I Used Glitches to CHEAT in Blox Fruits

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BLX fruits is really broken so I've got six of the weirdest glitches and bugs that I'm going to be trying out to hunt players down and defeat them to gain Bounty now the reason I'm doing this is because I currently only have the default 2.5 million Bounty and I'm tired of being called a noob okay so my first strategy is the kitsen a tower strategy all we got to do is stack four kitsen a all on top of each other all right that's three kitsen a all stacked on top of each other and now I have just got to get on top and then once we do like the final part of the glitch I should be able to just attack like a Sentry tower now that this is done I can attack and do whatever I want while being up here but first what fruit should we give a try maybe maybe flame on the kitsen a tower will be a good play there we go we've made it Turtle Mansion this is where the PVP usually happens where's the danger that's right come out and face us you don't want to test us we've got our attacks already take that he awakened that's not fair Awakening is not fair rce V4 I've awakened no my kid a died we might be able to have a portable party right now let me just activate my Tempo meter because then we could get even more speed like permanently wait we're so fast anybody who tries to fight us just won't be able to keep up that's right just run boys run I don't have cool Downs think you can escape the onslaught you think you can escape the onslaught yes the Bounty is mine the sound fruit is so good it's just like a speedy disco like they can't outrun the Disco anybody else want to challenge us an Unstoppable force and an immovable object can I race you sorry bro you don't win these come on then we're taking part in a mini game real quick yeah you think you win you don't win bucko that was easy okay yes we found people there he is Disco time now you sangu arts and he can't escape you can't deal with this honestly I can't really deal with this either to be honest like this is a bit crazy glorious Harmony one of those hit yes this is so op he's so low yes I'm getting Bounty W teammates there's another guy over there it's a hacker okay I I will rid this world of this hacker I can't see anymore where'd the hacker go there he is yeah hacker Bounty okay guys go crazy I'm hitting the do user at least I'm trying to stay strong that's one where is he where is he where is he I can't see him I'm just I'm just doing attacks yes yes new title unlocked Unstoppable Force that's right we're just built different you really think you can challenge us he's enabling his PVP that'll be the biggest mistake you ever make bucko it be the biggest mistake you ever make oh no he's grabbed us oh no wait no water our weakness nice good Retreat good Retreat smart that's right you think you can get close you can't escape the disco disco oh no I'm getting kind of low now oh no come on just attack no okay that guy found out leopard spam count as our little Tower at least when he combines it with d but wait what if I use the D fruit all right we've got the D fruit tower under way this one I believe in this is going to be the one just need to like find people to square up against first oh wait hold on and an enemy oh here he comes here he comes y don't mind us don't mind us do F salad I've got him go in go in yes what is this what is this where did he go no this terrible spot no okay do could be really cool against just like anything Buddha Buddha because you can just charge in and just hit the Sea move like basically every time what other fruits could be good for this oh have I not tried this yet magma magma could be insane oh there's a little kit a shrine over over here how delicious we are speed we're like a rocket all right we're getting close we're getting close I can see one of them I feel bad but at the same time this is a pirate game you know we're here to be Pirates we're here to steal Bounty if we have to make a kits a tower to do that so be it we've got the four stack kids Tower this time as well by the way I forgot to mention that here it goes magma shower boom that's right what you going to do huh what you going to do there's no escape from us there's no Escape Scarlet ha oh oh no the backup's arriving we're just we're just causing chaos these poor people trying to do their little event oh it's so hard to see it is so hard to see but I'm just spamming my magma attacks this is bad we're collecting wisps at the same time though like we're multitasking you think you can escape they're all teaming up to take us down no oh this is bad this is real bad okay magma it's not that great because you can't spam the more you can spam a fruit the better it is I've noticed hey where are you running huh where are you running huh this is so dumb I can barely hit anyone these guys got like their PVP off or am I just like terrible magma is not as good as I thought it would be you guys don't want to do this okay maybe they do maybe they do oh no oh oh little drive by we're missing out on some golden moments here right this is kind of bad our Tower's taking a lot more damage you think you can play with us this fight is just never ending oh he's got damage range that's not good no one of the kids a tower died no okay magma not good enough however we're going to make some changes I'm going to equip the fox lamp so we've got a bit more like extra range when I'm awakened I've been wanting to try this one from the the start we have got Dragon there's another one over here fire shower boom boom transformation this is kind of stupid Heatwave beam where'd he go oh he's trying to run away you're kind of claw oh you're trying to run away are you Heatwave beam easy oh no he didn't give Bounty oh yes yes yes yes yes people people no my transformation ran out where'd they go where'd they go there's a guy there why are you running hey stop running away oh no he's used that move oh no this is bad this is bad okay little soul guitar action little fire shower action chase him down chase him down he's low he's low don't let him Escape where'd he go where'd he go he must have gone to Hydra there he is no he was waiting for us okay but now we're waiting for him the turns table oh no no all right this time on the tower we're going to give Mammoth a try come on guys it's totally safe over here yes we found one we found one oh Mammoth might be the play wait what if I Stampede oh no I can't Stampede wait we killed him wait there's another one I hit him there's no Escape bucko there's no escape from the mammoth Tower Mammoth is so good for this oh you think you you thought you could escape from us you thought you could Escape boom wait mmth is sick this trap I'd say has been a wild success but I just need to see what happens if I add a kits a to the top you know I think it'll be perfect a little bit pointless maybe but perfect never mind kids a I have figured out the best Strat oh he's out he's out oh I got him I got him where is he oh he's bringing us in no this not weakness end of times I got to end him now I got to end him now if he goes out the portal he going to break us come on Come on B of RA please where is he no he broke it wait we're we're fine end of times yes well I think it's time we begin the second strategy to gain Bounty Fest and that is we are going to be having one person kidnap people using the portal fruits and we're going to have three bom fruits using self-destruct waiting on the other side I'm ready this might like half work I'm fully charged I'm fully charged I did like 8K damage or something expected it to work a bit better than this it is really just not this strategy like it involves whoever's in the portal getting them super low for me and then me like finishing the job all right I'm charging I'm charging we got to wait for them to leave come on Boom yes okay it actually worked this strategy certainly not as good as the previous one however the next strategy I have got a genius idea so we're in the boat we're ready we've got the kitschen a ready as well here goes we're doing the boat thing yes all right now sea castle we go all right and then as soon as we land all hell is about to break loose all right this Strat really unreliable it seems this method of gaining Bounty is honestly impossible like it doesn't work we finally made it to sea castle and there's nobody here to fight we did all of that traveling like with the cool boat in style and there's nobody even here okay we need to try this again all right here we go attempt number two okay this glitch really doesn't work too well anymore all right I'll sit in the cannon okay now we do it and we fly yes yes yes yes yes what I just got kicked off and the boat's up there does this even work anymore okay wait this is promising this is promising never mind the flying boat strap might not have worked too well but this next one could honestly be the freest Bounty Farm in existence and all that it requires is merely a portal fruit that's all that you need I'm currently a pirate right now we need to switch to Marine there we go switch to Marine side I got a kits and a friend because he's a pirate and I'm a marine I can hit him he just now needs to try his absolute hardest to get somebody to like ride on him his back wait wait wait he's captured one come this way come this way no this random guy is ruining it all right maybe we try and find somebody else somebody else get on they just need to get on the back yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah perfect perfect perfect now bring him out here bring him out oh did he jump off he's on he's on yes yes yes and now I just do this wait what oh that guy I hit the wrong person hold on I got to hit down there we go wait what okay the strategy might not have work the first time but I'm not giving up on this one I think this one has big potential literally all you need to use is Portal Dash all right here we go he's just got to like kidnap a player real quick yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah bring him over bring him over all right attemp those two come on okay it actually worked that time come on get on the kid again it's totally safe not dangerous he's confused he's like what no he ran away I'm just going to instantly climb the Bounty yes yes yes there's two kits now surely you want to go for a ride on the kitsen a you know it's lots of fun he's got one he's got one bring him over I can see him on yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah he's got one he's got one bring him over yes that try is so good they just have to befriend the kids today and then they just get one shot all right we got to have a present break though 30 seconds we got to see what we get all right the event's starting and then we should be able to collect some more people's bounties all right here we go I'll take this one I got a flame everybody open their presents everybody got unlucky that guy got a quake all right guys kidnap him on the kits a I want his Quake don't mind me just going this way nothing suspicious about me start offering free kids a rides guys I'm waiting around but nobody's really getting on I thought thought the event would be the perfect time to uh I need to turn into a marine again I always auto click pirate by accident but it does work on like other Pirates but the problem is is that you don't get any Bounty at all so like you got to be a marine for this I think all right nice nice we got the kits a I'm ready outside the safe zone now the kits a just has to like Ally everyone in the lobby one of my crew members is on there there we go yay Bounty he said oh my God Pony and then screamed just farming my own crew members for Bounty right here it is what it is the only problem about this strategy is like you've really got to gain people's trust and because the kit a like isn't new out anymore nobody really cares so they're not trying to like actually get on it all right here we go we got one we got one we got one yes why does it work so well you just got to get one person to trust you and like mount on and then it's just free it's been literally about 20 minutes since the last time I defeated someone with this method the hardest part about this one is finding people who will even sit on the kidchen a maybe this do fruit user will get on like really doesn't work nobody wants to wait let's try sea castle maybe there's people at sea castle oh there's a lot of people at sea castle this is what I'm talking about okay somebody get on somebody get on for fun ride fun happy kit ride totally won't be the last ride you ever have until I claim your Bounty get over here y free Bounty let's go anyone else no way you saw his friend get destroyed and he was like I want to get on too special delivery oh I didn't get any Bounty that's so sad that's so op well I think this method is all right but it's not as good as the other ones that I've got ideas for and this next method simply involves the cursed all katanas okay and while my teammate is getting Buddha and cdk equipped I need to find where's the pirate recruiter here I know he's around here somewhere is it this one yeah yeah yeah here we go become a pirate so we're Allied and now I just need to work on getting my Tails so I guess I'll go fight some mobs real quick get some Tails all right here we go that's two tails I'm close that's three Tails just need it maxed and there we go maxed okay so if I transform all right here we go the Strat is complete we have got big swords on Kitt a now I just need to like find people to fight all right we got a couple of challenges over here they might be from my crew we'll show them what's what come on then oh it's going kind of crazy okay oh I missed I missed this is kind of good this is kind of going crazy wait how am I caught in that combo that missed what is happening what is going on I am Bamboozled to say the least we run away this is our tactical Retreat it ain't working why are our Swords not doing damage the swords should be doing big damage don't let let us cook don't let us cook all right might not avoid the first time but nobody wants to fight really okay what if we go sea Castle come on guys come fight us we're we're totally not scary at all nothing to be afraid of here oh there we go there we go we found one we found one oh oh oh my with the swords doing extra damage that's crazy they see this and they just run away nobody wants to fight they're too afraid I mean I too would run away if I saw like this flying towards them at this speed o wait hang on yo come outside come outside it's totally safe out here it's totally fun and safe out here oh he's done oh he's done so I didn't get the final hit but I feel sorry for what happened to that guy oh we got a leopard fruit user trying to attack me huh still not trying to attack me anymore you're looking a bit afraid you look a bit afraid of our little strategy we got going on come on then come on then oh there we go hold on now we're cooking now we're cooking just got to like hit him with one of these there we go hit him with one of those yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's good is he dead oh yeah we got him this strateg is pretty good as well actually like you just get the extra damage from the swords it makes it a little bit hard to move and like aim things but it's pretty good let's go to Ste Castle see if we can find somebody else oh hello guys hello fun you seeing you guys here you think you can escape I'm sorry but you can't get over here go swords attack he is trying his hardest to run away you think this helps you this in fact does not help you wait I've actually been bamboozled okay yeah fair play that guy Bamboozled me honestly we're going to go to the present Island because I think that's might be where people are right if I cck pale scarf I should be able to see where everyone is yeah yeah yeah everyone's over here perfect we're on to something here we're on to something hey guys can a little kitchen a with spikes come and play I'm the Zoro kit a oh there's a guy here I found one and he's using the Buddha glitch as well oh but this time this time we're doing damage go swords attack the swords really like almost never hit it's kind of crazy how little they hit okay it's really very hard to hit people with this like how is he not being hit it ended yeah this strategy really not that good actually you get lagged back a bunch you can barely hit people although this strategy might have not worked the next Str idea I've got could be genius I've got my backup sorted so I just need to go over here hey you do you have PVP on by any chance it's not seeming like it okay I don't think he does oh wait he does release and then we fight this strategy is sick I just I just like summoned a minion and there was nothing this guy could do about it that was so good all right we go again we go again all right we go again we go again all right take him off and now look I'm just a kit all on my own oh no I'm so afraid and weak and then when I call release they just send him in and then he can just back me up in a fight It's Kind of Perfect all right the St is set up there's a guy out here just got to start the fight release now I got my teammate in here wait don't kill him I need the Bounty wait hold on we got another one actually wait I might just be able to beat this guy just with like kits in just straight up all right here we go here we go we're going to do the Str again yes now I go back out into combat and it's like oh no I'm all on my own whatever am I going to do here we go release and now he's in here to join me oh he awakened did he okay that's actually kind of scary Awakening do be kind of scary where'd that guy go where'd he go there he is he's so low surely where'd he go oh he is running running oh there's a life Fruit user here as well oh but my backup has arrived with the soul guitar stuns K is kind of hard to use he awakened as well why everyone Awakening wait I got to awaken as well no no no I miss my Awakening I miss my Awakening this guy is really good at Sky camping my backup just destroyed him I didn't even have to do anything all right let's get my Tails back and we'll try this again I need to actually gain Bounty from this all right cool transformation we've got the Strat all prepped oh DeAndre this will do release help me beat DeAndre yes yes farming NPCs with this strap because nobody is wanting to fight I've got the release ready release release release the lordy attack where'd he go where'd he go oh he's trying to run away you think you can run away come on come on yes it worked so well it worked so well all right this is my final attempt to get Bounty there are so many people here ready to PVP I feel like this one just has so much potential because they just don't expect you to have multiple people oh we got all the people here release I need to wait for him to get low boom I missed that one okay how about this one instead oh wait I'm being folded okay I'll let him get him low wait this guy's strong wait I can finish this I can finish this K transformation is really tough to use oh he's leaving he's trying to leave you thought you could leave you thought you could leave come on please give me Bounty yes woo that Strat is actually really good I love that but with that I've tried out every single glitch possible and I still haven't gained any bouny somehow
Channel: Koopekool
Views: 344,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: koopekool, roblox, anime, i cheated, i cheated in blox fruits, blox fruits cheating, blox fruits hiding challenge, find the fruit, kitsun, kitsune
Id: JvatmDiuK3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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