Cozy Lakeside Cabin | Rainbows in Winter

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[Music] [Music] no [Music] well it's official we made it to the winter season in Alaska Eric and I are going to be staying at this cute little cabin behind us for the next two nights it is a public use cabin they're super neat we enjoy staying at them and if you don't know much about them they are managed and maintained by the state a lot of them you have to reserve ahead of time but there are actually some that are first come first sered they are all unique but they are all primitive so You' got to be prepared for that and some of them you can just roll up with your truck others you've got to get into by Trail or boat and there are even some that are fly in only we made it a priority to make several reservations uh this winter season because we're not going to be able to get out to our cabin so we wanted to make sure that we got outd doors and brought the dogs and had some fun this particular cabin is gorgeous it's a little bit Misty today but we're in a spruce Forest we're overlooking a lake and the Alaska range is in the backdrop right there hopefully we'll get to see that tomorrow so the cabins are all throughout they have them all the way down in the Southeast also in South Central and here in the interior which is where we're at today let's take a little look around to the outside you may have only seen we come out to these cabins in the winter but they are usually open year round so it's got like a little summer setup area you've got a picnics and a little campfire ring and you can bring boats canoes things like that and go out fishing which is what we plan to do this is the snow machine parking so at most of them you do have to bring your own wood but at this particular cabin the land that we're on you are allowed to harvest some of the dead trees but we have enough wood so we won't have to do that let's follow this trail to the ous this is our house it's actually a really really really nice one wow it's got everything you need and this is the cabin it's a 12x 16 so nice and cozy a lot of them are built out of logs as you can tell I think this one's a little older but sometimes some of them are built out of modern materials let's head on inside the cabin we've got a nice day today it was -20 fhe when we left our house we got out here it warmed up to 5° so we've got the ice chest outside keeping cool let's head in the cabin this one's a little funky on the there we go I thought it'd be kind of cool to bring our thermometer on this trip and this one does the outside and the inside we have got this cabin heated up to just under 55° it feels pretty nice in here and it's cooled down a little bit outside it's 1.2 de F and I guess a important part of these cabins when we come to them is the wood stove so this one is it's a pretty cool one some of the ones we've stayed at they've got some old old wood stoves but they all got their like little quirks to them this one is a brand I've never heard of it's called a Dutch West it's your typical wood stove it's semie efficient but the thing I've noticed about this one is it has no lip on the front so you got to be really careful when you open it up like this see how logged everything just wants to kind of fall out the front it does does boil water extremely fast I boiled us water I made our cup of coffee and I even made us a little bit of soup that we're going to eat cuz we're kind of hungry we've got somewhere to eat right here which is like a indoor picnic table we bring in our own water um we bring 12 gallons so we have a seven gallon and a 5 gallon that always seems to be enough for us the dogs doing dishes things like that this one's pretty cool because it has bunk beds and we always usually sleep up top it's a little warmer up there it gets us away from the dogs and speaking of the dogs if you keep these little buggers happy they seem to do pretty good on these trips they're getting older they're both 14 so we bring their thick uh Temperpedic dog beds and they pretty much just sleep the whole trip and they have a pleasant time out here we've got all our food you have to bring your own light because it's dark here it's winter it's like noon right now and it's pretty dark out here so we bring this one which has a little uh Lantern thing on there and unfortunately my vintage Coleman lantern the white gas one the little socks that go on the lantern in there I just put new ones on last time we went out to one of these cabins and when we got out here they like fell off and they disintegrated so we can't use our Lantern this trip these cabins are pretty basic uh you're you know you're not supposed to leave anything here for the next people some people do some of it's useful some of it's just garbage and we ended up hauling it away and we try to leave them a little bit cleaner but pretty excited to be here we're going to eat our soup and we're going to do some rainbow trout fishing which I'm pretty excited for we haven't fished for rainbow trout in quite a while so we'll fire up the snow machines and we'll head down the lake and check it out I know you're not excited for rainbows they're not big enough for you h on check out what that spot is look like someone's straight out that second [Music] spot say drill a hole right [Music] would hurt to start with one right [Music] here well we're fishing for rainbow trout it's pretty fun because we get to use all sorts of little tiny flashy jigs I've got an example of a few of our favorites that we like to use some of these have like a little rubber worm on them some of them you just fish as is and then I'm going to pick one of those we're setting arrows pull up right now she's got this little tiny jig on there just a little single hook and we're going to put a piece of this shrimp that we got that this is like a neon radiation green shrimp you want to nuclear waste nuclear waste shrimp yeah let's put a just a piece on there cuz this is some big shrimp you're ready to fish I'm going to use this pull I believe oh dang that's already got a little that's already got a little Rainbow jig on it so that's what I'm going with and for some reason I always like to start with no bait so I'm going with no bait and I'm probably 100 ft that way every Lake's different this one we can use bait we can use treble hooks and the limit's pretty high so we're going for rainbow trout and I believe there's also landlock coo salmon in here I like this one oh that wasn't a fish good thing I pulled online and tested it huh okay good luck seeing a little okay we got our coffee and we ready to fish hey Eric how thick was the ice here th over a foot yeah i' Say closer like 18 I didn't even pay attention when you were doing that okay we're just just a few feet down we're going to see if that works usually I like to look up I think they're called a batham metric map so it's like a topographical map of the terrain underneath the water for each Lake that we're going to go to but I forgot to for this lake so we're just kind of using our judgment in general when you're fishing for both of these fish we usually catch them at shallow depth so like 15 feet and under hopefully we catch one I know Eric wants one for dinner hey Eric yeah I already got a Nibbler what a Nibbler like a little baby like a hatchling dang it just little babies they're just little babies it's not big enough to take my lure even yeah it's pulling it it's just real tiny though 5 minutes in something bit pretty pretty nice size fish I think this whole pole when I was talking to Eric like bent yeah when they're nice rainbow baby young like that look at him yeah okay um he and unfortunately thank goodness this is a single hook yeah um shoot how do we get that out down is it small hun it's about the size of a hooligan huh I'm using the pink strimp and that's what's working this is a landlock salmon called a COO salmon let's get that one back get a little bit bigger I want something like 12 in I love shrimp okay thanks baby this is relax fishing but that one that bent it I know the one that to be bigger that was the one all right thanks baby good luck do you need that skimmer or anything to get your hole a little better I just kick it with my boot I caught another one they like the oh gosh come on guy nice setup no but watch the I all I did was oh I got one on here oh I got a good I got a good one there he goes oh that's a good one he's pulling the drag that's a fighter oh yeah that's a keeper that's a keeper good job that's dinner that's my size right there that's a rainbow well thanks to Ariel telling me how it was done her piece of green shrimp put on here like a little tail and I set in the hole and I don't think I was really jigging just bit it and I'd say that thanks about 12 in and this is going to be perfect for just like a almost like a whole pan fried trout we need one more fish for dinner but look at that thing what a Beauty look how dark look how dark it is you fought hard H look how dark that is yeah it did fight yeah I thought I for sure thought you had like a massive fish you was really fighting that's dinner oh I getting a bite over here he's a little one he's sharp he's biting real sharp shoot I got another big one over here dang it oh man I had one I got it to the hole and it got off okay I got another little one dang it pretty sure the same guy just bit it action-packed day of fishing I'm pretty sure between both of us we've caught probably over 10 fish and we've got one keeper and the good thing is we're not making the fish dinner until tomorrow tomorrow night so we've got food for tonight so we're going to head to the cabin pretty soon it's getting dark but I mean it's still early it's like probably not even 3: in the evening and I'll let my fish freeze and we'll call it quits for tonight we'll come back out again tomorrow and see if we can catch a partner for that [Applause] [Music] fish we're about to make dinner something Eric and I like to do when we come to these cabins is read through the journal logs there are these books that people can document document they can write like a little they can write about how their trip was their stay so it's really fun we found one from over uh it was about 10 years ago so I'm excited to look through that one and for dinner doesn't seem like much of a dinner but we've got some sourdough bread and we're going to heat up this Brie on the wood stove since it Cooks so hot hot I wanted to do like a whipped Bree with honey but we don't have a way to whip it out here so we're just going to heat up this Bree and melt it with honey and some chili pepper flakes she looks good she smells like soda look at that they brought a canoe they hiked a canoe in huh they 2013 you know what we were doing in 2013 we were living in California we weren't even we didn't even move to Oregon moved to Oregon in 2014 I was in school and you were working back to the lake okay I'm going put this on the wood stove thank youone should I put a little water in there or no just Cheez yeah and depending on how quick it bubbles I would add this then and let whiskey everyone drinks whiskey out these cabins I saw one he was like I showed up here it was pouring rain and I'm by myself I have other people that might come but I don't think they're coming breaking into the whiskey so I'm drinking Wild Turkey whiskey and eating dinner the other one we read I read that more than a handful of times this one mentions drinking it in the morning this person's from Minnesota all these people I tell you there's a lot of grass right here I would be surprised we saw one maybe we should break that trail around tomorrow for fun see if we see a grass in the morning we got okay this is where these people are from this is the Smith Clan Warrington organ atoria organ Nelson New Zealand leine organ Ben Oregan helina Montana and Delta Junction AK J put it back on the stove for a little you think yeah let's put it on the stove for like right this knife will do oh I can't spell on the book you want this one you want to make your own I'm just like really excited for this hun it's really hot so watch your so I guess I'll make my own are you kidding me I just got so I didn't realize we were eating right now that is so good oh no you know what you know what that's amazing it's spicy cheesy and bar I don't even really detect the sweetness you know what it's not salty do you want any salt in there isn't it hot it's not like hot sauce spicy but it's like aftertaste spicy yeah it's burning me up burn me up that is so good what a good meal it's almost like fondue pretty much huh to okay breakfast time we got a good one planned full what they call full course breakfast some goodlooking eggs for breakfast check out those the chickens are laying good back at home and it cleared up last night I think it got a little colder it got down to -3 and I can see some stars out there it's probably about 8:00 in the morning now and last night went pretty good got really hot in here at one point I had to open the door for about 15 minutes cool it down and then it got really cold in here we decided to get up at that point for some reason B was kicking the wall all night so he was trying to keep everyone up but we're up now and we're going to make a good breakfast so it's supposed to be actually moose tacos this morning but I completely forgot to make us tortillas we realized that last night uh we were going to go to bed pretty early it was like 7:00 it's always kind of hard to find something to do when you're out here and we didn't bring too much to entertain ourselves so we took a Peru around the lake on our snow machines and what time did we go to bed 9 10 9:34 a.m. 9:30 but I did tell Eric last night cuz I was kind of feeling a little tired around 700 to make make me a cup of Joe and we tried this new coffee fairly good I don't know how it's pronounced that's the name of it Yono is that it's called Kono Yono Yono y i I don't know how it's pronounced and it's Italian no that's Puerto Rican it is a Puerto Rican coffee my apologies so this is a Puerto Rican coffee we have tried it yesterday we've tried it this is what we have right here today we thought it'd be fun to bring a different type of coffee every cabin that we go to since we such coffee Enthusiast or we like to drink a lot last trip we brought lavaza which is an Italian coffee and I gave it a four out of a five and we have had more time to drink these coffees so upon like further review because we've had more time with it I feel like I'm going to give that other coffee like a 3.8 what would you give it it was a good coffee it was a good everyday coffee coffee that was just basic and pretty good but not like the best we've ever had so our gold standard coffee is actually Cafe buella we tried it a few years back and it's I don't know why I feel like it's just a perfect five out of five it's not even M it is mild it doesn't have any extra flavors that sometimes coffees have but it's really just like a good strong cup of coffee right what would you say I agree it's just a good allaround coffee it's like perfect for camping it already comes ground and it's just a good coffee so we're trying this one again and or we're trying this one now I made it yesterday and I was like blown away that's like extremely good coffee I looked this one up online and I wanted to try a Puerto Rican coffee cuz Puerto Rico is like big into coffee and I was like you know what would be a good one from there and this one came up and a lot of people were saying this is like their folders over there kind of like their go-to just coffee that everyone drinks over there I don't know if that's correct but it is absolutely delicious it's like I mean I would we really like Cafe with I would drink this all the time too this is extremely good coffee four to five it's up there it's like you don't get no better it's just really good coffee I will say we're not huge on coffees that have like uh after flavor not after flavor but like coffees that have tastes like if you get like a caramel coffee or like a cinnamon coffee something like that this one we both agree it kind of has like a chocolate flavor almost at the end but it's so good yeah I tossed back and forth on this one I feel like it's definitely a over a four close to like a four and a half it's probably hands down like one of the top five coffees we've ever tasted oh yeah if I went to a coffee shop and they served me this I'd be very excited about it it's very strong we like really strong coffee because we we use a French press um and so we we Brew it for a long time so it ends up very strong we're just doing scrambled eggs sour toast with some jelly that's it yeah and moose moose patties sausages I got to get the dandel angel out well good thing someone left plates cuz what did you bring first nothing I forgot everything I know we kind of messed up I was going to bring bowls and plates those blue ones and I completely forgot so so this is a silver red egg this is a hamur and this is an Icelandic pulit eggs baby eggs oh yeah it's pink over there I see those at all those are huge what a beautiful place to be so it freezes sure is this one mine got some dandelion jelly this is awesome barely tastes like the green apples that we used in there too it mainly tastes like dandelion which tastes like honey it's a really nice jelly yeah I like that Mom you going to make a second cup for the day maybe a little later might not need to right now isn't it beautiful guys I it made out here the other side of the lake the cabins right there we got the mountains in the background I believe that's a Beaver Lodge and we're going to try to fish on this side of the lake because there's this kind of point and we're hoping that there's like some structure under the water and that's where the bigger fish are hanging out so we're trying for one more fish see if we can get a big one [Applause] nice hole nice hole oh yeah it's way deeper than that it's right there so from there to there I'd say it's close to 18 Ines Stillness no they don't like that I would like to check your depth though like that you like it really bobbing it huh we got a baby that took less than a minute you got one what is it it's a little bigger oh it's way bigger that oh no I got a good one got him that's dinner I think we're going to keep fishing though a little longer cuz that was pretty quick that's what we're looking for to eat right there don't go back in the hole I haven't even fished my hole yet oh yeah oh yeah I got a nice one oh that's fat H that's the biggest you've caught that's the biggest one biggest one yet probably about a four maybe about a 14 incher it's a nice one this uh lure seems to be working really well today this is what both of us have on Eric say pink and purple I believe it's a jig head with a worm on the back and they do bite just this but Eric frown the bigger the shrimp you put so if you put like a really big chunk bigger than this actually um the fish the bigger fish seem to be enticed by that seems like we're getting a lot bigger fish over in this area of the lake which is pretty cool and hopefully something will bite usually they hit right away but sometimes you have to leave it in there for a little bit I already felt one actually I want to catch a fish too what was it what is that what is that hey that's a nice rainow [Laughter] what what are you doing to catch all those big fish H there you go oh yeah why was such a spider nice he's big he was at the bottom nice fish that's using that's using this awesome day out here so I think we've got uh eight over there and then one back at the cabin so we've got nine actually eight rainbow trout one small coo those are going to be for us it's going to be for the cat cuz a likes to feed the cat these trouts she really likes them and then we'll probably give one or two to the chickens should probably he's a Shaker oh that's a nice one okay we are calling it quits let's pack up head back to the cabin for a couple minutes and I think we're going to head on a little ride 10 lbs lighter a really cool piece of equipment to carry with the snow machine is a hammer like this and this is like a very lightweight plastic type Hammer but it's not like a regular plastic that'll break it can really beat on stuff and it's really cool you can hit the ice off your augur and it works really good for where you put your feet on your snow machine if it gets clogged up with snow and ice you can just whack it with a hammer okay well I'm pretty excited we got to keep 10 fish thanks to ER catching all those for us we didn't get to get out as much as we have in the past this summer to do some extra fishing so usually we have quite a bit in the winter for the dogs and the cat and the chickens and actually the cat has just recently been into fish um our other cat Hunter love fish like this but she she's a little finicky but lately she has been liking fish so they're going to enjoy the extras that we have we're going to make dinner when we get back but we are going to finish off the trail that we started last [Music] night [Music] oh Sho [Music] woo you see anything huh you see anything looking like a trail check in that corner [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] it's not that big of a deal I just uh that camera swing are out no all that happened was my hand got stuck on the throttle a little oh look I snapped it off oh dang it what did you do it it hit those trees you know like that happened to the other day I think he broke mouth yeah I figured I was going to break it I bro I figured I was breaking something that windshield's so big it takes all you know I mean should be in now I mean hope it doesn't fall off going down the road so I break the m uh he just broke a couple of them but honestly they could have already been broke we switched over to snowshoes we're trying to make it to the river behind us we can see it Eric tried to get out here with the snow machine but the trail I think is overgrown or we can't find it earlier when I fell off the snow machine this is a really nice Trail someone's definitely put a lot of energy into it but it's windy it's tight you really got to maneuver the machines and I was being stupid I had the camera dangling around my neck and that didn't end well so we've got these on and we're headed out there we want to see what it looks like let's go that was a part I broke oh there it is let's head back to the cabin not too far of a ride 100 miles should back for it's dark oh yeah for sure what's squeaking I don't get used very often I guess that was good picked you another good one look how cool of a post would this make this big Burl here did you see his friend and then this one has the burls up high I've never seen so many burls that one has like four five six seven that one has so many looks okay let's try this one there's a lot [Music] of hey you swalled that one that one was like rotten or something do you got anything we can pack up tonight just the ice fishing stuff oh man someone's going to get a nice wood pile No Nonsense wood no sticks should I just leave a king in the same area or put it as small that's hot that is really hot that's crazy just going to hit him with a little bit of everything here first oh my gosh that smells like barbecue sauce smells like smoked paprika all right these fish are going to cook fast yes they are put on inside well we are definitely eating good tonight we got two of the rainbow trout cooked up heads off tails off and we gutted them and we cooked them in butter and we used salt and pepper and a salmon rub that Ariel's mom sent to us this actually tasted really good so let's dive in and give this a taste test actually looks good oh my gosh that rub is so good woo it is spicy what is in there you put a lot in it the smoked paprika chilies oh there's chilies that is good that's good stuff he can't survive it's too cold he has to live inside the cabin any hibernates where you go pulled all the bones out the backbones and we are are refrying it we want it extra crispy well this looks great I think it turned out really good with a little bit of crisp on it Erol and I both agree that when we eat any type of meat or fish we like some good texture on there so this is delicious with a little bit of sourdough toast and we're going to eat all this fish see you guys in the morning you want this big piece yeah sour like a fish sandwich I really like it now hun yeah it's good it has more of the infused barbecue Flor I like it yeah you're right it was a little mushy before now it's all crisp I would put what could you put on this bread like mustard I think that priest just needs batteries how hot do yeah two different kind of fruits we haven't steal cut oats in a long time that's the only one I found real quick right off the bat so a lot of oatmeal for who I didn't that that much how cool is that jar 3/4 full this is what two cups of oatmeal makes this is enough for three people I know this is like a lot of oatmeal for me well the dogs can what are you ready for h i could always grab one my beds too put the other water job right there maybe last morning of the trip and it is like strangely War warm out there this crazy Windstorm came in last night and apparently pushed some warm air in and I think I mean it's got to be above zero so it's pretty nice we're getting things ready outside it's always easier to pack up at least to me when you're leaving these trips because we ate most of our food we don't have water and we don't have to bring our firewood back so we're just getting things ready outside we B it on the way home I wouldn't it doesn't did you see both well another awesome cabin trip has come to an end and I think Errol and I can both agree that this will be one that we definitely come back to the view here was just absolutely amazing and one of the cool things about these cabins is they are all fairly inexpensive to stay at and some of them just like this one they're actually free so we didn't have to pay anything to stay here we just made our reservations we showed up and had a good time I think the last thing we have to grab is my little lamp and the dog let's hit the trail Come on B he doesn't like his boots got to run minut [Music] [Music] it [Music]
Channel: Simple Living Alaska
Views: 323,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: off grid living, living in alaska, homestead alaska, cabin life, off grid cabin, winter in alaska, off the grid, cabin in alaska, remote cabin, remote alaska cabin, alaskan wilderness, life in alaska, alaska cabin, alaska off grid cabin, public use cabin, alaska log cabin, public use remote cabin, lake trout alaska, public use cabin alaska, ice fishing alaska, trout fishing, ice fishing trout, alaska trout fishing, go pro 11, dji air 3
Id: WIUvQjT40uI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 54sec (2334 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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