I cooked the OLDEST steak, ate it and this happened!

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thanks Chef IQ for sponsoring today's video on today's video I am going to be cooking this steak that has been at room temperature for over three years is it going to be good is it going to be bad I have no idea but I'll tell you one thing when we're done we're all gonna eat it and let you know now the reason this is three years old is because I used a process called freeze dry it is literally the same exact thing that they use in the space shuttle that is why this steak has not gone bad yet well at least that's my hope if you aren't familiar with this method the way it works is that the machine removes all of the moisture from the steak allowing it to later be rehydrated and most importantly not go bad but is it going to taste the same I don't know we're about to find out right now first thing we got to do is open it up let's see how it smells oh not quite sure if this is a good idea so what it smells like it's like beef jerky with a combination of old meat now since all of the water has been removed from the steak the first thing we need to do is rehydrate it put it in a container like this and I'm gonna fill it up with water which was exactly what was removed wow it immediately changed color and it started absorbing the water almost like a sponge now it does not matter what I do it takes a little second for the entire steak to reabsorb the whole thing as that's happening let's go ahead and make a side dish and this is today's side dish look at that everybody to make it it's pretty simple we're gonna start with a good amount of mac and cheese everybody next thing is shredded chicken this is rotisserie Style Chicken now a good amount of hot sauce I mean it's to your preface how much you want to add followed by some green onions now we mix and combine all of the ingredients together any kind of cheese you like I chose cheddar we're gonna grab that and we're gonna make kind of like a handful we want these balls to be kind of big put it right in the middle and I'm just gonna compress it we want to make a big ball everybody the bigger the better we're looking for one serving per person so probably the size of a baseball and now it's pretty simple everybody we first run them through flour followed by egg wash and to finish into breadcrumbs and there we have it everybody ready to be fried got the oil at 400 degrees Fahrenheit and we're just gonna lower in there notice that the ball is nice and strong so it's not coming apart on me got the crust that I want I mean take a look at it nice golden brown exactly what I was looking for and there we have it let's take a look inside oh now that is an epic side dish side dish turned out fantastic but let's see the real star of the show for comparison just in case I'm gonna also cook a real steak that is fresh because you know in case my guys don't like it but I mean take a look at it everybody so that is what a three-year-old steak looks like everybody after it has been completely rehydrated it's still kind of hard I'm not gonna lie here on the side we have the fresh steak I'm gonna be cooking these steaks on the grill to season them I'll keep it real simple a good amount of salt followed by freshly ground black pepper and garlic powder now that we got the steaks ready let's go outside and cook them all right it's time to rock and roll let's cook these now here's what I noticed immediately oh boy this right here the three-year-old stick oh it's frying up really quickly so I better pay attention here what what is that this thing is on fire okay I'm gonna rotate wow that is insane I didn't expect it to be that quick wow it is on fire and the fat is rendering so fast take a look at it are you kidding me that is complete Madness let's take a look at it what and then the other one is not even like halfway done yet what oh look at this one on fire absolute fire what that's it for that one how is that even possible right I'm talking about the steak got cooked in 30 seconds obviously it's not fully cooked all the way internally but the outer crust yes now that is what I'm used to and finally after about two minutes steak is done okay we got a nice beautiful crust but the steak's still raw inside and we're going to use our Chef IQ Wireless thermometer to monitor the temperature let's see how easy it goes in on a normal steak piece of cake but now the other one I'm even gonna put it like this everybody let's see oh surprisingly you went in very very very nicely now we want to cook it in indirect heat until it reaches an internal temperature of 135. steaks are finally done let's slice it open exactly what we were looking for perfectly medium rare it's a juicy next one our experimental steak everybody crispy oh we got the whole crew to give it a try everybody now here's the thing this is an experimental steak okay we have the control the experiment it looks a little bit different and we got an amazing side dish though but give me honest opinion on the experimental steak I really want to know if it's good better ugly we'll try that one first yes try it whichever direction you guys want to go don't even want to go try that other one that will look so nasty this egg is delicious tender it's juicy I find me brother all right guys what's next side dish for sure damn these are some Google portions right here Jesus oh my god oh wow good choice guys the coin challenge on that is crazy gooey cheese nice chicken great flavor on it this is a killer side dish well the best part about this side dish is we have one two three four lactose intolerance guys right here enough for the side dish everybody okay all right damn we have to try that now you said that's that's cooked this doesn't even look like a steak oh my God looks like a dried Tire boom roasted it doesn't smell bad oh what the hell it's a little rubbery oh man there's zero juice on that pretty sure that's a war crime okay what are we doing here the juice divorce this steak bro I don't know where that went heinous garbage gross dog food come on guys it's not that bad take another bite well so that stake right there is literally what they take to space and it was freeze-dried for three years do I look like Lance Armstrong I know yeah a little bit so obviously it's not going to taste anything like a control steak but would you say it's edible if you're starving death and that's all you gotta eat yeah maybe yeah I think they should definitely leave it in space though with the chef iQ app now you can taste exactly what I'm tasting all by following along this guided cooking recipe step by step thanks Chef IQ for sponsoring this video we'll see you guys on the next one take care bye
Channel: Guga
Views: 1,030,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steak, cooking, best steak, how to cook, grilling, food, experiment, guga, guga steak, dry age, old steak, funny, street food
Id: 8XziAjPFutY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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