i escaped siri... worst day of my life (she cut my neck)

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previously what if this entire time that they're knocking it's not from the outside it's from the inside trying to get out like that that is something big to think about and I think that would be absolutely insane just so you know I granted a bunch of wishes for the jesters last night so if the jesters liked this video subscribe to Jessie and comment your wish down below whoa whoa what the hell guys whoa did you like oh my god trampolines they're moving what the heck holy crap kinder what do you mean they're trying to haunt the rest of the world it's not gonna happen guys I'm not gonna let them out it's not gonna happen well what the hell why's it lights like that no stop stop stop no no no no currently aah aah no please don't do it don't don't do it please Oh guys oh my god no no no no Oh please don't do it I promise I'll leave right now I'll leave right now I promise you you can take my stuff I can grab it okay okay I'm gonna go right now I promise okay okay okay okay I'm getting out of here okay guys I'm getting hell out of here I got my bag I'm going I'm not coming back I'm done I am so done guys I'm so unbelievably laughing okay whatever I don't know if that doesn't mean but guys this is death of this scary part is meeting this place and while the lights are closed so look out for me please let's get out of here whatever the heck that was that was talking to you guys I don't know if you could hear that there was some demon voice guys it was super scary but I'm out here goodbye Jim okay guys we're good I think we're safe oh my god I was so crazy anyways guys I think I'm gonna end the video there I hope you enjoyed if you did please drop a like down below guys subscribe to the Jessie family if you're new to my channel be sure got my social medias there on the screen right there today's post notification shadow goes to these amazing people thank you guys so much for staying out of all my social views and supported me all the time and until tomorrow's video guys jester's out those demons serie definitely said something about getting you know what Shelby hello oh my god okay whoa holy crap holy crap okay just gonna go home and edit the video all right I wonder what my car was it was checked with the heck what the heck draw my cart oh my god this is messed up let's get out of here what the heck down the spokesman or Rackley rectly really I kept taking Daventry so what's the help yo what my cart oh no no no no nothing no the trade shop this can't be happening come on oh holy crap cake holy crap oh my god what the hell just happened that was insane what is wrong in my cart just fully stopped this is not good this is not good I can either pull over what the heck my light what's going on what the hell turn on what the heck is going on I need to get the hell out of here what the hell yeah okay okay chill out chill oh please I was leaving I was leaving I'm leaving okay okay I'm coming then record is entire times alright I'm coming I'm coming relax okay what do you want I love Jimmy like oh stop leave me alone they don't stop hey leave me alone I'm gonna go do it anymore please please [Music] no no you know keep that away from you you know please please anything but that anything [Music] what the hell my hands are tight guys [Music] hey Siri hey Siri call James oh my god guys yo bro I need yo bro a new job I'm not you know the train station beside the train tracks beside the gym bro I need your help yeah can you come on a job yes please thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] no you broke oh boy are you okay man I need your help can you untie me bro untie me untie me please oh [ __ ] happen bro I have no idea [ __ ] oh my god okay holy [ __ ] bro no I don't see a cop but that is a lot of blood man I know I think I got our film oh my god what the hell what well I don't even see anything there's like no cottage just lately no kite look that's [ __ ] up there's no Cubs there's so much blood I know look my entire frickin shirt holy SH dude you should have seen what I saw man this this something's chasing me man something's out here bro something is legit out here please be careful bro thank thank you for coming man yeah bro holy cow man oh my god I can breathe again though like it's getting better holy crap what the heck in C dude I just finished my video I was literally just finishing my video I finished it I was about to go home my car started like shutting off and [ __ ] I don't what the heck was going on this is still out well I don't know man but I'm I just got here I need to clean it up no like I think I'm fine though like I don't like there's no mark it just has crapped on a blood like guys what the heck just went down anyways I'm gonna cut it right now I'll see you guys when they get to a safer place okay guys I made it back to my house I cleaned up just a little bit out of as you can see there's a little bit of blowing me still my necks a little bit better I still have no idea what happened there like I was bleeding but then there was no cut I don't know if maybe it had to do with it being through am I like you know I just thought about mmm so virile um that it's actually like for like 20 now so maybe everything stopped when it hit four o'clock which would make sense because I stopped filming the other video yesterday's video I stopped filming it at like 3:45 350 so it was really close to 4:00 so it makes sense that something was chasing it right after but once again still a really really crazy night I was pretty much just ending my other video after I escaped the gym from the Serie but yeah that is how it went hope you guys enjoyed if you did please leave a like down below subscribe to the gesture family and until tomorrow guys jester's Oh you [Music]
Channel: Jester
Views: 4,042,148
Rating: 4.8495898 out of 5
Keywords: escaping siri at 3 am, escape siri at 3 am, escape siri at 3am, escape siri 3 am, escaping siri at 3am, escaping siri 3 am, this is why you escape siri, do not talk to siri at 3 am, talking to siri at 3 am, talk to siri at 3 am, talking to siri 3 am, siri 3 am, siri 3am, siri 3:00 am, 3 am siri challenge, 3:00 am siri challenge, jesse baron, do not escape siri, escape siri, escaping siri, gone wrong siri, siri gone wrong, siri blood, worst day of my life, worst day ever
Id: mabYljJSN78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2017
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