Preston Kissed ANOTHER GIRL?!

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um did you guys hear that sound why are there Hearts coming from Preston's door in here hello who are you with in here y'all I swear I saw someone that wasn't Preston and he went down a secret door hello what's down here honesty is the best poliy what is this on the ground flower shop receipt okay in this room there's a giant teddy bear a be mine sign flowers this better be for me let's head to this flower shop and see if we can catch him there must just be some weird misunderstanding flower shop lady are you in here oh hi what are you doing down there there's bees everywhere and I'm really allergic ma'am have you seen somebody who looks like a lava creeper by chance yes listen if you help me then I'll tell you whatever you want just get rid of these bees okay put them back in the the cage okay yes ma'am I've got you collect 15 bees that's a lot Oh I thought I was immune I'm not I'm not the angry ones get them first what if I die doing this this is for science okay hurry I am trying ma'am so we need to get the red ones first I feel like right because they're the aggro ones no no no no ow okay we have already gotten 10 out of the 15 so we're close keep me alive' I'm I'm doing the best I can they ran out they ran out okay here we go and I got you oh it did hi oh you did it yay I feel a lot better how about you you know I only got stung once and I should probably go find a doctor but thank you you're welcome I need to know if you saw my husband buy flowers for someone he did come here and he bought flowers for um wait oh no they were sent to a mou's place wait what all right well thank you for the information kind Madam please head to the hospital and I'm going to head to aau's house oh and wait wait wait there's one more thing I had to say what um okay so when it comes to Preston he was he he actually left a note that um that's actually Preston walking up to A's house why are there so many cameramen guards I'm going to need to get in that house without being found so I'm going to need to oh well that's convenient there's boxes right here I have played rainbow friends and I know people get very confused when boxes move around so we are getting by the cameraman we're just moving around in a box yes please sir Move Along we're going to go to the garage because it's conveniently opened but we have to be very very stealthy nothing to see here okay we need this one dude to leave yes they okay they have left we can close this door successfully Bye Felicia wow that shouldn't have worked but it did I see afountain and Preston's name tags what are they doing in here they're probably discussing you know how much Preston loves me he remembers that my favorite flower is a p I think that's how you say it they're they're talking about like a secret okay we're going to have to get a better look oh nice nice we're going to go up this conveniently placed staircase and into the vents it's like she wants people to spy on her honestly hey so how's it going afma hey I'm good but are you okay you've been acting strange nah I'm fine hey do you know if the party planner has seen those flowers yet um no they've been very busy what party plan ah I'll have to go show them myself also why are you typing in instead of talking oh I just lost my voice a little that's all ah oh that's okay susp are you excited uh yeah of course we're all super excited yeah it's going to be a blast hey your house is pretty chilly do you mind if I turn the heat up oh oh this does not feel good we're going to have to leave but be really secretive through this trapo I can't see okay hey did you hear that hide behind the couch what was that jeez everything okay oh yeah it's fine I um I I got to head out and talk to this party planner but I'll see you at the event what event okay so ABM don't ask me why I'm already in your house I need to ask you a question what were you doing with Preston what is this event he's planning who is the party planner did he kiss someone else no no no Bri it's not what you think okay then tell me what it is then it's that simple I can't tell you who kissed Preston but maybe the comments know I've said too much already but you can always check with the party planner thank you um Jonathan is that you who's that Brianna oh you're Preston's wife that's right that's right how are you two doing you love birds um I'm not doing so well actually he's planning a secret event with you and so I'd like to have more information um I I could give you information but my journal that says all that information is actually inside there and I have a pinata issue if you can help me to diffuse all these explosive pinatas I can help you with this information maybe possibly I'll need you to make sure these pinatas don't blow up okay yes sir all right everything about this is weird look at the ones that are highlighted and make sure they don't blow up go right click it I've got you okay so I need to remove a wire that I think should be removed right okay you always remove the red wire that's what they say oh you did it all right oh there's another one bring hry this way I'm so shocked I was correct okay that means it's red again right okay I'm trying oh it's going it's nice all right oh no okay no please please I need this one this one's faster it's about to go let's go yellow oh no um you I'm sorry I got most of them can I have the journal out listen this I need all this cleaned up for the party if you can help me clean it up then I will tell you the information you need all right I've got this so tell me about the party oh gosh apparently he's getting married to someone very famous I um maybe you've seen them on TV I don't know we're married well not us me and Preston are married I know maybe it was a little miscommunication but um jeez listen I I do believe there was a name on the invitation I don't okay so can you give me one the party planner would have an invitation no I actually don't they're all in the mail all right Jonathan I don't have time to help you we're heading to the post office what I'm on very urgent business why are you carrying a knife oh sorry that was listen there's been a problem around here so I'm just trying to what can I how can I help you ma'am sir an invitation has been sent out to a horrible event and I need to find it Well I mean there's not like I have like a thousand different letters going on about a thousand different events ma'am okay sir could you take me to the pile I haven't been doing a good job and it's kind of lost I'll give get you that letter if you can do my job for me and sort all that mail okay I mean hey right now I'm desperate so I'll do it it's right in here um oh my goodness yeah good luck and you might need this not going to lie I'm taking the knife all right so I hit this mail pile and I got the dirt daily which is not what I'm looking for but because I need to do Farmer Joe's job over there I'm going to return it to the proper it's Dylan sorry Dylan I'm going to return it to the proper mailbox who would want the dirt daily ow oh okay guys don't run into the mine cart by the way they are hazardous ouch oh okay here's all my buddies Noob would definitely want the dirt daily obviously yay all right we have a lot more mail to search though okay we have the cluck Shield chicken coup Insurance oh that definitely goes to Chuckles people are trying to to ruin his chicken coup for some reason I think they're jealous because he's so Majestic and beautiful and L eggs okay there we go we only have a few more pieces I think oh limited edition Brie merch nice I'm going to say that goes to me or any of you beautiful people who want to buy the merch from Prem let's put this into the mail nice so far I'm doing good we have to go to the big mail room these cameramen are Mega in my way by the way nice now we have Mark the date you are invited to Preston and TV woman's wedding please sign and return this letter to RSVP to the event Chase place oh my gosh somebody's going to have a talking to how do I stop this Dylan Dylan are you Dylan was fired Dylan wasn't just fired e Mega just got killed it wasn't me I'm getting rid of this knife rip in the chat for Dylan we love you but I have to talk to chase because cuz he is up to no good Chase um hro my name is CH hey Mar what's up um are you excited about the party read the invitation wait uh oh that makes a lot of sense stop hitting me Bri listen chase the fact that you're my friend and you read this invitation and didn't tell me anything I do know something about it but listen before I can tell you I kind of need some help because I have a date coming up and my house is really messy okay I don't really care about your date right now because is about to marry someone else Bri you take that back the one time I get a date you don't want to help me it's fine okay no no I did it CH Chase I support you I don't want you to be single forever okay I will help you but you have to help me it's not that messy all right my house is just a little worn down I haven't cleaned it for like well ever so follow me if you if you see any uh if you see any bones just don't tell oh what is that I'm being killed by bugs I'm stuck oh I'm stuck okay you have to trust me you trust me no wait are you making a video okay good woo if you're making a video I would have died no I'm not filming this don't worry okay good chase this is event this event is going to happen soon and what if I don't get told what I need to know before this marriage well what if I don't go on a date and I'm single for the rest of my life Bri I don't think that's as big of a deal as Preston marrying someone else I'm sorry that's I mean that's objective there we go okay clean it up got it okay I think that's it yeah oh wait there's one oh my gosh the boss bug get it bring e it's so gross you got it Bri I'm just going to stand down here I got it okay all right Bri I'll tell you what I know okay okay please yes I did see TV woman sneak up on Preston and do like a hypnotic kiss okay why would you not tell me that I think he's hypnotized Bri it's oh how do you unhypnotize someone uh Noob told me that if uh you play this tape it it it'll take Preston out of the the the trance I honestly trust Noob with my life how do I watch this doesn't she have a TV for a head I have to find the woman who kissed Preston and put a tape in her head that sounds like it's dangerous Brie you got it wait B did you hear that yeah oh that's my date okay you stand up here she's she's going to think it's weird that there's another girl in my house right now just stay here I'm going to go get my date and then we're going to the wedding Chase you're good right Chase oh my gosh the cameramen are taking him away I think they think he told me too much okay I need to save Chase but I also need to save my husband from being hypnotized and marrying someone else this is a really emotional thing there he is he's even tied up that's messed up oh it's like a factory Chase yes Chase excuse me I'm trying to work on this suit right now what do you want um did you not just see a a person tied in rope get thrown in here somewhere uh listen I just saw a cute guy walk in here getting carried like it's a fun event okay if you want to go check on him go check on him you're should we have to figure out how to stop this wedding from happening right well here are all the suits being floated around how do we mess this up I could use sheers and cut them up like they do to Cinderella but I actually saw something even better a jetpack oh actually a paint Blaster nice I'm going to put this on get some paint paint ammo nice ooh I can fill this baby up and okay this is going to require a little bit of skill I have played valerent so that means I I know how to do this what if Preston likes this better actually they always say tough men wear pink and if any of you guys hate on me for my aim right now I am very emotional Jee why is Noob walking on the conveyor melt is he okay oh they're all lining up over here that's nice got a lot of pink suits oh we only need six more easy as one two three Z I got all whoo whoa whoa whoa whoa ma'am what are you doing back here I had a big order of Suits no you made a pink yes that's not what the color they wanted oh no no no no no no this is bad this is bad oh no I'm going have to fix all this before Oh I'm going to lose my tailor shop no you're going to be fine this is what all the cool kids are wearing nowadays actually um wait a second actually though oh it's got Moxy though maybe they'll like it actually hey thank you so much consider yourself hired honey I am not wanting a job right now I trying to delay a wedding oh come on boys yeah the suits are ready I think you'll love it no all righty I see you got all our suits here last stops to get the cake from the bakery next door thank you so much for getting these done in time I didn't think you guys could do it okay let's find the bakery only one more stop before the wedding actually happens it sounds like we have made it to the bakery and I see a lot of chefs in here all right my little baby chefs I will teach you one last time how to cook delicious cake are you ready HH all right Perfect all you do is you take these ingredients you put them around and then you take a splash potion that you fill up and then it gets a little tiny and then the tininess makes makes the cake delicious now do we understand this teat you one more time so the chefs have gone over there I going to use the same potion remember he made the ingredients tiny what if I use this potion to make me small look at that yes they're not going to see me sabotage oh why are there so many bugs I still smell something baby chfs head chef uh I I have a problem uh I see a lot of cockroaches on the floor well everywhere all they deal with that I'm going to eat these cakes none of these can go to the wedding stomp every small thing in this kitchen before the inspection happens like I said every tiny thing in here destroy I'm going to die okay y there's so squishy whoa what what is that is that a rat no there's so many bus here it's the grossest cockroach I've ever seen destroy the cake get another I have an idea guys I'm just going to hide inside the cake come out come out wherever you are I cannot find it there somebody move this cake I see it moving this is the only cake left we have to get it to delivery man no we must go now okay hey the chef I'm going go straight to the wedding all right this is actually good you guys he has no idea that I have snuck inside of this cake I have spit all over it so every guest will be infected when they eat this cake okay carefully oh there it is oh beautiful I have a perfect view of Preston and tvom getting married Chase is still tied up over there I hope he's not supporting this but I know exactly what we need to do you got this Preston Bree um hi everybody Bri Bri Bri quick did you bring the tape I brought the tape okay I you got to go put that in her head and watch the thing it'll it'll save Preston okay Chase don't die please uh what are you doing here Bri Preston I can't believe you would do this I thought you left me tvom I have to do this a it's our wedding that's that's sweet why are they playing our wedding tape during their wedding don't you realize this is going to stab him out of it oh right president really was hypnotized actually I was not under mind control Brianna all this here was planning for a vals renewal ceremony a wait that's actually sweet I had TV woman and all the cameraman helped me out I was trying to surprise you I'm sorry I had to keep it a secret Preston this is really sweet I will say I wish you hadn't have rehearsed with tvom but I forgive you come on let's get out of here wait wait whoa whoa wait can you guys untie me now please
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 441,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, preston, brianna, gaming, funny, family friendly, ssundee, unspeakable, mrbeast, aphmau, canman, lankybox, cash minecraft, nico mc, stokestwins, gametoons, maizen, eyestreem
Id: 6XiPlg9Cn80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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