How To Make Black Garlic At Home, Easily

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Once you go black, you'll never go back.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Mark422 📅︎︎ Oct 11 2019 🗫︎ replies


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I think it's pretty unanimous that garlic is the goat of all seasonings and I know that we're gonna get that one person that's like oh and that's okay but let me show you something really quick here's a nice little cross-section of garlic it's great brings a tear to my eye childhood memories all that good stuff but there's another life changing side the garlic that you might not have ever seen before and I'm not talking roasted garlic toasted garlic that rhymes I'm talking black garlic okay so it's fermentation Friday but I have some bad news this is not a permit I don't even know why I'm putting it on fermentation Friday it's a commonly mistaken as a fermented product but it is totally not because the enzymatic process that's going on is actually the my yard reaction which if you don't know what that is I'll put a link in the description describing what it is because it's gonna take me way too long to describe it all it takes like the spicy sharp garlic into like a very mellow caramelized almost smoky just brown sugar tamarind like all these like rich sweet flavors with like a nice umami background like this is literally a flavor explosive bomb of deliciousness I'll get off my soapbox and let's make this shall we all right now black garlic is insanely easy all you need is the right equipment and requires almost no active effort so you have three different choices here that's right you got options my number one choice which is the route that I went was my Sahara dehydrator which will be linked below the second option would be a typical rice cooker you know like the one that cooks rice and the third option would be my fermentation station all of which will be in the links below now I chose to go with the dehydrator just because of the accuracy and even distribution of temperature but unfortunately you cannot use your oven for this though now for the easiest part so first thing you need is well garlic whole fresh bulbs of course Ivor I would recommend doing a lot of them or at least as many as you can fit in whatever device you're using I think I did something like 12 total bulbs then you're going to individually wrap these babies tightly in plastic wrap and then tightly in two layers of foil think of it kind of like a little tinfoil hat for your garlic except instead of shielding it from electromagnetic fields you're keeping it from drying out or you know all the good stuff cool that's pretty much all the effort you're gonna need to put in here that's right now if you're doing this in the Sahara dehydrator you'll just place the garlic in a metal or heat proof container that will hold all of them I use the shallow half Hotel pan which I did not steal from the restaurant that I used to work at link in the description and then place it in the bottom of the dehydrator and set it to sixty degrees Celsius or a hundred and forty degrees Fahrenheit then just close those doors and literally just let it go for four to eight weeks that's it and don't forget to reset the dehydrators timer every 99 hours I know it's a while but it's literally just sitting there so I mean just live your life now if you're doing this in a rice cooker it's the exact same method except what you're gonna do is place some sort of small grate in the bottom to keep your garlic from touching the actual bottom of the rice cooker then just place your wrapped garlic in the rice cooker and set it to the keep warm function with the lid on now my understanding is that the rice cooker may run a little warmer so check your garlic after three weeks now as for the fermentation station you'll do the exact same thing except you'll place the wrapped cloves in a little pot then place a lid on of course instead of the exact same temperature of 60 Celsius or 140 degrees Fahrenheit and for just about the same amount of time and guess what that's it there's nothing special that you need to do to the garlic just let it do its thing and live your life sure it takes kind of a while but it's only five to ten minutes of active time to get started now just a reminder once your gerlichs done just pull it on let it sit at room temperature for about a day just to redistribute its moisture and then store it in the fridge just make sure not to pull the garlic out until it's completely black not dark brown but totally pitch black like midnight so it's essentially a very slowly cooked and very slowly browned aged garlic that's essentially what's going on here now let's talk about how to use this stuff think of it as a way to add sweet rich umami to just about anything there are no wrong answers here some people even add it to ice cream and I can attest it's quite good now this stuff is super soft so you can easily just mash it or spread it on something like toast but I'm looking for something just a little more refined now if you followed me on Instagram which by the way if you don't be sure to click the link below and you know hit me up then you might have seen my black garlic bonito butter yeah the most amazing compound butter of all time it's actually insanely easy to make once you have the black garlic so you're literally just gonna take 3 tablespoons or 1 gram of bonito flakes and then just sort of roughly chop that just that it's not so big little pieces are good then do the same thing to 1 to 2 heads of black garlic that's obviously been peeled you can do as much as you want I only did one head but you can totally do too and it will still be amazing and then just add that to half a pound or 227 grams of unsalted butter that is totally room-temperature and softened then just mix all that together lay down a nice sheet of plastic wrap and scrape out your butter onto the plastic wrap and slowly rotate the plastic wrap around it sort of create a sausage shape grab the ends and make sure that there's no seen by the way because you don't want this to spread out of the side when you're doing this grab both ends and then basically roll that sort of sausage shape against your counter over and over and you'll notice it's start to get tighter and tighter and tighter until you get a nice little tight you know sausage shape tie off those ends and then place it in the refrigerator until totally firm and solid and if you don't know what to do with the compound butter like this I mean you can do anything that you would use get butter for but my personal choice would be to put a nice thick with to seize coin on a beautifully seared steak and then just let that melt over the steak and just go to town go to town on that home another thing we can do is make an amazing black garlic chimichurri now in order to do that you're gonna roughly mince a single Fresno chili and then finely chop a whole bunch of parsley like an entire individual Bunch I mean I used Italian parsley the zest and juice from 2 lemons and then two heads of black garlic finely chopped then just add enough olive oil to cover all of that in a bowl and mix it together season it generously with salt and you've got an amazing black garlic chimichurri they get spoon over a nice steak or some roasted chicken or potatoes or literally anything that you want to taste delicious also blend it up a little marinade with one head of peeled black garlic 1/4 cup or 60 8 grams of barley miso 2 tablespoons or 14 grams of olive oil a splash of mere and a splash of rice vinegar a little bit of salt you know something just kind of like thrown together blended it up and then pour it on some Wagyu short ribs and marinated them and it was delightful you get the point here black garlic can replace anything that uses roasted garlic or fresh garlic or whatever you want to add the most amazing Amami explosion of your life but do you want to know what else has an umami explosion b-roll [Music] because we're gonna do her helps you in just a moment but I gotta commandeer this just for a second that song you just heard was a custom-made song for us by my boy Sam aka Prince Fox he will be in the description Eden as song is titled hit him with the b-roll so you know anyway alright guys and that is it black garlic we done did it now the Sun is starting to go down so I only have a few minutes before this goes completely dark in here I hope you guys actually try this because it was it's really honestly easy it just takes it just takes a bunch of inactive time you're just literally putting it somewhere and then letting it sit to me this is something that a lot of people can do and you get to experience a really cool process that may lead to a bunch of other interests within cooking and food and blah blah it doesn't really require any skill at all unless you have unless you struggle like wrapping foil around stuff in which case then you might struggle with this recipe I know people are gonna ask about the garlic smells so if you watched at this point thank you you get to reap the benefits of that it's not that bad honestly the first like week you can definitely smell it but like it's really not that obvious at least in my opinion and then after that like it's slowly diminishes to the point where like you can't even smell it like it's really not that bad and if you wrap the garlic well enough like it won't release that much smell so just make sure you grab the garlic nicely and you're good that's it for today so [Applause] that was nice nice look I might say so right now I'm actually working on some work ideas so if you guys want to leave a comment and ask for anything specific please do it now while I'm developing stuff if you like pictures and sneak peeks and all that jazz and you want to DM me I try to respond to as many people as I can then be sure to click those links to check me out but anyway if you enjoyed this video where you learn something leave a like subscribe and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 2,977,988
Rating: 4.9032764 out of 5
Keywords: black garlic, homemade black garlic, how to make black garlic, what is black garlic, fermented garlic, roasted garlic, garlic recipe, ways to use garlic, joshua weissman, youtube cooking series, youtube recipes, fermented black garlic, josh weissman, how to ferment garlic, black garlic recipe, garlic, how to make, fermenting garlic, fermenting, fermentation
Id: w7An6nWb-PI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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