I changed my Roblox NAME to THEIRS and COPIED THEIR OUTFIT...

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all right so you see this new account you see all this money on them it can only need one thing it could mean a lot of things I waste a lot of money on a lot of random accounts but it could only mean this thing right now all right so uh okay so I'm doing that thing where I ruin people's lives you know how I do that okay so look at this guy right here soul eater five five six intimidating man he's promoting a group I have multiple military boobs I've been a part of in the past I'm looking for a new promising group I could prosper in so I'll take his name look Soul Eater five five six you know what imma be soul eater five five six so okay so you know the L in capital i capital i look pretty much exactly the same l capitalized so what I'm gonna do is soul eater five five six no I am lost in life and I don't know it still I almost had you I almost ruined your life so I think what he did he was too smart for me I think he actually made an account with the I in it just so nobody could like harass him it's very fair play on his end yeah he definitely made that don't worry not everybody is that smart so what I was gonna do is I wish is gonna you know I was gonna stand right here as the new soul eater five five six and say hey guys I just random stuff to embarrass him noob you have no idea what I was about to do to you buddy noob what the he just an island he just sent me away all right British army not right who can I good day lad bad day actually dog died my deepest condolences sir this guy's so nice I don't want to do it Tommy's through nice oh so I'm actually blocked from the skies group now I feel so betrayed so badly do I wanna oh I'm sorry to hear okay this guy's being rude okay I'm just trying through the prank right now I feel bad because I didn't actually happen oh my god I know how you feel why I didn't mean to I didn't mean to I'm leaving I'm leaving I'm leaving I'm gonna come back okay so what I'm trying to do is I'm gonna change my name to somebody's and then I'm going to steal their whole entire look I'm gonna dress exactly like them and gonna mention any I'm not gonna make people feel bad for me because then they're actually gonna be really ice people and they're gonna I'm I feel really bad that guy was no both of those guys were really nice it's so bad okay so this guy over here a soul eater five five six he's still here obviously I can't steal his name cuz he was too smart but what I don't think he was smart enough to realize is somebody he was just talking to you for like five to ten minutes I'm here wait one sec so uh ignore me over here I said hey fart here go eat some farts XD just being really annoying um this guy is actually a staff member here mine of ice one two three he is not in the game anymore obviously there's not really like a there's not much I can do with his name but what I can do so mine of ice I'll actually have to buy premium to make this more realistic this guy has about three thousand robots worth of items on right now this is gonna be an expensive one but I'm willing to do it so uh they were talking about like joining each other's group for like probably about ten minutes so I want to go over here dressed up as the other guy it just make the other guy look terrible after I said hey for eater go eat some farts this guy like pointed a gun at me yeah I think he's like a staff member here but look I'm looking through the pluralist I don't think he's here anymore yeah so that actually works out perfectly for me yeah so I can't like that's a lowercase I so I can't turn that into L but what I can do so this this looks like the ice is I capitalized you know mine of ice capitalized you know capital I looks like that lowercase L it looks like that so I'm gonna I hope that makes sense hey this look looks close enough to his name so what I'm gonna do is hover to buy this for three thousand row bucks I'm gonna buy his pants by his shirt by this then change my name and hopefully he falls for this imma if he doesn't this is just a really expensive fail oh my god this is so expensive this is almost 5000 robots just for one person so I'm gonna come up to and be like hey we talk for like 10 minutes earlier I actually think you're just a piece of trash and I actually don't want you in my you know I would be ashamed if you went anywhere near my group I'm just ruining them like they probably built kind of a friendship um oh wait I got my premium got my premium just to make it look more convincing cuz who would actually do this right he probably won't question this right all right I have purchased premium and I will make sure to actually cancel this because pretty much every single time I do this I forget to cancel it and then I end up losing a lot of money over the next year or two that I am paying for it for no reason okay this looks pretty realistic this looks pretty convincing I hope he doesn't like see me in game yeah no he's he's not in the game anymore this is perfect all right I'm gonna try this I'm so nervous hello we talked a bit earlier have a new offer for you all right so we're talking for a bit I'm comes in conclusion I'm gonna conclude your big fart eater XD fart eater eat farts big fart eater have a good day I'm just crushing it you thought I really wanted you in my group are you kidding me what a joke you're a joke bud no acting childish I simply said I'm not interested you know after the conversation we had I thought you'd be more blank mature you're being childish oh yeah this guy like shut down though this guy wanted to recruit him into a group and it just didn't work out you know they had different visions you all have you been from here I'm pretty sure that guy was like a like a staff member go ahead reasoning none leave because I can all right don't worry I'll I'll tell them that this is all just a misunderstanding you are some random joke of a kid you know he has a good point what is this argument about Ivan the thing is soul eaters handling it I would be way more mad if I had like a good conversation with someone and they just randomly came back and started like making fun of me obviously don't send any hate anyone's way um literally that guy's actually handling it so well a friend request to the actual mine of ice one two three alright so I really wanted to get in contact with the real mine of ice one two three to kind of explain to him what's going on so I followed one of his friends to this place so I friended him and I said to him can you get me the contact of mine of ice one two three it's a different player than me I need to speak with to him it's important this is serious we're different okay so my advice come back to the group recruitment Plaza it's extremely important so hopefully he comes back it's just like this II my brain hurts he's kept wondering like why I'm him but why I also had to name as him but he's different than me just to my vices on his friends list now hmm you again what are you doing on my turf soul eater I have told you my conclusion well soul eater you choosing to not join my group that the other soul or the whole other might advice when do you join it's not good enough for me see I'm doing my advice a favor by nicely asking this guy to do whatever I tell him to do and you know what your opinion just wasn't good enough for me I'm trying to keep this guy waiting here so I can get the other mind advice here he's just he's like I keep tell him you make me mad man he's like you know restraint is a good thing to learn in life like this guy's just really being nice he's probably very confused maybe a little bit hurt about having a nice conversation they all just coming crashing down hate to admit it I have spent probably the past half an hour of my life just waiting for this guy to join a game that has a badge so I can stalk him because I have been spamming his group chat because I added his friend and his friend stopped responding to me it's been a lot of time invested in this and now he is offline now I won't be able to explain to him like and now Soul Eater has gone like he's not responding so I may have accidentally ruined this guy's reputation mine of ice hey my device if you're watching this video I'm so sorry I will never do it again not to you at least yeah probably last like 45 minutes um have been spent just dedicated to you know trying to stalk where this guy is like we couldn't find him me and temper tempers helped me out a lot of harassing his friend he's trying to figure out where I'm just saying that's basically my apology video now I'm on to the next person and then I will have another apology if I can't fix my damage that I've caused look at this innocent little guy WWE Tyler 23 your life is gonna be terrible after I'm done with you this is going to be your reality I'm going to be you so I had to give up on the mine of ice saga because it's haha that's for him I was just watching this kids every single move for like an hour 30 to 45 minutes I keep changing the time high name stealer whose person is really confused Tyler you've been harassing me for a while can you please leave me alone what's going on inside that little peanut brain I haven't did you ever think that they were yourself a family member or a friend you just came up to me why your name is mine huh because they're trolling you she believes me why would they do that you clothed me you could block them and unfriend them and make it so only friends can join you ha ha ha you're right or up your settings that no one can join you may be free of this dude as a friend you know what thanks for all the help what is this this guy so my name my name oh I was eyeing him this guy is very confused understandably I would probably be very very confused by his log off roblox for a week if someone do this to me it when I was a kid can I cut you a deal man you sob music name and name the and name then me did that all he probably thinks she's just having like a bad dream right now or something like that look at that just dead stare that's my username the name the ant named the a name huh name alright so um change your name so I look of course I had to just find every detail about this guy so I went through his groups WWE Tyler 23 so I scrolled all the way through all those groups and I see oh he's in roblox his myths so I'm getting on the leader of it because I'm good friends and casdim they just give him a thousand robots spies name change so he's gonna get a thousand robots now to change his username so hey we did one good thing you change it you change it you have enough money to do it I love how this girl's actually like giving me advice on how to deal with this okay okay I just got the so yeah I asked Asda mob yeah does arm have one can't group funds I'll play it back just give this guy 1k right now say he just did it Tyler I gave you one Cairo bucks just check euro box now I be back alright he's back he's back he's back he just left you to go check his roebucks look now you have roebucks okay I check it you didn't have to do that the weirdest day of his like online life right now all right have fun Schwinn thank you there Oh we kind of did some damage accidentally the everyone kind of logged off before I could repair it and I'm still I'm gonna log back into this account tomorrow and I'ma see if I can clear it up with mine of ice the the things I have done to his reputation and maybe the other guy I can clear it up with till but hey at least we did something good in this world we impersonated someone then gave him money it maybe balances out somewhere let me know if you want me to do this again I just like going to the group recruitment Plaza because it's like it's a very serious place oh and if you're in the Flamingo group you're actually completely banned here so I it took me a while to remember that again yeah let me know any other name stealing thing you want me to do
Channel: Flamingo
Views: 13,730,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ROBLOX, Roblox albert, Roblox flamingo, Flamingo, Roblox troll, Roblox prank, Troll
Id: toF3p2OWRHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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