I Didn't Give My Twin Brother My Kidney Because He Had An Affair With My GF

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i didn't give my twin brother my kidney because he had an affair with my girlfriend and then outed me as bisexual cast me equals ryan brother equals sebastian mum equals mum dad equals dad sister equals jane best friend equals i sack cousin equals kai baxter bin cow equals girlfriend husband equals daniel i ryan and my twin brother sebastian have never been close in fact he made life hell growing up and my parents didn't help by playing favorites getting him better stuff on our birthday only going to see films he liked at the cinema and giving him extra money for housework despite us doing the same amount of work he would always put me down belittle me bully me with his friends at school break my stuff and his then blame me and was just a pain in general growing up the only people i knew to rely on was my older sister jane my cousin can i and best friend isaac who all knew what an awful person my brother was anyway cut to when i was 17 and i had my first girlfriend someone i loved very much we didn't want to make love because she wanted to wait till her 18th birthday to lose her virginity but it turns out that she was having an affair with my brother behind my back for half the time we were together and only got caught when it was revealed she was pregnant i was crushed she knew how much i hated my brother and she saw some of the awful things he did to me but she still went and did that cheating is bad enough but to do it with him of all people i punched him in the face and broke his nose and made him lose a tooth but according to my parents i'm the one in the wrong and now we have to help this girl who is carrying my brother's child and have to help support them my brother then said he had no intention of being a father and told my girlfriend to get an abortion she then ran out of town and i never saw her again don't know if she had the baby or aborted all i know was that she was gone and my folks were still praising my brother as the golden child i was still the black sheep and failure as usual another year goes past and i and my brother still despise each other but i had started dating again was a long while but i found someone found a boy i liked i'm bisexual and this new guy daniel i had met at college caught my eye he was deaf and i studied sign language out of boredom so we got talking and things just seemed to click we'd ate fall in love bring him to my friend isaac's party to introduce him to friends and all feels great at this point the only one who knew i was bi was isaac but one day walking into a cinema holding my boyfriend's hand i bump into my evil twin he points laughs and says some homophobic remarks i tell him to go f himself and i'd go see a movie with my arm around my boyfriend when i got home after dropping my boyfriend home i knew i'd be facing something as i walked through the front door i saw both my parents on the sofa my mother crying about how on earth could she have given birth to someone so disgusting was it too much to hope she saw the light and was talking about my brother but nope she was talking about me and how i'm a stain on our family's mane my father gets up to yell at me spout homophobic remarks and slurs at this point i see my brother up the staircase with a crap-eating grin on his face he then comes down and says he's uncomfortable with sharing a room with a guy and my folks kick me out there and then with what little clothes and money i had i went to isaac's house and his family took me in where i stayed for six months actually experiencing familial love and affection and i sacks mother and step that i consider my own parents now eventually i daniel and isaac all get a two-bedroom flat together and all is good for the time being so cut to december last year me and my boyfriend now husband daniel are married isaac was my best man my sister and cousin can i walk me down the aisle i have a brilliant job in graphic design have my own house by the sea and life has never been better however i got a call from my sister that my brother was in the hospital i hadn't thought about him that much over the nine year period since i was kicked out but being reminded of his existence brought up a lot of painful memories for me i was told by my sister that sebastian wanted to see me and that it was urgent so i went to the hospital he was in and met my sister outside the front entrance i asked her what this is all about but she doesn't tell me and that i need to ask my twin so i arrive to where my brother is who have my parents at his side and my folks actually look happy to see me as if what they did to me hadn't happened and sebastian also looked really pleased to see me it's safe to say something was off eventually i asked what's going on and why was i even here to which my brother tells the family to leave us to alone he looks so weak as before he used to intimidate me so much he told me that he was dying from kidney failure and has been for the past few years but now he didn't have long left i knew immediately where this was going he then said he always regretted that we never got along at which point i told him no he looked confused and asked what i was on about so i simply told him i wasn't going to donate my kidney to save him he looked as if i had just pooped in his food he then went on about how bad the situation was and that he really was sorry for all the things we did to each other growing up like excuse me we did to each other i told him that i just wanted a brother growing up that cared for and loved me who wouldn't try and break me every day for 18 years he then called in our mum and dad and told them that i wasn't going to give up my kidney they then started to spout off that i owed them for my existence and that i have a duty to look after my family i asked them where that duty was when they kicked me out of the house or where that duty was every time my brother gave me a black eye or their duty was to look after their grandchild when sebastian decided he didn't want to be a father i said for all the things he's done from outing me to having an affair with my girlfriend and abandoning his child that this was the universe's and my way of finally giving back what he ditched out to bite him in the butt i then turned around and walked out of the room having that be the last time i ever saw sebastian again not sure why they'd want a gay's kidney anyway i walked past my sister who gave me a look i gave her a look back who then in turn gave me a look that said i understand after leaving the hospital i felt as if a great weight had been taken off my shoulders i went home and never looked back pleased with my decision last week i get a call from my sister calling to inform me that sebastian had died she asked if i was okay and i said i was that i didn't really feel anything in all honesty she said she understood to a degree as sebastian hadn't been all that kind to her over the years either i had my husband and isaac there to support me honestly at this point isaac may as well be our adopted child since he's living with us till this whole situation with the world is over the next day i was getting calls and texts from family members i hadn't spoken to in years telling me that i'm going to hell for being a bad son being a bad brother and for being a gay and that i and my husband don't deserve children hubby and i have been looking into adoption and surrogacy this makes me second guess my choice of not giving my brother my kidney even in death is making things harder for me i did wonder if i was a bad person and if i made the wrong decision but i knew that if i was in that position i would have been left for dead screw him other bits of information that may clear things up his renal failure was from living a hardcore lifestyle of drugs and alcohol my folks and sister did get themselves tested to see if they are matches and none of them were i disowned them of being my family years ago apart from jane so when i got married i took my husband's last name and hyphen it with isak's last name to which his folks were very pleased about some family k's folks and my dad's brother have actually called to see how i'm doing and say they don't judge me for what happened others however have continued with said abuse whom i have now blocked if he had been a good brother throughout my life i'd have done it without a second thought i'd have done the same for jane can i i sack and my husband but i felt he didn't deserve it it's unlikely i'll ever see my parents again and i'll make sure my children will never meet them my revenge to them will be being a better parent than they ever were standing up to my workplace bully led to unforeseen consequences let me start this one out by saying that i fully intended to seek revenge on the person in this story but the aftershock of the eventual confrontation is what led to the aforementioned consequences rather than by my direct actions i work in the uk for a large technology company doing software support i'm part of a team that has members all over the world i've been in this job for around 10 years and other than the major issues i've had with this guy i truly enjoy my job when i started with the company i wouldn't say that i was green i had about seven years of industry experience under my belt i was definitely inexperienced with the company but the job that i had been hired to use technologies that i was more than comfortable with the point i'm trying to convey here is that i wasn't completely oblivious to all of the applications supported by our company everyone in my team around 30 of us was very nice and was very keen to help except for shane shane is probably what you'd term as the team guru about five years from retirement part of the office furniture metaphorically as we are all home workers he'd been with the company for nearly 40 years everyone labeled shane as the only guy to go to when you were truly in a bind when i was initially starting out i did indeed find that shane was highly knowledgeable and more often than not had the answers to whatever obscure questions you might have things were great and our team tipped over nicely i got to know the rest of the team well over the phone over time too and my best friend was a woman named mel she was of a similar age and experience level to shame and in my opinion was just as knowledgeable as him one day mel and i were on a brief call chatting about a work issue when we got to shooting the breeze for a while we talked about ourselves and also the team i'd said that i hadn't met anyone face to face yet and that was when she told me she'd once met shane in person a couple of years ago they are both based in the us i'm in the uk and both got invited to a tech conference in new york she told me that he has serious health issues due to his weight around 450 pounds and when he was home was often on oxygen and medication his plan was to ride things out until he was able to take early retirement so that he didn't need to worry about paying for his medical insurance anymore that sounded like a reasonable enough plan to me and we were soon talking about something else the issues started about two years into my tenure with the company we started moving in a new direction with what applications we were going to be offering to customers and towards that end we were trained in a bunch of new stuff i saw this as a great opportunity and equalizer if no one on our team had any experience with this new software then i would be on equal footing with everyone this went well for me and i put a lot of time and effort into learning as much as possible shane didn't show much interest in the new stuff he continued to spend most of his time with the legacy tools in team meetings you could clearly tell he was getting pissed off that his status as a guru was gradually becoming more and more meaningless this wasn't anything personal we work in software you have to adapt in order to remain competitive as time went on it was becoming clear to the team how much work i was putting in and i was well on the way to becoming the go-to guy for the new software during this time shane would start sniping at me for anything he could plausibly manage for example if i was late to a team meeting because a customer call over anne he'd make sure to interrupt whatever was being said to comment something like oh look opie has bothered to grace us with his presence even though he'd been guilty of the same in the past things like ml chains too almost anything i sent out that included him and our boss on an email he would reply with some unrelated complaint or observation completely irrelevant to what was actually being discussed one day mel called me and asked me what my beef with shane was i truthfully told her that i had no beef at all with him and he just seemed to have it in for me she said that if she managed to find anything out she'd let me know things continued like this for a couple of years i continued to be the go-to guy and he continued to try and discredit me and generally paint me in as bad a light as possible one day we had a major incident one that literally could have cost the company millions in sla fines if it was not solved quickly our manager split us into teams to troubleshoot specific areas and she paired me up with shane i wasn't happy about it but whatever i was a professional we got on a call and started working through the issue as our call progressed it was becoming abundantly clear why he didn't like me he knew nothing about the new application he hadn't done any work on it at all everything i asked him to check he needed hand holding even for the most basic of tasks eventually i just shared my screen and said for him to watch me i went into the guts of the system through so many logs explaining to him what i was doing the whole time and eventually found the problem was with a recent patch we had installed at this point he dropped from the call i didn't think anything of this at the time we use skype for business and it can be flaky so i just continued what i was doing our process was not to roll back any changes until it had been approved by the senior manager as i was the one responsible for deploying slash rolling back patches made some notes about what we needed to do and then rejoined the main call i wasn't worried at all because bad patches happened every so often they just didn't usually have this level of impact as soon as i did i got absolutely destroyed by the incident manager apparently shane had returned to the group call and informed everyone present that the outage was caused by an error that i had made in the deployment process and that shane had told me what the correct fix was and i had refused to implement it then and there i was furious he had accurately told them the cause of the problem because it was me who literally demonstrated to him how to find it i had even foolishly mentioned to him what i thought would fix the problem because of how long he'd been with a company compared to me only our immediate team knew the truth about who was really the better skilled person in this situation his historical reputation still carried a lot of weight with people who didn't work day to day with him because this incident was so major over 100 people were on this call several of them two or three levels of management above our team he made me out to be a reckless incompetent idiot and he was believed despite my manager's protestations i was disciplined and given a verbal warning he meanwhile was congratulated for steering the company away from a potential disaster and given a commendation i was so angry and a while later mel gave me a call apparently shane had been bragging to her about putting that smart but punk in his place she was shocked and asked him what he was talking about his real beef was that he thought i had disrespected him by trying to take over his role as go-to guy for the new software that wasn't my intention at all i didn't see it as my fault that he was too damn lazy to do the work again i lamented with mel that she should have recorded the call she laughed and said that skype shows when you're recording a call and he'd never have spilled his guts while being recorded i immediately had a brainwave i decided that i would confront shane one on one i pinged him on skype and said that i wanted to talk he responded with a smiley and just said sure i called him and let him know that i was recording this call and the skype notification popped up to let all participants know that this call was being recorded i went right for it and accused him of lying about the major incident and said that it seemed like he had major beef with me as expected he lied and said that he was sorry that i felt like i had to react this way he said that he would need to talk to our boss about it i said wait one second and turned off the skype recorder i then said that skype isn't recording and that he knew exactly what he had done his mask slipped at this point and he said that he was perfectly in his right to put me in my place he said that you need to respect the longer serving people in jobs like this and that he would do it again in a heartbeat i didn't hold back i called him a dinosaur who refused to move with the times and wanted to coast out his days here without doing any work he said that he was a couple of years away from retirement and he'd be damned if he was going to bust his but for some shiny new software i said to him speaking of new software has he heard of obs of course he hadn't and i suggested he google it i then hung up on him not long after the messages started he was begging me not to use the secret recording that i had taken he said that if he gets fired he will lose his retirement package and his medical benefits i told him to go with himself and that he should have considered that before trying to get me fired i passed all of this onto the relevant channels before really giving it any thought things set in motion and sure enough a few weeks later after a company investigation he was fired i heard from mel that he had asked to take early retirement so as to keep his benefits but this was apparently rejected it all came out later that apparently he had significant debts and that he was counting on his retirement package to keep him financially afloat with no job and no package he had no money to pay for the medical treatment which he badly needed he was in no state to get himself a new job and his skills had stagnated so badly that he couldn't even get a new job online mel told me that he died about six months after this whole incident due to his ongoing health issues i felt conflicted about this for a while sharing that recording obviously contributed to his death but i don't know how bad i feel about it i'm a young guy trying to build my career and he actively tried to destroy me i should maybe have held off when he pleaded for me not to reveal the truth but he was old enough and wise enough to not engage in the childish games he played if i'd known he'd be dead as a result of this i'd maybe have done things differently it's one that stays with me that's for sure i'm still at the company and i can tell you all that i will never treat a new employee the way he treated me so maybe the breaking of that cycle is the positive to come out of all this [Music] you
Channel: Beast Stroke
Views: 25,814
Rating: 4.8697424 out of 5
Keywords: Beast, Stroke, Beast Stroke, reddit, tts, funny, serious, top, posts, stories, story, r/, r slash, ask, cringe, best reddit posts, subreddit, askreddit reading, relationship, relationship advice, relationship_advice, ask reddit, post, I didn't give my twin brother my kidney because he had an affair with my girlfriend, i didn't donate kidney to my brother, i didn't donate my kidney to my brother, he had an affair with my girlfriend, affair with my girlfriend, awful to me, he was bad influence for me
Id: G02aDnPHVtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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