I Conquered the World By Painting on a Map... (Paper.io)

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most the games i like to play just involve painting a certain color on a map and i think there's technically no other one that does it better than this one so i'm just going to go ahead and close my eyes and pick a random country uh that sounds good fiji our water empire will dominate wow i would never be able to recognize that flag or uh that capital name okay so we have washington right here it's probably gonna be a lot of american players we're gonna easily be able to take that if he's not defending his capital that is wait so what happens when i take washington i don't even know i can't remember oh damn we didn't even get a chance to find out because he died who is this australia australia is number one in the corner as you can see we're at five are we so low and now i'm at six okay let's take out a very weak oh maybe okay hold on hold on chill bro i'm trying to take out a very weak london um oh cool so you take their capital and it's over i like that no thank you albania oh there we go thank you do i get up there for getting kills do i get more points for getting kills or is that the only way to get points playing a little bit risky i'm just trying to find somebody why would you want to do anything bad to me i'm the water empire how cool is that just let me win oh we've got mexico over here mexico city we're approaching mexico city just gonna um i really want that i should have probably attacked canada oh boom gotcha i don't think he knew that he had to protect his capital because he was wait wait maybe he did yeah i need to probably start like doubling back and forth oh are we like giving are we giving like the capital some sort of like resource because that's the problem with your if your empire gets too big you can't protect your capital i love that we're the water empire and uh and they also made us blue so that that worked out pretty good i'm currently in fourth place and third with that death what's going on i saw my little like corner map it was red we gotta find canada this is canada right i can probably slowly okay i just keep checking on my capital every once in a while who is this is this mexico ah i could have got that oh there oh there's columbia is that columbia what i can't tell no no no no no no no what i swear i got oh yeah all right oh i'm in first i am currently the water empire we are in first place okay so they're probably gonna come after me wait let me drop off whatever these pixel things are i'm pretty solidly in first place as well so as long as i protect my capital i can lose a lot of territory i'm gonna play a little risky whoa that's a little that's a little too risky we probably don't need to be that crazy am i still giving yeah i'm still gonna pass those things back who is this oh colombia's right there wait so who's that other person oh i just i'm gonna just steal it i don't even see that person boom get some all right i still don't see anyone attacking me just yet oh i think that's what the bottom corner shows me if it's red people are taking my territory all right so with that knowledge i can pretty woo pretty easily move far who's this yeah oh just nope nope nope yeah you were getting too aggressive i'm gonna assume a lot of these people were playing against have got to be little kids and you know they don't have patience patience that i do as an old man i can sit here and uh not get too greedy with the territory dude i'm dominating i'm in like i'm at 136 second place is only at 74. scary terry oh oh i don't know why i got scared i should have been more aggressive i don't really want to play aggressively though i'm pretty comfortable is that where everything goes wrong once you stop playing aggressively i don't think so ah i was going to say come on little buddy come take some territory so i can kill you oh someone is taking stuff but i don't see where it is oh he was going in no no no no no no no wait what what what oh get some okay i'm just gonna i'm just gonna like boom right across here thank you dang he was going for the empire oh who's this blue guy so that means that they're notified as well once i take their territory i get to 200 points here we have to be the only blue empire oh yeah we need to be the only blue empire so i kind of want to get rid of these guys oh it's right there i just killed myself i thought we dipped back what a legendary fail i thought i'd done enough to dip back into my my own territory so that it didn't okay whatever okay i'm now a pink india somewhere on a world map this is not necessarily the same game now we have to capture world map cities and i don't even know where i am i think i'm somewhere in russia so i could probably dip back and find india yeah so this is a city in russia i like how it teaches you geography i'm gonna try to move down south and get myself uh oh get myself india pink india sounds pretty epic okay now in this case we there's no capital city oh oh oh go in there go in there yeah good job buddy what a genius just after the last time where i literally killed myself i should probably not be talking all this mess there we go there's india we're gonna go past the himalayan mountains because that's a very easy mountain range just to move straight on through and i will get oh i'm getting pakistan well that works yeah we're getting bangladesh too we are uniting a british raj i want it to be a perfect india i need to get all my stuff i'm just worried about this green guy over here the fun thing about this game mode is that people do tend to stick to the part of the map that they really want to take over so they probably won't be super aggressive maybe i shouldn't say that but like this guy seems very um adamant on taking over this part of asia in order for me to be british raj i've got to take over uh myanmar i finally pronounced that for the first time ever correctly it only took like a thousand comments let's go okay i will take bangkok we are reviving the british raj except it's not british raj it's just new empire of india and there's nobody over here are there i'm already in third place let's not jinx it though i will take jakarta to the capital of indonesia and brunei as well i might as well take over china whoa viv israel oh oh oh no no no no no yeah yeah they're playing aggressive you got to be like oh i lost brunei whoa whoa whoa chill bro chill chill who are you i think the first time i played this game i was way too spazzy i'm always a little bit too spazzy but it was especially bad no you stay out of singapore it's a very rich um city for me i'm lu oh i'm losing russia too i'm getting attacked from two different fronts and karachi no no that's india i can't lose india i don't think oh why is he so fast that guy was like really fast for summer okay so i'm now playing a new game mode where uh it's battle royale and basically the circle is going to close in on us why can't i use my mouse right here i do not like to have to use the keyboard what what happened well i'm playing as wyoming the fa the best fictional nation oh i'm gonna accidentally kill myself wow it's upside down too why this is scary because once the circle starts closing in you've got to get closer and closer you can see it in the bottom oh man i don't like this at all i'm doing like perfect squares that's not even supposed to be a thing in this game i think i'm in the center so if the circle does start closing down on us it's okay now i think the goal in this game mode is just let all the other kids kill themselves because i am not going to be as a hand-eye coordinated oh boy here that here it comes i don't even want a piece of you guys just leave me alone oh wow yeah so many people were focused on getting to the part of the map that they need to that they sometimes don't focus on killing it oh he was kind of coming after me see i'm too focused on getting to this part of the circle that i need to get to instead of killing people but that's gonna make it for oh i'm dead yeah i yeah this actually looks like a nation's borders when you zoom in on it looks as real as wyoming's real borders i've got to represent the great nation of sealand because not nearly enough people know about sea land especially in the us whenever i bring it up they don't get it all right so right now we're pretty good i can actually focus on killing people at the moment i don't like when you get in those battles where you're both kind of just like kind of flirting with each other's borders that's not fun it's way easier when it's like you know you're kind of just asking me to take you over okay we are in the clear oh i just chopped off a huge chunk of his land but that doesn't even really matter land does not matter you just gotta survive this guy is just like doing circles in his own oh i don't like this i'm just gonna keep going towards the center i'm gonna kill myself accidentally am i in the circle i am not in the circle now i am i have the circle i have the power dude i don't even want to take territory you could take whatever you want from me just kill each other there we go okay that gives me some breathing room thank you who's left who's left oh this guy this bat guy what happens when the circle keeps going smaller that was so close see that's why i like this game though like i love the borders that it shows me sea land is a very peaceful nation we're just an oil rig basically like we don't want to declare war on anybody so that's how i need to play here pacifistly just out here colonizing land not going to bother anybody don't worry about me ooh that was a worrying let's not get too aggressive but oh that's right i need to get in the circle oh boy i don't know if i'm in the circle i i'm barely in the circle right now okay okay let's uh i've got to move all the way across the map i'm just gonna have to just do this i've gotta get way over there please leave me alone bro oh oh that's the problem when you have skinny borders like this it's really easy for people to i hate this guy like with a burning passion screw you watermelon oh he's actually trying to block me off no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] what i was in the circle too i just had to double back around but i barely touched even though we managed to kill that watermelon still trying to get my vengeance on that guy oh i love the old german look at this old german flag they got here at first when i slowed up this game they were just putting the regular german flag but we got like holy roman empire vibes i'm playing as david hasselhoff and we're a nice red color so when we take over the world this is gonna look real nice let's find france somewhere that is our pretty easy enemy to take on who's this down here should probably get like yeah let's protect my capital a bit more by circling berlin i don't really want berlin to be split into two am i on the edge of the map i am okay i'm paranoid that the circle is gonna close on me like it was in the other game mode i just wish this game mode included it on a world map like it seems really simple right why would you not do this game mode but on a world map ooh here's denmark we can destroy denmark in six hours oh he's not even protecting copenhagen i'm just gonna go for it i don't know where he's at oof sometimes i don't know if these these people know that they they lose their capital some of them i don't think no once you lose your capital it's over i don't like this guy i do not like this guy oh if you're going to just should i go crazy i'm going to i'm going to go crazy dang you mess with me that's what happens blitzcraig tactics oh here's france oh let's go france oh man i despise that you're not blue i wish you were a big blue blob there's paris oh yeah you know they once oh wow france that wasn't even hard that wasn't you didn't even put up a fight you surrendered immediately oh we're being attacked hold on where are we being attacked from over here i'm currently in fourth place who is this i've see i recognize that flag but i don't know who it is puerto rico where's puerto rico at puerto rico come back what's nice is i actually don't need to protect berlin because we're already on the side of the map it's a lot easier for me to protect because no one's going to be popping up from our west side so really as long as i'm protecting the southern eastern and northern borders we're going to be all right someone's attacking us i don't know who it is i'm still currently oh i'm in second place oh it's cupcake let's go cupcake yeah he was trying we're just going to extend those borders out a bit more we're going to oh man i need to not waste this opportunity we both saw each other we both like immediately is that kazakhstan it is kazakhstan that's fun i didn't think i'd see you guys here oh someone's attacked me from the south i think berlin you good berlin is okay i just don't know yeah it's from the south it's puerto rico uh we almost got him too oh someone else took him out oh that seems easy enough for me to take oh oh nice okay there's a lot of fighting going on i actually haven't got i've only had five kills so far i'm gonna go crazy take that let's go and i am number one so we're good down south i do see so oh whoa that was scary this is another france there's a pink france down here oh they're already dead swamp okay this is this is nice just leave us alone i'm just trying to stay in first place everyone leave me alone i don't see anyone in the north so we're doing okay who is this indonesia what's your capital at buddy oh that's not indonesia oh man stay away buddy stay away oh oh yeah thank you oh look at this yeah he oh pink france he got a little too aggressive i'm comfortably somewhat not really but i'm somewhat comfortably in first place here just extend this out do you get faster when you're like in first place what else if i do i want to try that i don't want to try that i can really be safe um on the edges over this way because so like i can really extend my territory not to worry too much okay someone is attacking me i just don't i'm assuming from the north oh is or is it here oh it's kiev no no keeve i'm sorry ukraine i don't want to have to do this oh there's someone else attacking me too it's i don't even know where it's coming from okay i'm gonna kill ukraine real quick sorry and i need to find who else is attacking me oh here they are oh he was going in he's going in that's right that's right chill chill bro are we okay we're good now it's just this guy from the north we gotta watch this our territory's too big oh wait we're in second place again we fell to second place oh this guy's number one now that's why he left me alone okay where's your capital at buddy yeah that's right where is yours oh i can't even find it how big is this guy okay let me just chip this off chip this little piece off boom okay i'm back at number one oh he died okay cool that makes my job easier kazakhstan is still around i just like capturing capitals it's so satisfying i'm very solidly in number one i think ooh ooh dang gotta watch qatar though thank you got nine kills i thought we would have ten by now we've got lucky some other people have like gotten kills for us that protect us a bit we got too much land so if you look at the bottom map i'm actually less safe on the south so i'm going to take that ooh taiwan a very tiny taiwan i might just leave you alone taiwan i don't want to deal with it i'm just going to extend my border so that i get just a little bit more vision or you know like i'll be able to tell if someone's attacking me okay i'll take oh yeah where's this guitar guy at he's been here for a while i think oh almost messed up real bad oh what the heck what is this guy doing did he get scared he could have killed me right there oh yeah i'm being attacked by norway now there's a little three-way between norway the netherlands okay someone died my biggest uh my biggest the biggest thing is just not to kill myself just don't kill yourself again at least go down because of somebody else oh qatar is finally falling ooh warsaw we're germany we have to take warsaw oh no yeah you know this guy knows his history he's coming after me he knows here i am blitzkrieg oh we got him dang i feel bad poland's been through enough oh there's russia too oh i should have known russia was going to be my bane they were going to be the only one to take me down and big thanks to by saying this i agree to be a sussy buccaneer luxembourg drew's argentinian nuts alex whitley is [Music] thank you
Channel: DruuuWu
Views: 1,096,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drew durnil, druuuwu, paper, paper io, paper.io, world, world map, i conquered, conquered, earth, io, io game, io games, strategy, countries, country, geography, nations, india, germany, ukraine, russia, poland, review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Sat May 14 2022
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