I Conquered the WORLD With the Best Meme Nation... (Territorial Io)

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never just let the memes be dreams today we're turning them into a reality can we really make it all ohio we're gonna be starting off in unrecognized territory for ohio whatever this europe place is key here is to just be patient we have rightful claims over all lands this guy's really enjoying sending full everything out that could work out for us let's see okay yes this is good he's asking for a non-aggression pack but sorry sir okay well this is nice it's nice to be like set right next to somebody that doesn't necessarily know how to play the game i barely know how to play the game we'll see if that whole ordeal was worth it though i am oh poland kingdom looks pretty weak right here i think i should probably focus on just eating up the bots for now though would like access to the english channel here so let's see if we can okay so we could we could do some naval invasions i don't really like this spot that i'm in anymore being right here in the center of the map means that there could be a very easy coalition that forms up if people think that i'm getting a little bit too powerful and you know they're getting to get scared they're gonna be very terrified of ohio i might need to try to land a naval invasion who's who's attacking me i'm gonna go after oh this guy's really weak too i feel bad i attacked land they're both really weak okay i'll take the entire italian peninsula oh i don't want the crown though oh i might get the crown accidentally uh who's this oh there's a bot what is this bot doing so good poland might be dead yeah poland's gone who is this guy misha oh no oh no not the michigan empire literally our worst fears okay i'm actually kind of scared because i know that this guy is going to probably try to send everything after me i cannot trust the michigan empire you know what i'm going to send him a non-aggression pack i'm going to accept all these just because it'd be fun oh someone in finland left let's relax for a little bit because we have to oh man this guy's going to die yeah wait why am i letting these islands be a thing anybody in africa that i can attack wow michigan actually accepted my non-aggression pack i do not trust this man as far as i can throw him i don't know who this guy is is he dying i guess we're gonna attack him i'm at four million what am i doing i didn't know i was gaining that much interest oh he just full cent oh i don't know if i can get down there fast enough to take oh i think we're gonna get some things oh this guy's gonna die anyways okay let's just stay chill let's just stay chill i'm at five million and i'm gaining still a lot of territory why did this guy not get any of that there's a five million down here uh european union full sent adam i'm at 10 million i might need to attack the giga chad next wait this guy's what's going on with this bot why are you guys battling it out yeah i might need to attack this guy over out this way oh no michigan died oh man that was gonna be a big point of me like killing michigan like okay if i don't win this that's one thing but at least i took out michigan okay we're gonna want to attack this player here we're still the strongest i need to probably just start moving normally a big thing for me is to just like i i move too fast but i am so ahead of everybody else that i probably need to be a little bit more aggressive these two once again continuing to go at it oh what about you okay let me see if i can get to crete right and launch a naval invasion from there this guy's only at two million so i'm gonna have to take this guy on oh guam my fault got to watch this nordic these this viking empire who's attacking me yoda beast hmm uh i'm probably gonna take this guy out yeah he's only yeah he's pretty weak good good i'm gathering some of this because this guy just left he knew that he was probably gonna die this guy's gonna be the next one that has to go down i'm way ahead of the second place person uh here goes the coalition here goes the dang coalition okay so this guy i set a very i kept this guy's word wait is he being attacked he's being attacked i gotta break it sorry buddy i just have to break it i'm sorry if i take most of this stuff and they leave me alone for a while now i just have to gather up enough strength except any coalition i don't even know who would be the the weakest here let's just just peace out just give ohio your lands you know that we deserve it okay it looks like we just need one more vote right i'm more concerned about this guy this is the guy that i really don't like here i mean i have plenty of like numbers to work with i'm still pretty far out ahead if i can take this guy down that's trying to form this coalition that would be a huge start come on yoda beast backstab him yoda beast i know you want this stuff okay well he he full sent at me which is fine so now i just i think i attack yoda beast right this is again this is why you don't want to be at the center of the whole map because they can have a very easy time just uh let's see who is the weakest though it is yoda beast technically but just barely i really don't know what to do here i mean if if all three of them are attacking me let me ask for a let me ask for like a treaty who wants a treaty because all of them combined will yeah they could they could probably take me out i guess i can try to just outlast them if i clear up the western front we'd be okay but just let me let the memes be a thing let the memes i'm going down let ohio rule your lands you know you want to i'm not even from ohio and i've never stepped foot in ohio so i've just i'm committed to the cause now we need to probably start thinking guys this teaser man is starting to be very powerful you really just want to let this guy take over everything because then you lose i'm just saying you lose look someone oh oh who is that that long gonia oh longonia is a tiny nation that i don't even know where they i was like someone wants to be my friend okay i'm just gonna have to let them uh eat me until they start to get a better idea of like wait a second this guy's gonna win i'm now in fourth place why continue to eat me when you're just allowing this guy to win okay you all want to be dumb go for it go for it not gonna take it personally or anything like that you're not making the biggest mistake of your life it's all fine it's all good and dandy oh and now this teaser man is attacking yoda beast oh there you go yoda beast do you think you think you maybe shouldn't just let me die and there you go let's try for a more true start location with ohio back in our hometown or home state that is luckily there's no bots nearby can we not have four people in north america can you guys go somewhere else also like all this land i swear no one likes to settle in the arctic but that's like where so much land is people like to be like me and do like i don't know realistic locations i guess i should have just grabbed up this stuff for myself and then slowly worked my way down all right so bismarck is doing okay he's sending a lot out there but probably can't just eliminate him as quickly as i did the other guy getting a little nervous don't like being there all these great lakes because that's actually cutting me off i do want to move north though because we know there's not too many bots up there i'm stronger than the guy down south so that's good yeah i want to take up all this if i can and i want to work my way up to okay this guy's not super powerful we could probably take him down oh yeah bismarck is gonna be dead bismarck has done goofed um i will give it a second here when do i attack bismarck now yeah we're gonna attack now that was the perfect time both me and unc knew it was the time to begin oh man we're gonna get cut off from florida technically unc is really stronger than i was expecting how's he so strong okay let's just give it some time i'm stronger than this green nation but i want to make sure that i get some here let's take out this bot faith guy worried if they move north i won't be able to squeeze any land out should i attack the yucatan peninsula i'm going to try it i don't know how i have vision on that i don't think i should but all right android user um sorry dude i wonder if he's even gonna know that i'm attacking him well he's if he's reading the notifications he will we should be fine alexander here in greenland is not oh here we go nice he full sent let's get all that stuff really quick um kind of want to take this i'll take a little bit of extra stuff okay unc is real strong oh we're also next to the strongest person in the game right here unc was attacking me but ooh this could be a battle in south america maybe we should attack unc before he gets too too powerful there we go green guy there we go green guy let's do it oh he left he had a chance but i guess he just thought both of us were gonna gang up on him which we probably were i don't know what green was thinking though green might have been like he could have done something dumb i don't know green's actually stronger than me right now so i need to chill um i'm not signing an aggression pack with you oh wow he has a lot of europe someone is going in after this guy from brazil look at this coastal empire he has out this way why is green attacking me i guess i am stronger than him so he probably sees oh we're very close in strength though oh crap green left uh oh okay yeah we're gonna get killed i'm gonna get killed because this guy's gonna move north now i'm running out of interest he wants a non-aggression pack but it's like i have to go after you dude you've you're like the only chance that i have i'm just getting more territory promises his name is so far up north that no one's gonna see when the numbers are ticking down yeah green's gonna start to chip away this guy's at 10 million he's battling for the crown oh he is focused on antarctica though green go this way let's both take out this guy together oh they did accept that not a great i don't know if i can trust him though yeah see if i fall this guy's gonna take everything who's attacking me oh yeah i'm dead all right you know you signed the non-aggression pack with me i will help you out a little bit okay that didn't help out all right well this guy's gonna win just try to battle the other states and also there's a very nice oh come on don't don't do that empire of uzbekistan what are you even doing here i guess that wasn't even technically ohio anyways oh there we go okay i want this then give me give me more land we'll just work our way up to the other territory it's fine okay so actually there's a lot of room to work with we definitely want to move south i don't like being near the great lakes a lot of territory that i can't actually eat up because it's just water okay now time to destroy ai don't really want to get too close to this other character but he's not too powerful definitely want to keep moving south like i said get all this stuff wallet off okay so there's uzbekistan up there in michigan well i want to take him out republic of oh wow he's looking kind of weak feeling pretty good but argentina papa is a little worrisome he is very thick over here i will definitely accept the non-aggression from argentina papa and ios user that's fine because he's kind of far i don't know why i'm trying to play diplomatically who cares oh florida's dead everyone is at offering a non-aggression pack i will with this guy in the north and not these two though okay this guy's probably the weakest i'm gonna go after him although he might fool send at me oh crap oh that's not good oh they're gonna get so strong now thank you yes help me out here oh man somebody else oh and that means this guy's gonna eat up florida country i am not working with you dude i'm probably gonna kill you next oh empire of uzbekistan's not very happy yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna go with this guy attack uzbekistan but also keep an eye on country yeah let's at least get like wisconsin oh there we go okay full cent nice thank you does argentina papa not oh he does dang i was gonna try to make it but yeah he's too he's very fast right now oh here we go attacking country now okay i'm at four million i'm not in a good spot yeah i'm surrounded by some very powerful people and i don't have very much interest left but well yeah 19 fortnite card he's not looking too good i've got non-aggression packs with all three of my neighbors insanely okay there goes nineteen dollar fortnight card we're dead jp just won't let you know that i'm gonna accept any non-aggression pack who are these two gonna be fighting that stopped argentina papa started to attack me and now with this i don't know things have changed a little bit oh oh i need to go after him we need to go after this guy there we go jp jp nice jp oh we're dead though well we tried yeah we did i'll try but yeah we actually have wait wait wait maybe we do have a chance actually we're both at 3 million i'm at 2 million he's going to put the team on his back he yeah there's not a whole lot i can do i can i can help my homie win though ohio can live on through jpno i'm just gonna stop attacking him because um he's gonna he's sacrificing a lot of his oh no we were actually really close yeah but now he's got it let's try an african ohio start now that is hopefully if no one else comes down here i'm cool with three if this guy wants to stay in the corner he can stay in the corner if he really wants yeah that's not going to be good for you buddy well it's possible if it works i could attack emma for him oink oink already wants to be my friend i will accept that and then probably backstab you i don't mind this guy's from ohio but aren't we all okay where do you want to go to first i want to go north get access to the mediterranean oink is actually doing okay maybe it was a good idea to be his friend we definitely want to go into iberia if we can help that yeah let's take out this guy i'll get a little gibraltar of my own who is over here oh that's a huge bot yeah let's get all that let's get all that oh oink just took somebody out hey maybe this guy in the corner is going to be okay actually he could be okay let's see oh this is that unc guy oh there we go so he full cent thank you oh that's tempting oh i'm number one with the crown i don't know if i want the crown here oink oink don't backstab me bro might as well let's take up all this i'm down to keep this alliance like forever i gotta watch unc stronger than me i'll move north i think and not backstab oink oink who is this creepy i'm gonna go after corsica where are they launching that boat from i launched the boat right oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap i'm gonna accidentally hit this guy why are you why why sorry sorry sorry oink oink backstab me i need australia to attack unc attack this way i mean he's strong enough to do it oh he's got to worry about dragon warrior though but why are you attacking me you have all of this oh wait that's not unclaimed territory that's that's decline there's a bot next to you oh that's not a real bot cal stroy has accepted my uh peace offering he's not strong enough or in a good place to attack unc though there's a guy over here yeah there you go how strong is this guy good this guy's powerful oh but he's actually kind of weak right now oh he's doing it he's got the crown he's got big target on his back yeah putin wants to be my friend or whatever putin lie it's not a whole lot i can really do here unless something happens for me just gotta play it patiently i'm in the corner of the map so there's a lot of things that could happen in the heart yeah these two are fighting it out but i know unc will come after me because he's douche i was trying to think of the nicest thing i could say he must be not a fan of ohio clearly oh australia i would love to take a bite out of australia if i could while these two are battling they're like six million and six million i'm gonna attack you and see oh crappy full cent my friend australia full cent which maybe is a good thing oh unc left too okay good while these two are fighting it okay this is good this is good let me get some of this thank you australia i'm gonna eat a little bit of you why would you attack me oink oink you're in literally a battle to the death in africa and then you still attack what an idiot ah okay let's just see if i can get all this stuff this game makes me so aggressive i get so mad playing this game hopefully me and okay dragon warrior is gonna attack me that's okay i guess i will accept that oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes get that across i actually did not mean to send a boat it was a weird boat we're in an interesting spot because i'm probably gonna have to backstab one of these guys but i have non-aggression packs with them we are in the corner though i like that we're in the corner and we can kind of play quietly i'm in fourth place oh all we have to do is get this guy to start morbin and they'll take out the whole map uh-oh okay we have to we have to go after this guy he's gonna he's gonna get too strong more bro we need you to morb if there's any time to start morbin it's now uh he went after me that's evil okay well i should have been more careful with who i was telling to more of now this guy's going to morb all over me oh man this guy's going i guess i guess we do have to go for it justin justin tinian you need to attack this guy justin tinian what are you doing bro he's not even there he's afk okay we're dead all right well i'll let um yeah go and eat it oh he's not going to win he doesn't even have close to enough points yeah this guy's just he's got all of this this is so much land what was this guy doing oh he's trying now a little too late there buddy once again my team fails me and big thanks to the patrons my name is joe biden i love being joe diary of a wimpy kid the catfish drew's argentinian grandfather a fat noise bringing back poland cowboys 83. max cooper philip robert why the mexican senator why am i doing this william the conqueror and subare a n
Channel: DruuuWu
Views: 764,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drew durnil, druuuwu, territorial, territorial io, territory, io game, io games, strategy, country, nation, empire, meme, memes, world, the world, world map, ohio, it's all ohio, always has been, us states, us state, battle royale, game, strategy game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 25 2022
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