I Cracked My Head Open... (not a prank)

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oh my god oh my god my head was literally bleeding and i needed staples or stitches to close it up actually oh my god so guys i got injured again i know what you guys are thinking i broke my ankle last month how could i possibly be injured again i'm here to tell you this is not a prank this bandage on my head is real i did get injured but this time it's not my ankle it was my head i personally think this injury is even worse than the last one about a month ago when i broke my ankle that was the worst injury i've ever had but i think this one tops it because it is my head and my head is the most important part of my body to me hitting your head is just the scariest possible thing that could happen because of how important and fragile it is i mean your brain's in there so so many things can go wrong and yeah it was terrible it was one of the scariest things i've ever had to go through well earlier today that did happen and i hit my head hard enough to the point where i actually cracked it open i've hit my head a few times in my life but never to the point where i've actually cracked my head open and started bleeding from my head luckily i did get everything on camera so i can explain it for you guys you guys can actually see exactly what happened this video is terrifying and i really hate watching it but i want to show you guys and explain exactly what happened as you guys know i'm always doing crazy stuff in my videos which actually caused me to break my ankle last month once again filming for my youtube caused me to get this injury so it all started this morning when i was at my warehouse about to film a prank on one of my friends it's really stupid and i'm really mad that it happened because now i got this in my head so for the prank i had a makeup artist come to my warehouse and give me black eye makeup to prank one of my friends so once i got the makeup done it was time to pull the prank but first i wanted to test it out to make sure it worked so pretty much the fake stunt was gonna be me skating down my ramp and then going up to a hoop to do a trick shot and then i was going to purposely mess up the trick shot and hit my eye on the backboard of the hoop then prank my friends that you know i hit my eye and it all went wrong and that i got hurt it's pretty ironic that i was filming a prank about getting hurt and i actually got hurt doing it i guess that's just what i get for trying to prank my friends but while doing a test it all went wrong here we go three two one oh oh so as i was hitting the backboard of the hoop for the prank the speed of me actually doing that caused the entire hoop to fall over and hit me in the back of the head i had no idea the hoop was actually falling and i was on the floor when it happened so as you guys can see the entire hoop comes crashing down and hitting me in the side of the head and cracking my head open this hoop is so freaking heavy probably 60 pounds of pure metal and wood just coming down hitting me in the side of the head there was actually a lot of sharp metal and wood on this hoop that i didn't even pay attention to because i didn't think the thing was gonna hit me in the side of the head i actually got my initial reaction on camera i'm gonna play it for you guys oh as you guys can see i was freaking out and i was trying to tell my cameraman derek that this was real it wasn't a prank and i actually got hurt when this thing hit me in the head i had no idea what happened i literally thought my head was just about to be in half i know it sounds like i'm exaggerating but that's what it felt like my head was pounding i did not know what happened all i needed to do was know if my head was bleeding we then looked at my head to see if it was bleeding and what do you know it was the cut on my head was about an inch i know it's blurred out but it's just nasty and i don't want to show you guys that and then obviously once this happened all i wanted to do was get to the hospital and get it checked out because my head is bleeding and i don't know what to do so we get in the car and we start rushing to the hospital but no hospital wanted to take me i literally couldn't wait that long because my head was literally bleeding and i needed staples or stitches to close it up as soon as possible so after almost an hour of driving around we finally found a hospital that could take me told me i had a concussion and i needed staples as soon as possible so then right away they put two staples in my head closing up the cut to stop the bleeding which to me is really scary because i got staples in my head but as long as the bleeding is done i'm all good so after everything they wrapped me up and they sent me home and here i am sitting in bed with the worst headache i've ever felt in my life i wanted to make this video to update you guys about what just happened so yeah maybe i should take a few days off doing some stunts because a month ago i broke my ankle and here i am cracked up and head from doing a stupid freaking stunt don't worry guys i'm all good i'm gonna rest up today and then probably get some of my friends reactions to the video tomorrow yeah i'm definitely gonna lay in bed all day today and just get some rest all right guys it is the next day i feel much better thankfully i do still have a pretty bad headache but i can actually do things now instead of just laying in bed all day somebody go to some of my friends houses and get their reaction to me being injured once again i doubt they're gonna believe me this time brent you can come out oh no this is such a prank no it's not this is definitely a prank just broke your ankle you said that last time and it wasn't a prank he's always fake hurting himself bro you think i'm stupid no no no no no find the video find the video why are you always i don't believe you at all you're always doing these types just believe me i got hurt pranks [Music] right there oh my god do you believe me now oh i'm sorry i'm not gonna give you a hug this time wait no you're a terrible friend i'm sorry i didn't believe you i feel bad now we're not friends anymore bro all right so it's not time to get lexi's reaction i already know when i show her the video she's gonna absolutely freak out because she hates looking at injuries and this is like the worst one yet let's see how she reacts i cracked my head open why are you laughing no you didn't yes i do you're lying why are you laughing because there's no way you broke your ankle last month and now all of a sudden you have a crystal yes no here's the video i don't know if you want to see it why do yourself oh my god i told you i told you okay so maybe you weren't lying there's no way you can make that up i think it's edited explain this oh my god why would you show me that see i wasn't joking okay well from now on you need to wear like a motorcycle helmet when you do anything because you are so clumsy you know what maybe i should i think you should [Music] oh just kidding i am not doing that yet wait are you okay though okay i think the stun double got knocked out wait hold up no no i'm just kidding give me like another week and i'll be back to doing my stunts definitely be a lot more careful to wear a helmet that's buckled next time yeah thanks for the support i love you guys peace
Channel: Ben Azelart
Views: 8,364,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben azelart, brent rivera, Lexi rivera, stokes twins, ben Azelart girlfriend, Lexi rivera boyfriend, mylifeaseva, lexi hensler, Andrew davila, pierson, Pierson wodzynski, Jeremy hutchins, dom brack, Brent and pierson, hospital, how I got injured
Id: jkXj13eGfOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 57sec (357 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 24 2022
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