I cooked every MEAT Yakitori Style, it blew my mind!

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thanks Shopify for sponsoring this video this is yakitari It's been around since the 1600s they can be super cheap they can also be expensive it is the ottoman finger food today we are making Yakitori out of everything I could find so let's begin we start off with this beautiful dry age to rib eye now we're going to transform this into this the first thing to do is to remove the bone as the next step is to slice it extremely thin you can definitely use a knife for this but if you have a slicer at home it makes the job a lot easier the next thing to do is to go ahead and fold everything into itself once you're done you want to stack them up just like this the key here is to go as tall as your skewer that way you can skewer through it easily talking about secure by the way you definitely want to soak them there are several different sizes you can choose I recommend getting the small ones usually letting them soak overnight is the way to go and the next step is to go ahead and cut the skewer now this will do two things make every single bite as tender as possible and most importantly it will cook super fast which is exactly what you want because now now that this is ready it's time to set up the grill if you're trying now Yakitori for the very first time you don't need to buy your own grill for Yakitori only I'm going to show you how I'm going to set up my grill in order to make this awesome experience here is my setup one brick two brick I'm gonna put one more over here now I'll set it up like so now it's okay if they're slightly apart because we want also a lot of air float and now I build the other side and to finish it up I got two irons right here on the top and this is how I set up my Yakitori Grill which is fairly easy inexpensive and using something I already have the next important item is charcoal if you do it on an electric grill or a gas one you will not have the same results this is the charcoal we normally use in the United States this is bichotan now I'll be honest with you there are a lot of drawbacks on using this first of all it is expensive and second it is difficult to use it takes about one hour just to light it up and on top of that if you don't know how to work with it the fire will put itself out quite quickly so if you're doing yakitorium very first time use the regular charcoal you already have we got the charcoal super hot exactly the way I want it now it's time to grill now the next thing to do is to go ahead and Grill them first to season them with a good amount of salt followed by freshly ground black pepper then put them directly on the grill the key here is to grill them as fast as possible remember these are super thin so high heat is the key it should take no longer than 20 seconds to get a crust just like this keep flipping it until it starts getting golden brown as the next step might be one of the most important one of them all and that is the sauce to be specific the Yakitori mother sauce and to make it it's super simple and here's how everything starts off with these ingredients we got chicken feet Ginger and green onions you want to go ahead and Char everything up when I say Char I mean it then throw all of the ingredients into a pan followed by sugar and soy sauce let it simmer under low heat for about two and a half hours once you have done so take a look this is what it should be looking like as the next step is to go ahead and strain the sauce in the end you are left with yes I know the process might not be extremely appetizing but the flavor that this produce is incredible this sauce can be used for almost everything on beef it is absolutely delicious don't believe me well let me show you cheers oh wow oh yeah this one's fantastic super juicy super tender it's well seasoned a little bit peppery very flavorful a nice charred crust on the outside I love me some sauce and this sauce is perfect oh good moving on to our next one we got chicken wings and as you can see they are not prepared the same way we do here in the U.S and the flavor that is produced by doing this style is just insane and here's how to do it everything starts off with this the flats first step is to separate the bones and open up the wings as much as possible the only important thing you gotta keep in mind here is not to cut the skin to add it to the skewer is quite simple first go through the skin and meat then right under the bone followed by the next bone as well and then once again through the meat and skin repeat the whole process with one more chicken wing and add an additional skewer in the end you should have something like this and to grill it there's a specific way first we season it with salt and pepper start meat side down first after about two to three minutes and before flipping it we want to go ahead and baste it with a sauce and this one is slightly different the base is this ingredient wagyu fat add 2 tbsp to a pan once it's fully melted throw some garlic cloves into the food processor and process it on high now add that wagyu fat that we just melted process once again and this is our sauce for the chicken wings as you already know it's gonna bring an incredible flavor to it and as soon as you flip it once you can see we're starting to get a nice beautiful color and most importantly we're going to be adding even more flavor by basting it over and over again this one takes a little bit of time but the end result is just phenomenal to finish it off you can always add a little bit of garlic powder if you like as now the only thing left to do is to go ahead and eat them oh that's good chicken is flavorful very crispy skin oh this one's good it has like a good garlic flavor you know it's very moist on the inside juicy I actually like this chicken nice since our last one was super cheap let's go with a more expensive one these might be one of the best applications for Japanese Wagyu A5 that's because one steak can give you up to 10 skewers it might be just the best way to satisfy a lot of people and everything starts off with this a Japanese Wagyu A5 New York strip the first thing I like to do is to go ahead and remove all of the fat once that's done we want to go ahead and cut it in small strips keeping it a little bit less than half an inch thick and as I'm doing so now you can really appreciate the marbling of this card just try to keep all of them the same size that way they'll cook evenly then go ahead and add the skewers and it is as easy as that like I said previously this will feed the crowd by cooking it it's quite challenging and here's the reason why as you put them on the grill everything starts nice and slow but remember you gotta cook them under high heat and as soon as the fat starts rendering everything gets chaotic it is at this time that you need to move as fast as possible you want to have the fire hitting it no longer than 5 Seconds it is what I like to call live action grilling now for best results you can also add the mother sauce we just made previously it goes really really well with this because once you have done so the only thing left to do is to go ahead and try them oh my god I've died and gone to heaven everybody this is so good beautiful crust perfectly seasoned it has a nice sweet flavor that balances out some of that richness because boy this is Rich highly recommend this is a treat if you haven't had this gotta try it yes Japanese Wagyu A5 is delicious however Yakitori does not have to be expensive let me show you one of the cheapest one you can make and you will please everyone I like to call these kafta they are not traditionally from Japan but it is just fantastic and to make it it's super simple we start off with ground beef then I added shredded gouda cheese followed by finely chopped onions parsley salt and pepper and to finish it off my barbecue rub putting it on this Yakitori mix is just fantastic as now the only thing I have to do is to go ahead and mix everything up and add them to the skewer you want to make this as tight as possible and be sure to make plenty of it to cook them we want it under medium high heat remember it's ground beef we want to cook it all the way through so if you try to put a sear too fast it's not ideal as soon as you start getting a crust go ahead and flip them once everything is nicely golden brown it's time to try Brazilian kafta um this is what I stayed late for today oh yeah this is awesome super juicy got that charcoal flavor this is this is fire holy this hamburger on the stick really good this is perfect this is fantastic imagine a burger but a little bit better because you could just to be honest that Costa tasted extra good because of one ingredient my rub it is so good and I love sharing it with the world and let me think today's sponsor Shopify for helping me share it with you guys the logistics of creating a product and shipping it to customers was definitely outside of my expertise I mean I know how to make that coffee taste amazing but how do I create a product and get it to you guys here comes Shopify they are a super easy to use all-in-one Commerce platform for anyone trying to start grow or manage a business they support businesses like mine along their entire Journey from first sale to full scale and they power more entrepreneurs than anyone else in the world so it does not matter if you're new at this they make it easy for you to take your business to the next level check out the mini tools they have easy to use selling options and great customer marketing tools among many others online in person or across major social platforms if you have a product and you are ready to grow check them out on the description down below thank you Shopify for powering my Google's rug and for sponsoring this portion of the video and now let's jump right into the next yakitor the next one to grill might be everyone's favorite we're talking about short rib these are hard to beat at the same time quite easy to prepare everything starts off with these the most important thing whenever you're looking for short ribs is marbling for Yakitori we don't need the bone so you want to go ahead and remove it the idea here is to cut them nice and thin and most importantly keep everything the same size that way they'll cook evenly do not add too many to the skewers we want these short ribs to cook nice and fast as they will turn out delicious I highly recommend baking a lot of them these are always everybody's favorite and that's because we're going to make a simple sauce to go with it we start with a little bit of soy sauce followed by Honey sesame oil a tiny bit of gochujan which is Korean chili paste followed by sesame seeds mix everything together because the sauce is done and now to the grill we go always remember to season it with salt and pepper first lay them down on the grill under medium high heat remember to rotate them and flip them as many times as needed right towards the end when you're almost done go ahead and add sauce once it's added let it caramelize in the end this will give this cures an incredible flavor and honestly it might be one of my favorite ones don't believe me well you just wait and see he oh oh mama that's so good super juicy the Fat's actually kind of like coat your tongue this one's really nice got a little bit of a bite a little bit of a Char whatever sauce you put on this is amazing cooking it in high heat makes a whole lot of difference charcoal baby let's go like Google says 10 out of 10 will highly recommend love it up to this point we've been cooking a lot of meat it's time to change things up these are shishito peppers quite popular in Yakitori to prepare them it is ridiculously easy just go ahead and add skewers and just Grill them until they are slightly charred however they have an acquired taste don't believe me well check it out I'm a little bit of a baby for spice like Google but let's give this a shot oh this is definitely not my favorite to be honest it tastes like I don't like Peppers surprisingly not spicy at all they're actually kind of sweet I've never been a big pepper Guy The Taste really doesn't do it for me I mean other stuff we've had is better but this one's not that bad this is really bad Angel where you at you're supposed to be eating these greens with me come on shishito Peppers might not be for everyone however this next one is that is if you are willing to give it a try because it might sound weird but it tastes incredible and it's this chicken hearts in Brazil they are extremely popular and to prepare them it is ridiculously easy these already came clean but if yours are not make sure you rinse it and most importantly cut the fat that is in the end you can leave a little bit like this but usually they come full of it once they're fully clean go ahead and add them to the skewer in the end four pair of skewers is good enough as the next thing to do is to go outside and put him on the fire after slightly seasoning them with salt and pepper onto the grill they go as soon as it changes color go ahead and flip them here's one thing you gotta remember we don't want to overcook them also use the garlic sauce we used for the chicken wings previously this will give them an incredible flavor but honestly they are delicious and if you give them a chance you will love them don't believe me well just take a look at this cheers really good I actually really like this one this is probably the most flavorful one today a whole lot of juice on this it's perfect I'm a fan it's actually pretty good it's good now it's not going to be Yakitori without fish and for today I chose salmon now the preparation of it is quite simple we started with the whole filet the key here is to remove the bloodline First Once that's done I went ahead and cut it in small individual pieces remember the key is to keep them the same size the next thing to do is to add combo which is seaweed and to bring them back to life you just gotta throw them in water as you can see once I was done they are now ready for the grill once fully seasoned with salt and pepper in we go under medium high heat as soon as they change a little bit of color it's time to flip and once you have done so go ahead and add the mother sauce to it it's gonna make this fish taste incredible the most important thing is not to overcook it and honestly the more sauce you add the better they will be oh that's good oh wow really good super juicy super tender Salmon's nice and Flaky really moist and that's salt on top I love it Teriyaki and salmon go together hand in hand Savory sweet it's delicious this one's one of my favorites so far this is awesome delicious now the next one is quite interesting it is chicken balls to make it it's super simple we start with ground chicken followed by bread crumbs one egg salt and pepper and mixed everything together all you gotta do is bake them into balls and add them to the skewer these can be quite tricky to grill because remember we need to cook it all the way through and using the garlic sauce will give extra flavor Grill them nice and slow until you start getting a beautiful color and since it's chicken I like to go ahead and give it an extra flavor of char as the only thing left to do now is to go ahead and give them a try oh my God this is fantastic I only wish I had a plate because wow oh yeah I'm not hot I'm not a fan it's good who the hell likes chicken and Google foods that is so good is our sauce can I get a sauce everything else tasted great but this garbage I would love to know which one you guys love best because I'll tell you one thing that was a lot of cooking and this concludes the yakitorial experience I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did hit that thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe and remember my book is out if you have not gotten yours yet make sure you go check it out everybody because it is an amazing book thank you so much for watching we'll see you guys in the next one take care everybody bye
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 515,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking, grilling, yakitori, a5, wagyu, wings, dry age, steaks, best beef, how to cook, how to grill, best grilling, funny, street food
Id: C1CtQsng690
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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