I Dated My Babysitter Movie

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so there i am in my parents attic going through my old stuff when i find this what is that what is that what is that is that from another girl uh would you believe me if i said you built a time machine traveled back in time to meet me in middle school and handed me a note that contains the secrets to the universe no oh then it's from another girl what you ever have a crush on someone you totally shouldn't have well in the seventh grade i had a forbidden love my babysitter hey where are you going to build a time machine and then slap that girl in the face and yeah she was my babysitter but she was more meant to watch my little sister but she was a super hottie you know what i think she's the reason i love halloween and it all comes down to what happened in this note so here's the story so i was walking home from school talking to my buddy i'm all nervous about this crush i don't know man what if she says no nah bro she's the one since when are you in a romance since i've seen that girl's booty bro dude keep it down she's like right there god she's hot now unfortunately it was a phrase just like that but i said it just the wrong time oh my my my where'd you come from brother you should know i'm always watching don't you dare tell her and ruin a perfectly good sitter with your cringy crush never now i don't know if you watch my hero academia but the villain tamura shigaraki i think you could learn something from my sister cause you know what she did she told the sitter i was freaking out hiding in my room i remember hearing her footsteps coming down the hall just trying not to let my pupak out and the door opens and i can literally like feel my heart and she says you are the most stunning man i have ever seen in my entire life what i mean that's what i remember but it was probably something more like can i play that with you when you're 13 i'm pretty sure those things mean the same thing right this is the first time a girl i liked was in my room so we're sitting there and on the inside i'm like what the heck is going on right now she was terrible could not play mario kart for anything but ask me how much i cared go on ask me i'm waiting type in the comments how much did you care al i didn't care at all she was like doing the giggly thing and like laying on my shoulder and i was like so like the first couple weeks of october whenever we had to get babysat i had a built-in date i feel like now's a good time to point out that she was only like two years older than me ish but age doesn't matter right you know it does matter clicking that like button and subscribing and notifications and blah blah blah blah blah blah so it was only like the second or third time she'd come over things were escalating this wasn't my first rodeo so i had some experience smooching but it was my first kiss with her and i remember it was like six inches from her lips then three inches and then well this was unexpected to say the least no it's not what you think i'm fired aren't i yes but first i want you to watch me not giving you a tip just save five bucks you're fired this was probably the worst thing that could happen because like i said she was in high school the only way we were ever in the same place is that she was babysitting you don't have a car or a phone or facebook or anything you know what we do have five bucks i got a frame for it and everything also sean you're grounded so as you can imagine i was with my friends she was like all i could talk about yeah right you kissed a high school girl no i didn't kiss her that's the problem oh hello yeah how you doing yeah uh you know my sister she was uh i she's a babysitter and uh well uh uh these are some keys to your house and a note she wanted to just give it to you and enjoy remember that note i found in my attic this one that's how i got it from stutter brothers ripped it open and all it said was you are not gonna believe what happened last night no i'm from the future you [ __ ] evil person nah it doesn't say that it says sorry i got you in trouble if it wasn't for your dad i would have loved that kiss now what does this all have to do with my love of halloween well this is the best part and hot tip for people that are grounded doesn't hurt to suck up a little bit lessen the punishment like when i was a kid i gave my mom so many macaroni necklaces she opened an olive garden and it paid off because the night before halloween i'm in the car with my mom and she goes you know you were too old for a babysitter anyway yeah why don't you go out trick-or-treating alone you mean i'm not grounded nope cool so hot babysitter lived on the other side of town but i convinced my buddies to walk a couple miles over there to try and find her dude why did we agree to this i did it for the back of roadie necklaces now i didn't know exactly where she lived so we must have knocked on like three or four hundred tours i was searching for so long that my friends ditched me and right when i was about to give up my dad pulled up at the stoplight and you'll never guess who was sitting next to him in the passenger seat the babysitter and they were kissing scared you for a minute didn't i no that didn't happen oh my god i got scared and i knew it was fake my dad was nowhere to be found but her car was right in front of me it was just me and her it was like this kind of romantic moment we were just like so i'm sure you understand why i love halloween but there's more to the story because the next day at school i got another note i was nervous to open it so i brought it home to my friends and tried to figure out what it meant it was raining and i was in love what do you think it says my man the little pimp i bet this sexy pics no dude it's a handwritten note bro i bet she sketched them herself we cracked it open and there was no pictures all i said was tomorrow at three meet me at work even better she's trouble my first booty call huh well this is exciting your first booty call is something you don't forget and i remember this one vividly because i got to the house and this happened i don't think i can date you anymore what i was devastated it was not what i was expecting i don't know what came over me because i like didn't cry i was just like i'm never gonna see her again i uh wait i really should go sorry i can't believe i did this [Music] all right you don't need to see that part you know what you need to do you need to make love to that like button and subscribe and i uh have to think about this sorry to this day no regrets i mean if i didn't do that she never would have given it a second thought but now there was still a chance spent the next couple days half excited half wondering what was gonna happen but then it got weird hey what's everyone whispering about oh some kid's getting beat up what yeah sub middle schooler kissed a high schooler and she had a boyfriend sucks to be him am i right bobby anybody that ain't cool bro no one takes away my bro's first booty call and gets away with it we'll get revenge i have an idea but i must see my muse whenever bobby said he had to see his muse that many had detention with this super cute teacher we had there was one day when he asked me to go with him we got there i was like you know what she is kind of cute bro i don't even have detention i'll just go because that teaches so dang sexy one day she'll have me over her house and it'll be just a hot and romantic dirty dancing type thing you know and that's when bobby pointed out one of the other kids in detention was the babysitter's younger brother oh hey no no what are you writing hey yo stutter brother yes yes yes give this to your sis what does it say and no matter what i said bobby would not tell me it was in that note even on the walk home is so evil bro she'll never talk to you again bobby was being evil kind of like my sister well hello brother get away from me i do not need this right now is somebody scared no do you miss your favorite sitter what she was my sister mine but because of your little thing i can never see her again and now neither can you wait what did you do and it's right about then that it happened it started to rain i started a rumor about you at school some people will believe anything if you whisper it to them so that whole gossip thing was you exactly you got played son choo choo choo bobby what what is that that note uh i said she was a but on the plus side she still likes you i am so screwed i remember running through the rain trying to get to her brother before she did luckily the house she was sitting at was in my neighborhood hello is anybody there alex mrs haisley what are you doing here hey is uh is your sitter here are you stalking me like that little pervert that always comes to detention uh no i just i need to see the the sitter she's not here yet do you want to come in yes yeah yeah yeah uh sure but your friend's staying outside so there we are sitting in her kitchen waiting for the sitter to show up i don't know if you've ever been in one of your teacher's houses but for me i was like that's all weird i'm at the hot teacher's house just kept like playing on her computer or something and staring over at me i don't know where she says i heard a rumor about a high schooler and a middle schooler that's not you is it uh why she comes over from the table and she goes i've always found young men fascinating okay stop it you know that didn't happen i mean maybe it did for bobby not for me but i was 100 only interested in the sitter which is why it hurt so much when this happened hello oh my goodness it was the babysitter's dad turns out because of the rain she got into a car accident get in the car now was this all my fault was she hurt because of me we get to the hospital and i'm freaking out it's free today but also i was really upset about the sitter like i didn't even know what happened yet she hurt bad was it just a few bruises was she like actually dead get to the end of the hall and remember seeing this old pepsi vending machine when i rounded the corner i just felt my heart stop she was fine alex how did you know i was here oh i i i i'm here for free pizza i'm so glad you're here wait what i've never been in an accident before i'm still scared she was like literally shaking so i just sat with her for a minute and put my arm around her the way she looked at me was just oh but i still didn't know where her brother was and i still needed that note hey if you're not hurt do you want to make out and that's when i found out why she was still scared her brother alex hello hello alex he was also in the car accident and he was a little bit hurt hey bro how are you doing oh i i i i i i'm fine just uh precautionary measure i was like is there anything we can do to help you out and i swear to goodness this is the only time i ever heard him speak in his entire life with zero stutter i have your nose oh geez wow whoa whoa do you have to say it's so creepy that's amazing even stutters in asleep no dude you gotta wake up you gotta wake up where's the note uh what are you doing visitor hours are over no no no no almost done almost done don't make me call security oh you don't have to do that yet hey let me go put me down i know faze banks i did have to leave there in a hurry and i grabbed the note from his bag real quick i was in the clear she didn't find out so i'm sitting outside trying to figure out how i'm gonna get home i had to sneak off with this note without the sitter finding me that's my boy must be here for the free pizza here help me into this wheelchair sorry that's that's not why i'm here not here for a doctor are you get in the car now quick before they take the money i don't even pay for dr pepper sorry dad what's the family rule oh come on say it the only thrill is no bills oh when you say it like that i'm so proud of you i was finally relaxed i still had a chance with this babysitter which meant a lot because sitting with her at that hospital i knew there was something more all right bobby what'd you actually write in here ten percent off all merch store orders for alex clark it wasn't the note i grabbed the wrong paper shoot shoot shoot what am i gonna do oh my god i don't know what's bothering you son but i'm here if you need to talk i know i wanted to tell him but i couldn't you don't got to tell me if you don't want to but remember honesty is the second best policy thanks dad the best policy is a money-back guarantee that's how i've always worn brand new sneakers trade them in every two to three weeks son without him knowing i took his advice i decided to be honest hello hey uh i gotta tell you about this no oh i got the note i loved it what yeah it was adorable when can i see you again i was really confused you know i didn't write that note right are you talking about the no from bobby i know you didn't write that one he signed it with a stussy s yeah he does do that i'm talking about the other note from you i had no idea what she was talking about still not sure i should have played along but i did we ended up talking for hours practically stayed up all night on the phone the whole time we're giggling laughing flirting talked all the way into the morning when i had an idea to figure out what was in that note so what was your favorite part of that note and this is legit what happened i'm not making this up phone battery died i took it as a sign i didn't bring it up in a couple weeks passed then months and we kept dating in secret it was fun for a while we made out at the movies and walmarts in an old navy and a gas station we made out everywhere you get the idea but with the exception of a few friends we never let anyone know we were dating the place we made out the most was her basement and it was always a secret from her parents and mine put those down they're gonna hear us okay fine but it's been three months i'm pretty sure they know i come down here shut up they don't so it was around valentine's day in that basement something like this happened show your valentine you care with an omaha steak from pete's barn gorilla room sure diamonds are a girl's best friend but a steak well it's a steak wow i'm sure the commercial wasn't that cheesy but i know for sure she wanted to go no it's okay you can't afford it no i never told her this but that felt bad because it felt like it wasn't about the money she wanted our relationship to be a secret and i was sick of keeping it a secret you would have done the same thing i did we're going okay i promise we're going uh sure let's do it i had no idea how we were going that place was expensive and i didn't have a job i tried hitting my parents up for money well i suppose if you did one or two few good deeds around the house a couple chores you will be paid by god when you die i don't give you money i'm your father why do you need money anyways your birthday's coming up birthday you are a genius it was my only choice birthday money i mean look at this menu 47 for a lobster tail that's just the butt what about the rest i don't want the butt this is the perfect way to take her on a perfect date and really impress her i started a call center in my room and so for weeks i did like whatever i could to make money shoveled grandma's driveway filled it up back with snow shoveled it again and every night i'd sneak over to the babysitters to watch movies we're going i promise what was that now if you're a subscriber if you clicked like i'm gonna be so excited when i tell you that on my birthday i made 223 dollars wow that's enough to buy four lobster butts my man you got the money the reservation the girl you set boy what do you mean reservation now you probably already know this and it's embarrassing that i didn't but apparently on valentine's day at pete's bar and grill if you don't have a reservation you're not getting a table you are not getting a table so uh so you don't have a reservation that i was frantic ran straight to a phone i'm sorry sir we've been booked for over six months i was just like rage running through the halls and nothing could stop me wow what the heck man could you pick up my flyers at least yeah yeah sure sorry this was daryl the jerk in school that everyone liked a definite winner for student council president hey what's this what the no way you work at pete's bar and grill room suddenly i liked daryl too and it wasn't just because his uncle was named pete and owned a bar and grill room can you get me a reservation sure as long as you pay in advance yeah what do you want 100 200 you want a goat i can find you a coat i made the reservation and gave them all 223 bucks before i knew it it was valentine's day and i had the perfect evening planned she looked stunning thank you so much okay come on we're going to be late [Laughter] are you sure we should go in there yeah i want people to know about us at the time i didn't know why she was so hesitant but i brought her in as you can imagine it felt kind of cool to walk into that restaurant with her when she ran into some of her friends i knew i'd done the right thing wow you actually brought her huh yeah you did now they took off for a second but what i remember most was my very first reservation we're checking in for alex clark alex clark hmm [Music] there's actually no reservation under that mean here what what do you mean no no no no no no alex clark it's there it's there so where are you sitting um uh uh hold on i just gotta go talk to somebody i'll be right back hey daryl alex you like my new sneakers dude where's my reservation you're looking at him 223 bucks for these babies excuse me you didn't think i was actually gonna get you a reservation did you you're a loser but my girlfriend's out there yeah she's hot i'm gonna take her from you too what the hell man don't say stuff like that hey careful who you show i could be your next student council president stop it alex we're leaving right now enough we don't have to we we can stay no thank you coming here was a mistake daryl's a jerk [Music] so that was our first date a total failure not only was our first public appearance ruined but i also got some weird vibes from the babysitter in daryl like something was going on there and i wanted to do something about it he stole my money ruined our first date he humiliated me i wanted to get even i needed help hello brother i've been expecting you she had an idea and if you know my sister you know it was dangerous that's his house brother it's time to end his days doesn't this seem a little over the top brother please he stole from you bullied you no one does that to my brother except for me of course this'll teach him a lesson i don't want that type of revenge we're not murdering a guy brother i'll help you but only under my terms my sister wanted to take things too far so i turned to my friends instead he stole 200 from you yeah man he did did you ask your mom for a hug why no no no i'm not telling them they'd kill me but moms give such good hugs and it only got worse from there daryl felt super charged to make fun of me at school he's shoving me into lockers calling me names like bubble butt when he found out i was dating the babysitter that's when he bullied me more at least i got her man i am so lucky i feel you women make the heart better better i love you mama we pretended like nothing was wrong and it wasn't until i saw daryl bullying someone else that i realized what a mistake that was hey look i know you heard me i said your mom is hot sorry i'm late for class i should be going you're not going anywhere i'm not sure we should go down there but he's like totally beating up that kid i fight with hugs not fists so oh no i gotta go there's a new self-flushing toilet at the nurse's office i want to check it out dude leave him alone well if it isn't my favorite loser you're gonna hit me bubble butt cause your girlfriend's not here to do it for you this time i'd like to hit you but it voids the warranty on my face so can't do it i can't believe you're running for student council not like either of you could beat me it was a sentence just like that that made it clear to me i had to run i don't know if you ever run for student council but in my experience it's a popularity contest the more friends you have the better your chance of winning when all of your friends can fit on the same bicycle i don't know if you're gonna win student council especially when you're riding a unicycle uh uh do you wanna vote for me i'm voting for daryl bye despite all my efforts all my signs all my work i still didn't have enough votes i was ready to give up oh come on you can do it you're a good person with a good heart you deserved one she was right i had to prove to everybody including myself that the good guy can win and so i kept trying you're that loser that rides the unicycle i'm not dumb enough to vote for you fortunately no one really wanted to help except for my sister you don't need help you need a plan what are you doing here it's no secret no one likes you you're sister scary bro and who are you may i introduce myself alex lopez yeah could you be nice to him he he got me a lot of these votes two alex's one position it seems gentlemen we have a plan this was my sister's plan see the ballots were my first name only and since alex had the same name as alex we were both telling people to vote for alex and the truth was the other alex was way more popular than me and so i had a choice i could either tell the truth and lose or cheat and hopefully never get bullied by this guy ever again put them in its place so it's the day before they announced the results right and typically they'd call the winners to the office that day to kind of let them know in advance i was sitting there all anxious well alex clark please report to the principal's office i did it i did it i did it i did [Music] hey daryl i got you a gift [Applause] no hard feelings buddy is that a silk flush onward and upward [Music] uh-oh oh now's as good a time as any to tell you we cheated hey bro mr clark mr lopez do you know why you're here um you want to start a school thumb wrestling league and you want us to be captains guess again i immediately felt terrible like my girlfriend had just finished telling me what a great guy i am and now we got caught cheating looking back i wish i had never done this but no this doesn't leave this room but daryl is dating my daughter he is a monster that needs to be buried that stupid ponytail and leather jacket you can't have both that's one or the other and if you're with me we're gonna ruin daryl forever do you want student council president so that's how i became student council president i thought it would help with the daryl situation but it only made it worse and it started with the next time i saw my girlfriend we need to talk oh i heard you did some shady things to beat daryl for student council yeah isn't that what you wanted oh i am remembering this probably so much darker than it was but i was in the seventh grade i'd never had confrontation with a girl before just freaking out worried i like went too far getting back at daryl but then she says actually i thought it was kind of hot what seeing you take charge get revenge it's kind of hot what do you want to do next uh watch lion king and make out i will never watch that movie the same way again and i was starting to feel like that's all we ever did it's like didn't she want to know me our relationship was still a secret and it was really starting to bother me if daryl hasn't given you your money back we have to make him pay make it even worse didn't we already do enough i mean he already feels like a loser i know what that feels like and it hurts don't say that you're not a loser just wait till you start high school with me come on it'll be fun i promise okay i'm in perfect ever tell you how much i love cheeseburgers when i get scared the thing that makes me feel safe is one of my grandmother's cheeseburgers and that's all i was thinking about as i was peddling this bike straight to pete's bar and grill room the baby center hatched this plan which i was not a fan of but maybe if i did this one thing then we could finally go on a date if this was the kind of stuff i had to do to fit it in high school i didn't like it the only thing i knew for sure i wanted a cheeseburger i didn't do it i didn't go to pete's my favorite grandson what are you hiding from this time uh murderers oh you want a burger she was the best as soon as you're done there is a party next door and the birthday girl is a cutie patootie my grandma was the only adult that knew about the babysitter and she was never into her she was protecting me i was into things like art and theater and my grandma wanted me to find someone that brought that out in me that wasn't the babysitter but being a kid i hadn't realized that yet there is a nice girl right across the street why don't you bring her this cake no thank you let me rephrase you are bringing this cake over right now happy birthday now i know i come off as outgoing but at parties i'm always like there is too many people talking so i get really quiet at this party i was just sitting alone at a table sulking i had blown off the babysitter and i was kind of worried about what was gonna happen would it get worse when we were in high school together hey you brought this cake so good what's the secret ingredient oh that's top secret even my grandma doesn't know cause she bought the cake from a bakery i remember that girl giggled a lot and somehow even with a hundred people at that party she made it feel like it was just me and her you don't really know anyone here do you is that awkward yeah more worried about starting high school you are not going to fit in there you're an arts geek like me what the more i talked to her the more i realized we had stuff in common it wasn't like at school where everyone was a jock or with the babysitter now the only thing we had in common was that we liked the lion king my grandma was right she was nice but i think the real reason my grandma wanted me to talk to her is because she said this and that's why i transferred to performing arts high school i just kind of feel like i fit in arts what what now arts this girl went to an arts high school about a half an hour from where i lived and i had never heard of this place before what ah excuse me so she told you about the art school did she yeah did you know she went there i was so excited to go to this school but at the same time i really would have put more distance between me and the babysitter you know when i was your age well you were never my age you're old now when i was your age there was this boy who was right for me but the timing wasn't right and if the timing isn't right the whole thing isn't right i can't tell you what to do but follow your heart cause your head sure is hell ain't right at some point after that party the babysitter found me i know you've been hiding from me and you were right to do that me forcing you to do something like that it's not nice and i'm sorry it was an apology like that that brought us back together and now i was in an awkward spot first relationship i liked her so much and then there was this art school that would have torn us apart and now i had this secret this girl that told me about art school i loved that babysitter but by the summer after eighth grade i killed her no oh my god no no i didn't do that she's a good person it ended amicably oh my god i decided to give it one final shot to ask the babysitter to her prom i was looking forward to it so much i'd been eyeing the suit for months and i finally had the courage to show it to her wow i didn't know you like such fancy stuff oh yeah no of course i uh i just liked it because uh well do you want to go to prom oh prom yeah and i was gonna buy this suit to take you that sounds so bland what you know how we're dating and it's a secret yeah i love that thrill everyone goes to prom let's do something bad how bad are you talking because i gotta make sure this video stays monetized [Applause] she got away ryan we gotta run away we're seeing a shoplifter that gave her this idea let's run away like that scene in aladdin uh typically when you're in love you give these things plenty of time and thought so i did the right thing you know what ice yes whatever you say yes let's do yeah let's do it you're pretty now she didn't mean to run away that very moment she more wanted some grand romantic adventure like that whole scene on the magic carpet and when the girl you like wants to do something like that you just ugh so the next name with my friends totally freaked out why the hell did i say yes to avoid conflict and maintain the status quo i'm gonna break up with her this is crazy i'm gonna give you the same advice my mom gave me about bullies avoid eye contact and just let it happen now that's probably not the best advice but neither is running away from home which she continued to plan i was turning into like a week-long trip through every city in new england i felt like it was all to avoid going to prom and i didn't like it i needed to get out of this but i didn't know how to do that cancel your plan son you're grounded oh thank god my parents had finally found out i was secretly dating the babysitter i wasn't allowed to leave the house i wasn't allowed to call her the only thing i could do was something my parents didn't realize it had to do with our computer i don't think my parents realized what it was they just like stared at it like this seems expensive for a box and that's why the only one on our street was in my room though it wasn't exactly blazing fast this is important got to make sure it still works wait for it this is important let's kind of look like a notification took almost half an hour to download a song online video was not a thing but it did have this are you grounded too yeah sorry someone ratted us out i was just relieved we didn't have to go on this trip when she said this is getting old why bother you breaking up with me i didn't want to break up i just didn't want to go on this trip i was freaking out wait it's over maybe we're different i want to run away you don't and just like that first time i kissed her in the doorway i acted on instinct let's run away right now [Music] sure i snuck out the window she snuck out her window i mean how much trouble can you get into in one night in some small town new england [Music] it turns out a lot of trouble next stop boston this will be our last and final stop of the night yeah just one night turned into a three-hour bus ride this is exactly what i wanted thanks cool because i got you some chicken poop after we got there we roamed around town for a couple of hours i ended up at this weird vintage shop that was open late hey what if we still had a prom what do you mean she must have tried on every dress in that place and they were all that is so ugly well if we can't find a pretty dress then we have to get you an ugly suit oh and got it this is perfect so i used the last of my prom money to buy the suit and the dress and just started roaming around town and we ended up in front of this restaurant it was in the north end in boston they were closed but from the street you hear this kind of jazz music do you want to dance but we're in the middle of the street so it'll be fun and that is how i got her pregnant oh god no no just know you guys really fall for that again come on oldest trick in the book she's not pregnant right uh babysitter if you're watching can you confirm that i am not the father of your child so that was our night in boston it bonded us together in an incredible way we stayed there all night watching the sun rise it's beautiful isn't it yeah just like you thanks remember when we first started going out and you opened up to me in that letter uh yeah i've been thinking about that a lot and i want to be honest about us i want to tell people about us when we get home really yeah awesome just don't tell our parents we should head back before they find out we ran away yeah of course i have our tickets right here so we headed down to the bus station we had a minor problem you can't get on the bus see one way to boston shoot i thought they were two-way unless you got some money there's zero way uh i don't have any money but wow this dress has pockets i know this is overdramatic but in the moment it felt like we were left for dead we really wanted to go home we didn't have a way to get there it was just me her and 55 cents wait i have an idea bikinis with pockets i mean i don't know if she said that but stupid jokes is what i needed right then i'm stuck in a strange city with no cell phones and enough money for one call are you sure you should call your parents they would have been furious we secretly snuck off so far i did not want to let them know [Music] so i called someone that would keep a secret from mom and dad grandma don't worry she'll know what to do unfortunately she's not who answered hello thank you for calling grandma shoot it's my sister it's a sister [Music] are you okay by the way that's something else yt he voiced the bus driver and did a great job he also told me to tell you he is one fine piece of a can you put grandma on oh sorry brother she's taking a nap why'd you say that so creepy did you kill grandma no brother she's taking a nap now whatever you want make it quick i'm building a shrink ray why because i want to make your head a normal size hurry up before i hang up no wait this is a pay phone i'm in boston oh are you visiting uncle what no he lives like an hour from here i'm in boston i'm with the babysitter i need money to get back home fine i'll help you under one condition yeah sure anything what is it let me talk to the sitter uh she wants to talk to you i thought it was weird she wanted to talk to her but if it was gonna get us home i was gonna do it we had a solution and i didn't have to call my dad i know my sister's evil but when it counts she had a heart what wait what just happened she said you want to go to some art school [Music] that's impossible you would have told me right uh i actually wanted to talk to you about that alex wait where are you going she took off yeah i had looked at an art school but this was not how she was supposed to find out then she hopped this turnstile jumped on a train and i'm like i wait you didn't what i don't want to do this photos either jump this turnstile or get caught by the subscribe button it wasn't that dramatic but i did have to hop on a train now in a movie this is probably where we'd get split up and i'd spend the rest of the video trying to find her but this was worse i didn't know what to say why didn't you tell me i don't know i hadn't decided yet so i'm not part of the decision i guess i could have said something sooner and that's the story of my life yes i should have said something sooner the alex clark story written by alex is an idiot i'm sorry i i don't have to go to that school you don't get it do you next stop government center get off here to click the like button i want to show you something what i didn't know where we were going but i wanted to go home now after we got off that train she took me to see these street performers there was jugglers and balloon twisters and some of them were really funny you could do that like right now how's that gonna get us home i don't know they just remind me of you if you want to go to art school i think you should just wanted you to tell me in the first place i'm sorry and sorry my sister kind of stranded us here wait ah on the phone she did mention something my uncle now i didn't have any relatives in boston but my uncle would commute two hours in to work at this fancy high secure bank and my sister told my girlfriend to get off at government center because that's where the bank was now i'd only been there once or twice but boston's not that big we can find it so we spent a couple hours getting lost and then getting lost again but eventually i started recognizing stuff that's my dad's favorite place in boston the street with free parking and that's my dad's favorite coffee shop unlimited free refills that means that right over here is the bank well i love you bank [Music] i've never been more happy to see a financial institution hi we're here to see my super cool super handsome super awesome uncle uncle if you're watching i'd like some new bose headphones for christmas step away from the glass base god don't worry it was just like a high security bank it's not a big deal will you state your name an intended guest i'm alex clark and this is babysitter i know there's not that many banks that have this much security but i had been here before i was used to it that's why i wasn't expecting this i'm gonna ask you one more time who sent you alex do something i have an idea one of those performer guys is making balloon animals for this crying kid fixed his whole mood what would you like sir a pony a dog i can make anything i'm the blue animal man [Music] i'm sick of playing games with you kids give me your parents numbers they're coming to get you i can't uh because they are both secret agents and they are on a top secret mission to paint the white house black so it's harder to find i'm supposed to believe that yes and also we don't want them to know we're here please don't make us call please please please please cut it out run away you trespass on private property there will be hell to pay you better be careful my parents are secret agents plea please don't call the cops please we we're trying to get home we just don't want to call our parents if you're not going to listen to me i'll find someone you will listen to hello they are not cooperating this was an awkward situation to be in all we wanted to do was get back home and this dude just called reinforcements he's hideous he is my uncle surprise butthead so my uncle doesn't work on saturdays but you might remember that we found out about my uncle because my sister told us to go find him well right after that she called him up to come find us and while he was nice enough to drive the two hours up to work on his day off to come find us he also had his security guard buddy scare the hell out of us well played uncle well played yeah you screwed up big time getting all the way out here i know but what kind of uncle would i be if i gave you up to your parents and it was right then he saved the day he gave us enough money to get back home money so he headed back which was great because i'm sure my parents were worried sick i can't quite place it but something about today is really nice well i put new batteries in the tv remote the channels have been flipping super fast yeah they barely knew we were gone but i'm sure i gave him a real big hug that day and i definitely said i love you it was good they hadn't found out because i needed them in a good mood well that trip to boston was a total mess i did find out that my girlfriend was excited for me to apply to that art school and so i was nervous excited to ask my parents i like the idea of a new school we wouldn't have to buy a new clothes this year is it a fancy school i would do anything to get you away from the cafeteria at your old school as far as i'm concerned the state should pull their accreditation they serve hot dogs to children you deserve a school with an earned accreditation sean you are a special snowflake and deserve to go to any high school you wish thanks dad as long as it's in our budget of zero tuition they were completely and totally into it okay leave me alone games on if you are wondering it was a charter school which is kind of like a public school which means there was no tuition this was going great oh my god they're totally into it that's awesome what are you gonna do now my girlfriend was cool with it my parents were cool with it and to top it off my girlfriend was finally ready to tell people about us i was in heaven [Music] remember we went out to eat once but it had to be at like a certain restaurant that no one went to when we go out with friends we wouldn't hold hands little stuff i realized even though she said it wasn't a secret it was still a [Music] i secret never felt more alone at least back at home things were becoming more and more real when it came to going to this art [Music] i school believe i'm saying this but i signed us up for the open house huh really thanks mom that's how i remember it but being a teenager it was probably something more like oh great the most important part of this conversation was when she said make sure you have your audition ready what an audition that freaked me out there's only one person that could calm me down and as upset as i was with her she had a way of getting me to talk it's an audition but i've never practiced it or performed it before i just don't want to do a bad job hey don't say that this school was made for you remember what you said in that letter you remember that letter that one she thought was for me from when we first started going out it wasn't for me and it was a lie you just need to build your confidence why not practice somewhere the talent show i'll explain the lie more in a second but she believed in me and i wanted this bad so i took the chance [Music] ladies and gentlemen please join me in welcoming our headliner for this evening i'm sure it wasn't as epic as i remember it but wow i am alex clark thank you and good night [Music] would you turn that alarm off just click that like button on me it turns it off please i woke up that next morning feeling like a hero when you take a risk incredible things happen like this here is your grand prize a 15 gift certificate to slugbooks.com blogbooks.com college textbooks at an affordable price and that's how you do a brand integration right there that wasn't the prize let's say the prize was a ferrari because driving into that audition with all that new confidence i felt like a million bucks [Music] [Applause] now about that lie you might remember when we first started dating she got this romantic letter and i said it was for me it wasn't for me plus i was sick of us not being a public thing you know what was going on with this girl was everything gonna be okay things were not good between us right then and as for the audition my feelings definitely got in the way because well i bombed it what are you talking about you were great ah the girl from the party [Music] is something wrong i don't know what it is about this girl because i honestly to this day do not remember her name but i told her everything maybe just because i felt comfortable around her i felt comfortable around everyone at that school like i fit in i thought if i love this babysitter i should be able to tell her the truth you have to tell her everything you have to come clean you're right you're right if i wanted this to be more than it was i had to tell her everything i had to tell her i was sick of the secrets but i didn't write this letter but i wanted people to know about our relationship and it was important to me because i loved her so my mom and i kissed our burning ferrari goodbye and we walked home i wanted to make this work this was something i had to do i went to her house and her stutter brother answered the door i i heard about your car your your dad must be bummed yeah is uh is your sister here uh uh no uh yes no what are you talking about i can hear her laughing in the other room she was definitely there and she was definitely there with somebody else was this the reason i was a secret i uh don't know what you're that's not my sister she's uh at church church really how's that possible when i can see her talking to someone right there oh that guy uh she's uh she's talking to uh jesus okay nice know you goodbye oh well you can tell her and jesus i was gonna say i love you but not anymore i'm gonna save it for my my mom and i did what i think any of us would do i went home was that the guy that wrote the letter was all of this love for nothing i left her house that day so defeated i was back in my room complaining to my buddies about that dude i think you should go back maybe with her over with salsa dancing ooh that's hot since wendy likes salsa dancing you do it with the right girl it's more like jell-o wrestling gross they wanted me to win her over and i just felt like something was fishy like who was that dude i am not going back there okay she should have to talk to me [Music] she sent me an i am but what surprised me was it said i love you oh really as much as you love jesus don't send that too late i was mad i'm being serious i heard you outside and i love you too what wait who who is that guy nation no i didn't say i love you back not yet because she wouldn't tell me who that dude was instead she said something like sorry about my brother he's not good with awkward stuff you're right this is starting to get fishy i told you maybe take her out of date this saturday figure out what's going on yeah and if she's a naughty girl you're gonna need this did someone mention saturday ah dad this is a private conversation this is not a private residence so you cannot have a private conversation i own your room unless i start charging you rent oh my god that's a great idea dad stop sean you know that saturday is an important day in this family so whatever your plans are cancel them you just got off being grounded you don't want to be grounded again do you i missed simpler times when the only thing you had to worry about missing on saturday was the cartoons like when i was a kid i'd watch like rocket power on nickelodeon all the time but that saturday was my grandmother's 60th birthday i couldn't miss it no problem i just scheduled the date for sunday that was the plan and it felt like something i should do in person plus i wanted to get away from my dad don't worry sean i love you very much that's why utilities are included just shine on the dotted line so next afternoon i headed over to her house with the salsa in one hand and a cute little love note in the other to make our date on sunday and the doorbell rang [Music] and her brother answered again uh uh uh well you're not supposed to cub come by here eddie any more luckily he wasn't talking to me she's not it it you anymore so please go away why have i never heard of this guy before i couldn't quite place it but he looked a little familiar anyways he left and it was my turn with the brother this time the sitter wasn't actually home and i found something out something that changed things for me i was at the door with my note in hand and i found out why the brother had been so weird i i i made love with you i i i've been waiting for you ever since i bought these chaps and i i think we're meant to be i improved that that's funny what really happened was the brother did a little bit of explaining that dude wasn't just a friend it was her ex some jerky dude i'd never heard of that was trying to win her back she she really likes you though i i know she does and this saturday was there should have been anniversary what that ex was trying to hang out with her do stuff with her be with her was a date with her on saturday gonna fix everything uh ask her on a date on on saturday and bring her flowers i i i can bring some for you nah i'm good i'm sure you got a busy schedule with the salsa [Music] do you believe in signs i don't mean like signs like that i mean like i guess i don't know how to define it how would you define it let me know in the comments help me out but the flowers that was a sign i thought nothing of it at the time i was more concerned about who this ex was and leading up to the date so were my friends my mother would never do this to me first she gets you grounded then you run away now she's hanging with some x these are signs red flags get out yeah you're kinda right but like she just said i love you i i should go on this date right my man the real question are you better looking than him i don't know he had black hair taller kind of muscly he looks kind of familiar yeah dude leave he hotter than you i don't want to break up with her but maybe i go to my grandma's birthday instead and she got you at all that daryl trouble too i don't like it you know what could fix both problems date your grandma the day of the date came and i still wasn't sure what to do i felt like no matter what i did i'd feel guilty for ditching someone in case i decided to go i headed to grandma's early i figured i could leave early and she could still spend time with her loving considerate incredible grandson i was thinking about this as i was halfway up the huge hill to her house it takes like 40 minutes to get up the thing and halfway up if it's as terrible as i remember i literally rolled all the way to the bottom of the damn hill you know what broke my fall flowers was this a sign they were all wrecked does that mean i wasn't supposed to go there was one flower that was fine was that the one for her so i'm sitting there all alone wondering what i'm supposed to do with this flower well if it isn't my favorite grandson did you come to see me early well you know you're getting older i was not sure you'd live all the way to the party there's that sick sense of humor i love do you want to ride or should i finish the job your bike started and run you over part of me wanted to ditch but the other part loved my grandma she's the only one that would always go shot for shot on jokes with me we were loading my bike up into the car and she said something i'll never forget you know the key to a woman's heart is flowers unless you flatten them with your big ass wipe yourself off you're filthy you know maybe my grandma didn't say exactly that but she did bring up the flowers and how every woman loves them and to me that was a sign i should go on this date a couple hours pass she helped me fix my bike and we're playing like gin rummy or something and i'm getting antsy figuring out how i can leave before this party starts you came here early just to hang out with me didn't you i did yeah that's real nice go on get out of here but uh i was gonna stay for the the party zanda i have been around for a long time i know you came early to leave early i don't care why i'm just happy you came to see me thanks grandma i i have a date oh it's not with that girl that got you in all that daryl trouble is it yes ma'am really she must be a good kisser go on get out of here [Music] so i hop on my grandma's computer to let the babysitter know i'm coming when i have a message from my friend you know how you said that guy looked familiar yeah what about it was it this guy yeah why he knew something that i didn't know and i was scared i was there at the computer and i got a message like this her ex is daryl's older brother that hurt how had she never mentioned this remember he stole 200 from me the dude that she was dead set on me ruining this was all starting to make sense she'd been using me to get revenge on her ex's family i hopped on my bike and started riding the signs were there all along and i knew exactly what i had to do [Music] i had to break up with her and i had to make things right with my grandma happy birthday to you xander what are you doing here did you forget something i did your birthday present ah you little trickster i knew you wouldn't miss my birthday so yeah the most important woman in my life that day was my grandma seeing how happy she was that i came back and gave her the flowers it made me realize what a special moment it should be sure i had some issues to work out with my girlfriend but i wasn't gonna let it get in the way of family so where do you think this goes how do you think it ends i'm curious what you think because the very last babysitter episode we'll be posting next week so if you haven't already thanks for turning on those notifications have a great holiday thank you so much to longtime fans and everyone that helped me make this video i can't believe we did all this and it's all because of you i'm alex clark and i will see you on [Music] tour you
Channel: Alex Clark
Views: 5,860,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: its alex clark, itsalexclark, alex clark, itsalexclark youtube, youtube itsalexclark, itsalexclark channel, animation, animation channel, animated, animated videos, alex clark youtube, youtube alex clark, alex clark channel, alex clark vlogs, clark cartoons, babysitter, hot babysitter movie, babysitter movie, dating my babysitter, romance, dating story, date story
Id: ec5C74qnqgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 49sec (3829 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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