I Cheated in a ROULETTE Build Challenge Competition!

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today this roulette wheel decides what we build so if I shoot purple a massive aphmau sports but what my girlfriend doesn't know is that anime cheating using his cheat sheet which tells me which color is the best okay Gracie are you ready to do a build battle yes let's get started okay she's holding a bow and arrow let's see what colors she shoots on the roulette wheel okay I'm gonna okay I think that's one of the bad colors let me check let me check yes it's one of the bad ones meaning her build will probably be pretty bad but if I shoot yellow I should have a pro build so let me go shoot that color let me aim right there and fire yes okay let me go see what the yellow build was oh my gosh we got person boots that's so perfect now that we have our yellow build I just have to build a few traps and stuff inside of him so to get inside of my build first I'm gonna make crazy go for a security checkpoint so for that I'm just gonna put some fences down like this and then I'll put a gate like that so just to come through and here I burn I ain't going to protect the engines of my build as well and then here I'll put a keypad door to stop on the humans getting in and this is gonna have a question related to it oh I know I know I should ask there we go and I made that the name of my protector what year did Minecraft come out and the answer is actually 2011. so if Gracie can get that right then she can enter my bill but I'm pretty sure that's not gonna be enough security for my Puss in Boots next I want to make sure that there's even more so I'm gonna put some of these lasers down which if she he touches we'll do a ton of damage and I'll put these absolutely everywhere to protect my build because guys the winner this video is the person with the best build ever so I've got some lasers like that but before I keep building I'm gonna go troll Gracie okay Gracie's build should be over here let's see what she got whoa whoa okay she must actually right now oh I've got idea I could sneak on top of every wet will appear and I can sniper from above with this gun okay I have to zoom in and get the right shots okay she's standing still let me shoot her come on please hit please hit yes oh I have to hide let me come over here like this so she can't see me he must be up there somewhere oh but where oh I've got an idea let me Smash some invisibility potions on me there we go okay let me shoot her again yeah yeah again I'm so confused was that behind me let me shoot her from over here now what oh there's a gun in the air yes I got her anyway I know James okay well she's looking for me I need to troll her base remember guys the person with the best base wins survive to get rid of some of her traps I should win first off I'm gonna sponge up this water here this way this trap won't work I think she found it guys oh no no she said fix it well she's doing that I'll do the next trap is it over here do not enter oh I've got idea if this is a password protected door I can just break the wall through here and put a non-pass would bring back the door I see those people oh what's going on oh no she's fixed it again I have to do something else okay her nabna build is blue but what if I change it to a different color that would totally make her lose the Build Challenge where's that but before I do the absolutely get a little shot I hit her they're shooting at me again there we go that's so much better she's totally gonna lose what yeah this is so much better boyfriend spitzy ran out no no no see we've only got five minutes all right guys we have five more minutes for the rest of my build so let's go okay I'm back time to finish off this trap so I'm gonna put a few more lasers around the place like this and then I just need to give it a way to get across hmm oh I know I'll change one of these lasers with a secret chest let's do this one and inside I'm gonna put the shrinking device and with this shrinking device Gracie can you shoot down to a tiny size that she can crawl underneath the lasers making it possible to get past without dying for this next challenge I'm gonna put some fences over here and then I'll spawn a bunch of horses in this pen ah then I'm gonna put some rings over here that each person has got to go get through the first person to complete the course I'm about to build wins I have Gracie wins she can go to the Next Room otherwise she won't be allowed so I'll do a few little simple Rings I'll make some smaller ones like this making it a little bit hard to get through and then I even put some walls like this meaning the person's got to jump over with their horse if they pick a horse which is bad at jumping they can be screwed and once again this wall they're gonna jump into these pens and out of them again tons of jumps over fences aren't easy easy on a horse now you could go around but that'd be takes so long but once she gets this last ring we have to turn back and go back all over again and the first person back into this ring wins and now I all I need to do is put some of these sound displays in here so we have a way to get saddles there we go perfect but if she beats me on this horse race I'll place the lever in here letting her into the secret room and in here let's give me a command block and the bar which sends crazy into my [ __ ] boots and if she makes it all the way to here then she'll have access to all my secret loot so I'm gonna place down a ton of diamond blocks Network blocks Etc that she gets to keep there we go perfect that's gonna be a good prize but now it's time to go back to the roulette wheel let's go crazy crazy over you don't finish building your first build Dave the I was I was finished ages ago let's do the next one yeah let's do the next round remember Gracie we only have 10 minutes per round so get building which yes she picks orange that's a pretty good color hopefully it's not gonna be good I really want to win the build competition James you wouldn't okay well lucky for me I have won my glass let me see if orange was a bad color yes it was and that means green should make a pro build so now all I have to do is shoot the green okay so let me come over here and take a shot hopefully I don't miss I can get nice and nice clothes all right three two one on fire okay there we go perfect okay let's see what we got which is green whoa we got Mikey okay that is really good I think I'm gonna win so let me start building my traps to start with let's put an entrance so are bricks and blocks here and then place down some signs like this this is perfect but then I'm gonna break down the ground ah put some lava and finally I'm gonna cover up with a painting or two but I tricked you guys this isn't the entrance my build this is a fake entrance which if she walks into she affords my trap the real entrance will actually be on the other side but of course this time it won't be a trap and she can just walk through here to get into my Mikey build on the other side this room I'm gonna put a chest with a bunch of armor in it specifically this op drag steel armor but to get here she's got to get through some traps so I'll put some Sentry turrets like right here and I'll put one right here as well I'll put some balls to make it a little bit easy to get across without being shot all the time but I also put some other traps like these cages watch if Gracie walks into a capture her and keep her stuck forever ah then finally I've also put some spikes around which will do tons more damage as well but if she makes it across she can open his chest and get this armor and then under here I'm gonna have it hidden fan where I'll put a ghost block over it meaning if she wants to get to the Next Room she'll have to walk over here wait why did my Mikey just heard pink oh Gracie must be involved okay where is she she's not in this build because I'm here she must be my Pleasant boots I don't see her anywhere wait hang on a second this footage of this cat okay I'm gonna kill them both if they're not out of this pen in two seconds oh wait what the cat's gone all right let me kill this villager and place him back with the iron golem ah there we go but I need to put his name tag back okay perfect now I see the fine Gracie and see which house she's done what happened here Jay-Z's horses and then she's got some rubbish donkey and then crazy sauce and then we've got some amazing oh and it's the cat again wait did it just Open this gate I didn't know that Cass can do that okay I'm gonna fix these horses and I'm gonna have a chat with you hopefully that cat doesn't move too far I don't want to lose it all right let me get rid of this donkey and put some more horses down what spotted some killer dogs they're killing all my horses oh who is doing this oh wait the Laser's all disabled if I've re-enabled these lasers then these they should kill the dogs and then after that I really need to find Grace she's somewhere around here wait I just realized these dogs are like deaf and this is like Puss in Boots oh wait and my door was changed with a wooden one I need to find crazy so bad wait the orange cat is orange like [ __ ] boots I bet Grace is the cat wait a second he's right there come here I'm gonna kill you howdy howdy I'm busting boots uh you're tiny uh I need some help finding my boots I think I've lost them how do I know that you're not crazy you kind of sound like her how could uh Gracie say this say what mi casa eh Tu Casa is that Spanish yes oh my God this is a wolf egg hunt okay I'll believe you for now what do you want I want I want you back to um why would I do that no no that makes no sense you see if you're a person boots you'd want me to protect you but do you want me to make the traps weak that's exactly what Gracie would want okay I know what to do with you please don't please see look it does no damage you're in creative mode morphing there's no need for violence oh crazy we've only got three more minutes for our second build three minutes okay I'm getting okay now that I've got all that sorted when she gets up here she's gonna have to fight this Redstone Golem which uh matches the orange wool I guess but if she can kill him then she'll have to make her way up this ladder to the next room but for my next room I'm gonna put a bow and arrow in this chest and then all the way down all the way over here I'm gonna put some tiger blocks like this perfect but little does she know most of them are gonna be fake meaning they're just this little the only target block that is actually real is this one which if she manages to shoot we'll tell her that she completed the challenge but hitting that Target block from all the way up here is not gonna be easy oh that one took ages though there we go I finally got the right angle but with that complete it's time now to go back to the roulette wheel yep I just finished I'm glad we got here at the same time again all right Grace are you ready for the last round what color are you gonna pick it up so I can do it okay fine you can now pick your color okay I'm gonna pick the most risky color yet no no way she's picking Brown I don't know many good builds oh that's kind of risky I wonder what she's gonna get this one to be good or super poopy let's go see okay guys it's time to see what the cheat sheet says yes brought us also a new build I got so lucky okay now all I have to do is shoot the red one and mine should be way better than hers three two one and yes that's totally unread perfect let me see what I got oh my gosh we got cash yes he's one of my favorite YouTubers do you guys watch cash okay we'd have to build our traps and stuff let's go okay for the entrance two of these torches everywhere but these are just a distraction the actual torch to get inside is gonna be right there and this just isn't any normal torch this is a lever torch which means that when you press it it tp's you into my room and this first trap I'm gonna put a ton of these dispensers and in these dispensers I'm gonna buy a ton of different mobs and on top of a pressure plate so when you stand in it it summons a random mob actually though I'm gonna make one change instead of just a normal pressure plate I'm gonna put a player pressure plate and then we'll just rise the floor up and that means whatever a player stands on this a mob spawns ah with that copy and pastors I'm gonna put a ton of these everywhere meaning as you walk across a ton of different mobs are gonna spawn so Gracie's gonna have to navigate from this side of the room to this side of the room where I put a fan that can blow her up to the next room okay then in here I'm gonna make a fight this ends a Golem which is super scary look at him but if she can somehow manage it then she can come up this line to the next room but before I build the next tripod I'm gonna go troll crazy that was so much fun last time okay I'm gonna control Gracie now so let me go invisible and there we go so this is what she got for her Brownfield if I'm correct this looks like Sheriff wait she just placed our turret oh no these are gonna shoot me okay I have to disable them I'm just waiting for him to leave okay she's over there I can block this back up and then I can just break them perfect now remember this is a building competition so if I make her build look worse then I should win so I'm gonna turn this frown upside down I mean the smile ups are down there we go much better ah then our change is badge to Orange because that'll be much better perfect wait when did Gracie change the turrets to this okay she's added some loot I have good idea I said to wait for it to move she's kind of standing in the way right now there's an orange block over here that's weird okay well she's distracted looking at that I'm gonna add a ladder up to the loot that way I can escape all of her traps and just make it straight to the diamond purple things wait a second is that a glitch I a floating ladder Ah that's me that's me hold disappeared am I lagging oh my gosh look at all these dogs these are super deadly I'm gonna kill them all at a place a little bit more safe ah there we go that would be much better perfect they're all burning in this lava I think she might have noticed guys oh no I'm not gonna hide I'm gonna hide she can't see me she can't see me babe you know I could still see you even if you can't see me right no if I can't see you you can't see oh it doesn't work because I'm in a fight mode silly don't you know we've only got like two minutes oh my God okay let me keep building let me keep building let me go let me go let me go my side did you do good luck fixing that and for the next room up here I'm gonna do some questions for the first question I'll ask do we have 150k Subs on the right I'm gonna have no and on the left I'm gonna have yes and if Grace if some reason thinks it's yes then she'll die but if she gets it right there she will survive because this is fake lava but if you guys want this to be actually true then please subscribe then for my next question I'm gonna ask are we going to make a plushie and over here I'll put yes and over here I'll put no but honestly guys I've not decided what the correct answer is so please leave a comment if you guys want us to make a plushie and if enough of you say yes then I'll change this to the correct answers before she gets here but with that built it's now time to go on to Gracie's side okay Gracie let's go to your first build okay my gosh you took forever whoa look at your first build it's not an app yeah it's not it's no okay let me see if I can break in remember guys the person who wins is the person the best free builds inside and out so I were good because it does look kind of bad doesn't it depressing my builds it definitely is it look at me I think I can just jump over these spikes are you ready yeah oh that was super mean greasy I got you I wish I could push you in but you're in creative mode I'm just too good for you to be honest okay so is this the entrance well I don't know just read the read the sign it says do not enter but there's a door so I kind of want to go in but you don't have the password I'm gonna have a look around maybe I can find something wait Gracie what's this over here oh it's just my swimming pool you want to go swimming with me come on uh I think it does something else crazy I'm going to use this to launch me up but I'm gonna go to creative mode first otherwise I'll die okay that's a good idea press the button Gracie is it super scary are you ready oh look at that it worked Jamesy and you got blown over here so you're completely safe wow that's really cool system Gracie okay I'm gonna come over here oh this is a big fool if I fall down and I'm not even fall into the lava but this also spikes can you break the block above me fine yes nice to make this popcorn jumps without falling oh my God Gracie that almost made me poop my pants I wasn't expecting that of course I heard you fart as well so this is a ghost block then where am I supposed to go wait I went to look at you and then I accidentally highlighted about a block yeah if you have one of the player block okay the next one is over here whereabouts am I gonna go oh over here you're nearly above lava so if you fall you'll be burning up yep no matter where I fall I'm dead am I fall over there it's full damage if I fall over here I'm burning okay let me find another barrier block hmm is there somewhere around here it's gotta be somewhere around you where is the next barrier block right here wait really are you standing up right now yep I okay I'm gonna jump Gracie ready yeah three two on top yes wait what it was fake lava which means I fell all the way through yep you had to do that in order to survive awesome but what's this it looks like we just have one of every color well it's all wall blocks I think yeah and you have to put the correct one into this chest over here here okay I'm gonna try my favorite colors I got orange red and Arty blue as well let me put it in Orange Ready set go let's see if it works it just got spot back out again that must be wrong oh let me try red come on come on come on what no how did you build this Gracie I'm kind of just a redstone Master okay maybe it's something else in here oh you know what it is I bet it's one of these isn't it when the girly colors the purples and the pinks why would you say that anyone can like pink or purple I gotta try magenta is that it no okay it's gonna be pink come on no we're getting closer watch yeah all of this Loom just got spat out you put the correct one of course pink was the best color oh that was awesome Gracie I love that cool now you have to solve this Quest this question how many Subs does Jamesy have yeah yeah how many Subs James he has but quick everyone subscribe right now so if Jamesy gets it incorrect no guys please don't subscribe I'm checking the channel right now give me one second okay Gracie I think 189 000. 100 89 000 that's a big number guys but it's super close to 200. what is wrong oh you guys must have subscribed oh whatever I guess that's good let me try 188 though yes it was okay 1 000 of you subscribed but a thousand of you guys subscribed yeah that's amazing we have awesome fans I love them so much so is that the end of your build can we go to the next one now yeah come over here okay that one was pretty good but we'll rate them all at the end don't worry guys stick around to the end to see who won is this your next build yep I got Brown so obviously a sheriff popped up wow that's awesome okay let me see is this the entrance yep it does say entrance I mean I guess that's obvious okay Gracie I'm gonna enter that bye-bye okay get away get away get away oh my gosh there was a pit there okay there must be a second entrance somewhere I'm just gonna click around and see if I can find something I'm not seeing any yet but I do know where it is you built it of course you know where it is I've just gotta find it this isn't fair oh yes I found it where did you just go Gracie did you leave me Jamesy what oh that's where you went oh I thought I lost you that was sick top secret but now you're inside my base okay I'm gonna go this parkour wait Jamesy yeah before you do this parkour you have to beat these dogs oh no I had to kill them I have to kill them I have to kill them oh no Grace I'm gonna die I'm getting low I need to make these parkour jumps be back my way hot doggies no don't worry Jamesy I dropped some God apples for you that's no good I can't get to them no no no they're all over the floor ah oh okay let me eat one of them come on come on this will give you really good come on after you killed them all just a few more yeah yeah just these little black ones left ah they're so annoying to hit that's so tiny what they do so much damage no sweat this Armor's not very good then it's like leather armor oh fine whatever I'm gonna do this parkour without failing it that was just a mistake there's a say so make sure you're careful oh no it's shooting me this makes it wait crazy what I just fell through the lava which means this whole this water I helped you finish the whole build wait what I accidentally solved it well I'm just a genius answering yeah and now you can have all the diamonds that were in his hand okay I'm gonna go to your last build now so last we have Stinger flavor of Garden of Batman again so you've got three gods of Bam Bam characters interesting yep orange isn't that just so cool okay fan Paco I love this stuff totally not being sarcastic right now this should be really fun all right I'm going up here and up here I made all the way up how many limbs this thing I have limbs if you guys didn't know limbs include your arms and your legs so I have four for example Grace has five what I honor no I'm including your big nose as well that's so mean but here's the little thing jellyfish octopus and Squids all have lots of Limbs so hopefully you got this correct okay Gracie I'm pretty sure Stinger Flynn has four legs and two arms meaning he has six yes it was correct yeah total speaking of Limbs I just fell through them I know but what's that that you were just standing on yeah there's a gap right here as you can see men of ghost blocks and but there's a barrier block here I have to guess where to jump I'm gonna say here oh wait what all right inside of a ghost block right now oh I am I jumped over the hole thank gosh okay let me jump over the next one no I miss you oh crazy there's a barrier block here okay let me just jump over the holes like this I messed it up okay I have a plan for this one I'm gonna Chuck a steak uh that one went through and that one stays yeah that's not fair yeah well life isn't fair wait what's this wait no I don't flog all the way out his bum oh Gracie you love your fake blocks don't you look at them go what's wrong with you okay well Gracie how am I meant to get to the chest at the end if this is all gonna push me I'll never tell you Jamesy oh maybe it's some sort of button somewhere or something there's a hole up there it might be to do with that oh what has happened did you did you walk on that's weird this is a ghost block which means I can walk over the fans yay oh Jamesy oh thank gosh I got some more armor weapons that should be handy those are way better curse Diamond you look so cool you're full of cursed diamonds look at this pickaxe though it's massive I look really pretty right now Gracie this is amazing okay well that was your last build let's go see you yeah let's go do mine and then we can see who the winner is okay crazy for my first build I've done Puss in Boots because I picked Orange I mean I guess orange is close enough to Yellow yeah I didn't decide to build the game did it's not my fault well what's this what's this A goola do you notice how mine is so much better than yours though it's so much bigger it really really improve build meanwhile mines were all bad I should have chose yellow as mine yeah I think my color was just better than yours okay Gracie well to get inside my Puss in Boots first with a few security measures a bit like a nightclub or something you can't get in the build unless you get past all the security okay I'm gonna check in now and give him all of my stuff I promise I don't have anything dangerous uh Chrissy he doesn't care about steak look at him he's made out of iron all he wants to know is that you're not a zombie that's why he's not killing you right now and then you can get through the door if you have the password he gives you a clue this that's the clue yep he's speaking to you let me go to Google right now two times 2011. that's what that's what but you're not done there's a lot more security to go yeah there's no way you're looking at this lasers with no armor there must be a different way nope I don't know oh that's gonna be something else Gracie oh wait why is the door open there we go perfect I just made a run for it this day's just a bit odd Oh no you're in there all the lace maybe don't go through this time and find a different way but Jamesy weird what's wrong with it it has no what what did you can find you're tiny okay Gracie now that you're shrunk in town you shipper to sneak underneath the lasers I'm checking oh wow you just showed up to get under look perfect these days affect me at all and then get a saddle what's the saddle for next security measure we need to know that you're worthy to get into the Puss in Boots you know puzzle boots is a really good horse rider yes but yes but it's an amazing donkey writer speaking of [ __ ] where's the donkey no donkeys all right okay so come over here and have a look at this oh yep so first you have to go through this ring and then this ring yeah and then jump over this wall or you can go around it but it'll probably take longer fine I'm even gonna make it even longer so if you do want to try and go around it'll take you ages no no I don't like this and then once you've jumped over this wall you're gonna have to jump over some more fences like this and then we have to be happy yeah and when you go through it you have to go all the way back oh I don't think I'm gonna win all right crazy come back here's the trick it's not just a racist who gets over there first it's also a race to who so you can tame their horse first okay okay race get off get off get off I'm gonna start teammates what if we tamed yours oh no I have to tame mine no no no she's going oh guys I have to take this horse quick come on come on come on this isn't fair I haven't tame my horse did you get over the wall oh my goodness yeah I've been back now okay I take my horse finally come on come on I'm waiting for you James oh no look how slowly horses I picked the ray horse for sure whatever you're gonna win this no you can still make it back look how slow my horse was a hashbrace come over here okay wait let's just see who's faster look ready move forward in three two one go go look how much faster yours is that's just not fair okay Gracie well because you won the race then you're allowed to go into the Puss and Boots okay okay uh no it probably won't fit no he doesn't fit Gracie just get off again whatever I'm going through okay let's go Yep this was the reward for the first one but let's go do the second one now yes this level this oh this is okay Gracie this is my second build this is Mikey look how tall he is wow you you need yeah it's a really good color but can you get inside oh Jamesy there's a painting over here oh do you want to go through maybe this is the entrance yeah yeah oh it was a fake trap like this I wanted to win maybe there's a different way in what what Chaser oh there's another painting but you sure this was real oh you just went okay real confirmed okay be careful crazy that's a trap a trap trap what are you doing oh Gracie got captured it's okay okay fine saved you lucky girl careful the craziness turrets and the spikes everywhere you might be a bit trapped Jamesy what oh wow you're smart but not smart enough Gracie okay never mind you made it through well done you got this chest as a reward amazing yeah that's certainly not bad Gracie but where did we go now you did see something earlier did I see some he said that you just got blown up there must be a fan other news and now you have to [ __ ] to fight this Redstone Golem oh fruits and Golem I'm not prepared for this wait wait it's way easier than I thought it'd be how did you kill him so fast I'm just I'm just Pro today all right Gracie got the ladder okay I'm going up all right open this chest whoa some bows and arrows all right Gracie you see these targets all the way over here Jason one of them is gonna take you to the next trap the other ones won't so good luck them how about you to aim for the mid or just shoot as far as you can you'll probably hit it eventually okay I'm doing my best listening yep you have here a few targets already but they're not the real ones wait what that was easy you hear bullseye look in the chat it's Mikey what's complete plan guys I can't believe that that took me 10 minutes to hit it and she hit it in 10 seconds and here Bullseye oh everyone needs to subscribe after that that was incredible okay Gracie the game was right you did complete my Mikey but you still now have to complete my cash this will be easy huh why are there so many torches oh it was dark when I made this so I just lit it all up you know no this is something maybe are you gonna press all of them I'm gonna press each and every single one of them one could be a lever maybe it's the last one that you're ever gonna go to I hope not I don't I don't want last one I think it might be really yeah press this last one Gracie [Music] it's crazy underneath your secret pressure place for more run around to kill the mobs the more mobs you spawn in wait I need to stop running around then maybe start over here this is safe to Daisy if you stop running around you won't be spotting so many mobs in you're right but it's okay I'm gonna stay over here now and now I can never spawn any more in yeah that's true okay you killed most of them you still need to find the exit without spoiling so many more mobs in this is gonna be really difficult I'm gonna try and shoot them a bow and arrow that's really impossible meanwhile yeah go to it Gracie I believe just yet yeah you need to kill that and a Golem but that sword killed that Redstone one really fast so I think you should be fine this sword is open so because you've already killed him well done Gracie come up here all right Gracie next question do we do we have 200k please help us we might have hit 200k when this video is out we have to see I hope so okay next question are you going to make a plushie yes plushie just like lanky box it'll be super cool yep I can't wait to release it anyway guys if you enjoyed this video then please like And subscribe leave a comment down below and watch the next video on screen and we'll see you guys tomorrow
Channel: Jamesy
Views: 557,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jamsey, Gracie, Jamesy and Gracie, Jamesey, Jamesie, Jamesy Minecraft, Jamesy, Minecraft roleplay, Minecraft building, Build battle, Minecraft mutant mobs, Minecrafft theme park, Nico and cash, Cash, Nico, maizen, maizen build battle, Wiederdude, MongoTv, Smirky, JJ and Mikey, House Build challange, Maize, Aphmau, Jamey, James C, Gracey
Id: K-otQNVn3BQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 47sec (1907 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2023
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