Building a Challenge with NO SPIKES!

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starting this off in desktop record because look it's exactly 9am I didn't plan that that's just how it turned out now I need to warm up my voice hi hello welcome back so today I have an interesting idea that was brought to me by anglified yeah I can't remember having this idea for a level ages ago because I remember I can't remember what level it was but I remember I think I was watching a video of Eric playing them way way back when the gauntlets first came out and he was talking about how like one of the levels didn't use spikes in it or something this is a very very vague memory and ever since then it's something I've wanted to try I think I did try it like back in 2018 or something but I don't have that anymore and yeah angle 5 sent me a DM about it so I would have made this video without him so it's essentially his ideas so yeah shout out to him anyway um spikeless should I just get rid of anything that uses a hitbox that's red I honestly might so stuff like this you can see this has a blue hitbox well it's kind of hard to see hang on now you can see it has a blue hitbox where there's something like a spike has a red hitbox right and most Spikes have red hitboxes of some description you know weird sizes so yeah anything with a red hitbox I'm just not going to use I think yeah okay I'm not going to get the background color the same alright so I guess we better just start making gameplay actually I should pick a song first probably level ah it's not Cosmic Cyclone is it no that's a sonic wave thing what's it called Spectrum Cyclone all right I'm going to use a spectrum Cyclone song because why not I think this is a good point to start post commentary because I started building kind of like a slow layout for this and I didn't really like it I was trying my best and then I ended up going for a wave part and realizing the wave is boring as hell with this challenge because you can just do slopes so I ended up scrapping all that deleting it all and starting fresh I figured this time I go with a bit of a faster challenge rather than the slow one because the slow one was kind of boring and here is what I actually started building this time all right I'm going to start here let's go straight to two times speed not a wave oh my God it's right above oh I immediately want to put like a spike jump there but I can't do that dude okay what I can do is just put like single blocks there and then maybe a block above like this okay this is the dumbest thing ever but it's fine and then I could put a black or like that and then maybe have another block like there and then I put a block there so it's like and then I can have a single block here how do I oh how do I make it so you die if you go here I don't know because I want you to die if you land down here but I can't just like Chuck Brown spikes down right what if I just give you reverse gravity if you fall down here no that's not gonna work because then you can just do that this is actually difficult dude put red pads and then you like hit the ceiling or something but then you could just do that right and that breaks a couple of things oh dude this is hard this is really really hard maybe I'm just gonna have to change the way I do this gameplay so this will have to be like I'm not going to use reverse gravity here and then just make anything that kills you reverse your gravity so I can put a reverse pad like there and that'll basically act as a spike because what I'll do is I can't put spikes up here but I'll put a roof up here and then just have this cut off like there so if you hit that blue pad like that then you can't survive yeah I think that's a pretty good way to do it no I don't think there's any way you can jump in the edge of it never mind I take it back why can you do that why is that possible maybe make you mini when you go up here and then I put like a late orb timing there or something oh wait how do I make that a late timing I guess put blocks there right ah okay so yeah needless to say I really struggled with building this part I ended up putting a dashboard that kind of goes through this red pad gate here so when you're in the dash orb obviously you're not affected by jump pads but if you're not in the dash orb then you are and then I made this really dodgy timing where you kind of release at the last second and sometimes the red pads bounce you up I know I ended up changing this like way later on so don't worry it looks dodgy and looks like maybe you can skip some stuff now I end up fixing that in the end but let's just move on to the next part for now maybe I can have this be a corridor and then I'll just have red pads be the things that kill you if I hit those right yeah it just kills me so you have to avoid the red pads I think that would work yeah I don't know and then you go into like a boom right there right and then I can just put like a red pad there have red pads go along the roof here like that and then have a uh I want to do spikes so badly dude I was I was initially thinking of this that would be like a really satisfying looking Gap but I can't use spikes and then you go like just a couple yellow pads through here so that if you go there they just kills you how do I not hit the pad there I guess I'm doing another gate looking thing then so then you fall down here and then go to here where it's like this that is so delayed foreign I think that's pretty good yeah decorating this is gonna be a whole nother beast but that's okay let's build the gameplay for this ball part I think I'm gonna try and do something funky with slopes here so I'll do like this and then you go down here and then you gotta click going up to this slope here oh and that's quite a tough timing I might actually shift that back but then put a block on the end of that so that you can click and hit that block and go there yeah that's good I like that I like that so I can shove that down like so and then put another block on the end and that like creates a kind of a cool structure in a way and then maybe the last one you don't click for it you just like rockets you up into the air I think slopes are dodgy on different hertzes though so I might not do that and then boom like that yeah that's good and then what I can do is have a structure that just goes up like this and I think you oh you might be able to make that actually okay you still go over that if you buffer it do you go further if you hit it late you do uh-huh I couldn't make it so that that is like a structure that goes all the way over here and then there's like another structure up here that kills you so if you land on there you die but if you click that late enough yeah like that oh dude that's such a cool timing I really really like that actually okay okay and then maybe I can have it so you hit this and then go up there and then click that again maybe yeah like that okay that's cool and then that allows you to make it over here where otherwise you die yeah okay I could add a couple like pillars in here I think that could be interesting as well and I guess I could oh no I can't use spikes oh my god dude and then you go into another game mode here maybe I kind of want to do shift because I got some fun ideas for the ship I feel like it should go into ships like here where it syncs up with music maybe it'll have another structure like as soon as you get in there like here oh look at that timing oh I like that how the hell do I I guess I could just do like that right yeah because that kills you if you land on there oh I'm gonna have to extend that structure for sure but I really like that dude okay yeah like that so you have to really what if I use where are they breakable blocks here and then have like one of these cyst setups like this right I've seen this in like old impossible levels or whatever and then have these so if you land on either one of those you should die right yeah so you can see I landed on that bottom one and I died because of it so you have to go through there yeah that's awesome or straight flight and then I'll put a mini portal here and then maybe a black orb or something and then have you land on a thing down here and then it has a pad here that shoots you up or something it's cool that I could use breakable blocks I kind of want to try and use those in other places as well maybe I put an orb here instead so you actually have to click I'm basically just trying to make like extreme slash insane demon Gameplay at this point like that's just what I'm trying to do but without spikes it's surprisingly difficult I'm not gonna lie oh and then what I could do is something like this and put a half slab there so that you have to like oh I really really like that I could honestly do a blue pad just as long as I don't switch gravity for a while and then I check at the end with a game mode portal maybe another one of those breakable block things why are the breakable blocks in the half slab section I can make this a corridor like that as well which I probably will do in the future and this is just for now right and I want to go into a robot section I feel like a robot section would work how much we have nine seconds of gameplay I'm gonna aim for like maybe 15 to 20 seconds something like that it's just a challenge right [Music] yeah like that you can see I was still like in the breakable blocks but they weren't breaking for some reason what the hell was that lag Spike bro hello okay I don't need to practice this yet I'm just playing it for fun all right let's go into a robot section here shall we what I kind of want to do is using more breakable blocks because I nobody uses breakable blocks enough let's be real if you jump too high you'll land on top of them and then there's like no way to get back down once you land on top of them right like I've always wondered how you can do this in GD oh turns out you can just do it with breakable blocks because once you go through them you can't go back down right oh if you go too high there then that happens oh I like that and then maybe you have to hit this late to land there and then maybe I can put like a stupidly tight gap for the thumbnail fairly easy Gap but it looks really tight and that's what's important continue this wall all the way across I think I think and then maybe you land on a platform up here that you have to do I can't use spikes I get lulled into a false sense of security for a while I'm like okay yeah I'm going and then I like oh wait I can't use spikes dude and then just have this and then that'll go into something else and then that'll be towards the end of the challenge I think I could do a UFO we could try UFO okay so the issue with this is that you can kind of just [Music] do that okay so for this I could just put like a slab there that's fine no that's not fine I could put a slab like that that should kill you right yeah so like you can do that but that's really tough right that's hard to do check a pad there oh that might actually work oh okay so you can survive that pad that's really that's a really hard timing though yeah so trying to stop the play from doing skips in this level was really really difficult and in some cases like this it was just a case of making the skips significantly harder to do than the normal route rather than being impossible and I kind of like doing this anyway because it makes it more interesting for people if they're you know don't find this level very difficult normally they can challenge themselves by doing a fancy swag route or something some people call it a bug and they don't like it but personally I think it adds to the gameplay okay yeah I think I'm gonna do that portal trick I think that portal trick is probably the way to go so that's like Bam Bam Bam like that I can scale that down and then just that's like very slow fall I like that so even if you wanted to jump out you can't because it's just slow fall I actually really like that I think that's cool okay I think I'm going to call this UFO part the last part of the level yeah okay so there's two wrong things about what's coming up first of all this UFO part it was really difficult to get right and I never really got it feeling right it took me a lot of time and I don't know but we'll get back to that in a little bit but also this UFO part wasn't the last part of the level I added a short cue part and even a really tiny part right at the end as well for the cube I just wanted to go with something simple I did like a corridor type thing similar to what we did at the beginning so the red pads would kill you if you fall off the blocks but also the gameplay itself was kind of a theory a lot of his feeling with those blue warp clicks I don't know I kind of like them and then I just added like a straight fly breakable block type deal right at the end because I don't know I didn't realize how cool that gameplay is I might actually just start using that in other layouts because I really really like it it's just a more interesting way of doing straight fly you know I don't know but yeah so after I put that in that was uh basically all of the gameplay done yeah there we go okay that was 73 to 100. I'm not verifying this yes I still need to decorate it still need to decorate I need to stop you from skipping up here I don't know what I'll do there but I'll I'll do something I could just do Dash orbs actually edit special allow multi-activate and then just make sure the hitboxes overlap well actually if I just shift that across by one you shouldn't be able to get between that anyway right nice and simple for once wow I thought of something simple all right I think it's about time we start decorating then oh yeah again I'm gonna go with my generally pretty simple challenge decorating ability let's go to something we don't normally go for let's do these these things are cool I like these things I don't love how these portals don't line up properly so I might try and scale these down to like 0.6 or something all right and then from here I'll probably just have these outer blocks be just the Black Blocks like this like that yep all right I think that works I should change the background color to something else though let's go for a nice uh a nice purple and then it can slowly shift red as you get to the drop I think yeah so I put a background color trigger here shift it red over the course of like four seconds as you get to the drop drop is not four seconds away and then I can shift the background to Black here when it goes pure all right cool so now let's add a bit of jump or Deco I automatically just want to go with these because these are sick let's go with these and I'll make these P1 which we'll just copy the color of the background with blending maybe add some of these down here so these are like the spikes guys I swear these are spikes yeah like that I think that works cool and then this part here I could probably do a similar thing very simple very basic but you know it's fine and then maybe because these are pads I'll put like some Cloud objects on them or something I might just fill this inside with these blocks I think that would work quite nicely not gonna lie and I could do the same for like this section but I don't want it to be super dark so even though this is kind of inside of a structure I could just go ahead and flip this up like this I feel like that would look a little bit nicer and then have these be like these blocks coming down like this and then I can fill the inside with these blocks nice nice and I naturally want to put like saws in here but like obviously no so I might just do something like this nice little first part now I gotta do the second part I think the way I'm gonna do this is I'm gonna have like these kind of Blade looking things I mean it's not really a blade but basically I'll keep this thing in here and then Chuck that like that and then just get rid of these and replace them with something else yeah something like that so some doubled up bricks maybe I can double up just a few of them so it has like a bit of variation right yeah I think that looks cool all right you're right I'm going to speed through some of this decoration process real quick because it gets a little bit boring after this I feel like I just did the exact same brick design for these little platforms down here but for these pillar designs I decided to go with what I use for the quote-unquote blade looking thing which is just these 1.0 blocks but I put these things on the top just to accentuate the pillar feel you know from there I spent like 20 minutes just playing the level yeah this is kind of a theme this happens a lot but then after I was done playing it of course it was time to copy paste can I decide I'd do a bit of a different design for this middle structure here and I just went ahead and put bricks on the outside and then put these like Nine Circles looking blocks on the inside I don't know what they're called and then from there it was time to move on to the quote-unquote round spikes which I just sunk these Dash orbs half a block into the ground like so and then I used these objects down here and I thought they looked pretty decent so I put them across the whole thing and then from there I just added a couple pulsing sticks and the main design was done it was just time to do some pulses which for those I just did alternating background flashes between this Bluey color and a more greeny color like so then I went ahead and added a real quick object color pulse like this just to make it added little pulse I don't know and then from there the part was just about done yeah yeah I think that works all right cool now we need to move on to the part oh God all right now I'm really going to speed through this because I wanted to kind of have the parts feel like they morph into each other while still having their own unique thing so the first unique thing I did for the ship part were these dual portals here I don't know I thought they could be kind of cool and they work pretty well as ground spikes because it's pretty hard to survive as a jewel through a part only meant for one player for this straight fly bit I didn't really love these breakable blocks being out in the open so I did build structures around them and after continuing this design for a while I decided I wasn't the biggest fan of the beginning of this part I don't know so I got rid of this like diamond Jewel portal thing and then made that just one big structure just to incorporate more of the big structures instead of just having a billion pillars right at the beginning and I did put more of these like diamond dual portal things around other bits of the parts so I also put one down the bottom here as well oh yeah also hair dryer ship I don't know there's no explanation just hair dryer ship do I have no clip-on hello thanks for clarifying game now for the robot part I started with these brick slopes because I did want to bring the bricks back and also brought back the structure the first part I told you I wanted this to be coherent I did a cool design with these structures down the bottom where I kind of had the little bit with the Shady blocks sticking out with some bricks below uh no I was really happy with how these turned out but as a result all of these block designs had to have an even number in them and just about all of them were odd so yeah I had to alter a lot of structures there then just as the extra Deco out of these Diamond things and these little blocks down at the quote unquote ground spikes yeah I also added these at the top but I wasn't really happy with them so I got rid of them eventually and I changed the background to a nice orange and then it was at this point where I decided I don't like this UFO part so you know what goodbye I'm gonna do a thing where you like fit into a bunch of blocks where they have pads maybe I think that could be quite cool yeah so it's like a timing if you go straight out of there you die so you've got to really like time that right how does that work dude how the hell does that work I don't know how the hell that works but I'm Gonna Keep It may as well if it works it works right and then I'll put one here and then that makes you go down so it's like all right so the video is getting a little bit long so I went ahead and actually just finished The Deco for the last two parts here for this last part it's fairly simple I brought back these kind of designed structures from the beginning once again added a couple more bricks right here and also these little hexagon things going through the middle because I know I thought they looked cool but then this UFO part I went for a very interesting design once again having the bricks of course but then having these like 1.0 block things kind of kind of like stalactite and stalagmite feel and things you know I don't know that's just kind of the vibe I got from this when I made it and I also put some of these like breakable blocks down here just to bring them back in as like some decoration there were many structures to work off for this part so it wasn't 100 sure what I was gonna do but I'm really happy with how this turned out honestly no spikes used for either of these of course and uh yeah in terms of the colors I made this go to Pink kind of like near what it was in the beginning uh the beginning was a bit more purple I guess but it goes to more pinky color and then and once he gets to here it slowly turns red until the end where it just black pulses like that and I also decided to make these object pulses continue throughout the full level because I do like them brings it all together in a way I don't know but um yeah that is the complete level done let me know what you think of just having a cut and just showing you the end result I don't know could be a bit more interesting to mix that in rather than time lapsing and voicing over everything that I do I don't know anyway I guess it's time to verify this now I'm going to start with this UFO part here I think and try and go from here to 100 shouldn't take too long all right let's go from this robot part to 100 as well nice this is fun now now that I've nerfed it a bit and like altered the gameplay a bunch it's actually a lot more fun than it was I feel like nothing wrong with a slightly easier level all right let's delete all the start pause and let's start going from zero then shall we 35 all right nice I don't know what my bit oh it says my best is 100 all right whatever oh I hit that too late uh-oh I'm pretty sure I didn't know if that orb as well I've done a lot of nerfing in this level I don't know why I initially made this like impossible I am going to go ahead and Nerf this ship a little bit because it's a little bit hard and all I'm going to do to do that is just shift this up a little bit just a bit of a Nerf you know because it's really hard dude foreign for literally attempt four after doing that okay sure I'm happy with this challenge I'm very very happy this took a lot of play testing by the way I spent so long play testing this it's genuinely really really hard to build gameplay without using spikes like I rely on spikes so heavily all you have to do is take a quick look at my gameplay to know like how heavily like look at this part bro it's literally just spikes and saws around the place so yeah I really enjoyed this challenge thank you once again to Amplified for giving me this idea or at least resurfacing it in my brain I appreciate it so let's write out a description here a challenge built without using a single Spike or saw I don't know what's more challenging building the level or playing it good luck so yeah boom I'm going to upload that right here right now as usual here is the idea if you'd like to play it for yourself and uh yeah boom that is the level done I actually really enjoyed making that it was once again challenging but I had a really good time with it if you're watching this video give it a go why not I don't know it's kind of fun anyway I'm gonna end this video off here thank you so much for watching really really hope you enjoyed it and uh yeah thank you once again to all of the members on screen now especially crazy and Mary and yeah I will see you later [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tride
Views: 339,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geometry dash, no spikes, spikeless, spikeless trideapthbear, no spike challenge, challenge, extreme demon, top 1, impossible
Id: 3kz0QU0Nfw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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