I Died A Year Ago (I'm a zombie now) | This is my story

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Erobi24 📅︎︎ May 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name's Stacy I am 17 years old and I'm a walking corpse I died a year ago and it all started like this growing up my mom and dad weren't really there they were working day and night they'd come back from work and then just do a quick check up on me but that's it but I had an amazing relationship with my grandma she meant the world to me she was living with us and every time I'd come back from school we'd play Scrabble and she'd tell me these amazing stories about her life I remember that one evening she was telling me about the time that she ran away from home with a sailor and she nearly hopped on the boat with him to travel around the world he had so much passion in his eyes that's when you know a person's gotta have a great life you will have one too those are the last words she ever said to me because the next morning I woke up near her and found her dead her hands were cold she was white I was crushed it was the only person that I really loved in the whole world and she was gone I think that's when it all started I felt something in my mind click grabbed my car keys and decided that I'm gonna do it I'm gonna travel the world I'm gonna escape the hole I drove fast my eyes filled with tears and my heart beating so fast I didn't know what direction I was going in maybe that's why I made a sudden turn the last thing I heard was a loud car signal then white noise and darkness filled the atmosphere and I was gone but the true nightmare had just begun I heard loud shouting and screaming and arguing around me I opened my eyes and I was in a hospital bed I didn't really feel anything I felt numb everything around me seemed fake like it was a movie with horrible acting my mom turned to me and said are you stupid what were you thinking she kept shouting and shouting I'm pretty sure I heard words such as disgrace and disappointment in the mix I saw a doctor and a blur checking my vision a minor head injury she'll be fine he said I was led out of the hospital the next day I went to my room but nothing felt right I didn't belong there anymore as soon as my parents went to work I decided to walk around the city that's when I came across this one place that actually felt like home a cemetery I was walking around from tombstone to tombstone when I saw my name I kept looking at it rubbing my eyes double-checking but it looked real it was my tombstone I am dead this made so much sense why everything didn't seem real why I didn't feel anything why my body didn't feel like mine after this realization everything changed first of all I stopped eating because I didn't need any sustenance anymore I didn't go to school because I didn't see the point you don't think there are colleges and universities in the afterlife do you there are no consequences here after a week or so when I was hanging around in the cemetery my best friend Daisy kept calling me I finally picked up where are you we haven't seen you in weeks her voice annoyed me so I just said I slept with your boyfriend to get her off my back and hung up from that point she stopped calling me all of my friends stopped but I still had to suffer my parents at first when they heard about me not going to school they grounded me then took my phone my money my computer they were going crazy but if this is really my afterlife why does it matter the only thing I was really sad about was my grandma I kept thinking why can't I see her if we're both dead why is she not here so I decided to spend the night in the cemetery maybe it's a stupid idea but in movies the ghosts and zombies always walk around at night so I went there in the evening and sat in front of my grandma's and my own tombstone suddenly I felt so weak maybe I wasn't supposed to be walking around maybe I'm supposed to be underground I even smelled everything rotting inside of me I put my hands in the ground and fell asleep and that could have been the end of me but my mom found me there and at this time she wasn't angry she was incredibly scared from what she told me I was starving myself to death I was laying on my grandma's grave muttering something about death she drove me to the doctor's office the room was spinning the doctor kept interrogating me with all these stupid questions the doctor whispered with my mom for a few minutes and her face turned white he stood next to me and told me what was actually wrong with me I couldn't believe it I had cotard's syndrome otherwise known as a walking corpse syndrome I wasn't really dead something in my brain just wasn't working anymore all these things the smell of my rotten flesh the name on my tombstone they were all just hallucinations so I started therapy and I'm taking medication it wasn't easy at first because sometimes I'd feel like it was all pointless I'd still feel like I was dead until this one amazing person came into my life I met him in the waiting room of my therapist he was struggling with some stuff - he smiled at me and told me that it's really strange that I feel dead because he sees so much passion in my eyes maybe he reminded me of my grandma but I fell for it instantly Brody taught me how to dream he was like the sailor in my grandma story he inspired me to find something that I want to do with my life and after a year of therapy and his loving heart I finally did right now I'm packing my stuff and preparing for my three-month long trip throughout Africa I finally feel like my grandma was right I will have an extraordinary life not only because I will reach my dreams but because I rose from the dead I'm born again and this time I'll make it count did you like this story don't forget to Like comment and subscribe to dear diary as we post new stories every week
Channel: Dear Diary
Views: 3,695,622
Rating: 4.6256475 out of 5
Keywords: animation short film, short animation, animation, animated channel, actually happened, actually happened stories, pain, problems, stories, story, storytime, true stories, parents, strict, strict parents, control, total control, horse, horse riding, rehabilitation, rehab, will, ereditary, eredit, family ties, skeleton in the closet, family secret, secret, letter, condition, grandmother, confused, complicated, illness, cotard delusion, animated short film, animated short films, cgi animated short film
Id: JhVikWkav88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 43sec (403 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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