I Cooked the World’s Biggest Pizza Underground

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have you ever wondered what it's like to cook the world's biggest pizza underground no oh yeah that's probably why you clicked this video well i'm about to show you guys hold on take two well i'm about to show you guys uh well i'm about to show you guys what the well you're about to find out yeah the flamethrower was really unnecessary for that guys this is the first video of 2022 cooking a giant pizza underground let me explain how this is going to work so we have to dig a hole in the ground three feet under and we had to get a custom 72 inch steel plate made just for the pizza as you can see this pizza is literally gonna be taller than me and on top of all that we even spent a thousand dollars on just toppings after we dig the three feet we have to put firewood at the bottom we're gonna make our pizza light it up throw the pizza underground and then cover it if all goes as planned we will make the first ever underground pizza let's get to digging all right dad so you've had experience with cooking stuff underground right that's right what was the thing that you cooked a burger underground did it work did work what do you think about the pizza experiment is this gonna work i think that's a good idea and 100 is gonna work guys as long as we have papa rug behind this it's gonna work have faith here dad let me show you how to really shovel oh okay all right so what you're gonna want to do kind of like stick it in the ground all right that's gonna help a lot oh yeah if you just let me do this we'll be done in no time do we have another shovel or no we don't we have to share it oh my gosh okay we'll take turns wait you need to go two feet deep what to think that there's gonna be a six foot pizza under here is actually crazy guys as i'm sitting here digging i'm thinking where are stanley yell nets and zero when i need them the most they would literally come in clutch right now but after hours of digging we finally reached the bottom of the hole and now it's time to see if the pizza will actually fit this thing is really heavy by the way ready set go oh my gosh watch your step ooh it might be a little bigger we might get some dirt as a topping but you know it's fine what do you think we should push it in right yeah your foot pretty close another couple inches around and we'll be good while you finish this we got to go do something inside thank you thank you guys so i thought it would be a great idea if i called three different pizza shops papa john's pizza hut and domino's and order the same exact pizza and the first person to deliver it the fastest gets a thousand dollar tip hi can i please order for delivery please yeah deliver it please hi thank you for calling round table for delivery for delivery please so i had my brother and my dad call pizza places the same time as me just to see who gets here first let's be real here i think my pizza place is gonna win i had to call a local pizza place because pizza hut doesn't deliver in our range but let's see who gets here first okay a car just pulled into the driveway i don't see a logo it might be mine just gonna tip him a thousand dollars hopefully it makes their day oh he's backing out dude he just left did he like leave the pizza out there or something he literally just parked right here and then left is that him coming back what up this is round table right okay how are you here we go thank you so much also i want to give you a tip hold up i want to give you a thousand dollars you dead ass yeah that's for you you're joking no that's all you yeah hold on what do you mean hold on look it's 100 years look we're recording it no no this isn't a prank i promise this look you gave it to the right man yes dude of course i appreciate you man hey thank you phase clan y'all play for facebook yeah i'm a part of facebook there's no way yeah look look they really gave it away yes sir round table on the hat we the fastest delivery hey you got you guys literally delivered faster than papa john's and dominoes so hey of course man and no problem bro all right take care what a legend hey speaking of which we got a 72-inch pizza that we haven't even started cooking so we got a lot of work to do right now guys guys we got the hole we got four cinder blocks on each corner so the pizza doesn't actually touch the dirt and it's gonna be hovering over the fire we already measured it it fits but now it's time to actually make the pizza you ready dad i think i am okay i don't know what the world record is but i'm sure we're pretty damn close oh this is so heavy oh my gosh real quick guys i need you all right now to let me know if you think this is going to be a success and by success i mean the food has to be edible and it has to look edible i've never actually made a pizza either so it's gonna be pretty interesting let's get the gloves on papa rug i need you so we're gonna sprinkle some flour on this so the dough doesn't stick look at us man you see this papa rug okay yo honestly we need to fit the vibe of this video cue the italian music i'm a perfectionist gonna make sure you get every corner let's get this dough papa rug it's so satisfying what oh this is satisfying it's like slime but it's dope we're gonna need a lot smells so good oh but daddy you know if this fails like it's on you i hope there's nothing we love to hear that we can't have the first video of 2022 be a fail all right pop a rug we should try rolling it out now just to see how much more we need i've never done this before oh my gosh all right ready i'm gonna reach it oh my god i can't even reach over you know what what is that thing they do where they like like spin it oh my god yo this is heavy oh this is gonna be tough i think we're gonna need more dough we gotta get this done so we ran into a little bit of a problem we ran out of dough and it's about to get dark so we gotta run to the store get some more dough and we gotta bring some lights outside we're making this happen daddy you think it's still gonna work of course we gotta make it work i think we got this hey guys we're taking zero l's in 2022 i promise you all right guys as you can see it's completely dark now it took about what three four hours to do the dough we have absolutely no idea what we're doing so any italians out there watching that know how to make pizza we're sorry this is what we got so far i think when we put the toppings on and all that stuff it's gonna look better all right so before we put all the toppings on i think we're gonna start the firewood because it takes a while to get hot right and it's my favorite part of the video cause i get to use the flame thrower let's load it up i'm actually scared if it's gonna work or not we've already had a few fails as long as the pizza cooks i'm happy i think we should have enough add some lighter fluid gotta make sure it all heats up all right so this is it doesn't affect any of the the trees or the plants because this area it's actually is nothing here there's no no plant no trees so we're good yeah so pretty much what he's saying is that this is safe and we do not recommend you guys try this at home no it's time look at that oh my gosh why does it look like they're gonna go out yeah there's one firewood that's not lighting so you know we gotta we gotta get it to work there we go let's throw the toppings on this pizza oh yo all right we should be good now let's put some marinara sauce and let's get this bad boy in there we got the marinara look at that smells amazing are you ready done ready ready go ahead oh look at me look at me like like come on man what is wrong with me i just get too excited oh my gosh oh now we spread it look there's no way i can mess this one up right oh wait i think one of my goals for 2022 is to learn how to cook don't know if that's possible but we'll try that you think this pizza is gonna be busting awesome [Applause] this actually is perfect i usually like my pizza plain like i usually like pepperoni or cheese but dad you like veggie right yeah we just got a ton of toppings so dad i'm going to let you choose i want this to be your pizza okay so i like um pepperoni pineapple olives bell pepper so you think pineapple belongs on pizza yes i agree hey everyone comment down below right now does pineapple belong on pizza i think it does guys i'm lactose but i love cheese and i'll never give it up i don't care i'll take the stomach pain i think mozzarella is the best cheese as well oh hell yeah that looks beautiful dad watch this it went all in my sleeve okay oh actually i'm gonna dice roll the cheese on there this looks insane i'm that type of person that makes sure there's not one spot missing like right here that would suck oh actually you know lebron before the game ready guys there we go [Music] i don't think any pizza place they put that much cheese on the pizza we do it different here all right pepperoni or what there's like no more sauce we covered it with juice what are we doing with this one usually they have to place it one by one right it's no fun but we already had our fun oh i'm like trying to place it all perfect like this it would look nicer if we did it like singular but i don't think we have that time to take a long time to do a single we're looking good here you're washing your hands with the pepperoni i think that should be good doesn't this look insane this actually looks so good some people might be thinking we're ruining the pizza right now but some people might think we're making it delicious i don't want to like overdo it with pineapple right i mean my dad loves pineapple on pizza look at us look at us man i'm not a huge fan of mushrooms especially on pizza so can we pass on this dab on the mushroom okay how about half mushroom okay i like that we'll go half oh i don't know about this one all right we got the half mushroom listen listen listen let's keep it half veggies as well yeah that's a good idea okay because guys i don't think you understand we're actually going to eat this after we're not just doing it oh sorry i don't make pizzas every day but i thought that was a good idea guys by the way this is a bell pepper i actually like bell pepper but just not on my pizza all right what do we have left i see olives ah olives we're gonna do half olives too then half olives i actually don't like olives whatsoever wait is it the moment of truth we're not missing anything right no what could be missing more cheese cheese hey okay okay ready okay there we go this is a pizza this is a pizza we need to try to think of a slogan by the end of this video this is gonna be the cheesiest pizza of all time what do you think what does that look good there's no way oh my this is crazy this half is like veggies that's mine yeah and this is mine pineapple pepperoni and cheese you can have yours at least mine is bigger now it's time for the moment of truth we have to put it in the pit to see if it will actually put it on top of it and that way we'll cook hey i don't know dad are you ready we're ready is it going to burn the pizza it's too hot hey there's only one way to find out we gotta try it all right guys we got my boy charlie helping out too how many pounds do you think this actually is over 100 right close to 200 pounds here so we got to be careful ready set it's kind of slippery it's looking so good all right ready we gotta lift it up from there kinda oh we gotta like lift it from there and push it from here oh this is scary there we go we're almost there oh there we go let's go we literally just have a six foot pizza underground like what the heck guys obviously there's some dirt that is going on the pizza so we're gonna like make sure we don't eat the edges but the middle is all completely good all right let's put the cover on is the cheese melting it looks like the cheese is kind of starting to melt i like it it smells good slowly [Music] yeah the pizza is not cold anymore yes if someone came over right now didn't know we're youtubers and they're like oh what you got cooking in the backyard look at the smoke going up listen i don't know how long it takes to cook pizza is it like a 15 to 20 minute thing i don't know for the heat we got probably five minutes but as you can see there's still light under the fire still going everything is looking good so far now we just gotta see if it cooks all right guys we're gonna do a five minute update i see the cheese melting i hear it sizzling does it look oh it's definitely cooking look at that but i think we'll give it maybe another five more minutes and it should be good guys we are taking the cover off right now we kind of want to watch it cook how's it look some of the cheese melted it's kind of hard to see i feel like that side is cooking way more than this side oh there's a tornado what did you see that oh yeah what the hell there's a tornado of smoke in the middle this right here this looks like a very edible delicious piece as you can see the cheese is melted perfect right there damn i want to taste test it now even if it's not fully cooked i know the left side's like not fully cooked but i definitely want to try the right side and the right side is mine it's not the veggies and mushrooms we're putting the fire out from beneath because i think the pizza is done cooking we put the hose under oh my gosh oh my gosh all i know is this side looks delicious tell me that doesn't look so good [Music] he didn't say anything what's our slogan come on i want you to make it up fire on fire okay okay our new pizza slogan is fire fire okay guys we successfully got the pizza out we successfully put the fire out everything is good everyone is safe we're all chilling but yeah now it's time for the most important part the taste test we got some dirt here yeah there was nothing we could do about that one but we should probably eat from the middle i've been waiting yeah all right let's do it let's get this cut in oh it's gonna be a big slice that's a big slice do it do it do it look at this slice it's kind of stuck to the bottom god look at this dude no way okay don't don't show the bottom shoulder look at the wall let me see oh my god this whole time i thought it was a success wait mom show me show it come on hey that's why our slogan here is called fire fire yeah you asked for waldo okay here i'm gonna take a bite guys ready that's it okay that's the audio on the bottom yeah dad look at my dad this is my slice all right pop a rug take the bite okay i wasn't just super good it wasn't that burnt like it's just a little overcooked just a little bit hey i'm not eating the bottom see this is really good i mean the toppings are really good that's what we're going to end up eating hey where's dave portnoy with the pizza reviews i think he would really like this not bad i'm sorry but this is not i mean i guess it's the tub i mean the cheese and the topping yeah the cheese and toppings turned out really good but i think we'll get like a seed that one that's my shirt i mean you guys do whatever take it to the store for the workers too okay all right guys well that's pretty much the video peace
Channel: FaZe Rug
Views: 5,254,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: faze rug, rug, rugfaze, fazerug
Id: x6oJ_qvhDHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 03 2022
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