Minecraft but you can Buy Hacks

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I'm going to unlock the greatest abilities and cheats ever and discover who's trying to hack my Minecraft world Mr Chester my glorious sidekick today Chester's a computer and if I right click on him he'll launch a little portal here a hacking portal all right let's just go inside of that I'm in this heater is my hack shop I can buy all my hacks uh well I think so uh guys can you let me in I see what's going on here I got a hack okay left right left right A B start select yeah I've hacked in the shop is now open all right our first hack here for $10 is the dinner bone Ray $10 I'm a broke boy but I guess I can get some gold or whatever on the top left oh I just got one I thought maybe my currency was gold no I think I get currency just by breaking blocks dude oh heck yeah unlocking cheats is going to be easy dude I feel like I'm cheating unlocking my cheats dinner bone Ray acquired I've heard of dinner bone I haven't heard of a dinner bone Ray though oh my goodness well howdy Mr donkey boy yeah there we go but well that's it huh he just goes upside down the break dancing Golem oh yeah get it my boy get it tester do you dance okay no gather around villagers it's time for a break dance competition first you go yeah get it my boy get it yeah oh goodness okay that damages mobs I'm I am so sorry I did not know that do you guys signed a liability waiver right for the dance competition my bad well at least I know I have a weapon if I need to use it on some bad guys and not you know innocent villagers computer Chester what's our next hack ooh a health hack okay we take those oh looks like I have a little purple heart here did I say Purple Heart sorry meant to say orange that's so silly of me I got this orange heart here and if I right click it I get a bunch of health and regeneration oh heck yeah dude no worries about dying anymore I can survive anything oh no fall damage all right we take those as well well I have a bunch of health and I have a laser gun so shall we take a visit to an outpost well since I'm here might as well hello boys yeah dinner bone attack it's the cutest weapon of all time yeah keep spinning My Little Ballerina break dancers oh my goodness that's a lot of guys all right all right dinner bone go ah this is so embarrassing for you guys oh running low on health let me use my health hacks there there we go imagine a dude runs into your neighborhood just starts flipping all the bullies upside down I am the superhero upside down man my favorite foods upside down cake and my favorite show is stranger things oh my goodness I might actually die if if I die and I have access to hacks that's just going to be embarrassing dude upside down attack I've done it success didn't even cheat once all right computer Chester let's see what else we got for 100 currency I can TP to the cow level what the heck is a cow level said the porcupine covered in arrows I've been given the cutest little cow key of all time apparently I can just rightclick it to teleport to the cow level challenge defeat the cow king oh no is there Evil Cows oh yeah those are some mean cows dude they're tired of people harvesting them for their chocolate milk excuse me cow folk where is your ow oh goodness they do more damage than pillagers man these are some angry cows no guys guys just turn upside down there we go I'll I'll milk you there there we go you feel less grumpy now ow boys stand back cow monsters gentlemen I'm just here for your king is that him the cow King on his throne of mushrooms all right dude let's do this you and me let's battle cow king not so tough now oh no no no no he's going to kill me dude oh no no no stay upside down my boy Y come on come on yay challenge completed I unlocked big head mode what is this what is that dude the best hack anyone's ever seen big head mode activate oh my goodness oh my I just launched that dude well the big head mode is certainly helpful I don't know why I float up in the air now are you calling me an airhead I mean valid I look so ridiculous dude look at that beautiful waterfall I can do a cannonball with my giant head Cannonball okay well that was underwhelming hold on give me a second I can't see anything dude my head's too big who said hacking would be easy and now diving for the Olympic team is Crafty this is his first time in the Olympics hopefully he doesn't mess this up yeah backflip double spin yeah okay well that that was not great oh also apparently when I squat it'll show me nearby ores as well it's cuz of my big brain I just got a Vibe of where the ores are as fun as having a big head is let's see what else we can buy a no clip cheat oh that's going to going to be great H hey Mr Enderman can you not oh goodness oh no no I just was going to tell him to get out of ow Enderman stop it dude it's the angriest customer service representation I've ever seen so a noclip hack means I can like fly through walls and stuff is that what this is it's like little spectator mode wait wait hold on oh dude I break blocks looks like it's temporary but I could go into like basically no clip mode and then break all blocks I fly into that is so overpowered dude wait does it drop the blocks uh doesn't look like it it looks like I just break the blocks no farming easy materials for me at least yet nice way to rack up some currency though just mowing some grass with cheats you know how it goes I wish I could mow grass with cheats when I was growing up I had to use a mower now we can really have fun with this guy hey take that oh that's so satisfying dude ooh I'm a ghost oh I'm not a ghost anymore I think that'll do I'll call that a job well done I could use some food though I haven't gotten any good food sheets yet a hacker has joined the game what the heck does that giant green laser that's what happens when all Minecraft characters join the game looks like I'm not alone here boys we're dealing with a hacker he could be anywhere he could be you cow oh goodness I thought I didn't know that was going to kill you I'm sorry dude I got to be more careful with this dinner bone Ray Man Chester buddy keep your eyes peeled your uh terrifying green eyes there might be a hacker around here somewhere trying to mess with our world messing with the world is my job well no time to waste what next hacks can we get we might have to do a hack off between me and the hacker is the Enderman still here oh my God no come on man stop it looks like we can buy ourself the weather set TNT oh no is it going to rain TNT okay I guess might is ah stop just let me shop in peace man let's try our rain TNT shall we yeah yeah just as we expected it's just literally raining TNT thank goodness our crops really needed that rain this oh no no no wait hold on this is actually kind of efficient to mine This Way free resources explosions no durability I call this a win dude well if we need sheer destruction later I know what item I'm going to use let's go grab some food here real quick oh no back to the angry cows Mr Cow I'm just going to borrow some of this oh no he saw me he saw me hold on no no no no I mean you no harm Mr Cow no no no wao nearby structure altered that doesn't sound too good destroy the hack spawner to resume normal gameplay interesting we're looking for a hack spawner well it seems that hacker might not be so kind after all he's trying to mess with my world it said we're looking for a spawner of some kind uh well this kind of looks like a spawner hello boys shall I no clip inside H oh my goodness what the heck is that yeah we got a hack Spawner in there uh I I could laser him take that hacked zombie bees I do need to break that spawner though sure man let's try it Go TNT I don't know if this is going to quite work like I wanted to get him well our TNT did nothing except except release the zombies no I can't break blocks oh my it's time to bring out the big head oh smash take that zombies I probably should take out the spawner first huh go into no clip Zone break the spawner mission accomplished except now I got to clean up all these zombies you guys want to get stepped on there you go my pleasure boys looks like that's it for the zombies uh Chester is stuck in an animation any fun loot around here um n not really I'll take the apples though well Mr Chester let's see what else we can buy stop bro bro my greatest Nemesis a random Enderman let's buy ourself the mod Mansion interesting looks like another key that can teleport me let's go modded Mansion unlocked challenge defeat all the modded enemies okay well no problem I've got some fun toys for that wa this looks crazy man it reminds me of hello neighbor if you know what I'm talking about yes I played hello neighbor I'm a good gamer oh my goodness there's a lot of guys in here I just have to take out all of the modded ones I guess that's the ones that look like they're in a rave or something little Rainbow mobs oh that's a lot of bad guys it's time for the big head you don't know who you're met oh well oh my goodness there are so many mobs dude it's time for my gold an apple I will fit it in my giant head just got to take out all the mobs I might be able to use my TNT rain come on TNT rain help me out here dude oh no my TNT rain is useless it's not getting through the roof just got to take out all the colorful boys all right I'm out of here I'm out of here I'm using my no clip I really could use some better hacks around here yeah my head's too big I just Bonk on the wood come on Chester what do we have here give me something useful oh this is cool I can kill all the entities in the area it looks like but it cost me 50,000 I am too poor for that I'll have to do this the oldfashioned way by making mobs spin around until they die there you go buncos what's Happening Here Forbidden Love a rainbow zombie and an illager you won't see me stopping romance oh big boy all right I think this might be the boss we'll just spit him around he shoots TNT all right this is going to be an interesting battle oh no stuck in a cobweb my head's too big for this place man the very worst case scenario is I can go and farm a bunch more currency and then come back with that other cheat but I think I can do this I just have to believe just got to take out all the Hacked mobs oh sorry Chester I might have hit you on that one ah I don't know if the TNT is going to be able to rain down here but we'll give it a shot come on TNT help me out here dude no the building above is stopping my TNTs hey challenge complete we got it and we've got oursel a nice old tank dude hey dude this is awesome I have a rideable tank oh snap oh don't look at it from this end angle can I fire a cannon let's see how much damage it does and Kaboom yeah I like this tank dude this is cool oh snap another structure has been hacked destroy the Hacked Outpost okay I'm down I've got a tank I can use now let's go find this Outpost I found the Outpost it definitely is cursed man look The Outpost has a conjoined twin that seems like a problem a tank can take care of slowly but surely what's up boys it is the most stealth it is kind of slow but uh let's try to launch this shall we and attack come on do some damage do some damage boom yeah that's incredible take that cursed Outpost Kaboom oh incredible man we'll take you guys out some of the oldfashioned way what's up guys the tank doesn't do damage to mobs but it definitely does damage to the buildings might be a good time for some raining TNT huh oh get him get him get him kabo boom hey hey hack removed nothing a little TNT and tanks can't solve we'll Farm a little more currency here and we'll buy a new hack this one looks very cool I think if I use this oh I get a kill AA whatever that is let's try it all right I have my little kill Ora activated and then oh don't get too close to me it just one shots him that's incredible take that oh the best hack I've gotten so far man this is so overpowered hey zombies want to be my friend oh gosh it has a cool down okay good to know it's not infinite dude a spawner I get so much currency from using this power can I just sit here and farm up currency probably right I'll stand on top of this chest uh any day now zombies hey zombies you're not going to spawn I thought I could just sit here and farm currency there we go one whole zombie okay well this might not work as good as I thought it would oh snap can I one shot the warden dude now that's some serious hacks Mr Warden you're around here somewhere usually I'm terrified of the warden but now I have an upside down laser gun and a colorful skeleton head so my confidence is through the roof I'll be honest with you I'm still scared we're in this together dude we got this Mr Warden would you like to dance on your oh gosh where is he oh no no okay okay focus up here crafty Show Yourself Wen ah there he is spin on your head spit on your head yes dude that's so funny now I use my kill aa oh gosh he didn't die kill Aura kill Aura no my kill Ora is not working come on kill Aura yeah we got him man that was hard even with cheats all right let's get out of here well that's certainly oh my goodness gosh dang it can you guys not thank you very much uh what I was going to say before I was rudely interrupted we have so much currency we're already at half a million just from that so let's see what new things we can discover we've got gravity Moon lowers gravity for all players and mobs that's cool and let's also buy the farlands ah sweet it's got a little Steve on it very nice well what are we waiting for shall we head to the farlands oh the farlands I like the farlands dude oh looking a little hacked though activate all levers to reset the farlands activate the levers it says okay keep your eyes peeled come on Chester I can use my moon physics to get around that's very cool hey what's up Mr mob you're having trouble up there with your moon grab I found a lever heck yeah flick you there we go one down this feels so weird to be like inside the Far Land it would be so fun to make like a let's play like a 100 days in the farlands you know what I mean oh goodness big mobs the farlands are cursed cursed with big boys this area looking suspiciously hacked let's see if we can find a lever here if I was a lever where would I hide I see it I've got eyes on it boom lever uh flicked or something wait what if I combine Moon physics and big head mode can I jump super high yeah not too shabby boom I feel like oh goodness no thank you no thank you I will shoot you in the eyeball he's got blast resistance on his eye suckets lever heyya looks like we earned oursel a new item we've got the mother load grants unlimited money what well now we're talking that's a hack I can appreciate you've hit the mother load and now have infinite money infite money Chester do you know what this means I mean probably it's pretty self-explanatory uh infinite money I can buy YouTube and become the king slban bionic no I'm just kidding love you Danny okay Chester let's go on our last shopping spree we'll buy the upgrade to Chester Don't Mind If I Do Chester is now jailbroken can be used to access the game's code oh interesting I can also buy God Mode for a million god mode enabled I can do anything now I can fly I can um I think that's it I think that's all I can do well Mr Chester you've been upgraded dude and now I can go into the Minecraft code huh worth a shot wa what the heck this isn't the shop man this looks weird this must be Minecraft's code we've got all these structures all covered in hacks there is a flash drive up here oh all the hacks are coming from the flash drive this must be the source of the hacks you can't fool me hacker man yeah I'll get to the bottom of this greedy my arch nemesis cousin it was you all along come on man why you doing that why you being mischievious oh Cousin It appears we're here again he's always so intense come on you know I've always wanted to buy items from a shop seems so much fun but you're the only one who gets to try it this was the only way to get your attention well you could have just texted me my boy it's not that hard all right well if that's all you want you just want to go shopping I'll give you half of my infinite money there you go challenge complete fund shared equally I gave him half of my infinite money however that works you promise to turn Minecraft back to normal no okay well I tried
Channel: Craftee
Views: 1,715,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, minecraft mod, minecraft challenge, minecraft funny, miencraft hack, minecraft hacks, minecraft hacker, hacking, minecraft hacks and tricks, minecraft cheat, minecraft cheats
Id: _lmpJH91C54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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