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okay Charlie Charlie that bro oh my god yo what's going on guys welcome back to another video tonight I'm gonna be doing another 3m challenge with the boys this time I'm gonna show you them in a little bit but before I do that tonight's challenge is gonna be a 3 a.m. Charlie Charlie challenge if you guys haven't seen that yet you guys are in for a surprise because this is gotta be one of the scariest challenges on the internet right now I am like not looking forward for this but you know I'll do anything for you guys you guys been going strong for me we're at 9000 subscribers and that's a big thank you to you guys thank you so much for being supportive so this isn't an ordinary Charlie Charlie challenge because I'm gonna be doing it with the fidgets spinner so I'll be doing a Charlie Charlie challenge with the fidgets spinner at 3:00 a.m. guys this is gonna be absolutely insane so stay tuned for this it's gonna be amazing now before I explain the Charlie Charlie challenge in detail be sure to check out my social medias there on the screen right there go add my snapchat follow my Instagram and I'll be doing the same for you guys be sure to turn on post notifications if you guys want a chance at the shout out of the day with that being said the shout out of the day is gonna be different this time last video I put a hidden message at the end of it and some of you guys are plighted and for those people that did here's the shoutouts to all of you guys thank you so much for posting and commenting and staying active if you guys want a chance for next video then this time I'll be doing it differently spam my YouTube comments spam my most recent Instagram picture and you guys will be on my next video last video I asked her 250 likes and you guys killed it in the first hour so I want to ask for 500 likes on this video guys I know you can do it if you guys really liked this video then smash that like button now I'm gonna show you the boys so first one we got all made mo okay how much you're paying me I'm yeah 25 grand no I said $5,000 I told before collab 5,000 bye give me the show y'all alright my first boy he's gonna be helping me out with the challenge what is going on guys you already know link in the description go there and like comment subscribe alrighty guys the first boy second one let's see some tricks broke oh whoa look at this guy he's me helping out with the Charlie Charlie challenge are you excited dude I'm super hyped for this guys this they're so energized until they see what's gonna help alright guys so in detail what the game is based on what I'm reading right here it says it is a traditional Mexican ritual wherein players are to contact the spirit of a child named Charlie you can then ask the spirit of Charlie yes-or-no questions and he will respond moving the pencil which in our case is the fidget spinner okay guys so what we have planned out already is the yes yes no no and we're pretty much just gonna stick the fidget spinner right in the center and you guys are gonna see we're gonna ask them questions and hopefully something goes down are you guys ready it's actually gonna work probably I mean yeah I know it's gonna know right now what time is it is 257 we are waiting for 3 a.m. and then we will start this challenge so let's do it let's do it all right behind me is the yes and no board as you can see and the fidget spinner now I'm just gonna prove it to you guys that it is 3 o'clock so I don't you guys can see that with how bright it is yes 300 600 7 so we're gonna get started with this Charlie Charlie challenge let's do it all right guys we're getting started with the we're getting started with the Charlie Charlie challenge let's start off by putting our hands on the paper and our first question is Charlie Charlie are you with us guys a lot to be here oh my god guys guys guys guys no you're he is here with us guys okay we have to ask some more just in case it was a fluke okay um well secure all right guys so I realized that it was very hard to see the arrow on the Fitness Maris we way ahead and updated it now hopefully you guys can see let's go back to asking questions all right guys we're gonna be taking turns so Nick is next I let's confirm that okay Charlie Charlie that bro that's where I heard the door a door yeah door crack who so there isn't go over there to anyway sorry Charlie Charlie is it after three M there you go guys yeah well we showed you guys the time but I just want to make sure now you guys really know okay asking a question oh yes your turn Charlie Charlie are you going to hurt us please please please okay that's good thank God you oh god that scared me that is the one I'm yes yo well I promise gonna leave like just right okay that's good that's good okay so wait I'm gonna ask him ask like do they does he like not lie like he was the truth yeah why what makes sense like he's like he's just a spirit I am I guess and he just what an evil spirit yeah why can't he just lie to us and he's actually gonna hurt us he's just like playing with this like a look ask let's ask this one question are you lying there passing with his lung Charlie Charlie are you lying to us you heard uptick - yeah well boys I just heard another swear to God okay he's not lying okay so he won't hurt us Kevin what why is he here then um wait wait we can ask him if the sounds were him okay yes yeah guys I don't know if you can hear this but there's been sounds all over and it is insanely creepy so let's yeah they're a little louder than just like random cracks - okay you asks you ask charlie if he's the one that came in annoys me yeah Charlie Charlie are you the one making noises in the building dang okay I'm gonna be extra scared every time I hear something just cuz I know it's him guys yo okay wait I have a question I have a question to relate to continue that off ask you can make a noise right now okay Charlie Charlie can you make another noise right now [Music] oh my god Oh what the heck was your role here in the pose of light Sochi is there anyone here yo guys dude there's no one else at the gym yo there's their gender or someone that comes you know there's no gender like show more the light switches on bro like guys heard the noises bro like guys it's literally just us here oh my god the head broad brush you screw this way bro this is so scary maybe it's someone like trolling us check around the kinda see like looking on the water line yeah is there anyone in the washroom no no no one's even here dude what the [ __ ] yo yo yo yo bro what the [ __ ] was that yo I know I believe him he doesn't want to hurt us bro that was so sketchy man yo yo what the wait there's lights on in the office let's go check it well maybe there's somebody in there maybe maybe someone like ran there oh my god guys my mic oh my god okay we need to check what's in there what the hell yeah you know we definitely got that on film yo what is in here you think someone's in here oh yes Sachi sketchy no I think it's just the lights open bro yeah yeah what did wise they're all here bro it's it's frickin gym you scared me holy splits tiny place guys and the lights oh my god guys did you see that door holy okay yo bro I want to get out of here bro I don't know if I want to slash another two questions let's I don't know at least a few like this is I mean he's obviously here okay but he did he did say that he wasn't gonna hurt us so we don't really have to worry about it right like I mean why you guys are taking a evil spirits word like Stinky's on this like oh I'm just not gonna hurt you like you think of bullies gonna be like yeah I'm gonna yeah what I'm like super I've been hurt by a lot of spirits like so far so good what's like Colonel for a normal activity that stuff builds up man he starts off by like shrew messing with us scaring us and then at the end like ends up cutting you guys like you got cake okay well only good yeah well okay golly like it's you at least like two yeah okay two more that that's reasonably cool all right guys after that clip my camera died so I'm using NYX thank you so much for your camera you guys ready yeah guys when I got here my time was full battery and right after that clip it died like it didn't go to a warning on the screen or not yeah nothing at all it's super creepy especially right after when the door slam yeah like it went from reading the safe to like one and then dead like completely dead but I'm pretty sure I always said like that was these toilets was him we told the light you can noise I hope nothing I like I hope we had that clip because guys if you saw that oh my god okay are you right behind just what the heck why would you ask that that'll be good to know yo yo what weirdo why me he was over there turning off the light so like obviously make sense that he's behind you bro no cold or anything I'm scared yo subscale soon as you said that let me feel cool you're getting like so much back no you have goose but do you mean you have a goose bumps Charlie Charlie will you be mad at us if we leave the gym okay hey guys men okay okay so I'm gonna ask Charlie Charlie he's gonna gonna follow any of us home and I'm gonna ask him which one is gonna follow so wherever this points out so if it's the LCS it's either gonna be Jesse or Charlie Charlie are you gonna follow any of us home and if so who is it gonna be [Music] screw the bags oh my god oh my god oh my god crap guys oh my god yo this is like literally a dish off boo guys for my Siri video holy crap like a literally back out in the exact same spot this is crazy oh my god whoa go Nick Nick Nick hello where's Nick bro but he's gone dawg where is he Nick you okay no no no he's not in here then I'm out of here bro let's get the hell out of here yeah oh it's not here he's gone yo don't scare me like that bro look it's the hell out of here out of here let's go guys oh my god go for leaving you go wrap up your video right now my god video right now just wrap it up I'm done already guys that is the Charlie Charlie challenge if you liked it and you guys want a part too then post it in the comments down below and let me know if you guys want it be sure to check out all my most channel and Knicks down below in the info man this is too much bro be sure to check out my social media as there on the screen right there turn on post notifications and until next time guys you
Channel: Jester
Views: 3,977,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Charlie Charlie Challenge, 3 Am, 3:00 Am, 3 Am Challenge, 3:00 Am Challenge, 3 Am Charlie Charlie Challenge, 3 Am Fidget Spinner Challenge, Fidget Spinner, 3 Am Charlie Charlie Challenge With A Fidget Spinner, Do Not Play Charlie Charlie, Do Not Play Charlie Charlie Challenge With A Fidget Spinner, Do Not Play Charlie Charlie At 3 Am, What Happens When You Play Charlie Charlie At 3 Am, charlie charlie jaystation, 3 am fidget, charlie charlie, fidget spinner 3 am, scrubzah, fidget
Id: syagos6Ixyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2017
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