$400 Halong Bay Luxury Cruise πŸ‡»πŸ‡³ WAS IT WORTH IT?

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Today guys we are going on a Luxury Cruise we're in Halong Bay spending 3 days two nights on a $400 per person Cruise we're with the American Entourage just behind us say hello guys so they our friends for this evening we're heading out to the boat so we have made it to the harbor you can see all of these boats just along here it was Mike right yeah so Mike is my new best friend for this trip we're going to be drinking buddies and the assistant captain assistant Captain so we're going to take a boat out to our ship yes four people oh next one next one okay oh beautiful hello my friend come on all right so we are taking this little boat here you can see we got the live jackets we we are approaching the dragon engine right now you can see got the ship just over here on my friend hello they're all waving us to us actually you can see there's actually some very big cruise ships just along here as well inow all right we've made it guys I think we can hello I can come just on there there all right okay come on through here this side this side okay all right so we've got another boat joining us we got Mike you right Mike hey all right is asro Turf Gra this is the inside of the boat H Sin Sin upstairs okay let's head on upstairs guys same way oh same way we go this way as well this is where people are staying on over here okay thank you all right so this is a very cool ship not a boat I don't think it's a boat I think it's a ship this is the dining area uh so at first on behalf of the captain and I myself K two guy we are very happy to welcome all your and please take the welcome dream and say cheer happy holid day Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers please me uh do you know how to VI now okay follow me more say okay yeah follow me I love whiskey it's like ginger tea we have just got our room keys I can't wait to see this room cuz like can't imagine what a room looks like on a boat oh wait okay it's open wow wow wow wow check this out so bright massive bed I wasn't expecting there to be such a big bed yeah on this ship and then you've got like a Japanese style feel to it and I think the best part which I've noticed is the view check that out right by the water of course we're on a boat but uh it's nice that we can just wake up here and we have the view of the ocean and take a shower or have a nice like buff oh wow that's so cool and there's a window here and actually you can like yeah if you just sneak in you can see the water just there oh you can actually yeah do the honors Carolina this is the view this is the view as we pulling up you can open the windows oh we can open the windows maybe not oh not not too much I think uh oh you can open it a little bit oh a little bit yeah that's very nice that is beautiful and actually you have I was not expecting so much space but like you can see there a very big shower and we have a toilet um we're not sharing we're not sharing some closet space just behind me we're not sharing the bathroom or anything with people it really feels like a a hotel room but you're on the boat $400 per person for 3 days and two nights yeah looks very good value for money so far you know what you want to show the funny thing is if you actually rewind and you go back to when I came off the small boat onto the ship you'll see Jay entering a big boat with his life West on I was about his backpack I was so excited and I was just filming I forgot about my backpack and I had the life jacket on and I was literally walking on the ship amongst the other tourists and the staff and they must be thinking what on Earth is this guy doing that's why you H me and Karolina came off and I was like where's Carolina and she comes with this backpack that I have on but I cannot wait to explore more of this ship but also we have a bunch of activities to show you one of you guys so we have sailed over to by two Long Bay you can see this is the Bay Area just over here it is less touristy than how long bay there is a lot less boats and that's why Indochina junk the company that we're going on this cruise with has taking us here right now we're going to be heading to the bong viang fishing Village everyone else is getting on these boats just over here you can see there couple people on these boats paddling out and they're going to take us around the bay to the other side of here other side of the bay uh where they have the fishing Village you see they're pulling up here and uh people lining up what do you have to say the views are amazing like uh I can't wait to be next to the surface of the water because I think that the perspective will be even more beautiful and I love how like the water has like a green kind of I don't know if it's cuz my sunglasses are got on right now but I love the color of the water very inviting and uh what was that we have to be in a group of four he yeah you guys do you mind we're like vlogging we all good is that okay yeah awesome all right we are boarding our little paddle boat there's maximum four to five people on the boat yeah and this is the one look hello hello she tried waving but she's uh paddling along I feel bad and we have to queue up so Caroline you'll be on first look at the view here guys absolutely beautiful the water the bay the rock formations go one all right one by one one by one one by one two by two two by 3x3 3 by okay whoa it's going to like it's like moving it's like moving okay we can sit down okay so this is my we got life jackets on but mine's broken so hopefully uh we don't conc capsize got our uh lady on the back just rowing along and uh the temperature is actually pretty cool cuz in the north of Vietnam uh it's a lot cooler especially for this time of the year it's January and it's apparently the best time to come here because it's a dry season but it's uh let me check like sunshine you there's not super amounts of sunshine it is chili that's where we're wearing a jumper so um expect that kind of temperature around this part of the year it shows me 20Β° but it feels cooler because of the water prob we actually connect to the internet actually out in the bay yeah where are you guys from uh we're from North Carolina North Carolina awesome cool what about you I'm from the UK I'm from Poland so we are like YouTube vloggers we just travel around and keep going are you just fulltime travel full W and that's why we're holding up the GoPro so we have made it on to land and actually we just got taught a little bit about this fishing Village that they overfarmed the fish here um probably because there was uh yeah lots of people in this fishing Village just wanting to fish as much and cause some issues so what they they have started to do now is oh my God they're so big wow they are fishing so they're farming the fish as you can see here and they are absolutely massive fish um and so either side I feel like in here these nets you can see they probably Farm the fish kind of put them all along here and it kind of stops their over fishing kind of problem but everything is super clean uh and the reason being is in the past they would uh throw a lot of rubbish or plastic out and the the current would just take it away and they would be like okay it's gone but actually now uh they are paying a lot more attention to Mak keeping it clean making sure that they're not uh doing that because um the basically a large part of the income now for them comes from tourists from tourism uh you can see they are paddling the boats out I think it costs uh a fee and that's how they make some of the money for bringing us tourists to this area but it's very very beautiful pristine water you got the uh hello you got the boats uh the people just chilling out here and you can see this is more of the bay very beautiful very very beautiful there you go oh we getting off actually first I think before we wo W sorry it's okay all right thank you all right that's all right I think we can give all right come on so they bring you out to a oyster Farm where they show you how they uh produce the pels and they do the oyster farming they bring you over to this area here they have these oysters on display um just over here you can see the these are the pills inside of these over here they actually probably just pop them back in um that's why they got the Rope there and then you have a little bit of a demonstration just over here and see a little bit of a demonstration and they actually over here they open up the oysters to show you the oyster meat inside and also there was a pearl inside but it was like a imperfect uh pel so they just use it for like medicinal purposes and then they do have a shop of course with some tourist places and tourist destinations um they want to kind of profit from their activities and so I did actually see someone buying some of the pills just over in this uh shop just over here where Carolina is have you spotted the pearls how much are they do you know I have no idea so one BRAC is 27 million D wa so uh could you get the currency converter out so this uh one here with a pear and the kind of bracelet yeah is 27 million2 million so we're using the curreny converter right now it comes out to oh almost 1,000 it's 1,000 over $1,100 us so they uh definitely uh make probably a decent amount from the toist coming here cuz I saw over here someone was actually purchasing a PE probably like a PE necklace or some kind of jewelry hello I can show yeah yeah I can show you I can come inside yeah all right so this is the kitchen yeah is the kitchen we're getting ready for dinner right yeah and this is like the vegetables for macal fish there's a lot of fresh seafood from long beautiful you want to show us something else what else what else can you show oh around here yeah okay all right so this is the hello fin ah the prawns wow look how big these prawns are very very big you see they massive prawns just over there and then uh Chef this is a fish fish okay so he's frying deep frying the fish smells very good okay come on ah they've also got some meat because I am not eating too much Seafood so okay bye-bye bye-bye byebye bye bye Carolina is having a look at tonight's menu what is on the menu Carolina I'm really excited because we will start we mixed green salad and then we'll go through main courses so it's going to be oyster omelette pink traditional ma they grilled oysters how do you eat these oh my God give her it all right Che fresh seafood oh very good they are very nicely seasoned you saw them raw prawns earlier guys look is a king prawn it's massive Carolina is going to Dell dehe head yeah and she's not really used to it yeah yeah I'm not really used to these type of things it's all new to me but first of all we are going to remove the remove the tail yeah yes and I think the head maybe the head is look at the concentration on that face I'm actually there you go I can't believe wow look how much meat there is I think that I would use the sauce oh yeah there some kind of uh what sauce is that that is a carrot carrot sauce let try it so good thank you so much this is the non Seafood option it looks like I've got uh some kind of looks like pork with some spaghetti I have got a goose kind of on a hot Skillet and Carolina's got the fried mackerel you saw in the kitchen earlier on sizing plate and actually we have some kind of pancake rice kind of paper that you can wrap everything with the vegetables and uh it's interesting that they serve goose meat I was not expecting Goose meat but you can see this beautiful kind of goose meat with uh there's some like chili some some peppers smells very good but the kolina is just wrapping adding a little bit of everything or you can dip it into your fish sauce actually yeah so I've got a non-fish sauce I don't mind eating fish sauce but I think they were just being precautious because of seafood allergies good my favorite Vietnamese dessert I didn't know this was going to be on the menu I saw caramel and fresh fruit but this is B flam uh one of my sweet treats especially when I was in Saigon let's give this a [Applause] go somebody is the my favorite part of the meal ah we got the American Entourage doing some squid fishing have you caught any squid yet wow you see the squid there yeah I've never seen a live squid like that before have you kolina no I didn't Carolina's disgusting what's your name uh my long long long long long okay long I am an engineer engineer yeah oh wow so long was saying that you just go up and down with the Rocks yeah this is good there and hopefully we can catch squid yeah how long did it take to catch a squid about a 2 hour two 2 hours and how many is there yeah three three so it takes a long time yeah okay we might be here all night catching some breakfast stay tuned until we catch one 40 minutes later and we haven't caught any squid it's much harder than I thought so I think I'm going to call it quits and we'll see you guys early tomorrow morning good morning guys right now I'm going to give you a boat tour just woken up and we have such a beautiful view here in the bay kind of a misty mysterious Vibe and I just love the color of the water but right now there is taichi happening just up there but I'm going to show you up here first so we go up here we're here earlier in the the video we're having a ginger tea in the evening time and we can see more of the view you can see people just doing taiichi just over there and uh there's a man on the front of the the ship got a swimming pool just over there it's a bit too cool the temperatures that's where I'm wearing a like a jumper so jumping into the pool is not the most inviting at this time of the year in January you can see beautiful views and I think I'll go up there and show you guys without being too intrusive go up here morning very nice staff here very good crew going to be quiet [Music] here it's got taii happening just here [Music] so got taii happening behind us very relaxing boring so we got the there some lounges so you can just enjoy the view coffee in hand and uh I think I can actually go all right it's a bit of a dead end to be honest I'm going to do this without any [Music] cuts that was pretty funny to film a little bit awkward but uh so you got a like bathroom area here in the morning they're serving coffee morning so they got coffee just over here hi and uh I think we're getting ready for breakfast this is the dining hall which we had lunch and dinner in and it looks like we got some breakfast which we'll show you later on but it's more of a dinner was I would say more focused on seafood and the breakfast is more like focused on traditional Vietnamese um I think we can actually just go down here so you have the bar area so you can order whatever you want over there and then either show them your room key or tell them your number and then you off and you're getting your drinks this is the area where people are staying in so all the way along here you have rooms and we have we're staying right below this room uh this floor so we are on this floor three floor two and all the rooms are beautiful like we've shown you and they've got stairwells going down over here and we can actually come towards the front of the ship I haven't actually been over here before it should be interesting this looks like this might be the where the anchor I think the this is for the anchor I would say so this is going right down there I'm pretty sure we're anchored up right now so they did that yesterday and just uh yeah positioned us here on this beautiful kind of Bay Area so nice even if it's not Sunny just nice to have a nice fresh air and Breeze is a bit of massive contrast to Hanoi which is just chaos and traffic and still beautiful in its own way but this is this is real Beauty I would say and you've got a I think it's a dragon I'm I'm guessing it's a dragon head on the front of the ship makes sense dragon legend so I don't know what's at the end here it might be just a dead end it's the back of the ship ah it's not just a dead end you've got some gym equipment these are the boats they are Towing behind us so that they get us around to smaller locations like the fishing Village um today we're going to be going kaying around a national park it's going to be super beautiful that's probably the activity I'm looking forward to the most just being out on the kayak and getting some fresh exercise and just seeing beautiful views so basic gym and uh let's see where we head to next so they do have signs to show you where to go to so you can go upstairs to restaurant and bars let's actually go down downstairs see what's happening in the kitchen I like to pop into the kitchen now again and say hi you the C hello so they're getting ready for breakfast right now water the fresh fruits and vegetables cow morning good morning morning so they're frying up in there you go is the beef yeah that is the beef oh the beef wow beautiful for the F for the F for the F oh yes beautiful F long long he was on he CAU the squids yeah okay squid squid squids yeah he's the master of squids hello he's chopping the vegetables just over here let me go over here all right so you've got beautiful fresh H up hello ah squid squid so they're uh getting ready for breakfast you can see oh look King PRS wow very big and then you've got the squid okay come on all right so they've got uh everything ready I'll leave them in peace again this is the back of the ship where you have the the boats we were squid fishing just over here yesterday didn't catch anything cuz it actually takes a long time so someone's just come back from taii yes I loved it like basically with the music like doing the taichi on the rooftop deck realizing that you're in such a beautiful scenery perfect morning and now it's time for breakfast we are set up by the window so we have good lighting and we can head over do you want to choose what you want for breakfast good morning wow so you going to have omelets so you going to have uh tomato pepper spring onion onion wow beautiful and you got some banana cake oh it's banana cake oo that looks good and then bread and uh I think we're also having some f some f oh the F's over there I'm going to show you that first okay all right and then over here we have the fur sow good morning so this is the oh hello h uh so this is the fur you got chicken and beef and good job Carolina and this is uh the the broth bro yeah okay should we start off with uh maybe the eggs with the eggs okay actually know let's start off with the broth let's go with the broth so I'll you'll have chicken yes I will one chicken one beef and okay okay you okay we're just going to film this here all right so you've got the beautiful broth this is the chicken fur chicken fur that's one and then we have some condiments we can take with us to add to it some chili some lime perfect and this is the four of beef beautiful okay I'm going to make my way around to our table it's getting very busy for breakfast so we just wanted to sneak in early just so that we could show you guys what uh we're having and yeah the view while we're having breakfast look at that guys look at that okay we have chicken and beef beautiful comeing so the way to do it guys is to grab some of this lime just over here give it a little bit of a squeeze of lime and if you are feeling like you want a bit of a kick you can add some of the chili but for me in the morning chili is not my favorite all right guys so this is the fur you can see you got beautiful pieces of beef and it's actually very nice at in the morning time because it's a little bit cooler so you have the nice uh kind of warm soup you got the rice noodles there you've got some coriander in there not the biggest ban of coriander but I don't mind it sometimes in uh F you can see let's give this a go need to blow on it to keep it cooler because otherwise it's going to burn my mouth oh God that's so good Carolina yeah yeah yeah I've been missing my after last night's dinner I really appreciate Vietnamese food especially when it's Seafood but um you have a beautiful broth hey okay guys they are making the fresh omelets just over here you can see absolutely beautiful they got all the fresh kind of vegetables and condiments oh they got fried eggs as well over here so you can get fried eggs Sun Sunny Side Up good work Chef good work so we're going to get to our table right now we've ordered two omelets with pretty much everything me no tomato see breakfast scene is absolutely buzzing after Tai Chi and I'll bring you over here we can show you we can get some get some water some juice it's uh for I think this is going to be like orangee juice spill a little bit give this a go so very nice start to the morning with the beautiful view just over here whil we're tucking into F and lovely omelets and uh let's give this a go see what this is like nice fresh just like regular orange juice not freshly squeezed but still very refreshing so just jumping in perfect there we go beautiful beautiful my friend there we go bye long bye all right there we go you'll be fine just uh there we go all right let's get away from the boat you can do it Carolina keep puddling it's hard is like after about 20 minutes half an hour of doing this your shoulders and your arms are very tiresome we're going right now through this kind of adjacent Cliff faces let's put some power into car we got do in syn okay there we go one big ones big ones vertical there we go and the weather's changed a little bit it looks like it could possibly rain it looks like kind of Stormy Misty weather we're coming in see how smooth this one is keep paddling keep paddling there we go coming aboard and I'm just talking rubbish there we go beautiful there we go that won't move so we're on this kind of private beach just for just a while while people swim and the sea is a little bit chilly for us so I've seen some reactions like it's absolutely freeezing but uh I guess we can just dip our feet in and see what it's like see it's very nice Sandy Beach W it's uh what temperature you think this is maybe 20 maybe 18 it's not like when we were in Kang we're in Thailand in the sea it was super warm like almost like a bit like a Jacuzzi yeah this one is refreshing this is more like like an ice bath but some people definitely enjoying themselves and uh it's just nice to be here nothing much to say other than just enjoying just enjoying life all right thanks guys all right we have made it to the beach for a barbecue got the American Entourage over here you ready for some barbecue this scy is beautiful we have got our table for two just over here very very beautiful I like how they've got everything set up I saw we were in our room and they actually um they flew past while we're in our room on the boat getting set up for what we're about to experience I'll take you over to Chef hi chef hi this is your kitchen yeah this is a a cave kitchen this is this is so amazing yeah so the food is ready to put on the uh the grill yeah on the wow look at this guys so they've got kind of made up barbecues the charcoals hot hot very H everything is covered so it's going to be a surprise yeah it's a surprise but I can see some veggies there's some vegetables at the bottom yeah all right yeah right thanks Jeff be careful oh yeah yeah there Rock there when I'm holding the GoPro I'm just so unaware of my surroundings the coconuts have arrived thank you so much wow this is the best combination being on a beach and drinking coconut all right let's get this a go lighting over here it's it's like peeled yeah coconut let this go oh yeah super sweet very refreshing you you're on a beach you have to have a coconut looks like they're unwrapping the foil oh wow is this squid uh chicken wings oh it's chicken wings yeah chicken wings and this is the pork rib pork ribs oh that looks so good that looks so good you can see guys the Barbie is in full swing they're using these kind of like clums to cook evenly the meat looks so good smells really good the flavors they've marinated all the meat very well very good flavors yeah and then they've got some uh this is uh small prawns and the King prawns wow and this is beef or duck duck ah is it like goose is a goose okay duck is it a duck or Goose goose Goose goose Goose goose cheers guys so the goose I had yesterday putting some on the Barbie hey guys hi and we're back again yeah so we have cans because no plastic yeah right no plastic on the beach yeah right so this is actually mineral water for show about the paper the plastic don't show just so paper uh cans and glasses and can I have a look inside of the cooler yeah is that okay and this is where all the drinks are you got some beers I'm guessing some uh beer sh ring how long suff oh you got your own beer here yeah local beer local beer and then the you got some hinin they not option for your choice and uh some soft drinks yeah awesome and then you got some fruits I got to be careful of this rock here all right thanks guys so all set up for the barbecue you got drinks you can have some alcoholic drinks beers gin and tonic and uh oh the meat I love that the fact that there's a lot of meat not there's actually not so super amounts of seafood I saw on there but uh we're on this beach hey and uh actually private beach you can see so we got some very delicious salad can is very happy with that and I got a non sea food option looks like some kind of pork meat and uh they're bringing around the seafood beautiful this is the king prawn wow look at that the CR was on a stick it was very difficult to remove it but now we are doing the same thing like we did yesterday let's get rid of the head yeah let's get rid of the head beautiful meat some hands and we are peeling the prone like this you got to Dell it yeah yeah oh still quite hard so I've got my meat here first I'll let Carolina shell and we also got advice to eat it with this uh I'm just dip it it's like a chili sauce cheers wow is it very succulent I very tender mhm it's very nice because it's barbecued so I can taste a difference but it's yeah very suent I think you should try it does it taste like fishy or a little bit okay let me try it I'll give it a go usually I am not uh eating Seafood but let's give us a go I'm going to dip it into that sauce good not fishy at all the chili sauce is kind of overpowering the flavors of the prawn I would say but it tastes yeah it tastes just like meat really can you guess guys what's this one it's massive yeah it's uh it's a chicken wing but I think that's like the Wing part and that's like just above it so it's like a I've never seen a chicken wing that before but it's fresh off the Barbie I'm just going to give this a go straight away it's like huge M the meat's really kind of moist is it seasoned somehow I think so [Applause] Marin it's like a very light marinade it gives it a bit of flavor don't know how to explain it just kind of some kind of curried flavors going on but it's very nice there's a lot of meat on there so this going around all the table basically fresh from the barie see just behind you just behind you like they are if you just show right behind go a little bit fter perfect yeah such a good service so they brought over what looks like I think some kind of state um this is the non Seafood option and we've also got a very juicy pork rib come a little bit closer Carolina while I'm eating this and this looks like it's smothered in garlic try this out oh yeah good and today is our final day on the boat it has been an absolute pleasure to be on the Dragon Legend and I want to say a big thank you to Indochina junk for sponsoring this trip if you're going to be coming to Vietnam if you're going to be going to halong Bay definitely check this one out the thing that sted me was how authentic this trip was there was not like a ton of boats and a ton of tourists kind of you know imposing on your trip everyone was just having a great time on the boat you made some great friends and ate delicious food and there was lots of great delicious food Seafood meat if you not a seafood lover like me but anyways guys we hope you enjoyed this video do not forget to subscribe and we'll see you guys in the next video there we go let's start Ping cuz we're falling behind let's go
Channel: Jayesh Chhaya
Views: 20,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jayesh chhaya, travel vlogger, backpacking, Vietnam, halong, Halong travel vlog, luxury cruise Ha long bay, Vietnam food, Vietnamese food, food in vietnam, first time in Hanoi, Vietnam travel, Vietnam vlog, explore vietnam, Vietnam trip, why we love vietnam, best cruise in ha long bay, less touristy cruise ha long, bai tu long bay, indochina junk, Halong Bay vietnam, best cruise vietnam, luxury cruise vietnam, cruise vlog, best ha long bay cruise, kayaking ha long bay
Id: XNx-cLvg0_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 27sec (2367 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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