I Don’t Think I’ve Seen Anything Dumber Than This

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today's video is absolutely insane now this is something that i don't think i've seen in a very long time we're gonna be talking about a bunch of motorcycle crashes and close calls i can't even give you an intro like this but here's the thing we have time stamps in the description so you can click those little chapters and scoot on through everything we do that for every video so if you like it make sure you hit that like button and comment below if you did like it either way let's get to class all right so we're moving on here always wheelie we're riding with a friend and whoa dude what's your problem there has to be more context of that that we're not being shown especially if his name is always wheely and we have a group of friends here so maybe we're just like being obnoxious uh either way that dude shouldn't be running out there's no there's no excuse for that you're gonna get hit you're gonna hurt somebody you're gonna damage things what are you gonna jump in front of a car no but we'll jump in front of motorcycles it's like what do you what do you think that's stupid either way let's let's not uh do stuff that might cause somebody to do that so that way they're always gonna be in the wrong i don't know this is really stupid that guy's a dumb dumb the hell's his problem all right so we're getting into here we have a side of the vehicle be very careful just switch lanes non-issue at that point don't get all angry yamaha fz09 canada right hey canada you guys are supposed to be nicer than that all right so here we go we're coming up to an intersection we should be prepped and ready orange stage we see the side of the vehicle right there we're still kind of far away don't give me that crap about how gopros make it look further than it is we're pretty damn far we're like 50 60 70 feet easily all we have to do is roll off the throttle we got engine braking kicking in we also could do some progressive brake pressure should already be decelerating if you can honk the horn you're fine move over a different lane move over move over move over move over there you go did your head check you're being safe now but you're gonna be mad at this person come on now all right so super bike discovery we're gonna ride and have a ton of fun going super fast going over 100 miles an hour or close to 100 miles an hour oh he had to fix his helmet because it was loose this is what you should have been done before getting on the bike or slow down and do it uh so we're gonna be riding i think we've already talked about this one before he's messing around with it so his focus is not on the ride itself it's on his helmet now we're gonna go ahead and get into here we lost our buddy so we're gonna try to catch up you notice how he's going 150 instead of 99 and now we couldn't anticipate the turn and do a good job with uh our advanced skills now we we've already talked about this one this one was an actual very bad incident a helicopter came in so if you want to check it out link will be in the description uh when the video comes up his shoulder was destroyed and his chest starts getting worse yeah i know because it's it's it's dislocated here so if you want to check that out link will be in the description on the rebroadcast of this or just look it up on my my channel all right so we're going to be going around uh and racing and riding with our friends a very high skill it looks like but the thing is if we push ourselves to 90 to 100 percent of our skill on a road like this if there's anything in the road or any factor that makes us have to do extra we don't have any extra to play with because we're doing 90 to 100 percent so that's what we got to worry about so that's why i like to ride sub maximally so we're riding 70 percent of our skill that leaves 30 left over for stupid things okay oh man what a rod thankfully he's got full gear that's the thing thankfully he's got full gear so i'm not gonna diagnose exactly what happened because i can't see looks like he might have went too fast too and then he started going wide probably got target fixated that's the only thing i could think of because he went wide on that and he's been doing good on these all these other things so a malfunction uh target fixated don't know [Music] video is fine on your guys's end okay on my end it looked like a little choppy chop chop so there you go you got you got double there you go ride sub maximally or land subbed optimally quote of the day mark quote of the day all right we're moving on with this one oh was that a deer [Music] i think this is gonna be a deer right here oh a little baby deer i was in the way little baby deer deer deer oh dear um can't do much about that if you hit it hopefully you can keep the bike up if you if you crash hopefully you got full gear deer and little kids do this kind of crap and that lady i guess from that previous whew real quick i'd like to say thank you to cardo for sponsoring this channel i'm actually using their cool little headset thingy thing so i could talk to my kids on their cardo pack talks make sure you guys grab yourself a cardo packtalk bold slim freecom whatever you want with the link in the description you get a discount anyways let's get back all right we're getting into here intersections are dangerous for everyone careful whoa whoa could not anticipate that why are you running out in traffic she looks like she's hurting though not much you can do though there's i don't think there's any external bleeding with that um that's gonna be all internal that's i hope that's not a broken hip um so here's the thing we teach our kids not to run into traffic uh why why are we running so they started yeah he even he even saw that the the rider with the camera so you're gonna see these people right here starting to run through traffic not smart not smart and it sucks that it took out a motorcycle rider either way not much you could do about that so if we're the motorcycle rider hopefully we have full gear nothing you can do about the pedestrian it's their emergency at that point it's their fault their emergency if they get hurt help them out if you can if you can't take care of yourself first yoink and got hurt so i'm concerned about his left leg i just don't like seeing people hurt let's just skip that all right so we're riding through here terrible road surface very sharp turn you see the chevrons good job slowing down good job good job see imagine going this fast you would have went off already oh uncommon thing in a common situation situationally where are you going to adapt great adaptation that's all that matters she's like i'm not looking at you great adaptation is that it all right so imagine going through this turn imagine going through this turn as at 60 okay so the cool thing is he did some slow press i say he but i mean the rider the rider did slow press and roll slowed down before the turn it was a decreasing rate it was a full almost like a one uh yeah no not 180. yeah 180. it's too early he actually did a good job so he's gonna go around this so he's gonna slow down good job typically this is where the turn ends and you keep going straight well the turn keeps going so imagine having to uh to fix yourself up for this turn so thankfully he's not going super fast if you had to go faster to get even more body position you have to actually be using trail braking you have to use all these advanced techniques to go faster on the turn like this we're not here for that so we're going to go over here as soon as he sees this lady in the car he's gonna go ahead and adapt okay planning a ride so position for safety we're doing what we can locate the hazard boom located as soon as we can adapt to it we just had to move a little bit of lane position so he did a great job that's one big scary thing for a corner thankfully did everything right all right so we're moving right here and we're doing some wheelies in the neighborhood with a bunch of friends kind of a dangerous area to do it especially if you're going too fast like this guy did a low side went a little too fast [Music] hopefully he's got gear he's going to go ahead and put himself up off his grom and you can kind of see he's got a little bit of tearing on his knee a little bit of abrasions right there so hopefully he's doing good the reason why i say it's a dangerous area to do it uh it definitely depends on time of the day you know if you do it first thing in the morning you have kids running around getting to the school and the bus stops around three to five to six you're gonna have people coming home kids are running around playing that's a big scary thing so i would be very concerned with this i would do this in a better area but just do nice nice chill riding in in a neighborhood all right all right so what's gonna happen here that's not a moto jacket oh we're gonna low side go wide we're going wide oh i think we hit a fence too hopefully she's doing okay there you go good lifting she knows how to lift is it i don't know either way the rider knows how to lift oh we got another view okay just too wide was that a barbed wire fence [Music] great job lifting though now if you have two people that's that's even better all right so we're gonna go too wide in the turn so that's exactly what happened went way too wide so remember do slow look press and roll slpr so we're slowing down before the turn so that we're not going too fast we can always add speed later we're going to go ahead and look through the turn so you're going to want to look where you want to go okay so if it's a blind turn so we should go slower if it's an open turn you can see really far we're constantly scanning back and forth so it's like a you know looking way over there looking over here looking over there looking over here looking over here you're doing this it's ratcheting of your vision and then you're going to go ahead you're going to press to initiate counter steering and then get a little bit of body position if it's warranted might not need it and then roll on the throttle to maintain it and then roll on even more when you exit out so we're going to get into here found the problem not using a rock form link's in the description for a discount anyways moving over we just went super wide and then hit the the fence and dumped the bike thankfully the rider was wearing gear not pants though so not moto pants um maybe i don't know some pants are like that i don't know if there's any armor in that hoodie i doubt it but they are wearing a helmet gloves and boots so that's that's good so this is what the turn looked like so right here i would be anticipating okay now i'm gonna start slowing down setting myself up for the turn look press roll and then roll out okay so what happened was we're going too fast too fast too fast oh crap oh crap oh crap and then went wide last thing i want to do is say oh crap oh crap will crap in the middle of a turn i want to add speed at the end i don't want to add a bunch here i'm not racing anywhere i'm enjoying look at the view is beautiful it looks amazing out here enjoy that all right moving on with this one and we got side of the vehicle right there coming up oh i didn't see that one great adaptation last second you couldn't really do much with that one because of the line of sight problem so we're coming in now this is one of those things i guess you're gonna have to start looking out for i mean i i talk about uh all these vehicles line of sight problems anybody want to come in her lane but i couldn't tell with the what we had where this really is so i don't know if there's an intersection i it looks like we're getting on like the interstate so i didn't really anticipate this anyways uh pay attention to this part right here it's going to get me smaller you can kind of see the side of the vehicle right there but you're looking through the turn you're not really anticipating that so here's the thing you practice practice practice practice or your habit your automaticity kicks in to where you do the right thing you're going to go into red stage okay you got a red stage maneuver action time you're actively engaged in emergency response without a panic so this is a great red stage maneuver so he actually navigated this threat as soon as he saw it good swerve and amazing he didn't rev bomb he didn't honk the horn he's like i can get myself out of here so he planned his ride really well he navigated the threat that he located great swerve he found the escape path hopefully this person is going to stop which it looks like they did or got into the lane okay cool now here's the thing i don't want this dumb dumb behind me so you go ahead and go i'll watch how dumb you do i don't want you done behind me in case you accelerate into me so that's what i would do but great job trip driver great job trip driver all right great swerve amazing swerve that was instinctual and automatic you want to get to that point through training training training guys if you like this kind of stuff we do this every tuesday and thursday on this channel at 3 p.m mountain standard time live so make sure you check that out but if you want to check out some other things like this video right here or this video right here please do so it supports the channel click that like button by the way check into class anyways i'll be seeing you around
Channel: DanDanTheFireman
Views: 281,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motorcycle rider training, motorcycle rider training program, new motorcycle rider tips, new motorcycle rider classes, new motorcycle rider crash, mistakes new motorcycle riders make, DanDanTheFireman, Motorcycle Training Concepts, motorcycle tips for new riders, motorcycle training videos youtube, online motorcycle class, Riding SMART, SMART Rider Principles, SMART Rider, Motovlogger Tips, Motovlog Tips, motorcycle riding tips for beginners, motorcycle training
Id: HsJ7OK6Cx8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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