I created a LANDLOCKED Empire for Switzerland...

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it's time to give the most neutral nation an empire because if anyone else deserves it it's them they've been peaceful for like their whole life they pretty much deserve like 25 of the globe imagine playing switzerland and they're not red oh i'm gonna go with this darker red though looks more imperial now as switzerland we are a landlocked country which could be a problem well i mean it could be a problem but not in this game because we were sitting here with our 0.5 star navy just randomly unconnected to our port so in switzerland of course we are producing cheese and i'm going to produce as much cheese as humanly possible we also have infrastructure and technology oh we also have access to taxes what about gold do we have any nono german gold speaking of the no no germans let's go ahead and explore right here i really love that there's a luxembourg lake in this game and i have no idea why so we're an interesting spot because all of the nations that surround us are five stars except for austria and we have to get our buddy austria we must reform the alpine nation i don't think reform is the right word that was never formed before i don't believe maybe in our hearts only i've played this game for a total of at least 10 hours and i'm now just realizing there is no kosovo here oh that's spicy bigger question is when we get our first nuke who are we gonna nuke first also where is klinengrad why am i now just noticing all these things about this game so i'd really love to start this thing off by creating kind of a landlocked empire don't mind that i wasted all this money improving my navy we're not even gonna use that but that actually might be tactically a good choice here that way i don't have to invest in that branch at all first things first we're gonna need some soldiers to throw and sacrifice and they're probably gonna need some ammo i guess that's optional especially if you're like the soviets we are not though and we are gonna make sure if anyone tries to invade us we are gonna be the vietnam of europe we're going to make them regret it heavily i mean i don't think anyone's going to try to invade us in the first place but i'm just saying wait does austria not have an army or wait no is that them they have a helmet on like i thought that was uh indonesia randomly over here sorry i meant poland uh don't uh i don't want this oh my gosh i just want to skip over austria and go straight after slovenia look how easy that would be to take please someone tell me why the frankenstein nation of northern france and southern netherlands is so powerful can i just sell all these sailors that i uselessly bought at switzerland i think north macedonia is going to be the place we attack first because they have literally nothing over here and turkey's unlikely to care they don't even have an air force do they all right that was definitely the right choice let's see what they got they got uh chemical factory why next up gonna go after moldova there's nothing over here either again i don't know how the swiss take a ship over to moldova it doesn't matter i guess having half a star navy is good ooh sunflowers i know that uh sunflowers are a big deal for ukraine gonna go ahead and continue our landlocked empire this time in africa it will still be landlocked it falls under the guidelines and i did just say that i was gonna be the vietnam of europe and uh this african nation has a pretty similar flag to vietnam ooh you have gold as swiss we really like that wow huge discount on jewelry here only 10 gold per and i am going to okay i'm gonna buy definitely the max that's a hundred i kind of want to just sit here and buy them all are they gonna let me do oh oh that's right i have to use up to 200 you might just sit here by all 200 go someplace else and sell them off we're going to be rolling in the dough oh my gosh iceland is completely undefended i want this landlocked empire to be a thing though okay nepal you're just asking to get taken i think i've made this joke before but uh it is definitely the best time to wear a striped sweater at least when you're under colonial swiss rule who are we gonna sell all these jewels to maybe north america because i don't plan to attack them at least ever or anytime soon probably not ever much coastline for me oh wait sorry north america does not care about uh that at all it's south africa that wants the jewels all right they want the jewel all right and we're going to sell all for max profit and we now have made a profit of 18 000 gold it was good doing business with you right now what the hell are we gonna do with this 18 000 gold let me try to think about how i can do this as efficiently as possible should i just wipe out a bunch of small nations or is it better to take out the big ones i think it's actually gonna be better to take out the big ones i think it's about time we attack austria is austria not even defending themselves with their own i think austria is being defended just by poland's land army and nothing else poland why do you care about austria that much buddy i thought you liked hungary a lot more i don't really want to fight a three-star polish army right now i guess i will settle for a weak armenia at the moment give me that copper next one on the list is bhutan some very landlocked countries tan does farms oh there's a foreign attack coming on north macedonia and possibly in nepal there's gonna be a rebellion yeah i don't think so here buddy why can't i fund rebels in austria actually better question why can't i ashless austria gonna fund some rebels in belarus i think that should be enough to take them over but hold on i'm a little scared now belarus is a big country you guys should uh have at least a couple factories here for me because we have the rebellion help um that should make this very easy wow this is looking like a battle already i've crushed the rebels in nepal yeah i think we're gonna be okay the rebels are done in this country but it saved us a lot yeah we do get two out of it so we're getting more cheese and fertilizer oh mongolia you're just making it too easy there's a lot of landlocked countries in africa that i can go after actually this is going to be our big continent we also have lao possibly ooh the coal mines in mongolia of course lao has basically nothing more mines but is this the type of minds that we're thinking okay i think we probably need afghanistan next although that's what a lot of great nations great empire said at one point and uh didn't really work out for them central asia is going to be huge for us once we get a foothold in this region we're just gonna start to slowly work our way up oh and we can nuke somebody just who do we nuke really now if i nuke poland uh i don't think i can nuke poland i mean that'd be very easy to take them over no great powers are like landlocked a lot of them tend to have access to the seas now i could nuke some country randomly into oblivion that's always fun and then i just like get them i just take them over instantly i could probably nuke austria into oblivion that could just be fun 6 40 for my nuclear launch codes i guess since they're like our friendly rival might as well they deserve it all right we're going to directly nuke our neighboring country because that's always a great idea i'm sure the winds will not send any of the radiation back our way all right a good rocket goes right over our people and a couple miles that way yeah that definitely did not infect us at all please tell me they're just dead um yeah the attack was so powerful the country just surrendered good that's fun so we got wow we're getting a lot of this they have cars uh medication medic i think that's medications i don't know what that is and a heavy machinery factory and moldova so we have rebels popping up in moldova and nepal once again oh nepal will be fine this guy is already pretty upgraded really don't want to lose austria so i'm just going to go ahead and give austria some local military okay pretty sure this is enough to take hungary now hungary isn't that strong i wish i could have um uh germany was sent back home germany tried to take over moldova i had to waste a lot of my gold for this but i will take hungary got austria now gotta reform that whole union the swiss austrian hungarian union right they have some stuff they only had two though why is slovakia and czechias so strong three and a half militaries they don't have anything else but that's still ridiculous i think we need to focus on some african colonies here ooh uganda looks tasty right now literally nothing i wonder why am i even discovering the coastal nations i should probably just stick to landlocked only like i shouldn't even be able to see the coastal nations just for the fun of it oh we get some beans why is germany protecting rwanda and burundi well either way i'll take them both over i colonize two countries at the same time oh okay no wait don't leave little buddy just stay right just scoot on over gonna colonize this and upgrade you guys at the same time before you get there they're probably gonna have some beans too we got rwanda which is apparently the singapore of africa i've heard that before thank you for continually making this nice and easy don't resist the swiss with tobacco farm oh botswana why are you so powerful now you guys want to do stuff i see how it is well we'll walk into here there's always some nation this the uk doesn't care about i'm keeping above 10 000 gold which i like that okay just walk over here how is paraguay in bolivia in south america those are well landlocked countries they're they don't look that fun to take over that's for sure i thought there would be an easier option there's gonna be nothing else in north america serbia would be a nice next hit can i fund anything in serbia no i think that should be enough to get serbia sir no one's protecting serbia is no one protecting any of these guys who was protecting them before i thought the ottomans or was it austria hungary i don't know who did really want to attack bosnia but technically bosnia has 12 miles of coastline in our world i don't know about this map though that map who knows okay so we have now oh we have corn and cars that's all you need serbia you know what's up so we've now connected our long nation from swiss to northern macedonia now if we could just make ourselves a little bit thicker oh belarus is going to get attacked i'm running out of easy landlocked countries to invade ethiopia would probably be best i don't have any money i don't like not having money give us some choppas oh man i could have made this way easier in ethiopia just by selling narcotics what a statement are they going to be good we should be good uh belarus got taken by china we won in ethiopia and they have two things flowers and beans coffee beans we're gonna need to take that back here china ooh yeah that doesn't look fun to take back either and i upgrade that guy a lot too i think how much did china send over i thought he had at least one and a half stars well it's fine i will uh divide and rule so it gives us an extra star on the ground actually that should be feasible right there let me just upgrade the air force a bit more okay yeah we need to take this back like right now is our um how much do we have we still have to colonize ten more countries okay so the chinese support is already dead and our rebels are still alive the air force should be fine all right that worked out because belarus was providing two resources we had made it okay since we replaced them with ethiopia but now we're looking really good all right no one better ever attack belarus again oh that's right central asia that's our big next target oh yeah these guys are not even defended and we're just going to make our way oh there's so much easy targets right here about kazakhstan i'd love to take kazakhstan oh that's that's feasible so we're going to get gold here and then we're going to come right in after there do we got this we should got this oh i don't know if i upgraded my air force oh it doesn't matter we got it i'd be careful that sometimes i send in attacks when i'm totally not ready why is turkmenistan more defended than kazakhstan or it's it's the same but still okay really what kazakhstan kazakhstan is the uh piece they resist don't is that even the word because kazakhstan i would believe is the biggest landlocked country on earth is it landlocked as acts as the caspian sea do they classify kazakhstan as landlocked i think so either way gonna get some financial aid gonna fund rebels by giving them financial aid in kazakhstan it should make it enough for us to be okay there i'm really just gonna upgrade the air force here and then that should be enough all right this is ours now no one better be rebelling please tell me they have a lot of stuff they should okay they they do they have a radioactive chemicals nice and petroleum those are two very important things for empires i think grundy and uh ethiopia are gonna rebel next okay i don't like um losing nations i really hate when that happens so i might start really upgrading these guys especially because we lost that one war and i want something in south america just to have it oh it's feasible supply guns in bolivia no one's even protecting bolivia so let's go why isn't uh portugal's being protected by brazil or vice versa i don't really know wait no it is wow portugal loves wait no that is brazil why am i confused about flags right now this is not the time drew this is not the time okay so we do have our country in south america it has been achieved or a landlocked country at least mine zinc and petroleum products oh it does tell you upgrade your local army to six because the netherlands are gonna attack burundi oh hopefully we have this in ethiopia yeah so we've stopped them in ethiopia those are just rebels but the netherlands are really coming after these guys to six what does that mean six what how much are you sending i don't really wanna fund two thousand dollars worth six better not be one two three four five six uh-oh let's see oh yeah you didn't need six they sent like three guys that was the equivalent of three guys do you mean like six gold whatever six gold gets yeah the scary guy at the bar could have taken on whatever the netherlands sent us question is do we just scoot on over and take over paraguay i think so we're good there and then we can invest here and that's probably it go ahead and take on paraguay next are we about to be able to nuke a country question is who are we gonna nuke next oh we should also take over everything in central asia there's only two nations left there please give us there we go so we got cattle and uh soya beans there's still a lot in africa that we also can take i do really love chad but look at how well chad is doing well they're not doing like amazing but um belgium wait is that no that's not belgium i'm confused france is really loving chat as they should why was i thinking belgium was helping chad france has a lot at stake here they really like their african colonies they are not gonna let this be too easy spread religious propaganda uzbekistan will fall next and we will have a perfect stanley stan landlocked empire that is swiss controlled if anyone is going to control stanistan stan land of stans it should be switzerland which stan just means land and switzerland maybe we're swiss stan swiss stan that sounds amazing we might have just accidentally discovered the greatest name of all time getting kind of nervous no one's attacking any of my colonies why aren't you guys doing that maybe i'll just nuke czechia or something because this does not look like a fun country to have to take over why is ukraine easier than czechia right now it's a little bit easier why or maybe it's not because they don't have an air force but it would still be a very expensive battle once again a rebel update in belarus okay i think south uganda or south sudan is next to south uganda south uganda would be rwanda zambia is also a pretty easy target here but our glorious landlocked swiss empire i'm really enjoying this it's definitely not gonna be anything in oceania so copper mines and tobacco farm it's gotta be zimbabwe next and nicely they don't have an air force that makes it way easier we stopped rebels in belarus okay that should be just enough in zimbabwe we're making 43 gold a second i'd like to have more and with this we will be able to nuke a country so who do we want to really nuke next i really think that czechia and slovakia are the strongest landlocked countries on the map currently and i don't even know how that happened i think we could nuke them into oblivion i would assume oh what are you doing hey i was not oops it could not defend itself um where was i i was not warned oh you you're not defending uganda at all wait can i do my nuke codes i still can't so even if you lose a country i'll get that back later work that with my third nuke iraq is technically not landlocked yeah but they don't have much isn't that the whole point of like desert storm hey what is this oh it's a piece of azerbaijan that's right i'm gonna nuke czechia i don't know i don't even know why two and two new nuclear codes think we've been nuking neighbors this whole time we might as well keep it up this whole time we did it once well we didn't learn our lesson the first time we're gonna go ahead and do it again because our people didn't get enough radiation so we'll just kind of lock that down now this might not be enough to take them out completely um they look completely fine okay good so they were that would have cost me a lot maybe it was dumb maybe it was really dumb wow we have manufactured car parts and a car factory are we making money that now though he's making some serious cash i could probably now afford to uh can i walk into slovakia if i wanted to walk into slovakia that would cost me maybe one two that would cost me so much why is slovakia the way that it is let's go back and get uganda they got mad at what i said earlier northern france and southern netherlands didn't like my comment hey thank you we will take that back give us back our coffee beans all right at this point i think it's fair to say that bosnia is possibly landlocked you can't really tell i'm gonna say it is got 12 miles of coastline in real life but um these are big thick lines shoes that's all i got out of that shoes maybe it wasn't worth it oh nice i get a bonus missile that's right i forgot about that all right i'm definitely gonna do it on slovakia because i need to save money again another neighboring country this time we have three like we kind of like have caused slovakia to be a peninsula of our own borders do you see what i'm saying so pretty much anywhere the winds blow the radiation is gonna come back at us then again do we really care about austria-hungary and czechia those are just like our uh i don't know slave countries i love that this game just gives christmas presents as uh nukes all right well that was worth it we're getting three things out of it more rebels in the poll well i can afford a lot now to paul are you sure y'all sure you really want to do this now with that that was definitely the strongest landlocked country can you guys have some like breakaway states um cut off and so i can get more landlocked countries the only ones that are left are probably in africa oh botswana let's take care of that real quick ooh they have uh mines and diamonds did we lose south sudan or i don't think i sent anything out south sudan stopped rebels in nepal oh no we lost kazakhstan to who who took kazakhstan from us germany what are you doing germany more diamonds and wood love when there's rebels in the area that we can fund man france made it so hard to take chad i love chad i need chad man they made it difficult ooh chad's giving us two stuff i like that okay germany i'll take back my kazakhstan thank you very much this is like the prize possession this is the crown jewel like you know india was the crown jewel of the british empire well it's easily got to be kazakhstan for us the biggest thickest landlocked country on earth again i'm still not exactly sure how the caspian sea plays in all that but whatever okay thank you i needed my chemical factory and petroleum the country that shall not be named is up next uzbekistan might fall not on my watch oh yeah there was a one guy coming up and here's the final country molly at least i think it's the final country i've spent everything i can really at this point that one might have been closer than i was expecting ooh yarn production and mine gold oh no for an attack on lao real quick don't wanna you lose loud the only place in southeast asia i'll give them uh well i was gonna give them some uh there we go local air force either way i think that's everything wait don't lose uzbekistan uh we have completed our mission of a landlocked empire in this game believe that's everything in africa if i'm paying attention enough so in two countries in the western hemisphere there's a lot in europe but still pretty good the ultimate swiss lake has been achieved and big thanks to drew's sexy girl young wife i stole drew argentinian grand aryan after apple fat alex whitley is mega man canadian union gaming candy canes majestic max cooper nemo sugar and why am i doing this
Channel: DruuuWu
Views: 1,141,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drew durnil, druuuwu, dictators no peace, switzerland, swiss, empire, landlocked, countryballs, countryball, countryball game, countryballs games, ww2, map, maps, world, earth, strategy, strategy game, meme, memes
Id: lvF3hjJyKDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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