FAST KDP Income Growth with Romney Nelson - Successful Low Content Publishing

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hey everyone and welcome to today's video now in  this video we've got something a bit different   and that's an interview with author publisher kdp  low content publisher and a very successful one at   that and also uh a youtuber who's building  a very successful channel at the moment   and this is Romney Nelson from the life  publishing group, that's the name of the channel   hi Romney, hi Paul thanks very much for  that that's great thank you no problem today   it's good yeah great to have you here and  i think it'd be a very useful video to show   people um what it's like to be a publisher on the  kdp platform what it's like to have some success   and yeah hopefully get a good insight into the  business and and help people along the way so   first of all um i know you've been  publishing books before non-fiction books   how did you get into publishing kdp what's your  sort of back story yeah well a number of years   ago i was a school teacher and uh that's  something i did for around about 10 years   and at the end of my teaching career i  was actually a physical education teacher   and went into partnership with mcmillan  publishing which is a large publishing house   in australia and created a physical education  resource and it was part of their um what was   uh they had a on the go for english on the go for  maths on the go for pe and so i worked with them   to create that uh resource and at the time it was  exciting um and because i was a new author i guess   it was challenging to try and get exactly  what they wanted as well and what i probably   learned through that process was that you  actually lose a lot of control when you're   having a publishing house that you're  working with and not publishing yourself   and during that process i had some cover design  aspects that i wanted to sort of implement into   that design but they were knocked on the head and  they ended up having their interior designers and   cover designers that came in and created the  cover but it never sat with well with me and   in fact the book didn't end up doing particularly  well and it was because of the amount of effort   i put into it was quite disheartening because  you have a you sign contracts in regards to you   know book me being published and hopefully get  world war worldwide publishing rights as well   but anyway that book went okay i guess uh but  i left it go for about another oh gosh 10 years   i guess it went down the path and um i then had  developed a fascination towards goal setting and   habit development and the very first book that  i created was a journal around those elements   and i actually had someone that designed it for me  and put it all together and it's actually quite an   expensive process because i didn't have a lot of  design skills previously so we put that together   and it actually look it went okay but there  was nothing that was gonna ever you know help   many people and so it was a bit of a learning  process and i'd only seen i've seen a couple   of videos being done about um kdp and in fact  from that first book i then went and joined a   a course that was about um high content books  and 30 000 word books so my my journey on kdp   actually didn't start with low or no content  books it actually started with high content books   uh so it was actually good start it got me  involved the course was expensive i guess to get   going but the people that created that that course  were very well experienced so i got a lot from it   so although i probably spent a lot of money  at the the front end i guess over the journey   now of a couple years of publishing it actually  has helped me a lot uh and so i then went on to   create another book and it's actually behind  me at the top there called the habit switch   and uh and that actually sold a few books  ebooks to start with and then it went flat   and then for some reason sort of kicked on and  became a bestseller um in its niche which was   was category which was a you know the health and  fitness niche and you'd think that that would um   create a lot of revenue but it didn't i think it  as a bestseller it probably made about 120 dollars   so i was i was expecting thousands yeah yeah um  but it's amazing how how quickly and i was naive   to the fact that i had to keep on uh you know  running ads to it and things like that and i   just sort of let it go i thought it was going to  run organically and do really well and yeah very   naive to the fact i let it go and it just died off  and although i had some excellent reviews for that   book it just never recovered and so in my first  my first few months on kdp was um yeah it wasn't   that success like it was successful in the way of  getting some recognition of having a bestseller   yeah but it wasn't that successful in the way  of getting revenue and i was spending a lot of   money in regards to advertising and i had no idea  what i was doing and it was probably about so if i   started in november december 2019 it was probably  around about march or april that i then went into   low content books and and my journey from that  point went forward yeah so that's a little bit of   a backstory about being a teacher self-publishing  and also authoring a book through a major   publisher and why i changed directions to actually  doing it myself so you found that doing that   course publishing your own books did that help you  in terms of then getting into the low content book   marketing yeah i did it it taught me a lot about  uh niche research although i think i got that   incredibly wrong to begin with because i  should never got into creating even a high   content book about habit development because it's  one of the most competitive niches in the world   yeah yeah um so if there was a if there's a number  one tip would be don't necessarily go for the   the categories or the niches that you necessarily  love absolutely you need to you know and i know   you speak about this a lot on your channel  about uh trying to find those niches where it's   uh low competition at a high need and that is  one of the most challenging things to actually   find and i know you and i create videos about  niche research and about finding those niches and   if you can get into one of those niches you can  really expand into it and it doesn't just become   you know one or two books you could make 10  or 15 books in the one nation really become   an expert and your brand because you can can  become recognized in that niche as well yeah yeah   so i i pushed into the low content and no content  probably more so low content more than no content   i've created quite a few no content journals but  i've found the most success in low content yes   yeah uh because i can really niche down and find  some great things in there yeah yeah i think with   the no content books it is very competitive they  are very easy to create so the barrier to entries   is very low um and i find a lot of people  that do start in this business do go for   those glamorous books you know the coloring books  that type of thing where the competition is great   but they're also a very visually demanding  book as well you need to really get those good   cover designs um my niche is my best-selling ones  so boring and i really like those boring niches   and as you said you can you know there is high  demand and a lot of these real boring niches and   they'll just provide that regular decent income  yeah yes so you started when did you say was it   2019. so in years 2019 i started with my initial  goal setting journal and then i did some high   content books and it was about april of 2020 then  i then progressed onto the low content and i was   actually just watching i hadn't even thought  about low content books for some reason apart   even when i did the journal well i wasn't even in  the headspace of calling that a low content book i   just thought it was a book that i could create  and i thought it was amazing i could actually   self-publish a book on on kdp on amazon and then  suddenly become an author for example and get it   out there to the world and so i think that's why  i love the platform just because it allowed me to   get to be at home pretty much and create resources  for a global audience rather than just focusing   on you know a state or you know or even your own  country to have that capacity to even expand it   to you know foreign countries so i've i've been  able to change you know quite a few of my local   content books into german italian into french  and get onto those platforms again it requires   like i get a translator to do that for me  because what you don't want to do is to create   a bad experience for customers and you're you're  creating a low content book and then suddenly   it doesn't make sense for them and then bad  reviews come in yeah but that's the beauty of it   is it really allows you to expand into different  countries and so i i moved into low content   because of a few factors firstly i felt like i  could be more creative and i wasn't having to wait   um like a high con content book takes  forever to make and so you can either   you know you can go through the process and  create the book yourself and write the book   or you can create outlines and you can get  ghostwriters to create those books for you um   or you can you know work on low content books and  really get find out what's working and i've found   that people spend thousands of dollars and months  creating high content books but you can have   as much success even sometimes more success by  creating a a letter tracing book for example for   you know within four or five days that does as  well if not better uh and so that's where yeah   that's where my focus sort of went and yeah  i actually just love the creation process and   and i've i've expanded about you know beyond  kdp as well so once you learn that process of   publishing with kdp you can then expand beyond  kdp and it's important to to have diversification   with your publishing yeah that's what i've said  in some of my videos that the skills that you   learn from taking part in this business you  can then apply to lots of different online   businesses because all the principles are much  the same in terms of finding your niche doing   the keyword research getting your content out  there so a lot of people don't really appreciate   that but probably won't appreciate it until  maybe a year or two down the line when maybe   they do get success with something completely  different than than publishing uh kdp books um   sorry because it's interesting that you  sort of started with the high content   and then used what you learnt there to then  have success in a different sort of related   field but different field in terms of its low  content books yeah and usually it's a flip side   normally people learn the low content first or  no content first and then go into high content   i mean the benefits of high content books is  which i found i i think i've ended up doing   seven high content books yeah and you can have um  you know obviously have the paperback the hardback   an ebook an audio book uh and and you can put  those on different platforms and so the one book   becomes four or five books so that's the power of  those but it's not to say that you can't create   a really good children's book and then get that  narrated into an audio book and that's the next   level that i've now sort of moved into and it's  yeah so i think it's a stepping stone in regards   to publishing and one of the other steps i've  done to diversify is i've actually helped out   businesses as well to create resources  for their business so what i've learned   from my publishing so once you go through  it you think that anyone could create it but   there's actually a lot of steps involved with  learning how to create a good book and i've   worked with a few companies and they've said look  romney we need to have a resource that covers   goal setting 90 days for the business um all the  targets that we're doing yeah and it's sort of   there's a book up there that i've created um about  the 90 day goal setting for businesses and so   i worked um with uh with a an owner of a business  that wanted to work towards that and now that book   is used every 90 days for their team and then  it can look at expanding beyond that and so yeah   what you learn during the process you can expand  beyond just creating books for kdp you can then   expand it even further and there's so  many partnerships you can form that   people just need books and resources and it  might be a local triathlete club that needs   a journal for their club members and they  want to track their their training and their   um their weekend competition so you can create a  book for that and then suddenly you might go well   we've got a whole heap of athletes that want that  journal can you can you you know create it for us   and so there's partnerships you can do that way  that's one that's where i sort of got my initial   success was because my son is a tennis player  and it suddenly occurred to me one day training   journals for tennis players because i noticed  all these kids you know were writing down their   their programs what they were doing and you  know keeping up to date with their stretching   programs i thought hang on i could produce  a book which would sort of help these guys   and that's when for me it was a bit of a light  bulb moment i thought hang on there's lots of   other sports as well that would benefit from  similar training journals nutrition journals that   type of thing and that's when i started to see the  real upside of low content books and and creating   all these different types of log books and then it  then went on to different types of logbooks after   that so yeah it's interesting a lot of people  often ask about you know niches where can i find   you know good niches but they're all around you  and you just gotta so just think laterally and   you know and yeah ideas around you whether  it could be work sports hobbies you've got   yeah and it's definitely not saturated like  there's so many uh niches that just have to   dig a little bit deeper and i think that's that  is as i mentioned from the very beginning that's   one of the biggest challenges because everything  flows from the book from finding that great niche   will flow through to creating a great cover  design and then you know the internal of your   books and description and everything else flows  from there and and if you can find a great niche   even the advertising element of it through amazon  ads it's so much cheaper to advertise because it's   less competitive yeah and i found that when i was  doing you know if it was a gratitude journal or a   letter tracing journal for example the cost  of marketing that bought book on amazon was   extraordinary and it was actually very very  hard to market because some of the you know the bids were you know 70 cents a bid for  example and if you only have to get three people   click on it then suddenly you've lost your any  profitability out of it that's right because the   margins are so low on well not so low but they're  low on these books compared to the bid price   yeah yeah that's right i noticed on  the bookshelf behind you you've got a   is that a letter tracing book is that what books yeah this was a book i created a little while  ago and i actually i refer to it um i refer to   it occasionally regards to to cover design and  and trying to get all the elements right and   you know i definitely wouldn't say it's the  perfect book cover at all by any stretch but   i i i do i refer to it because i what i always try  and teach to any anyone that's you know watching   watching my channel or watching  any of the content that i create is   just making something pop out and and making  it fun and also tailoring it to your audience   and now i see a lot like i have people that make  contact with me um occasionally in regards to   their book covers and saying look why am i selling  this book what's wrong with it and i can see   immediately why it's not selling i mean i i'm  sure i've got book cover i'll know i've got   book covers out there that need to be changed  up and and it definitely doesn't hit the mark   however i think as a customer you can see reasons  why book covers may not stand out and i think the   more road testing you do of creating book covers  or even if your subcontract book cover design out   yeah you know what the good elements are and it  might be making sure that you're using your whole   space within the book cover some people limit  their heading or so their title to a small section   uh yeah and you're only given you know a certain  size but when the way i look at it as well if when   you're looking at the thumbnail if the thumbnail  if you can't really read the title or the subtitle   on the little thumbnail on on your smartphone then  you need to work on it even more because customers   flick through so quickly and you just need to  capture their attention and this is what i need   to learn from those covers that are doing well  what what elements are they using what you know   what are the colors they're using  what elements are making it stand out   and a lot of people try and reinvent the  wheel in regards to book cover design but   you yeah you just need to get elements within  successful book covers and absolutely don't   copy it that's what i'm not saying at all but  use use features of those book covers like as i   said like the colors or like characteristics of it  because that's obviously popular and so you just   need to work hard at those elements to get them  right with with any of your cover design and so   i sort of use that book because i i do get  positive feedback about it and um i enjoyed   writing that book actually that was a good one did  you design the cover yourself yeah yeah i've um   i probably for my first four or five books i  actually outsourced it and then i attempted   to do it myself and i look back on some of those  covers and they were like horrible um at the time   you you're very proud of your cover design but i  look back on them now and i think i can't believe   i made a sale on one of those books like that  were they were terrible but uh you gradually just   if you continue to work on it and continue  to revise and get feedback don't think that   when you create a cover that it's the best  ever because and you also get it get used to   constructive feedback as i always like to  sort of acknowledge and i've never been great   at constructive feedback when it comes to covers  because you think your cover's great and then when   someone says yeah it's not so great then you sort  of get taken back a little bit but um yeah so it's   it's important just to work with people to get the  right cover design and i've i've just worked hard   at my cover design i feel like i'm getting closer  to where i need to be yeah and i think you've also   got you've got to look at look on amazon and  study i mean i've spent hours and hours just   going through books that are selling well and as  you say look at the covers other common features   and i think people try and do too much with  their covers when really just some basic design   principles like use of color positioning of the  title the size of the title and if you get that   right you're already on the you know the path  to creating something that looks aesthetically   pleasing but uh yeah it's the biggest issue i find  when i look at other people's books it's that the   cover designs are just stopping them from  getting those clicks and getting the sales   yeah and i think like my my start of my kt  kdp journey and i've documented this in a few   youtube videos on the channel but um yeah  the first three three to four months was   really difficult like i i was spending money  on advertising i think i was behind by around   about 600 700 like i was going back faster than i  was going forward and i think the the first three   months i think i made 130 dollars maybe i might  even mean after month four where i made the best   seller that made 140 bucks um and but i had you  know maybe around about 25 30 books out by then   and they just weren't they weren't  tracking i had the high content books   that you know i tried to implement what  i was learning in the course but again   i thought i knew better and it was a it was  a not the right approach i should have been   definitely listening to the people that  have been there and done that before   and implementing that but again i made the mistake  of going to a niche where i had interest in it and   i felt that i could bring that interest and value  to people but because it was so saturated i had   no chance of being able to track against the big  the big people the big players in the in the um   you know the the goal setting and the in the habit  development space i just had no chance uh but it   was when i'd moved to low content that i felt  like i did have a chance because i could then   really niche down and create the books and look  the worst thing that could happen it was it was   time that i was losing on creating a low content  book that maybe didn't do particularly well but   when you create high content books there's a fair  bit of cost involved with the creation of those   uh in fact you know some books can cost you up to  you know a thousand dollars to create for a high   content book but when it comes to low content you  can afford to maybe experiment a bit more and and   you know try a few different things and then  after about uh april to july income started to   increase i got more knowledgeable on what i should  have been doing i went into a really good niche i   found a niche that was staying to get some good  profitability and then in a from october 2020   again it really scaled up and i think in in  that period of time i think i in the quarter   four of 2020 um it was around about eight and a  half nine thousand us dollars i made over that   that period of time over the whole quarter yeah  over the whole quarter but from earning nothing   for the first three months to then earning that  was really exciting for me because i felt that   you know i could accelerate and then this year  has really really taken off and yeah you know   from around about january to july i'd sold 20 000  books already um so that i just had learned more   and more and just applied all those things i've  been learning along the way to really accelerate   okay so your first few months as you said  you got to about 140 dollars a month after   three four months was that right i yeah well  it was a it was a 140 a month that's all like   i hadn't averaged i think i started averaging oh  look this it sort of the scale just went up and   yeah yeah i i just kept on applying the few things  i think april was about was march april i think it   was about 140 and then in around about july a  couple of months later it was about 300 or 400   and then it really started to scale up  in august and september and then sort   of flattened out a little bit middle of october  but then quarter four came and i started to run   some ads on the books that i felt really  kick-started some of those books as well and   yeah amazon ads as we know it's they're they're  they're a big challenge and i i'm still working   hard on them yeah same here i can never predict  what books are going to be successful with the   the amazon ads um some that i think are this will  be good i just cannot get off the ground where's   others seem to just you run some ads and straight  away it's ranking highly and making organic sales   yeah so when you got to that the final quarter  of 2020 and you made 89 000 over that period   was it one particular book or was it a whole  range of books that was bringing in that income   it there was maybe 20 books that were bringing  that maybe it's the 80 20 rule um yeah it was   sort of bringing you know a fair bit of the  income but yeah um okay yeah i felt that the   the revenue i was sort of generating from a few  of the books like it wasn't as if there was one   book that was bringing you know three thousand  dollars it was a bit of an even spread over   okay yeah twenty or so books um there's a few  sort of books that we're bringing maybe a couple   of hundred dollars and then the biggest surprise  to me what happened after um after about the 19th   20th of december there was just a cliff face  where book sales just stopped and it just dropped   and i remember looking a few facebook groups  and thinking is it just me is this supposed to   happen i don't know whether this is expected  and you know they rightly pointed out that um   of course businesses shut down kdp probably  stopped printing and they have time off and   there might be a bit of time there where you  know things just still you know stop and so it   took a little bit of time to build up again in  january and get things going again but i found   there was a few you know niches in particular that  did start to go well the educational resources   started to get better traction again i guess after  having a break over that christmas period people   are resuming back to school and things like that  and therefore they require educational resources   and also books like variations  of gratitude journals and and   sort of specific sort of diaries and things go  well because people are going well it's a new year   i'm starting fresh i want to hit these goals hit  these targets and then they started going well and   some countries operate on a calendar year other  countries operate on a financial year from um you   know july one and so yeah yeah i just felt that  the momentum took a big bit to get going but once   it did get going it really took off again probably  from about 20th of january and then you've got   those special events um like if easter it comes up  and you've got mother's day and your father's day   you know valentine's day and you know so all  those sort of niches that do pop up and i've got   a list of those special occasions knowing what i'm  going to advertise for them as well yeah yeah yeah   and when you start a lot of questions uh a  common question i get is you know how quick   can you start making money in this business do you  remember when you started after you produced your   first low content book how long it took before you  made your kind of first dollar if you like yeah um   it i know for the first few months yeah there  wasn't it was flatlined i didn't make any money   at all from that but then when i got to know the  process of of uploading it correctly using the   right keywords and there's always a challenge  of knowing well when i load this book up   do i advertise on it do i wait a certain period  of time what's the process sort of involved with   with launching a book because there's a very  different process to launching high content   books low content books no content books and  getting reviews and those sorts of things and so   sort of work through that process to to develop  a bit of a game plan about what that might look   like as well and once i developed that plan  when i started to launch new low content books   i had a bit more success and it might only  take a few days before i got got sales but   the biggest thing the biggest challenge that we  have for low and no content publishers is well   you sort of need you need reviews to get  the social proof to then sell your books   but you you know without the reviews people don't  buy your books but you need people to buy your   books to get the reviews and so it's a yeah it's  a catch 22. and so that's that's the hardest thing   so i've you know my launch plan um uh is something  that i you know i'm developing and i'm i'm going   to develop and put into a course so that people  sort of can see what my plan is moving forward   from when i develop the book to the process  of day one and when it goes live and what i do   yeah um and it's taken a fair bit of time and  it's it's something that i hadn't really ever   shared because it it does take so much time to  sort of work that out and at some point in time   i you know absolutely want to want to share that  plan so that people have more success when they're   launching their books but from day one sometimes  you expect that you'll get a few sales off the bat   but other times it might take you know a couple  of months and i know that you can get impatient   when you've created the book and  you're not getting any sales and   some of my best sellers was very flat for the  first three months and then they started to pick   up and by about the six month mark uh they might  have been selling you know two or three per day   uh and then that's up it doesn't sound like much  per day but you know over the course of the week   that adds up and then over the course of the  month it's even more yeah and that's one book   if you've got 100 books it definitely adds up  yeah i remember with my my best seller i mean   i remember i published it and got a sale within  it's like two or three days but then over the next   six to 12 months it was up and down in the  rankings really just all over the place   and then it took it's about eight months before  it then started to settle down and gradually rise   and then sales just became sort of  consistent and it you know it ranked   um highly uh what it has done ever since and  that's without running ads but it's interesting   what you say about the ads and reviews i tend  to my the strategy i use is not to make so much   to make money from my books with ads but just  to get those sales and i'm probably on a lot of   my books actually make a loss but it's to get  those reviews to get the social proof but also   it helps with the the algorithm and the ranking  as well which is ultimately you know my aim for   my books to get them ranked organically yeah and  i think that's it is one of the hardest things   regarding your books that to make an investment  at the front end for example um you know running   amazon ads yes you do need to spend some money at  the front end to then allow to sort of get ranked   better over the first 30 days in particular  when you launch your book there's a bit of   a boost period there where yeah you you know that  amazon sort of boost your book to see whether it's   you know something that customers want yeah  and i've found that if i invest just a little   bit of money at the front end then it pays off  at the back end and okay i think um it's yeah   it's getting it is becoming more competitive  particularly in certain kinds of niches but you   can still absolutely find niches that don't have  the competition that you can rank well you can run   amazon ads without them becoming too expensive  as well but the biggest hurdle like even when   you're starting a business is investing money at  the front end and you're not seeing any return   but to then have confidence in what you're  doing to you know to generate that later on and   uh yeah amazon kdp for some for some  people they expect results immediately   but trust me if you stick with it and  keep with it and be consistent about it   like many things in life you'll end up  getting the results but you've just got to   you know roll with the punches in a way  because you will get setbacks and i remember   in about august of 2020 i started to go  well then there was a bit of a drop off   and i was spending so much on ads as  as well trying to get my books to rank   that i hit a bit of a flat spot as well and i  was starting to question well you know is this   something i can sort of do long term but if i  hadn't persisted if i hadn't you know worked   on the things that were going wrong and learned  from them then i wouldn't be where i am now and   yeah you just got to keep with it it's really  really hard but you've just got to keep with it   yeah i've noticed it goes through cycles as  well and i have those episodes where i think   all my sales are going down the pan  things are not selling as well as they   used to is this the end of my business it also  happens with youtube as well you think oh no   things are not working but all of a sudden for  whatever reason it then starts to pick up again   um so you just gotta as you say you've got to  stick with it and especially at the beginning   it can get very frustrating for a lot of people  i know because they're yeah i think i think aaron   mindy is saying paul that you said like your  youtube channel as well with your kdp publishing   i'm going to give it 12 months no matter no matter  the setbacks no matter what happens i'm just going   to give it 12 months and it almost has to be  that mindset where you think look i just need   to take action and i can't just keep putting it  off if i want to give it a go then you know learn   learn as much as you can but remember don't have  content overload where you're listening to so much   information that you do get overload  and you don't know where to start yeah   just create a little bit of a game plan and have  have some small goals that you set for yourself   and then you know each day just just peek away  at that that what the little goal that you've   got have like for example i have five goals that  i want to achieve every month um for publishing   and you know the other day of yesterday i  think it was i actually set my december goals   i've just got five key goals and so therefore  if i'm getting off track and i lose focus i   can just look up to that board and go do you  know what that's what i need to focus on and   yeah it's really it's really  helped because i think when you get   clarity on what you want to achieve and you have  a goal in place then suddenly everything becomes   a lot clearer for you and you start focusing  on the right things you start looking for the   right opportunities to start listening to  the right content and you can move forward   so it's something else i think that people need  to do just just write some simple goals down and   and and you just get some direction about where  you're going with your publishing rather than just   sporadically creating books just going you know  what this month i'm just going to focus on one   niche i'm going to create three three books  um they're like no content books or even low   content books and i'm just going to work on  the quality of those books i'm not going to   pump out 50 books because you you'll just lose  track of where those books are going you can't   market them so definitely quality over quantity  that's what i learned in this business i started   with quantity um and it probably took about a  year before i realized that quantity was the quality quality was the the key and not not  quantity uh yeah again people ask me you know   what's the maximum number of books i can publish a  day and it's like ugh it's not what you should be   asking really because you know your your mindset's  not in the right place it's got to be it's got to   be you know don't produce as many but produce  high quality the best quality books you can   yeah that's right and what's your plan sorry i was  just gonna say for the first for the first maybe a   couple of months in kdp um and we've discussed  this privately before about the importance of   maybe creating seven or ten books even if there  are no content books just to get used to the   process of uploading niche research the keywords  those sorts of things just to get used to that and   yeah and also i remember when i first started i  was getting knockbacks from kdp because my covers   weren't formatted correctly and i i needed to add  0.125 inches or to the boundaries of it i didn't   know what was going on and so maybe do those  first seven or ten and get used to it and then   really try and get that quality happening yeah and  focus on that yeah you've got to get used to the   process first of all as you say and then start to  look at various niches and producing just one or   two books good quality books and concentrating  on those and again it's all about experimenting   that's how you learn that's how you remember and  you pick up new things as you go along and all of   a sudden you've amassed all this knowledge yeah  so what's your plans saw from now going forward   what do you what do you sort of where you're  heading what is it you're trying to concentrate on   kdp is it other business areas yeah i i do  enjoy i thoroughly enjoy the publishing side   of things i've actually enjoyed the new challenge  of creating a channel and and in some respects it   actually reminds me of publishing because you've  got to create good content that your customers or   your your viewers are going to want to watch um  they can almost do a bit of a look inside feature   and see what you you know what your video is about  they can see the first 30 seconds for example your   thumbnail's like a book cover so if your thumbnail  is not you know so i do i do feel like the youtube   channel is very similar in my publishing and and  i look back on my first thumbnails for example the   youtube channel and they're not great and it was  like my journey with publishing as well and so i   i do want to continue to expand on my you know  what what i've learned from the last couple of   years of publishing and really provide that back  to people that are you know on the journey that   i'm on they might be you know they might have been  publishing for a couple of years like like myself   or they might be new to kdp uh so i've been um  working on a on a course that i'd love to develop   and and provide you know some deep information  that i i share i share a lot of information on   youtube and there's there's plenty of information  on there i share but i think the course i want to   just go even further because i can actually with a  course i can um just really focus on exactly what   i think my journey was like when i  first started and what i needed to know   and if i can create the course people have all the  content in the one place rather than trying to go   back through my playlists and things like that so  that's sort of one main focus area for me is to   create something um a course that people can can  help with their journey as well yeah and i think   with my publishing as well i have expanded those  income streams to different different pathways   for example working with businesses to help create  resources there's some public speaking engagements   that i've sort of been asked to attend now because  of those books and so that's another nightmare   i um it's sort of funny like i i completed a lot  of a lot of public speaking i guess because i was   a teacher and i've always felt comfortable with  it but since we've been going through periods   of different lockdowns and things like that you  do become quite insular and you get get used to   working your own office and space at home for  example and it's like learning to ride again you   sort of gotta feel confident with uh with engaging  and the other day i had um a a presentation i did   for around about 50 people that were at a  seminar and so i was talking about a few   different elements of of the book and everything  like that and to start with i was quite nervous   getting going but you know soon felt comfortable  as as it went on but they're the opportunities   that you do get and it's building that brand  awareness and that's probably one of the other   challenges you initially have when you first  start publishing is to create your brand because   you don't know whether to create your brand under  a business name do you create it on your own name   do you create it under an alias and and before  you know it you're sort of up and going and   you think well maybe i should have changed  that and it's actually hard to turn around   to to come back because i've got a few different  pen names that i operate under not all under the   under the one platform and so i think it just  gives you a bit of diversification as well um with   with the books you're creating so yeah it's it's  there's a lot of challenges but there's also some   amazing opportunities and and i find exhilarating  when create a great book and you see it you know   tracking really well and yeah i find the same  with any content i create for youtube i get   yeah absolutely the same feeling it's it's  it's really it's really nice to know you're   helping people yeah so why where can people  find your content yeah thanks paul it's um   so my channel is the life graduate publishing  group and that's the youtube channel uh and   it's pretty much if you jump on there i've  got you know the links in the description to   to what i'm doing and um that's sort of the main  the main spot my website's and   it's sort of a it's a growing growing platform i  guess because you've you've got the opportunity   for publishing books for the social media  element of things yeah um and it's something   i'm passionate about and i love doing and you  know it's it's nice to be able to chat with   someone like yourself that's been involved in the  same industry and surprising enough we actually   don't get the opportunity of speaking like this  very often so it's actually nice to do this yeah   well that's fantastic so you've got your youtube  channel and you've got your your website as well   so everyone get along there watch the videos on  this channel very educational very useful and   obviously don't forget to subscribe well romney  it's been a great pleasure thank you very much for   for coming on to for my channel and answering  the questions i hope all of you out there   have found this content useful and and hopefully  have learned something so romney thank you very   much thanks paul really appreciate it and  have a good afternoon thank you bye-bye
Channel: Paul Marles
Views: 10,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kdp low content books, low content book publishing, low content books, low content books kdp, kindle direct publishing, paul marles, kdp publishing, amazon kdp, low content publishing, kdp low content, kdp amazon, low content books amazon, amazon self publishing, no content books, self publishing, low content kdp, passive income kdp, kdp sales, low content book sales, low content amazon kdp, romney nelson, kdp income, kdp earnings
Id: nTXWLs4zHfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 7sec (2647 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2021
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