I Donated $30,000 To A Random Twitch Streamer (world record)

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The amount of times I've seen a streamer donated big money. Could be faked for views, Donator could also backcharge the funds. If it's legit though ... Enjoy the car.

👍︎︎ 42 👤︎︎ u/Nezerezen 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

Just cried more now than I have in the past year

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/bigE819 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

Looks like he has some next-level CPM. Good for him.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/lowkeydavinci 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

he has donated to "attractive" streamers... mental illness is crazy.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/lurkinsince07 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

Cool give 30,000 bones to someone who already makes some semblance of a living. There definitely isn't anything else you could do with that money to help those far less fortunate.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Snuffleupagas 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

Wow, I really should try it and hope for a win. With $30k I'd be able to pay off my house loan and not have to live paycheck to paycheck.

No mattter if there's backthoughts, sponsors etc. involved I think it was a really good thing to do.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/JustALittleAverage 📅︎︎ Feb 08 2018 🗫︎ replies
no surprisingly that title is not clickbait there's this one streamer that I really like called space line and we're just gonna drop a random thirty thousand dollar donation on them and just see how he reacts I mean how would you react if someone just gave you 30 grand you know hopefully he like cries or something I don't know but obviously I can't afford to drop money like this every day so today we have a sponsor and I'm gonna take the money that sponsor gives me and give it to him like is an app where you can make videos with cool forty effects I'm gonna have a video play right here I believe this is a father and his son and it was actually really well made but it kind of gives me like a vine vibe you could just like go on there anyone could become an influencer around there and basically like sponsored this video and if like didn't sponsor this video I wouldn't be able to give this random guy 30 grand and change his life so I really hope you guys in return support them by downloading their app I actually have an account on here is just mr. beast if you want to download the app and follow me I'll post a video or two up there who knows you know the more I use it I might end up liking it and you should definitely give it a try if you ever want to make a short video with cool forty effects on it it's a relatively easy way to do it here's my first post on the app it's me rubbing grandma's secret these are posts from other creators on the app I mean there's a decent amount of influencers on the app that you should make sure you download and check out and follow them and me but yeah that's that let's go donate this guy's some money alright guys so the streamer I'm gonna be donating to is this guy right here space line and I really like his streams I mean he's a really humble guy whenever he dies you know he doesn't really complain that much and whatever he does really well he doesn't really brag about it he just says GG and honestly I really enjoy his stream like I watched his dream well literally about an hour - every single day I I've really liked him so to sum it up I'm donating to this guy because I really enjoy his stream I think he's really humble and I suck at fortnight and would really like him to give me some lessons because he's one of the top players in the world and you know I want to get better so we're just gonna start off with a thousand dollar donation you know nothing crazy just slowly work our way in I love your stream keep it yeah this is only a fraction of what I'm gonna give him and he's probably gonna freak out dude I'm so excited oh boy alright I said I sent it let's see what he says I love your stream keep it up dad what are you doing what the hell what yo mr. veces donated a thousand dollars dude a thousand dollars oh my god mr. V's I'm gonna throw up see this is what I'm talking about he's such a guy thank you so much for a thousand dollar donation you love you Steve keep it up that dude like I keep telling you keep calling me dad but you're the road daddy thank you so much mr. B's holy [ __ ] that's it such a stupid amount to give someone who did that just all right let's do a round number two let's hit him while he's still freaking out we're to ease it up oh dude he's probably gonna freak out no problem I think you are a really well dude oh my gosh dude this is $5.00 dude he's probably about to lose it I'm so excited NP I think you are a really cool dude I should be happy dude dude thank you so dude thank you so much for $5,000 why would you do this much what $5,000 that's like my bank account this is just the beginning we're just getting started in bed I'm gonna give him another minute and then we'll drop a 10 grand ah this is so much fun Drive you ever need someone to carry in for tonight I'll try my best hell yeah dude let's play up there once he gets this donation what's even gonna do hi here we go boys we just did a $10,000 one but I could use a good carry did you guys see that buckets yes see that stupid mouth what the hell I'm gonna pass out I'm gonna throw up oh my god that's $10,000 plus 5,000 and another what do I do I felt we should wait a little bit before we hit him with the 15 bone see now you know why I donate it to him so yeah that's some good reactions out there that's quality content just don't need $60,000 all right way to do the last 14 he just donated $16,000 dude what's even gonna say are you kidding me this is the last one don't worry about it there's the last one got a good sponsor for this video I really like boy dude no not what works out I literally have a heart attack all right well I expected it spending for some reason I told him to check his PayPal no but because I wanted to get the 30 grand but for some reason the last 14 spending his face he just donated 15 thousand more dollars he put the name giant agent sticker gross but it's not just came out of my mouth oh my god thank you so much dude holy [ __ ] dude he it's like 3,000 viewers he had like 200 what I started with the far so there's this app called like they sponsored the video so we should probably push it really hard since they gave me so much money uh tell everyone to download like so everybody download like right is it like like yeah L I can't oh my god you thank you so much I'm lost for words your dude oh yeah let's play some all right so the big question what do you think you'll buy with it it's not what I did buy it I'm think I'm gonna be paying off my loans for school Oh my college loans yeah so I'll have to deal with it anymore you know you're a full-time streamer right yeah full-time now trying to be evolved toward you I did do you call it we got mr. piece on the squad teaching me senpai now I feel like I'm under pressure a lot of people you want the scale I'll give it to you all right so South he's like you vex you know all right behind yes yes an S&P we go up this ramp I'm about to build and look down oh you got this I believe in you all right other ones right on his dead body all right now it's blue hey that way I had a perfect view for that hey did you could call us good call it I feel like this is how the whole games gonna go you're just dying in the new city no no we're gonna be alive and we're gonna win together Jan you better not be making fun of me I'm insecure perfect yay no I don't not all of us get 30 K oh my god I don't want to not all of us get to give away 30 day I was like give away money like a lot of people say like go away you only do it for fuse and stuff but yeah it's like it's a lot of fun just to give random people money I'm just coming over here I just call you beast or mr. B's what would you rather run or call me these mister come on I got a campfire goodbye Eric wake and around the campfire song song hobby Patrick song song alright alright cuz I already know there's gonna be a million comments about it so the answer is you're gonna use it to pay off your student debt is that that's pretty much yeah all right there you go world like a fresh start take my girlfriend out to a nice dinner because she deserves it I don't know start youtube if you don't mind me ask I've been doing it since I was 13 so it's probably good oh my god that's a long time I'm still a teenager I'm 19 what mr. piece wait how old are you I've never actually thought about 19 oh my god you are so young yes are you like 22 or something I'm 24 geez yeah your stinky odor it's like people always have me alcohol and I'm like that's illegal I think he's inside where that loot is or it's close to it oh nice covers Coby oh [ __ ] oh my god alright we got we're gonna go we go yep you're Arby's calculated precision boys oh yeah well I think there's a team right here in front of us I'm just gonna build up Oh God that one nice make them dance baby oh I got shot from somewhere else up on the hill oh [ __ ] just keep building walls if you can nice nice wall behind you this guy's gonna come yeah what now you're gonna be a big streamer in a year are you know I are you sure let's have you keep getting lots of lives oh see why not that's the pressure though you know so waking up every day and expecting 15 to 20 wins for me it's really tough yeah I mean like yeah one bad day so like I don't know people just start watching it feels bad people a little streamer like me you know having less than hundred viewers you do one bad game you lose like almost half it's it's ridiculous is it for tonight such an amazing game though it really is like oh yeah I really don't like um h1z1 or Club G but the building aspect of this just makes it so skill based it's fun you think thumbnails are important at all for me yeah do something else are literally all that matters how do you do people have been telling me just use a pixel something pixel no I mean I can afford that now right it's mandatory boys you heard it here he must use some of the money - oh that means have to cut stream shorter and work on YouTube videos no sabemos thank you so much for that host dude holy moly everyone's just trying to make this the best day of your life yeah I'm really excited to upload this video I think it's gonna do really well awesome I'm glad I'm glad I hope it does really well man I hope for like sake it does really well it's gonna be like all negative likes it's like always Asian I actually a giant sticker of an Asian right behind me right now oh really what kind Asian whenever you watch the video this will be in it and see they all right miss apiece we got ice we got to tidy up and focus up wait I thought your Vietnamese hi I'm Vietnamese are you joking right oh my good but for casual players that you know just want to play the game for fun I could see oh my god Oh No [ __ ] off [ __ ] hell yeah I did something yeah everyone watching this video comment good job peace for doing something Veda how do you get online oh no it's one dude yeah I know I that's our goal we're gonna play till we win a game for the video and then I'll just cut up the video like we only played one game but one oh that's I could buy a streaming computer no I yeah we got it out of the wallet he's gonna pay off as he can do that and get a computer but I'm not sure how to do it I heard it's really easy we just connect like two HDMI cord both computers and once they're strictly for streaming and other ones just playing your game I had no clue that guy jumped over to our side my bad dude wait you know what I've noticed you're really like positive person you never like get mad oh no I get I get mad all the time just how could get mad at today you know yeah you know and you're mad you're still like a nice guy I want to see you mad one time if he ever gets mad chat clip it and send it to me yeah I swear quite often it's a bad habit saying I've been trying not this we're not swearing gets better ABS humming hey let's go over survey's even mister be alright Beast that's probably it slide I was taking so I just put you know people watching this video you must watch space like three times a week it's mandatory alright the bottom the top guys definitely see Bart it's so laggy man I'm sorry it's so bad right now that's the worst way to go I was just getting one shotted by like a sniper Falcon you can't counter play they got a really good shot on you I guess you could try to evade and it support really a for sabot there's people in front of us myself again cesium oh yeah him twice let's go mr. beast something I have ADD I feel like so judged right now because I spent us is it the number one players in my chat like hello like is mr. beast now also appreciating for nice rumors instead of emails hey I don't think people realize this too and those streamer videos I did males as well like the streamer the video title didn't have females in it like I did both gingers but everyone's like mr. beast where you donate the hot chick or female streamers it's really entertaining I like I did males too naked males at that I saw one really chubby dude no but I did do a decent amount but like their reactions weren't as good to be honest so I just didn't put them in how can you not react to see somebody giving you like so much money well those videos only did like three to four hundred but like yeah they're like thankful but like most the girls like only three or four thirty says hello all right compared to what I gave you oh my god I hit that one oh I hit him - oh you're these let's go I guess favoring doesn't work I feel like someone's gonna say need them oh no it's not building oh wait did I trap you I want to get hit by the grenades why's it taking so [ __ ] long please let me out oh my god let's go miss me I mean Beast [ __ ] I'll keep doing that the whole video oh yeah people building a Southwest right next to every 100 there's a trying to see where these guys are careful thought to be four to our kids these guys could get you thank somebody holy [ __ ] he's got to move around luck there's still Southwest do you went down the hill over none though oh my god they're actually getting shocking right now so we're good this is our game baby all these these open this thing nice you get the last kill you got that let's go mr. B's no he's like one shot hey chat - chat we won yeah be scary carry hard honestly guys I should only be seen be scary in chat
Channel: MrBeast
Views: 31,260,633
Rating: 4.9257598 out of 5
Keywords: giving random streamer 30k, twitch
Id: g2rbhIB-ITM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2018
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