I Tipped Waitresses $20,000

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/gabzlel ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 02 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] and up we're gonna give ya [Music] yep appreciate thank you [Music] all right we're out of here thank y'all very much all right our waitress is almost coming back what about the tipper all right so I got it like a hundred here for a tip you like that yeah yeah can I just give a sign up oh oh if you really like yeah I want the same thing just healthy I think I need the same that sounds good that's a good choice wanna see if they're cooked to run it you know what I'm saying honestly I think they're a little overrated can we just get the check yeah it's a little spicy I mean pretty steep but I guess with Sam I don't really like tanks very good just keep it I mean you really great job service here really good this is you to this I don't know that turned out really well we interrupt this quality content but tell you this video is sponsored by Epic Games which owns fortnight which is the literally the best game in the world fortnight is a battle royale where a bus flies over the map and how a hundred people drop out of it you can play solo or you can play duos with a friend or you can even do squads and team up with four people taking the whole building down listening what makes for night great is it's available on PC Mac ps4 and Xbox one and the cool thing is if your friend plays on ps4 he can play with you on the computer if you're on the computer and he's on ps4 you can still play together which is just insane it also recently came out for mobile as well trust me guys some of the most fun I've had in my life is just squatting up with some of my friends and it's great that you can do cross-platform it's super convenient getting in the game a fortnight and just going on all night long it's free to play there's no excuses man it's linked at the top of description click it download it - guys I literally play this game every single day I love this game it's a lot of fun [Music] thank you there yeah thank you so much thank you sir thank you so much now have you named - thank you see ya zere's okay thank you that's it that's all you're doing no yeah thank you for us thank you push it all this is a good smoothie you guys should all get what the different cause and I promised you so mad to do that yes thank you see I thought I'd give one a shot hmm I dig it yeah there's another one of those yeah just throw some out doing some coke in there too so could you just do every softer a raw banana try this here thank you sir oh yeah no problem any day Cheers all right so we all just bought smoothies from this place yeah we're gonna go back in order more smoothies to give them more money this one was pretty bad but that one was good and then the obviously like yeah we like smoothies you know are you a waitress say yes yeah here you go yeah all right we got to go tip other waitresses appreciate keep on serving people well except tips yeah does it differ gimmicky it's too late I'm driving away I can't all right Jay colors were going in for round two you guys picked it okay well we're doing two under now did I just get some steamed rice and could you like put Mountain Dew in it thank you girl carrying Mountain here all right um yeah just some steamed rice thank you thank you I'm gonna ask a chicken throw away your trash for nothing do you wanna do some fun can you just recycle this it's expensive so if you could just put it in the recycling bin for me I'd appreciate it thank you [Music] Wow look at how happy these people are thank you so much epic games for sponsoring this video guys click the link in the description and download for tonight right now alright what do I wear those ones are my boots oh yeah you can just keep them it's cool real 1 2 3 that's that's boring thanks that's all to get $10 be sure we have so it's definitely enough probably no we run them in yeah like I know you're being sarcastic when our do you put a little penny in test if it's really yeah don't do that said you have two jobs yeah we're from five to three and then I come here and work from Florida whenever I get off alright we're just straight up to this lady a thousand bucks like what about like one more or like two more maybe three I see then we go for I mean you can share this with everybody here if you want ah see there's a six this is all gonna be resolved thousand bucks so yep yes since you've worked two jobs we thought hey she deserves to be Bob I hate [ __ ] I gotta say this was the best service I've ever gotten so we're just gonna throw another one can I get another water oh there you go hey thank you guys so much we try some of your favorite ice cream very good but we're not going to get anything and I got a reward amazing ice cream did you enjoy your ice cream oh I enjoyed it did he tip once that's weak I think we want to go fives you're gonna completely honest you vibes yeah dude come on now man I'm thinking like 20s I'm very honestly there's no way it's only worth $20 it's got to be 50 I'm gonna say $100 like right here to wonder [ __ ] second I thought it was really I say that you're it's like the best like literally the best Wow like best coffee the best coffee in the world we're at coffee right hey you take a personal coffee maybe can I get one grain of rice around please I'm trying to be healthy a big bowl okay one a grain of just one don't do too well I will not be happening one grain of rice [Music] [Applause] one more what would you like the tip up $100 no no take it thank you yeah I'm gonna freakin tip everybody in this restaurant that's if it's alright we film in here and just kind of tip everybody under watch you don't have to do anything my back was hurt nothing I'm back in the world my heart is beating all right alright guys that's it for this video make sure you download for night they're so gracious enough to sponsor this and I really appreciate it epic games thank you so much we were able to you know impact a lot of lives and I appreciate it epic games you guys should download them link in the description [Music]
Channel: MrBeast
Views: 13,483,228
Rating: 4.9165277 out of 5
Keywords: tipping waitresses 10000
Id: CWK6an4mYL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 30 2018
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