I coded a Geometry Dash RIPOFF GAME!

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ripoff games whether you couldn't afford the original or just want to screw around with something goofy everyone has either seen or played a ripoff game at least once I mean even Geometry Dash itself started off as a ripoff of The Impossible game but then went on to exceed it in popularity so today I'm going to be the one to carry the torch I am going to rip off Geometry Dash and make it so much better and it is going to be so much more popular it will be number one on the App Store forever number one on Steam forever I don't even know if that exists but it does now I'm going to make the greatest video game of all time or maybe it'll just be a goofy clone for a video I don't know let's get into Unity today we're going to be starting a new project and we are going to be making Geometry Dash not Geometry Dash what should I call it tried Dash yeah dude all right cool so we're in unity now and I think let's start off by making a quick main menu here just something really really simple okay so I'm just going to put in a little button here oh my it is massive let's Chuck you smack Bang in the middle there make it about Square that'll be our play button for now we can always change that later and you know what I think we need to hop into paint.net and let's create a real quick logo here let's go a little bit of a lighter blue here like my uh icon and let's just put I do like a a bit of a more boxy font like so yeah yeah try Dash yeah look at that dude that is a beautiful logo if ever I've seen one yeah this isn't going to be the most uh amazing game let's just say that uh but you know what it'll be funny so let's do that and then maybe I can like make a darker like bottom layer and then I can just kind of do that yeah dude look at that try Dash that looks sick okay all right now I've got the logo saved here let's just drag that in Sprite that oh look at that beautiful main menu dude I think that is amazing obviously this play button doesn't do anything yet uh so we'll have to like actually make it go into the game which for now I don't think I'm going to do a level select yet I might go ahead and just make it go straight into a level uh test level yes okay test level here we are all right so I think the next step that we probably want to do is I want to make a texture for the cube for a spike and for a block that'll be our like three main components here and we can kind of build off of that now how do I want to do this we probably want a bit of a thinner outline so like bring this around I'll just make the default like normal Cube and I'm going to hander all of these by the way cuz I think it's funnier so that'll be the outer layer there and then we can create the inner one like that nice little Cube now I don't know how like the different sections is it going to work for like coloring it all right so let's drag the player in and I think this time we can actually just drag him in yeah it looks so goofy dude okay so if I color it yeah okay so you can see that there that works okay so that colors both of them so what we want to do then for now I'm going to delete that and then save that as like the outer layer and I'm going to paste that back and then delete the outer layer like so so we've got the player and then with the player inner let's drag both of those back in and then what I can do is I can kind of construct the player like so and then so that means we can color the player inner to be like that and then the outside of the player to be like that so we can give it colors I think that works pretty well for now I'm just going to give them like my characteristic blue colors I think they're probably not the exact colors but you know what who cares dude who cares all right so we got the play here I'm just going to open up paint.net and let's make a block and a spike and then boom we have a block and then we can apply a similar thing to make a Spike put like that and then we can go ahead and build another layer right below it and just give it the classic Spike gradient like that and then we can go ahead and then just like erase all of this outside bit like so and now we've got a spike okay let's drag the block and the spike in here then and we should see that yeah it's so goofy looking they're so goofy looking okay I'm also going to want a ground so let's make a ground real quick as well and we can make a background later for now the background doesn't really matter that much I'll just make it like Gray all right so let's drag in this ground here and let's just change a couple of the settings oh that does not tile very well uh-oh okay it's fine it doesn't matter and then let's give that a nice bit of color you know let's make it a nice uh blue maybe something like that yeah that's kind of cool okay okay and then now we can put a block in here and a Spike as well um but of course if we play the game nothing happens because uh we haven't actually like coded anything yet right so I'm going to put the cube here and let's give this a little collider here if you don't know what I'm doing um that's completely fine doesn't really matter what I'm doing that much particularly to be honest okay so now we've got physics on the cube so hopefully it should just fall down yep we can see the cube falls down to the ground like so so now we actually need to give it the code to like move right and be able to jump okay so I've just put in a couple lines of code so that like the cube constantly moves to the right and hopefully if I select the right thing Chuck this onto the player just like so hopefully if I play the game it should start moving I need to set the move speed to Something There we go it's moving moving look at him go woo he kind of just goes through the block and the spike but he goes dude and I can even go like -10 so he moves backwards if I want to like 2. to it you know now I'm going to try and put in a little bit of code to make him jump yes it works uh-oh oh no that's not good let's freeze rotation on the Zed and hopefully now jumping should work yes he can jump midair it's basically the UFO now but it's fine hey I got it to work all right awesome okay that took a bit of time but as you can see you can jump when you're on the ground you can't jump when you're in midair okay cool and I'm going to remove this get key down and just make it get key and that should theoretically make it so you can hold the jump button as well yes you can just like in GD okay awesome now I don't know if you've notice but the camera doesn't really follow the cube so I'm going to make a new script for the camera to do that okay so now let's see if this works okay a few issues here oh my God we got Geometry Dash no way so now we've got a very very basic geometry dash that's uh a little bit dodgy I'm not going to lie now I'm going to mess with the physics real quick just to try and make it like a little bit more realistic towards Geometry Dash Okay so pretty much what this involved was like making you jump as far as you do in Geometry Dash so you can jump up onto two blocks like so and also with staircases like this you can jump up with no trouble you land on the same spot of the block for each block all that kind of stuff right literally just tweaking values until I got it right not the most exciting thing in the world but I was pretty happy with it when I got it working yes that is perfect dude now I got to try and make it so you can actually like die when you hit a block cuz that's kind of important right so the way the jumping works I have a little floor detect collider here you can see that's the Collision box for it or the hit box yeah that's the hit box for it so when that is like inside of the ground that's when you're able to jump so you can only jump when you're on the ground so what I'm going to do is I'm going to do that again but for the side actually I'll make that like all the way across like this player there and then I'll make it a little bit off the ground so that if you hit the ground you don't die and then I'll make a death detect script okay so that little collider we just made if a collides with something and the thing that it collides with is a spike here then kill the player and oh the temptation to make a fixed hit box no I'm not going to do that I'm going to make it pretty similar to the ones in GD I think put that there and then this will actually go to the ground because I think think that would make for a bit of a better hit box there it goes it disappears Okay cool so now I'm going to place in a triple Spike here and let's see if we can do it let's see is it possible in this game you can do a triple Spike oh my God that's so awesome I did a triple Spike Okay cool so now we've got that working um I deleted every single block God uh slight issue with this is that spikes can kill you but running into the side of blocks can't so I need to like make sure I do that somehow and when you jump it doesn't kill you but if you run into the side of a block it kills you yes okay I got it to work dude I got it to work nice nice nice so now we have all of that in place all of that uh I guess logic in place now what I want to do which I think would be really really cool is I need to get a song in here because this is GD it's important and for the song I'm just going to go to my old mate my old buddy my old pal Kevin McLoud what's Airship Serenity I'm using this this is a really really funny song okay 4K video downloader here I come and now that that's in there we should be able to just drag this in here and it should just start playing immediately I think except if you die nothing happens okay so I'm so close to being able to build a level all I need to do now is make it so that when you die the player doesn't just disappear and you just sit here for all of eternity it needs to actually like reset the player back to the start so let's create a a new object here that's like the start point so when you die instead of just like destroying the player object what I'll do is I'll uh transform. position equals respawn point do position and then I'll add one to the attempt count and then I'll also restart the music I think I can stop it and then just play it again and that should like make it go from the start maybe let's [Music] see yes it starts from the beginning let's go now I can't jump though why can't I jump okay that bug is been fixed now you can jump whenever you respawn which is good and then I'll just make a real quick thing to show your attempt count and I'm going to do it how I prefer to have it in the game and that is by having it permanently in the top right corner okay and then this line of code should update the attempt count to constantly display the actual attempt count so let's see if that works uh-oh that's not adding one attempt why do it okay I've added 1 second of invincibility whenever you die so hopefully it should yep that works okay cool should I make the player rotate I'll make the player rotate as well real quick it looks a little bit awkward just having him jump up and down like that um okay it's a bit dodgy but you know what for now it works it's fine the cube is uh not exactly a perfect square I probably should have made sure of that but you know what it's fine doesn't matter we are done with the basic mechanics all right cool now I think we should probably start building the level so I think first things first we want to start off kind of kind of simple you know kind of easy we a single Spike jump and then maybe we'll do one of these little structures where it's got like a a block and a spike right there and then maybe I'll make it so you jump onto a couple blocks up here and then you have to jump across to these blocks like so and then you jump over boom like that that works yeah cool then I'll do a little double Spike I can't listen to the music okay and then I'll create a bit of like a bigger structure going up here with more blocks and we'll go one more more up here shall we look I'm not going to sit here and claim it's the most beautiful level in the world but it's a level then I can kind of continue this along like so maybe and then I want to put a triple spike in there this game's going to be hard all right I'm not making this Fair on the player this isn't going to be fair this is going to be uh incredibly unfair actually let's do a triple Spike there and screw it let's do another triple Spike right here just to make it hard and then this maybe I'll Chuck that down here and then maybe land on this little platform like so and then maybe you jump to this platform up here and then of course I got to add spikes down here just in case you fall down here you got to die you know you got to die wouldn't want the player surviving something like that now would we okay cool I think that's uh pretty cool let's give that a play Then couple triple spikes oh my God we're going perfect okay that's a little bit better it's still not perfect but the physics I don't know I like them a little bit better I think I'm going to stick with that for now and then let's just kind of expand this upwards slowly like this so you have to time your jumps maybe and I can even have like an upside down Spike like there would that be too hard I think that would be too hard maybe I'll Chuck it there and then let's grab a spike and then I think I should be able to rotate at 180° right now we've got an upside down Spike that we can Chuck there and there cool yes I made it let's go oh we made it through the level let's go all right now I need to make like an end wall so you can actually beat the level first things first we need to make a texture for it so let's do that real quick I'm thinking we want some white coming straight down like I'll do it over here just so it's a little bit more end Wally right I'll make them black but then lower the alpha so it's like uh uh uh uh and then because I'm lazy I'm just going to copy paste that all the way down boom all right it looks so bad it looks so dumb okay uh let's save that as n wall then cool and now we need some form of like level complete thing so for that I think what I'm going to do is I'm just going to copy the logo so we can have kind of a similar theme to it you know and just to keep it on brand with the blue I'm going to do the same color here e and then put a couple exclamation marks in there cuz it's pretty exciting you know it's pretty exciting all right let's crop it to that and then let's go ahead and do the same thing we did with the logo of just filling this in with that and then we can move it down slightly so It's like got a little bit of fanciness to it level complete yes and let's save that as level complete.png okay cool and let's Chuck the end wall in here it looks a bit goofy hang on okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to put a like collider trigger all the way out here so that when you get close to the end wall it does like the little animation which shoots you in let's make a little win function right underneath the kill function here so that we can do whatever we want to do when you win okay so I have no idea if this code is going to work but here is the little winning sequence here basically it'll make the player fly up into the sky and into the end wall then it'll activate the level complete text and then it'll take away that text and then show the like wind screen where it's like level complete do you want to replay or do you want to go to the menu or do you want to they're the two options yeah so hopefully that'll work let me just hook that up to the thingo here I'll just add it to the death Spike one because that's like a collision thing okay so what I want to do now is let's just zoom out to like the text bit here boom level complete so this will pop up when you complete the level but for now needs to be disabled and then I'll also create a panel and I can make the texture a little bit more exciting here in the future but for now I just want to create another level complete image and just kind of try and make something similar to the one in actual GD I'm not going to do a replay button yet for now I'm just going to have it like say menu before I make that work let's just test that the end screen actually works oh no that's better that is better to be fair perfect yes okay cool um now obviously the menu button doesn't do anything so I'll have to make that do something but for now that that's pretty bloody good all right let me make the menu button do something we're on the home stretch now I should also make the attempts actually work as well that's probably a good idea this is version 1.0 this is the OG the OG version so now if we go into the main menu here we should be able to play and hop into the level let's go okay cool and then once we beat the level because I'm just such a professional like that we can click the menu button and go back to the main menu okay cool now we need some main menu music could you imagine yes okay I found the one I found the one all right let's drag this into here and then this should be the menu music I should just be able to literally drag this in I think yeah there we go and then let's make the volume a little bit lower cuz it's a little bit loud and the very very last feature I'm going to add is going to be an exit button because you want to be able to exit the program a lot of stuff in the past I've made you just have to like Al a for and I don't really want that for this so I'm going to put a little x button here and that should be pretty much everything yeah I think that's just about everything I wanted to get done today it's not like a super feature packed thing I might come back to this and add more to it maybe in the future but this is just something I did for fun like nothing you know nothing too serious nothing like trying to infringe on any copyright or anything obviously just a fun little ripoff game for a video you know so um yeah I guess I should probably build this then shouldn't I if you want to play this game for yourself I'll leave a download link in the description so definitely be sure to check that out if you want to give it a play yourself all right there we go so if you want to play this for yourself be sure to load TR dash.exe that's the one that should launch the game and let's give this a play then what happened to the x button oh okay it's fine it's fine the one level I made in this is actually kind of hard like this is kind of difficult this is enough to you know you can put a few attempts into this before you beat it no you can't see the end wall no okay oh well and the guy's moving super slowly yeah stuff some stuff changes depending on refresh rate I've tried to like fix that as much as possible but you can only do so much all right well there's try Dash BOOM yeah so it's certainly not perfect it's very far from perfect but you know what it's mine I made it this is my own personal geometry Das ripoff so yeah for whatever reason you want to play this link is in the description I built this whole thing in like a little over 2 hours so yeah it's nothing amazing but yeah anyway I think I'm going to end this video off here let me know if you want me to continue making this game and just kind of expand it out into more features I kind of want to add some 2.2 stuff in there we'll see and yeah thank you so much for watching huge thank you to all the members as always really really appreciate it and uh yeah I'll see you later into the hollows I'm hiding from the daylight nothing ever feel
Channel: Tride
Views: 185,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geometry dash, geometry dash memes, gd 2.2, geometry dash demon, extreme demon, top 1, top 0, coding, game dev, devlog, episode 1, part 1
Id: Zp3XJS65KsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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