloe inar wood barrel Bourbon bayum and Birchwood breed this means you get to save over $28 on a gift they are sure to love $4 a bar to be clean that's sick oh so click the link in the description to get your buy three get three bundle from Doctor Squatch before it's too late we'll be taking that that was your Christmas present where were we and now that this place is cleaned up let's go and check on the boys red alert I know I wasn't a Believer I know I wasn't a Believer but something just blew up my house the best part about ghost TNT is it actually rebuilds itself so when they come back his house is going to look perfect I think Bri actually died and her ghost is haunting me Caleb I believe you but let's see the evidence come come come check it out let's go like right across wait a this I'm sorry your no no it was destroyed and there was Ghost noises and there was green paste stuff and there was I think she's a ghost but that's not good evidence your house is still here I'm telling you guys I'm not a liar Caleb wait guys I believe you you do yes I do believe you in fact I have all the evidence at my house come meet me at my house and I'll show you everything I'm going to go ahead and check Caleb off the list well I need to prank maid next anyway so I'm going to follow too all right guys this is my place and I've set up a very special thing Majid has been collecting evidence to conduct a seance I'm going to make him believe that this Seance is actually successful by appearing and no longer being invisible this is kind of weird bro Caleb trust the science I guess we just got to go along with it I'm going to put the disc in and I'm going to chant you guys just repeat after me Never Going To Give You Up never going to let you down more enthusiasm never going to run on around and why did you not miss me wait someone has to talk to her someone has to talk to her I have come back to haunt you all to get you back but we did miss you wait she's gone take the disc out take the disc out I got the disc I got the what do we do what do we do it was a figment of your imagin what is that noise it works she's only fake dead I don't know if Holograms are in M see what happened I still I still think I still think it's real did I not convince them I thought I did I think Majid was successfully pranked though I'm going to Mark Majid off the list really fast they don't think she's a ghost we think she's a ghost what is what do you think Noob Noob likes me right I'm happy she's gone wait that's so mean well I guess I'm going to prank Noob again okay since Noob acted like he doesn't miss me I have something called a magic plant wand so what that's going to do is turn these plants right here into mobs since he's walking home I thought I might do a little bit of this oh my gosh they're attacking him oh oh he's really trying to fight the trees he actually defeated one of them how all right I think he has probably seen enough of these trees so I'm going to go ahead and try something else look at me I'm so scary so I can also create barriers I'm going to make you go to the Grave right I mean you didn't even act like you missed me this is what you get for trying to act like you don't love me n so he's trapped in here all right and with that I believe I can officially Mark Noob off my list um what there's a bunch of like Lo this wasn't here before wait is that Noob Noob hello guess what I have a secret trap door with a truck up my sleev hopefully Josh will take the bait hold on a minute here do it do it Bri might have used this to escape oh I'm going to I'm going to go debunk her Theory right now I said I have a trick up my sleeve I look like a normal chest right but look are we being pranked wait what is this I'm normal chest okay here we go wait wait wait what's up how do I get out what is that what you can't use the ladder can you wait whoo whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I should try to eat him let let the ladder down that ladder is broken too he can't even get out the sand is rising I also know he's claustrophobic so this is not going to be good for him okay stay away stay away I've got some holy water have the holy water one more one more sand one more sand I'm going I'm I'm oh I can't even get out now should I follow him I'm going I'm going I'm going I'm going I'm going let me out of here he's definitely freaked out keep your secrets keep your secrets it looks like I can finally officially Mark Josh off the list Josh oh my gosh you're alive do not go in that trap door down there Bri's truly gone I know it's true and I have an entire Bank of holy water but we need to bring all of it back can you come back with me I've got to I've got to pay my respects okay I'll be back then mid I'll come with you but you won't know know that will you luckily I have all of this holy water I prepared for this Majid is going into his house but I have a perfect prank to lure him back to the cemetery wait I'm such a cute little zombie that's actually really cute it's a zom but a baby zomb oh let me put this holy water away you seem like you're really nice and innocent I'm so nice and innocent yeah oh my God oh my gosh holy water holy water run this way I have to chase it back to the ground bra he will believe I'm gone from Minecraft forever yeah he better be scared look how scary I am I don't I don't have any brains I promise I have a b brain oh God oh my gosh there's so many mobs jeez pour up the windows pour up the wall no no no I'm dirt I'm dirt oh my gosh oh my gosh I definitely can cross maid off the list I only have a limited amount of holy water but I have an idea a way we can actually trap her trap my ghost that's not going to work maid what do you mean all we need is literally something she loves most in holy water so Preston right it's not Preston guys it's Chuckles and I know where Chuckles is at I do love Preston more than Chuckles but what are you doing to my pet Chuckles I'm coming we'll see you soon chase you have to stop Chase from getting Chuckles Chuckles um I need you for a little a little uh activity chase you can't do this Chuckles there you are okay you're safe you think you you can take my chicken that easily huh we're getting Bri back what is this summon tornado oh gosh okay now this tornado needs to bring Chase all the way to the graveyard oh my gosh oh this isn't even in Minecraft Chuckles lead the way no okay this is this is bad this is bad this is bad I hope I have home insurance that's all I'm going to say okay W don't worry guys once he gets there we're going to save ch nothing bad will happen to him jeez okay Bri if you're listening to me I'm so sorry I believe you now oh it's Chase get the zombies away I'll clear away for you come here come here come here quick go go go go go close it off it worked I definitely think Chase believes now and we can officially Mark Chase off the list now we only have Caleb and Preston left okay do I just put Chuckles in the in the gra put Chuckles in the grave Weir that Chuckles Chuckles we have to get Chuckles out here flying guys I'll follow Chuckles yeah Caleb save Chuckles and also fall for my next prank that'll be convenient look he literally looks like he's flying oh God he fell down no okay so I've hidden Chuckles in the cave oh are you in the barrel what the freak was that and Caleb's going to think he's in a barrel somewhere but little does he know they all are full of jump scares and traps is he in this Barrel ah oh what the heck those cockroaches he's for sure going to believe this right oh God spiders chicles this isn't funny where did he go a more cockroaches Chuckles where did you go is he going to find my chicken listen Breeze ghost I we believe you we believe you're dead he believes me okay we miss you is that what you want to hear that is what I want to hear there's one last Barrel one more barrel and things are going to get even crazier you just wait Chuckles yes but guess what else is about to happen ew I'm so gross what the heck is that I'm an evil mob monster I'm afraid of myself run what the freak is that oh God I'm out of here I'm Giving Up on Chuckles we definitely got him I'm checking him off the list Caleb's back yes okay guys I have good news and I have bad news I'll do the bad first I lost Chuckles what it's okay he's safe down in the cave okay and the good news uh well there is no good news Bree is actually dead and we're being haunted so let's go let's go more so sad Bri it works take some holy water she's definitely definitely dead you guys are still on this yes how many times do I have to tell you she has faked her death for views no dude we saw her ghost with her own eyes you didn't see anything I'm now going to take my leave why is he not more concerned about me if he wants to go out there with the ghost let him go we're safe in here there's no ghost I'm going back to my house you Boron for some reason presson does not believe that I have actually died in Minecraft so I have one more trick up my sleeve to finally really convince him just have to set up my prank and then wait is that Bri I just got seeing stuff right am I going crazy so this painting actually connects to another painting this is actually the prank right here wait is this okay cool so you're just uh building a little invisible room behind the painting I've done this many times Bri wait a second this is actually going to teleport him somewhere else I was able to escape the Trap but he won't be able to hold on this is whoa whoa this is whoa what is this this isn't your average painting why is it a room full of Brianna he is going to finally understand that I'm not just doing this for views am I going crazy who are you people this is payback for him not believing in my death and my Minecraft I'm I'm being punished now she's come back to haunt me but there's a hundred of her I'm sorry I didn't believe you okay guys it looks like officially I can cross Preston completely off the list guys listen I was wrong something is going on man and it's not good I had the weirdest experience after going through a painting I saw hundreds of Brees see we told you you believe us brie is dead I'm sorry I didn't believe you guys what oh oh my go oh my gosh are you to see me you think this is funny huh that's sick and twisted Brie I was hoping you'd miss me right wait is this the guys come down here what wait what's down there what's down there she betrayed our trust oh my gosh and Ed this room to mess with us she's been pranking us this whole time it's all in good fun I think we need to get her get her for real please don't get her holy potion holy potion get her no she's actually dead well now I actually died in Minecraft
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 388,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, preston, brianna, gaming, funny, family friendly, ssundee, unspeakable, mrbeast, aphmau, canman, lankybox, cash minecraft, nico mc, stokestwins, gametoons, maizen, eyestreem
Id: 13CeeS-Ds_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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