I COULDN'T GO (and a polar bear walked by our cabin this morning) | Svalbard

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it's eight in the morning we just woke up to the helicopter literally outside and over our house Christoffer checked the system the government's website because that's usually means something if they're here this early there's a polar bear outside good morning and welcome back to svalbard everyone it's me Cecilia this morning at 8am we woke up to the helicopter just outside our cabin because a polar bear came walking by even though the possibility of encountering a polar bear is something that can happen anywhere on smallboard at any time they generally don't walk around the cabin areas very often it's something that happens maybe only a few times per year but this morning one came strolling by as you can probably hear and see on my face I am sick and I'm not in Sweden but more on that later now back to the polar bear Christoffer had just let out Grim because he gets up in here and Grim wanted to come inside after like 10 minutes and that never happens and now we know it's because a polar bear walked by on the on the beach and he must have sensed that but he didn't bark so that's good that probably means that he understands that it's something bigger than him but so now we're gonna see what's happening because they're gonna have to chase the polar bear away in some direction and it's walking towards the village so we're kind of thinking they might Chase it out to sea or back this way the best thing is there's a few walrus hanging out on the beach it's like a zoo okay I'm gonna show you the walrus because it's playing in the water and also the the helicopter is right there so I'm guessing they still can see it let me show you the walrus in the meantime look at this walrus okay bro stay inside there's a polar bear on the loose this morning was like something out of an Animal Planet episode reindeer walking around with their huge antlers a walrus chilling in the water arctic foxes screaming in the Mountainside and a polar bear casually walking by all at the same time this is what I love so much about living here daily excitement is almost always related to the incredible nature we have here it's all right outside our doors I often get asked how Grimm reacts to polar bears and he hasn't had any proper close encounters so we don't really know but the fact that he wanted to come inside today and didn't bark at all when the polar bear walked by makes us believe that he understands that they are not to be messed with so I freaking love walruses okay so the latest update is that when the helicopter came the polar bear started swimming out to sea which is good for the polar bear because then it's not walking towards town so I'm thinking well so now it is swimming towards wherever it's going and they plan on just keeping it swimming North and polar bears are really good swimmers so this is nothing strange or anything they can swim super far distances so it's probably just gonna swim on somewhere else and have a calmer day there I'll update to you if I see it but I think the chance of me seeing it in the ocean when it's this choppy it's very difficult but so it was walking it was walking right out here to that cabin and when it came to that cabin somebody took a photo and sent it to Susan which is well they called systeman which is exactly what they should do so whenever you see a polar bear here you call the governor and then they deal with it and then the governor put out on our Facebook page that please don't come out here because they don't want to stress the polar bear more and they just want to you know keep people from getting hurt or whatever and the polar bear as well and then as soon as they got the helicopter out it started swimming out so it's probably been in the ocean the whole time when I was looking for it on land that's all right I've been preoccupied by a walrus so now the PO the helicopter is right out there still so I'm guessing it's keeping it you know under some surveillance and seeing but I can't see anything from here but interesting morning here on the West Point I must say Grim that might mean that you can be outside a little bit yeah I'm convinced that he saw the polar bear when it walked here because he sees everything so if he asked to come inside I'd say it's a good sign that he realized that he is not King of this Arctic he may be king of the cabin but not of the tundra you know later on we got an update saying that the polar bear made it safely to the other side of the Fjord and continued its Journey on land which was great it is currently 4 P.M and I should have been on my flight to Sweden about one hour ago and I'm not because I'm way too sick this is the first time in my life that I've canceled and not even canceled because I won't get anything back but where I didn't board my side because I'm too sick I feel like I've learned something from the pandemic we have covet going around the village Christopher was sick as you saw in a few videos back or maybe the last video and I've got it it's here now it's in me I'm on day four I had the fever I've had body aches body chills cough snotty nose absolutely everything and now I have like like I'm wearing ear muffs and first of all I'm not going to travel and be contagious and that's not happening but also let's say it wasn't coveted it was just a cold I once traveled with a cold and my eardrums almost burst and I told myself I will never again travel with that but that you know it's not even an option since of course I'm not going to travel with anything that I think might be covered Christopher's out with Grimm giving him some exercise because we're still not feeling back to normal he's a little bit better but now it's mostly like respiratory cold you know it was just so much so that's what happens that is what happens so what are we gonna do guys I can't make a Sweden video and I had so many fun things planned it's life it's just life um at least I have a monster ah it's not bad sometimes I get these mini heart attacks don't worry I'm okay just a quick little break in the video because nordvpn are back sponsoring another video and you already know by now that nordvpn is my favorite VPN to use it's also what I would have been using to stay safe online if I would have been on my way to Sweden right now which I'm not using a VPN when traveling is the best way to stay safe online whenever using public Wi-Fi you run the risk of having your data stolen a VPN hides your address or location so you're harder to track it also encrypts data like passwords and sensitive information instead of sending it over the internet in plain text that any hacker could access the solution is to encrypt your data with nordvpn at all times which is just as easy as the click of a button a VPN can be used for so many other things as well like unlocking your favorite entertainment website or even finding cheaper flight tickets head to nordvpn.com Cecilia or use the code Cecilia to get my exclusive deal which is four months for free on a two-year plan and it's all risk-free with nordvpn's 30-day money-back guarantee thank you so much to nordvpn and let's head back to the video [Music] foreign [Music] how different two Souls can be but we both grow from the same sorrow if we both know we'll be together tomorrow I can be like a tree in the wind same old rings but I can bend turning to understand and sway together yeah so Christopher's sickness got me too and there wasn't very much to do about it I had to cancel my trip to Sweden to see my family and spent a few days in bed with a fever as soon as we started feeling a little bit better we tried getting a few hours of fresh air every day because it really does wonders we had our friend come by to take Grim for walks so he still got some exercise during this time we can already feel a cooler Breeze in the air but it feels wild to me the fall is going to be here so soon summer on svalbard is very short only about two months and it feels like just yesterday we put our boat in the water but this year summer has been incredible gorgeous sunny days with mild temperatures around 10 degrees but it's not over yet we still have a few weeks before the sunsets start to take over and the cold weather rolls in I thought when I say that I bought some things I bought some things I had bought so many fun souvenir like gifts for everyone so we did a video call to show the kids what I will be sending them in the mail my sister had traveled with my nephew all the way from the United States which is where she lives so it really was a bummer that I couldn't go but I generally don't get too upset about things like this it's just bad luck and traveling while sick would be irresponsible so it is what it is I will now make fun plans instead to travel and see them in the future I just came out here to make some coffee and we're gonna cook our fish and there are whales here like big I think fin whales or blue whales not the belugas so pretty I can also see that we have really good weather now but something is brewing something's coming this way it looks very ominous foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Mission open I could smell the Pines [Music] standing [Music] today we brought the party outside we're getting some fresh air right outside our door oh is there a beverage coming my way so we caught some arctic cod that we're gonna Grill today here for dinner because why not it was a really really beautiful evening it's what like seven now but suddenly just the darkest clouds ever started rolling in but it's still nice it's just that the sun disappeared you know what we have enough sun to go around the rest of the summer so we can survive this and today also Christopher said the famous words that Autumn is on its way right today we felt that that the tundra is just a little bit more orange and you know you can feel it in the air it's getting colder I'm just for sad it's okay a bit more to go now we're going to cook cook the fish [Music] so we went out fishing just over there and now it's dinner time so now the fish is here so I'm just waiting for the pan to get hot enough warm enough so I can start fry it so it's gonna be just with salt and butter we had gone out fishing the day before since we were starting to feel better and we need to start to fill up the freezer for the winter anyone can go fishing here on svalbard and the maximum you can catch is 2 000 kilos per boat per year we mainly fish for arctic cod but also sometimes get haddock and if we are lucky Atlantic will fish other things you can Source on the island are mushrooms and some greens like Mountain sorrow since the tundra is protected you would have to ask for permission before picking any sorrow there is an exception made for mushroom seaweed and kelp which can be foraged for private use it feels a lot colder today there's like a chill in the air let's bring hello the awesome air yeah definitely Autumn air Autumn Fall air should be cold the cold is falling the fall is falling it is indeed hey shall we go and take a look at the beach a little tour here what a gorgeous day what to go this day there's so much beach today look look at this it's also very easy to see why the polar bear could just walk by without anybody really noticing or getting you know bothered by it or that it it didn't go close to any cabins or anything it's because it just went on by here all the way up there and then he went zoom and started tweeting which is good look at this ah it looks like it's starting to rain soon so we're gonna go inside and finish the rest of the food foreign Christopher continued with our meal inside with the pan fried cod he made mashed potatoes and a side of green beans and fennel and some sort of really good sauce the main thing I'm looking forward to with the darkness coming back is cozy evenings I can't wait to make the cabin just all cozy and watched a movie together at the end of the day and go to bed under a dark sky but you know it's not long left until we can do that thank you so much for watching this video and for being here on my channel I appreciate it so much and don't forget to head to our patreon if you want to see more content from us we post coffee chats and just Hangouts and wallpapers and stuff like that it's a little Community otherwise I will post a new video next Sunday so thank you so much for being here I will see you next week love you okay bye [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Cecilia Blomdahl
Views: 842,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spitsbergen, remote, island, longyearbyen, north, arctic, northern, swedish, norway, norwegian, winter, snow, polar bear, glacier, adventure, extreme, polar, hygge, cabin, hytte, darkness, aurora, northern lights, fire, real talk, deep talk, decor, snow storm, dark, everyday, life, lifestyle, cabin build, renovation, house tour, house build, house, cabin life, polar bears, apartment tour, tour, apartment, flat, night, polarnight, dark season, cats, banned, rabies, education, food, what i eat in a day, culinary, culture
Id: 9EX14J1TXb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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