I CHEATED with //MIX in Minecraft Build Competition!

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today we're combining our favorite characters so if we combine aphmau and slow Celine we get this aphmau snail doesn't she love you I think this is so funny little butt little does Gracie know I'm gonna be cheating with Slash last pace so that I can get these Pro builds hey Gracie and Louie I can't wait to see what we mix oh I hope we mix cash and bang bang they're my favorite characters is that because they're red baby you're so easy to read anyway Gracie let's see what we're mixing okay let's see what's no way okay I'm gonna see what we're gonna combine it with are you guys ready I'm ready we got nav no way no way oh that's awesome yeah let's go build we have 10 minutes okay first with the pace in our chef pixster and nablab combo oh my gosh I can't wait to see what it looks like okay here we go slash paste oh Louise see his tongue oh okay look around go look around yeah take it long James it's awesome so we have NAB nab's tongue and NAB naps teeth oh I can see a bit of Chef pigster up here yeah this is Chef Pixar's body and his nose except it's the color of nav NAB oh yeah oh and then we have three eyes like NAB NAB too look we've got NAB nab's arms oh yeah they're like super bendy that's awesome oh I look up here we have NAB nabs cone cone I think that's a party hat okay Louie now that we have my first build I'm gonna go troll Gracie how about you go build the first trap okay James Z good luck all right let's go because Grace he's building chef pigster and NAB NAB I'm gonna morph into a pig ah there we go I'm now a little pigster look at all these little piggies that she spawned in oh wow they're all called pigster that's awesome okay I have an idea I'm just gonna kill all of these pigs we don't want any pigs does in our build and then I'm gonna replace them with NAB nabs these knob Labs look ah that will completely even Grace's trap America build way worse oh my pigs I've actually realized guys but not all of her picks there's one left I actually what he left oh I'm so sorry piggy I'll protect you oh yeah this is awesome she's gonna protect me not even realizing that I'm her boyfriend perfect wait where's your name tag picture I forgot about this oh what should I do guys you know what I'm just gonna run where's the game stop running around I've killed all the nav dabs and you're safe now I need to get out of here and throw Gracie's belt because I want to win her with Louis I wonder what he's building right now I'll see you piggy make sure you stay safe she's gone let me just fly off here go into my little leg what's this these are like evil pigsters why is she putting them in lava this is animal cruelty I have to fix this I'm gonna fly up here and pour down some water there we go all my pigsters are safe what we'll just oh was that all supposed to happen wait there's water coming from up here but who was up here oh hopefully she doesn't realize that I'm here I'm hiding between all these other pigsters so she shouldn't notice okay all the water's going down but now I need to make sure huh Piggy oh no she noticed me I thought I was kind of Flushed at other pigs the pigs you but these are the bad pigsters come on little piggy you're not supposed to be in here now go back in Japan like how you're supposed to no I'm not what is piggy doing he's truly trying to revolt right now yeah I'm running oh I've lost her yes okay for my next show I'm gonna replace all of this pink whoa with orange well that would make her pigs that look silly silly silly and there we go what Pixar is now orange that's much better wait a second yeah it's not Stinger Flynn it's time this piggy has been doing weird things like getting out of the pen and being the only surviving piggy no no this is a noble Pig I'm just gonna clutch up this water and get out of here this isn't right if I kill this pig then maybe it will show that I killed Jason no okay Gracie fine you caught me it wasn't me the entire time I knew the world and it wasn't a pigster get out of here cause we've only got seven we only have six minutes of building left what have you done when I've been gone well it's a good thing I've been building this if we've got that much time left anyways take a look at this okay I see that you've made some sort of watermel that's not very deadly Louis we're supposed to stop her from getting to our base well maybe you should try and cross it uh okay uh oh my God it's poisonous water that's right and there's no way you can get in unless you know the secret what is it if you can see here these snow blocks won't let you in yeah I can see that but if you come over here wait you can shift jump into it Louie yeah but Gracie can't do that Jamesy so oh yeah true my bad she's not very good at parkour you can't jump into any of these ones but look at this one oh you could just jump in this one easy peasy oh okay how about we also make these other ones a little bit taller that way she definitely can't get into any of them apart from that one absolutely let's make sure this is as hard as possible okay there we go I've made this a bit trickier now now it's really to get in I could barely do it but this one over here should be pretty easy but she has to spot it first anyways Jamesy now that we've done this take a look at the next trap hmm there's some more poisonous water right here and then a fan blowing me up onto his tongue so Gracie's gonna get blown up by the fans and she might try to land in the water but it's poisonous water more poisonous water Louie you're sick what can I say but how is she gonna get up the tongue of the ship just park all the way up well she's got to climb pignav's tongue and Dodge the saliva on the way up oh okay okay I like this Louis but it's a bit too easy right now there's way too many places she can go how can we fix this then uh first things first I'm gonna put in a bit more of his saliva I can't believe it's so dangerous next we always had the problem that she can just go on the outside because we can't put water there maybe we should put some spikes there yeah I think we should put some spikes maybe he's like a cat you know they have spiky tongues oh yeah especially tiger is if you get licked by one of those bad boys you're dead Okay that's much better and then we can put even more saliva around him there we go those are looking a lot more deadly whoa the spikes were a really good idea Jamesy now it looks really difficult okay and then when she gets up to the top of the tongue then what well take a look at this we enter through his mouth and then there's some lava parkour where did we even fit this in pics that must be so fat if we can put this massive room inside absolutely Jamesy okay so this is an orange lava parkour room I approve of this ah what just happened well did I forget to mention that some of the blocks are fake that's genius you won't see that coming so some of these blocks here are fake and then what about these fans are they both real well both of them are real fans no no no that won't work I have an idea so this book here is real and this one is real as well so let's make this block over here fake so she has to jump onto this bit over here but then we make the the fan on it's fake as well no way that'll make it so hard to understand yep so she has to jump from here they're backed over here again it's gonna be so annoying but wait what's this well on this side Gracie's gonna choose a side either left or right hmm is it just a guess right now it's pretty much a guess and I'm guessing this one over here is fake yep how about instead of making a guess we can make her answer a question oh that sounds like a really good idea what should we ask so I'm thinking we just put down a sign with says how many eyes does our Pig NAB have and by the way guys we're calling our pigster NAB NAB Pig nap aren't we Louis absolutely over here we're put six which is how many eyes he actually has by the way two rules of three and over here we can put full which is the wrong answer this is gonna be really difficult I don't Gracie's even gonna look at the amount of eyes he has yeah unless he wants to do all of that parkour again she's gonna have to just guess amazing thing and then I have one more thing to make it difficult what are you gonna do instead of just having another jump here like this oh once again make this a ghost block and put a barrier block two blocks to the right so she just has to know that it's here basically this is really mean that's almost cheating Jamesy okay how about to make it a little bit more obvious I'll change the roof block to a pink concrete so if she looks up she'll know that's where to go that's better I think that's the end of our picknap build this is looking amazing wait let me what was that ah pink is Gracie's favorite color she must be here okay we need to find her his teeth are yellow oh no and look at his tongue all the water is gone it's been dried up by these sponges ah no way that was the best trap of them all yeah his tongue is now all dry okay what about down here there's a pink staircase going over this water as well God it's all pink it must be Gracie I'm telling you Jamesy okay what about out here his eyes are yellow as well oh he must be tired and what he's holding some pink balls what are these and look at his nose as well it's pink also ah wait I just realized something what is it Jamesy we've been outside she could be inside right now trolling us as well quickly quickly going going no no we've got a check look the parkour jumps are real having turned to Pink oh no way now it's easy oh okay and wait a second Jamesy look at this there's pink blocks along the side but I can walk here no way they've added a cheat as well this is so unfair okay we need to find Grace she's probably outside somewhere I should look around for weird mobs and then I just saw a mad nap in a pond of water what in the world are you doing here hey guys I'm just in a bathtub you know cleaning myself why are you clearing yourself on your tongue well I need to be clean and I love my own saliva uh Louis what do you think about this this is a bit weird how isn't NAB NAB getting hurt by his own saliva okay Louie what should we do about this should we just let NAB NAB go or should I kill him I'm not sure he seems to be messing around on our build though you shouldn't kill me this is literally me you're building me without my permission I'm gonna give you five seconds until I hit you this mob killer stick calm down there's no need for violence here oh where are you going come back don't kill me that sounds like Gracie Gracie I'm more for right now no no wait Louie where does she go which one is she oh no oh no where is that one is that one I saw it I saw oh that wasn't the right one this one but yes it was I got her good job Jamesy Gracie demorph right now fine I'm D Murphy Gracie you know how much time a building we have left how much time 30 seconds go back to your side okay okay and Louie that leaves us 30 seconds to fix all this mess are you ready okay let's do this let's get going okay the inside is now ball back to Orange perfect and the outside is all back to Blue nice thing to fix his noses and these balls that's one ball gone and that's the other and there's his nose back to this blue terracotta perfect next I'm gonna get rid of this little pathway that's not supposed to be there at all and then I need to give it these stungers and put back all the poison of water so this is super difficult and let's Let it Flow from here and hopefully that's good yes Louie this is looking way deadlier again perfect phew it's back to normal yes okay anything else you need to fix we have a few seconds left I don't know James is is there anything we've missed quickly in here the pink wall get rid of the barriers go go go go go okay I think we're good let's go back to the dispensers Louis hey guys are you ready to see what we're building next I'm so ready stop spotting them in okay uh Gracie tell us what the first build is okay the first build is sticker plan look at it wait really I love sticker Flynn he's my favorite guys you know why why Jamesy because he's orange yeah of course he is I knew it wait wait can I do the next button yeah you go oh yeah oh my gosh weaker because he's a record okay so we have to build Stinger cash that's gonna be super weird Pig nap was already really difficult but we've only got 10 minutes so hurry up let's go okay let me paste in our cash Flynn oh my gosh I'm so excited to see what it looks like yes here it is oh my gosh Louie look at this oh what is this okay let's go over this so first things first we've got Stinger Flynn's tentacles right oh yeah they're all red yep they are little light red dark red and then black are the tips I actually really like that it looks so cool it kind of looks poisonous yeah I might just DM this to catch himself I wonder what he was saying I think he'd love this oh how about everybody in the comments below at Cash Minecraft and let's see if we can get him to respond yeah everyone's spam cash he's my favorite okay then for the head instead of it being Flynn's head we have a massive cash head whoa and he's only got one eye yeah Louie he has one just big eye it's really strange looking it's huge as well okay um what else do you see anything else that makes it look like Stinger fled or cash other than Cassius Red Hood I'm not really sure comment down below which one you like small Chef pigster or cash okay Louie I think it's almost time to start doing the traps I'm gonna go troll Grace again and you can build the first few okay Jamesy I'm so excited okay now I'm gonna go troll Gracie except this time I'm gonna morph into Cash TV look it's me I love cash now I can sneak into her cash Flynn and I can say hello I'm gonna try and be undetected but if she spots me I do have an alibi okay so first I'm gonna change her whole cat orange you know it's not that much of a downgrade now it just looks like Stinger playing but on a body that's pretty good oh I've only been spotted okay I have to add the cash cash dude don't you know that I'm trying to build a Stinger cash not a stinker Flynn uh hey guys it's me cash uh I don't know who did this I love the color red why would I get rid of it oh you're right cash you that can you help me change it back to Red though uh yeah I can you go to that side I'll do this one okay okay okay yes it worked she didn't realize my voice was definitely not very close but it's fine she's over there fixing it which means I can fly up here and troll her build whoa look at this room she's making me do some ice parkour ah this is super slippery okay you know what I'm just gonna place all this dark blue eyes with cyan well it's about the same color except this stuff is nowhere near as slippery ah perfect oh all the orange wall just turned red that means Gracie's done fixing it I haven't got long until she spots me wait a second oh hi Gracie what are you doing I was just testing out your parkour cash what are you doing because I see oh where there used to be us oh No this must have been Jamesy oh that explains why I was so easy you know I found this really easy because I'm an expert Minecraft player you do now and it makes action you sound like you're from this and I know cash is in Texas where is cash from um that's a good question I don't know exactly I could be from Texas you don't know darling you know what I'm gonna pull up a cash video right now look over there where don't worry about it you keep watching my videos okay guys I've got out there but it's not long until you've realized that I have no idea what I'm doing okay I had to do some more trolls oh look at this it's his massive eye I've got idea I can just ruin this everyone knows that have you ever sting a flint build and he doesn't have one eye then you've basically lost ah boom he now has two eyes and then I just do this but he now has four eyes okay guys I'm definitely gonna win this building challenge for me and Louie We want that massive prize yes this is perfect oh she's looking for me oh I'm exploring your belt I noticed there was an error with the flin head Four Eyes he's only has one no no no that was not me that was probably Jamesy or Louie I know you're not you're not then how long have you had a crush on Zoe is that supposed to try and trick me I've had a crash on Zoe for about hmm I'd say a good seven months now what no you're not cash all the Nico has a crush on Zoe you don't have a crush on her that's so true how did I not know that oh you're oh yeah no she got she coming okay fine Gracie oh demo how long you have left I was trolling you for ages I knew it it was people like I'm like okay I didn't help let me finish up the traps this is no good you wasted so much time Z I'm up here okay you didn't tell me what you've done so I can help you improve it okay take a look at this then is it some sort of secure tunnel yeah she's gonna have to go through this secure tunnel wow that's pretty cool how's she gonna get over these lasers well she'll have to figure it out I guess I guess she can do the parkour on this because look she can stay on these laser boxes but I think it'll be quite hard maybe we should give her a way over these lasers so it's possible that's a good idea but what should we do so I think we should increase the amount of lasers to make it more dirty to give her no choice but to try and Dodge them okay that sounds like a good idea like this if she tries to run through these lasers she'll definitely die oh but that's so mean how are we gonna get over them how about we just add a secret entrance she can't go wrong with that oh that's a good idea let's do it around the back over here over here I'm just gonna put some ghost blocks like this you see oh so then she can just walk through like this yeah she can get past most of the lasers and just go past these remaining ones perfect okay she's past the spikes and lasers but what is this ah where am I going oh my gosh where am I I'm so lost right now well she gets shot up into this room with the slime blocks why have you done this with the iron bars and fences well if you didn't know the more fans that you're stood next to the faster you're pushed so are you telling me that you've put us into this little area here so that we're on four fans absolutely Jamesy and it shoots you up so fast wow it shoots us so high Louie and you've even put some spikes here to make it deadly yeah just as an extra precaution I'll put a few more I feel like that's a good idea okay whoop on here we'll be doing in this room well in here she's gonna have to fight these Ender Golems but that's all I've done so I'm not sure what weapon she's gonna use oh yeah she needs some loot how about we hide a weapon somewhere maybe down here that sounds like a good idea where oh I know I have an idea I'm gonna put down a fan over here like this as you can see it's placed in a pretty useless place what does that have to do with the loot it's gonna be a fake chest Louis look there we go it looks like a real fan but it doesn't actually do anything whoa no way this is awesome and she want them to test it out because if she comes over here the only way she can test out is if she drops on this spikes it should probably be too scared to do that oh so she'll have to figure it out yeah exactly and then inside we could put in some cursed diamond armor which I think is Gracie's favorite armor these days because a super cool color I'm not even putting some golden apples yeah never mind if it doesn't work it doesn't work that'd be fine what about when she finishes this room though we need to add some sort of exit maybe we should do a secret door oh I have an even better thing I'm gonna get a keypad door I'm gonna put it over here and the Cove could be one three five seven nine well that's a way better idea than what I was thinking but just to make it super hard I'm gonna get an amble and two name tags and I'm gonna name one three as in 13 and I'm gonna name the other Golem five seven nine if she wants to get out of this room she's got to see both of their names combine them together in the right order and then enter on this door to escape oh that's so smart you're gonna split the code up so that Chrissy has to do that yeah exactly that's amazing ah once she gets through there she'll be out of our belt onto this Prismatic blocks boys we have two seconds left oh let's go Louie let's go come on crazy crazy are you ready last round of building I'm ready I'm ready okay I'm gonna press the button the first one ready okay we got slow Celine we're doing slow silly guys oh I love slow Celine okay Louie you can press the other button what are we combining it with okay okay okay here we go oh my gosh it's aphmau take a look wait really aphmau she's one of my favorite YouTubers Gracie you love her don't you I sure building Louie let's go Ash what in the world is this okay let's dissect this real quick start with the front so we have aphmau's head right wait but where are her eyes she's missing her eyes and her mouth and everything but then you look up here her eyes are coming out the top of her head like a snail what in the world that's so funny guys please comment down below which build you like the most then you head down here and you see aphmau's body and it looks kind of normal she's wearing her shirt and stuff but then it turns into this big snail stuff over here ew slimy yeah it turns into a snail at this point and then it comes down and her whole like legs are being morphed down sideways oh I don't think I want to go near that and then she has this massive pink and white shell it looks kind of cute though I have to admit it is pretty cool yeah I think we're gonna win Louis there's no chance we lose a hundred percent Jamesy okay instead of troll and Gracie this time I'm just gonna help you build okay okay let's it so for the entrance how about we do a painting entrance hmm sounds like a good idea but where would we put it I'm thinking right over here so all we need is some signs and then we're gonna place these walls with sides all right Louie help me place down the signs okay Jamesy I'm gonna help you now okay Louie now that we have all these signs let's place down two paintings I'll do mine over here you could do yours over here okay let's do it I got whoa I got the picture oh no way I just got this lame painting here it's wise versus blue I wonder what color's gonna win probably blue I think so too okay now that we've done that we should make one of them into a real entrance and the other one into a fake one I think we both agreed that we like the Pig painting more right yeah I think so so let's turn the other painting into a trap oh that's so sneaky Kiki why are you gonna do that because we want crazy to fail anyway underneath the painting we'll put some lava so she steps through it she'll fall right down into the Trap and then only the Pig painting will be right I get it exactly she has to pick which painting she likes more and so that she knows that where Persona here saying pick your favorite painting there we go okay and as soon as she gets in here I want her to fight an Opie mob what do you think we should do well Jamesy I've got a really good idea on what we can put in here okay what we gonna do take a look at this if I just build some blocks like this and put up guys what is he doing put a pumpkin on top look it's a diamond golem I did not even know they existed did you guys know that so they're basically like Iron Golems except made out of diamonds exactly so wait are these way more powerful they're absolutely more powerful they're made out of diamonds not iron oh yeah diamonds are like 10 times better than iron do you agree absolutely Jamesy okay do you think this will be enough we have like seven of them in this room I think this should be good enough okay and then I have a strategy as well I don't want our Golems to go into the lava so I'm gonna play some of these rails down there we go okay Louie just stop them from escaping we need to add a little wallet over here and put in the door okay Jamesy let's do it just so these Golems can't get through yeah and it could also be a way to stop Gracie so I added a little secret door and there we go pretty simple this is coming along just fine yes but then how is she gonna get out this room Jamesy we should do some secret ladders huh yeah show me how are we gonna do that let me show you well what corner should we put them in first this corner over here look it's kind of hidden okay well we'll make a hole just up there and if I place these then just Place Another orange world that's not useful well maybe you should go inside and take a look oh the secret ladders okay that's a bit genius for me so then Gracie's gonna have to figure it out just in this corner over here that's awesome okay okay she'll never know it's secret ladders if I just replace this with orange wool here oh it will just look like an accidental hole in the wall perfect okay let's go at the next room okay I'm coming okay Louie what should we do for the next room I see that you've made a little window over here well I've got a good idea for this one I'm gonna put some Target blocks over here oh wait wait wait I know what you're doing but I think I have a way to make it better I'll make three different rows like this I'll replace the crown with all our favorite colors so we have orange wool pink wool and then red wool whoa this is looking so cool well just because there's red on the floor yeah exactly and then we'll make each team shoot three targets so those would be mine these will be Gracies and then yours can be these I think you made them a little too easy for me no no no no these are tricky enough trust me okay whatever you say Jamesy it's gonna be a race to see who can hit all three targets first and I will totally win so that we know that we've all hit our targets we'll put some Redstone lamps in front of each one which will also make it trickier to hit them oh that's a great idea the other targets are from above now you see you have to hit it right on top oh that's so smart but while you were dawdling over there Jamesy I put this chest down here with some arrows and Bows now Lily I really don't want to lose to Gracie right that would suck Jamesy so what are you gonna do about it I'm gonna play some barrier blocks on front of her targets so when she's shooting it with a bone arrow from over here she'll be aiming for her Target and she just won't realize why she can't hit it oh my gosh that's so smart look at the arrow it's just floating there that arrow is definitely supposed to hit the target but it couldn't because the barrel block was in the way that's gonna be so mean Gracie will have no idea okay but what's me and you win this contest by shooting our targets first we should move on to the next room what should we do in the Next Room Jamesy let's do a trivia room oh yes I love trivia okay in this room I'm gonna make Gracie answer two questions so for the first question I'm gonna ask this how many subscribers does aphmau have oh I know this one Jamesy I know this one what is it well I watch a lot of aphmau videos and she has 16.3 million whoa that's a lot so over here through this door I'm gonna put some real lava so obviously if you go on this you're gonna die but over here I'm gonna put some fake lava so if you pick this answer you'll live oh that's so smart so over here I'm gonna do 15 to 16 million but over here I'm gonna do 16 to 17 million and if you watch as much aphmau as I do you'll know that it's this one yes exactly now we should ask a question about slow Celine what should we ask about slow Celine I don't know much okay Louis I have a really tricky question about slow Selena literally no one knows well then you better write it what species is slow Celine because if you didn't know in Garden of bamban there are different species oh I don't know if I know this one so I'm on the left I'm gonna put road trip right I'm gonna put UV on them which one do you think is correct I kind of like this one because it kind of looks like the word road trip and I like road trips no that one is incorrect I'm putting real lava but this one is actually correct slow Celine is givionium some of the other monsters are like part gibiani I'm a human but Slow's theme is just gibbyanium she's a yellow snail you see it's a fictional element in Godzilla Bambam used to create some of the animals whoa I didn't know that anyway Louis I think that's all the time we have we should go back to Gracie and play her bills and then we can see who wins okay Jamesy it sounds so interesting let's go hey guys are you ready to play the bills yep I'm so yeah let's go to your side first Gracie and remember guys the post with the best build inside and outside wins okay let's go see you outside whoa look at this NAB NAB Louis wait a second it looks kinda weird yeah Gracie explain it for us please so this is a pig nap as you can tell he has a pig snout on him yep and his legs and arms are all pink like a pink yeah and then his like body and mouth is like nap NAB that's pretty cool I like that how do we get inside well look at this chest in front of you there's a boat there's only one Louis you should go me or you wait can't we both just fit in the boat together can we no that's actually not allowed oh okay uh I'm gonna boat MLG over like dream all right um okay okay three two one and point oh oh yeah there we go that's a dream about MLG if I've ever seen one but look at that chest on the other side oh wait Lily there's another boat wait can't you throw it to me I'm coming over have that spoom thank you Jamesy we're over this moat which is definitely poisonous yeah that's water that you don't want to go in but look over here there's an iron door but you don't have a button there's no buttons here I bet one of these pigs have one um I don't think they do no I think they don't either but wait what's this white wall um not sure this looks a bit weird considering everything else is just grass hmm can we break it sure you guys can break it but it's nothing yeah sure thing Gracie it's nothing what's inside Louie oh yes okay I placed down the cover over here so we can get out you guys are so smart because if you guys didn't know if you place a carpet on a fence you can just go for it all right Louis with this but box room let's go whoa what are all these whoa these are some dangerous pigsters the pictures in there weren't dangerous but these ones are they're trying to shoot us but wait a second Jamesy look at this sign the sign Kill the Bad pieces no no I don't want to do that they're gonna shoot back oh you go first wait Louie you missing something oh no this is called poorly um I was trying to tell him but inside of here this block is a chest with armor yeah look inside it it's a secret chest oh I'm so dumb and also I noticed that you accidentally stand on these barriers oh wait I couldn't even notice that okay let's kill them from up here they won't even be able to reach us uh maybe they will actually never mind ow it doesn't carry on kill the pigsters I'll get them for you don't worry I For the Lover oh sacrifice myself come on this is so funny I killed myself to kill the pigsters and it worked that was a worthy sacrifice it's because the barriers just didn't go all the way look they stopped here I had to thank you okay where's this fan go ah James you're not now build right uh yeah yeah wait there's a chest here can I open it yeah let me quickly take this there we go I actually won okay come on come on watch out ah they're blowing up the naplabs are explosive they're explosive nap raps but you have to kill as many as you can and make sure you're counting okay I killed six how many did you kill I killed four okay that's ten Ah that's more killed them again you have five push come on come on I've killed like I never thought come on okay okay and six okay I killed 16 total what about you Louie I only killed eleven okay that's fine we're at the number up well six plus eleven is 17 and then another 10 that's 27. okay then put that inside the door 27. boom Oh that means they can get to us we need to kill them ah come on quick hit them I'm trying they're explosive I can't even open the door and go through until they're dead all right run in get the least next ones go go go wait we can make them blob each other ready oh wow that was cool that's a giant explosion careful don't die though Jamesy that was really small getting the NAB naps to blow each other up thank you I'm hyper intelligent anyway I think I see a ladder here let's go up come on let's go what's this Gracie well you're about to see ouchy ouchy oh my God Louie this turrets hide from them Jamesy what do we do which did it run from one protection to the next come over here wait what's in that chest oh yeah let me open it care for here though okay I'm coming I'm coming sword upgrades do you want the fire one or the lightning I want the fire I'll take the lightning one uh where should we go next well it seems like there's a turret over there to our right so let's just stay to the left wait is that fiddle oh no kill Captain fiddles go go go okay what's in this next chest we need to open up quick oh a bow perfect oh my God fiddles poison me come on come over here oh Louie I see the final tour up there look oh no it's huge is that a mutant skeleton Gracie that's just not fair that's a giant turret which has a massive bow and arrow okay Louis I'm gonna open this next chest here ready oh a Lucky Sword okay I'll use this okay James we need a way to get rid of that mutant skeleton up there hmm we can shoot him a bow and arrows fire back no it's a giant Bell fight but who do you think is better oh here's a lot more damage I've got a really cool aim glitch I'm shooting between two different blocks he can't hit me back oh that's so smart wait did you guys get a lucky bow oh I did I forgot about that sometimes those can do explosions you can test them out on Dewey if you like wait no no no where are you going Louis I need to test out my bar is for the team oh my God that was an explosive bow but there's one more chest you guys over here oh wait that one just shot Water okay oh six God apples you can have three there we go thank you James yeah I'll need that after you shot me that many times I'm sorry well you guys still need to figure out how to get up on here oh there's a bit of Parkour we can do look perfect and in this chest oh my gosh armor upgrades I want the purple ones and no you guys have to use those Elijah said Flash come on let's do it Jamesy yeah let's Glide down Glide oh [Music] Jamesy look how cool I look with this armor though yeah you look pretty cool not as cool as me though I do have to admit you do look pretty cool ow the lightning oh sorry I forgot I can't even hit you with my flame because you're in water whatever well no you guys have to do some ice parkour and Louie's got ice armor on so maybe maybe that would help him well that makes me extra slippery so I'm a lot better at this eye Sparkle you're already slippery because you haven't had a shower in a week all that slime on you hey that's not very nice how did you get all the way up there already I haven't even made the first jump yet well I guess that's slime really helped me slip my way up here this is tricky ouchy ah oh this keeps falling off too bad you have some fire armor instead of the ice armor okay I'm nearly there oh there we go I made it wait you guys have to mix and match two of your favorite cards in a fan Band characters oh no I hate story I'm sucking it I'm so good at drawing You're Gonna Lose okay I know what I'm gonna mix so I'm gonna mix my favorite characters okay well get your power start mixing but get on your side and try not to die on your way there yeah yeah on my way over and Chrissy how long a painting do we have you guys have two minutes hurry up okay so I'm gonna do Stinger Flynn and NAB nap so I need orange and it's white for his teeth and black for his eyes and I'll do the rest in a minute okay so to start I'm just gonna draw the basic outline of my Stinger Flynn so I have a little Sammy Circle up here like this and then I need to draw his tentacles and he has six of them there we go and then I can make it so that they get a bit darker towards the end that should make my build look a little bit better than everyone else is perfect that looks great and then I'm gonna do his big eye like Stinger Flynn boom perfect and the black dot and now I have to add some features to make him look like NAB NAB so I fill in his body with blue instead that way he looks like nablab and I'll also give him NAB nab's eyes and I also give him NAB nab's mouth so I'll make a darker blue mouth like this you have 20 seconds left oh no and then I have to add the nap that teeth which is super spiky teeth like this okay hopefully these guys think it looks like NAB rap otherwise I'm gonna lose I hope you you guys are ready cause I'm done oh no how long left 10 sec 10 seconds what else can I do oh yeah I can have NAB nab's little party hat that will make it super cool so let me quickly do that a gray cone like this with some black lines on it that should make it look good time's up okay I'm done I'm done are you guys ready to look at each other's I'm so ready what about you Louie I'm ready I think mine is gonna be the best whoa Gracie did you do a pillion bird a pigster yep I did and what did you do Louie well I did ban ban and jumbo Josh ah that looks really cool I think guys I did Stinger Flynn and naplab no way that looks that looks be cool as well do you like his hat I I do but all of you guys just look really scary and mine's is just like huge oh I don't know who won I really like your pigtail I know comment down below the first artwork yeah I think I'm getting really good at this now let's go to the next room over here uh which one do we land in you guys need to decide on which pool you want to jump into hey Jamesy yeah what are you thinking Louie I think you should decide for me I missed wait but you didn't even take any damage I think I know which one it is but because he pushed me crazy I'm not gonna tell him yeah don't tell him I think it might be this one right here okay go for it yeah yeah get him get him no you deserve that I knew it was this one from the start because this one has a weird like glowing pattern to it well that's just because I didn't put it correctly well nice let's do it Louie I'm gonna go first okay I'm so excited to see what it's gonna be like oh it's so fast oh you're way behind I don't even see you guys oh no don't shoot me ah you yes I'm gonna shoot you again oh yeah what if he just overtook me ow wait he just landed on my minecart in the pool so he died that's Karma okay I'm not gonna land that water because that was bad idea Lily you silly boy oh look crazy his Minecart's on top of mine and like his head his little head is there in the water okay where'd we go from here up this parkour right here yeah okay I love this type of Park well I'm super good at it look at that oh no I'm not very good at this come on Louie you've got this these jobs are so hard oh no I messed up I didn't realize we were supposed to go up here but it's fine because as long as you guys landed on there it should be okay where to next I'm confused come on do you not see the Secret Door what about you Louie I can't really see anything Lily there's some concrete it looks weird no way you found it yeah wait lucky blocks are we supposed to break these yep you guys need to break it to the end without dying in order to get to the Next Room Jamesy do you want to take it one at a time yeah ask her to say that too you read my mind let's take turns I'll go first okay oh that's not that bad you go here we go but yeah pumpkins I guess you can fix some Golems out of those all right next one oh what a Lucky Sword no way you can have it thank you okay I'll go next ah golden tools are these Lucky Blocks or unlucky blocks these are just normal ones so you should get an equal chance what I got hero shovel oh my gosh you're so lucky I can now hit you with a hub real buddy don't worry Jamesy I'll kill it oh wow those are scary those killer Brothers do a ton of damage what's this some sort of Rubik's Cube well well puzzle in order to get the button to open up this iron door you guys need to complete that puzzle wait but how are we gonna complete it there's no blocks here there's a dispenser the dispenser is for the SE for the button that you guys this guy but you don't have the clocks yet you need to find it in a secret chest okay Louie let's look for a secret trust somewhere it must be around here maybe we need to look for an odd block yeah that's what I'm doing I'm going back to the previous room maybe it's in here okay I'll keep looking in here I don't think it's in the previous room okay never mind it wasn't in the previous room I found it how did you do that well I thought it was an odd block and okay let's get each other's favorite colors I'm gonna get orange yellow and blue well then I'll take red green and purple okay let's fill up in our colors and blue right there blue right there orange oh I misplaced uh do you pick X hey don't worry we got some golden pickaxes from the lucky blocks before break it for me take a look it's right there oh okay I'm gonna go boing uh yellow right there yellow right there and a blue and a yellow and that's all my colors you need to do your purple now I've just gotta fill in these bits of purple here and we're done yep now you guys get this button I caught it I caught it okay let's go open that door I'm opening it ah off the elevator whoa oh a question room what is aphmau's favorite color oh this should be easy Louie well I watch a lot of aphmau so I would know that it's purple so what are our options purple yellow pink or blue you think it's purple it's obviously pink well we'll just have to see all right let's take off our armor and walk through the lava okay here we go wait I was wrong yes I told you I was right I thought it was pink well you should have listened to me Jamesy because you know I watch aphmau oh I watch aphmau as well but whatever okay subscriber of the day hmm if you guys didn't know subscribe to the day someone who subscribes to both me and Gracie comments on every video and likes every video as well okay Louis who do we think it might be so we've got my blank fun our box that's a long name Joseph Linda or Yash hmm well I do like cash so I think I think it is my black funnel box Gracie went type that name out which is so long if it wasn't the real answer true well you guys both have the shoe at the same time fire nothing happened that must be incorrect okay let's both move in one ready okay let's do it three two one of Boom wait none of them are subscribe for today no you guys are both wrong they're all subscribers of the day oh what we can't have four subscribers of the day can't you guys have to find this eggness though get out of here he's a massive Shield it's fine Jamesy don't worry I've got this lightning sword lightning sword oh no I forgot remember James hey we still have those God apples yeah I know okay Louie we have an advantage here one of us can distract him while the other does the damage well I think my lightning sword is strong enough to defeat it uh well he's not his blue face or thing again okay come on kill it kill it I'm killing him uh wait I might hit him with my lucky sword that should do some post effects to him I'm doing a ton of damage just stay alive oh never mind you're dead come back I need your help Louie I can't defeat him alone stay away oh my God I just imagine there's a lot of damage he's getting low now I see a fish him off yes we got him uh whoa that was scary wasn't it cool yeah it was scary uh is that the end of your build that's the end of my build now it's time to go try your guyses yep let's go okay great see this is our first build have a look it's our Pixar nabnam what yep it's a pigster shape but with a knob not mouth and a tongue and he has three eyes and don't forget it looks so cool okay though Gracie you have to find a way in yeah we made this extra hard Louis should you help her out I don't think I should I think it'll be too easy to find out okay let's just watch Gracie play then well am I supposed to like jump in there or something oh you could try but those stores are super tricky to fit in you have to be a parkour Pro baby I told you this trap would be amazing I thought it'd be easy but yeah I forgot Gracie's bat jumping why am I supposed to actually jump through there it's gonna be impossible for me yeah there is a different way don't worry oh I'm dead Gracie maybe you should look around yeah you can see how about look around before you pick the door you want to jump through okay I'm gonna look around wait a second this one's thinner than the rest yep it is indeed why do you try jumping through that one I can't believe okay Gracie come on through let's do this well done Gracie first try wow I'm gonna yep you're now in his tongue but did you know that nabla has poisonous saliva um now I do I guess she didn't James Z can you make your way up his tongue Without Dying Three Times well I'll try not to I've already died once which isn't good oh and he also has a title like a tiger which is really spiky yeah that's kind of like a cat as well cats have spiky tongues if you didn't know oh careful don't fall in the saliva yeah we made sure to make his tongue extra slimy she literally fell off right at the end that's such a greasy move oh well I should be fine now right there better not be any ghost blocks I'm saying we're now entering NAB nab's mouth well we're in his mouth that's scary yep and you had to see this parkour okay that's easy whoa that was a little bit risky there you have to decide which way you want to go Gracie okay left I told you this would do it Jamesy you now have to just realize which blocks you need to jump to Gracie You Can't Jump the left one yep that one was a ghost block so now I'm gonna jump to the other one boom easy peasy there we go one of these cake as well right yep I'm gonna do this one yeah yes no way I told you that was a good idea Louis Jamesy that was so smart of you now she's a jump all the way over there that's kind of far but I think I should be fine oh next time babe ew I'm fine how many eyes does our Pig dab have the best two answers one on the left and one the right there's no way you'll know unless you go and check so there's four and and there's six well I think I know the answer do you want to go all the way back in parkour all the way down and go all the way down his tongue to go check no of course of course not okay well then what's the answer okay well I know you said that he had three eyes at least so we could copy NAB NAB but because he has one at the top and one at the bottom so the answer can't be four it has to be six no way are you serious let's catch up to this you must have jumped Gracie no way let's try that again maybe come from the right angle this time yeah there we go what it's wrong wait a second there's a pig block there how did you notice so fast um what does that pink block tell you Gracie there must be a barrier block where that is oh wow that was smart but she won't make this jump that wasn't that hard guys not to worry Louis we still have two more difficult bills for her to get through absolutely Jamesy all right let's go to our next build come on let's go okay Gracie and have a look at this build yeah so he has like the Stinger Flynn tentacles but they're red and there is a massive cash head on the top yep and here's has one eye just like Stinger Flynn yes sir that's a that's amazing now how do I get inside let's just go through the bottom down here okay Gracie you're gonna really struggle with this I think yeah I think this is almost impossible let's give this a go this shouldn't be that difficult all I have to do is jump over the lasers okay but try jumping over this one hun can I touch under no no maybe I'll just have to run through it but my Armor's not good enough to do that yeah give it a go you'd have a no yeah she didn't make it Louie James you made this first part way too deadly that's the point okay Gracie maybe think outside the box well there's some diamonds here but I think that's just a prize at the end Maybe they don't mean to go past these lasers so there must be another huh why is there an orange block here oh wait you should have got free of that uh it was a misplace oh no I just okay you've made it past the hard lasers Grace but there's still a few more defenses it's okay I'll just jump over them careful take your time yeah I will go slowly these spikes are really deadly as well okay then you gotta run past this one fat is it blowing me well what do you mean it's not blowing you you're not in front of it you have to be starting to get the spikes to test it should have the balls to step in the spikes to see if the fan works oh no Jamesy I thought we made this really difficult how did she already find the chest it's okay she can have the loot what did you get Gracie well look at what I got look at this you're so pretty I know I am okay Gracie now step in there James you added those spikes and it didn't even work no no so now I know that their names are probably important there's five seven nine and one three okay let's try that I got five seven nine and one three okay so you think the code is five seven nine one three yeah do it go this is gonna be so funny Jamesy she's gonna put it in wrong I know she's so dumb it didn't work maybe use your brain a little bit babe one three three seven nine oh how did she figure that out okay let's send it to the last build she won't think of this one come on this one's gonna be extra difficult okay Gracie what do you think of our next build this is slow aphmau or you can also call it snail Mal snap oh that's amazing but how did you build this so quickly in 10 minutes oh yeah I forgot about that part uh we just worked together didn't we Louie yeah we are really good Builders when we put our minds together exactly that's really not fair I wish my boat looked as good as this yeah I do too otherwise I wouldn't be so okay but you have to now take which one your favorite painting is okay go go inside okay it must be the piggy one yeah it is the piggy one we both like that one more Jamesy that was a really good secret entrance yep but she's not through yet she's got a dead end it must be some ghost blocks or something close it doesn't look like she's gonna figure this one out yeah as long as she doesn't come towards you Louis we'll be fine what is she playing at oh no I'm gonna come towards you Louie wait no no no you're not supposed to come over here don't come over here what do I do tell me now tell me now I found it uh oh she figured it out but now she's gonna fight these Diamond Golems they're very pretty aren't they they're really pretty but they do hey look at me Jamesy I'm Gracie you look stupid get it because she doesn't know how to fix this okay well you have to kill these Golems first fine I'm gonna kill them and then I'll show you who's boss okay you killed one now just four more they are super strong so I think four of them might be a bit Overkill still hopefully this Golem over here doesn't give it away Louis yeah he's making it too easy wait is there something over here there's nothing over there don't worry just kill the Golems wait what's this block there oh that's just part of our slow-mow there's one of them left no no Jamesy the diamond golem might hit her into the ladders oh no no no no no no she's getting too close no no no way I found it oh no okay guys have a look at this we have three different places to aim and three targets each who'd have shot me ow not me I got one heart left oh Dodge the arrows oh you killed Louis were you aiming for me okay three two one go oh I need to hit mine come on no I'm gonna win it's super tricky oh I hit my first one yes come on come on come on and my second one no it's in my mind last how are you doing is all so good at this Gracie if you don't hit any yet I won I wanna heal free look look this is the scissors got Louis get second place come on I'm so cool stating the second one yes now the third oh yeah yep you did Louie well done you've got the second place Gracie you came last you didn't hit any one can have a look what happened let's see how you missed what what the barrier ah you would have hit them if they wasn't there [Music] oh that was funny I like embarrassing Grace anyway should we get to the next room come on let's go okay if there's a next room we're gonna test your intelligence Gracie all right how many how many friends does aphmau have well if you are smart you should know this off by heart yeah and you'll never know well do we no fan but I'm in even bigger aphmau fan and I know it's this one ha ha but this next question this does requires you to be an absolute genius regards the bam bam what species is firstly don't you guys do go to the bad bad is my favorite game and I know the answer to this one too okay well explain the answer what do you even know what that is uh like uranium no way fancy how did how did she know that I didn't even know that I didn't know that no that's like Googled it okay Louis I think we have to give her the one oh no way but at least I might have won the painting contest uh we'll see in the comments down below okay well if you guys enjoyed this video please like the video subscribe and leave a comment down below and don't forget to watch the next video on your screen bye bye bye bye guys
Channel: Jamesy
Views: 1,972,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jamsey, Gracie, Jamesy and Gracie, Jamesey, Jamesie, Jamesy Minecraft, Jamesy, Minecraft roleplay, Minecraft building, Build battle, Minecraft mutant mobs, Minecrafft theme park, Nico and cash, Cash, Nico, maizen, maizen build battle, Wiederdude, MongoTv, Smirky, JJ and Mikey, House Build challange, Maize, Aphmau, Jamey, James C, Gracey, Louie, Loey
Id: u5G6DfbaHjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 14sec (3374 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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