I pretended to be a Roblox SCAM BOT... and get voted off

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uh scam BOTS everybody loves them everybody wants to go to their website and get free robux so let's see what happens when the scam BOTS become too powerful and can actually compete against you let's send our message out there go to cash dot gg to redeem your robots prize I mean get prize 9 3 2 1 he is get prize 1 9 3 3 the ultimate scam bought usernames but yeah way let's go like back to back click the bold font and click white okay I got that I'm gonna stand around aimlessly looking like I have no brain so that they start we tested out cache GG and it says it goes to like some bank or something like that we all miss out China dot GG and something weird happened this guy's about to call me out okay look we got our first customer here's China dot GG I don't know what happened with it but this is China poop off I want to so badly be like hey shut up duo's click goes good to always because we could do all then we won't get voted off as easily duo's yeah have to find a partner I hated doing that in class because I would have a nobody but now I have somebody hey I sent your request me yes oh oh I almost actually accepted somebody else's okay oh my god I got wait so someone trying to team up with get prize yeah I'm like who wanted to team up with me so I told you - uh I wish I could tell them to also shut up but I can go to cash da Gigi I can't wait till what we actually start like dominating like the tournament right we gotta try as hard as we're just the best scam but they've ever seen let's try to get elected both of us just like walk yeah like walk around like try to have like robotic movement like just like does every once a while you just walk into couch you white I don't understand no shut up your same things dude wait we had that we had actually okay we have to shoot though you know wild revolvers is exactly like it I loved game actually wait somebody wants to trade no wait really with you they probably just want my get prize they probably my prize go to cash dodgy D all right wait oh god oh my god I hate this okay it doesn't matter you just have to come out alive okay alright I killed a couple people got one you're really dominating if you can like oh god oh god there's people on the roof dude it's another of this people on the roof I got killed no I'm the worst I believe in you Oh hit her I hit her I hit her oh god it's another one oh no oh god oh god oh god oh god okay I'm gonna let them fight her Melissa fight get prize go commit get a prize stop stop Oh someone's from she's attacking from above she's in the sky how there's a little ladder on the side on the left side of the map she's up there if you want to go get her oh god okay I killed one good job I see somebody up there yeah she's aiming for you there I got him is that blonde girl the only one left she's the last one left scam for seconds what she wanted I feel like 10 people you got you guys better go to Casa GE to redeem your robots prize alright I might check out cash GG okay we kind of ran through a bunch of websites to make sure they don't leave that anything like terrible like an actual scam this actually sucks because I unicorn just hid the whole entire time and I killed multiple people yeah basically you dominated but then it was like oh is that gift prize he's just a scam bot and then like always it gave me a scam bots and straw yeah that's right you're not actually they're just judging a book by it's cover we're just spamming you had to tape one vote for McFlurry is one step closer to world domination apparently I need a dhimmi there's another thing that's on one side the first do all nama is oh not us not us that's bad if we get nominated dummy oh yes we didn't she nominate us who she knows we're good competitors she has once a good competition oh we both at the same time we should always say at the same time so it looks like a real like scheduled bond right update on what's happening Caden isn't a challenge and I am NOT and somebody told us to shut up I am victory and you are getting the prizes it's the one where you gotta get prize and bring it back that's right she's made for us they can't find a prize both times I was the first person to find it feel lucky we are get prize right Kayden's going up against that girl who beat me in the gun fight somehow so Caden better win you better get that prize no my job depends on this all right have you found the prize I got the prize it's brown square yes that's right and this is what you get for crossing get prize I better say my catchphrase oh go to Kashi jeez wait let's like get in someone's face and then like tell them was that him jakey jakey jakey seven zero zero one hair get really close amen damn you're free robux prize did you hear jakey you can go to cash touch eg to redeem your free robux price you wanna know how I got these four bucks okay wait I have the ability to pick a person who will no longer be a nomination I pick McFlurry Orca kony welcome pony does not exist it seems like oops I didn't click on anyone Lori it is then okay yes I'm up here do not say that let's just say the most romantic thing in the world go do cash GI for Christmas is I want to find out how to get to cash thought GG to redeem my free Rolex prize look at this guy who's slightly shorter than us ha ha ha ha what he's coming out of his legs go wait vote for Mike Florio who's COO Connick doesn't like noobs Oh or no way could Carnac already left so be pointless okay Oh God it's got one of us now no Owen everybody the house leader cuz it's survivor if people have a tie it just randomly chooses someone oh really oh my god I literally almost started typing though in the chat oh look at that man COO Konig look how sad he looks he's leaving sad there is right there I see him I'm gonna cash that DG maybe that's where he's going what if one is you actually laughter like they're like why am I even here hey unicorn I got a suggestion for you what could it be I'm really gonna scream another right now boy we said no this one sucks you got to find this shape and I'm really bad at shape so Yanks wait we have an advantage because we have two people on a team who can who can do it for Church shapes drop Circle go drop that circle Oh God star no I want this I want this door hexagon alright that somebody else said that I was like what okay yeah no I like having so much trouble finding the shapes I don't know where they hide them usually oh wait this rap is like kind of big way that could be like over here or something don't wait don't go to the same place go okay well I there's a store where I am right now I need a hexagon or wait there's one over here what's it wait is that an octagon or a hexagon I found it doesn't matter we're probably gonna get evicted somebody said poop oh please put them up please the first to water my banana guys let me just put out my advertisement real quick no how could happen to us damn arises how unexpected the second duel nominating is York oh we're gonna there they are trash at this here you don't work only one you beat unicorn already and I all right we should have a message prepared base my wrath no way go get go redeem prize like good look at look at this arm and arm right now all right oh this is gonna be easy so okay so you it's like a risk-taking game try to cross the bridge and hit the button at the end so it's like a hobby but if you keep doing the aah be you like I know it's hard to explain just breathe the things hitting the button will increase your tally then you go back you hit the button again but if you fall you lose all of your things so it's like if you get three you could take a risk and get four but if you fall you'll be back to zero okay yeah I get you I'm good at this oh I thought I was but apparently I'm not cuz I'm did you fall no no I almost did though she fell already OOP alright I'm at two I might stop it like I might stop right now alright zero zero oh god you record as - oh no I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life I hate it I have to as well oh no wait was that you would tours at unicorn or - I just got - oh god no oh god no alright for oh god you recording at three I didn't know she was that the powerhouse of this game she she has four I hate her I am sweating oh my God if we yes I self good job dude let me take this opportunity ha ha now you have to go get a prize unicorn is beating through my chester no wait let's harass unicorn by just spamming it endlessly interface okay it's just like robots right should we start to be subtle like you wave or something at them yeah that'd be creepy face wait welcome to save me ceremony hmm who should I nominate for safety go go get a prize for all I care alright that means somebody else is gonna get bored off to save my do oh wait look a wave you just got saved that you waves okay oh you're even dancing the dance I do whenever I get a prize which happens often all right where is she let's go scream in her ear unicorn where are you ah we can't go in the pool because one wall that's you're cute whoa Marco vs. Rebecca oh the ultimate battle we've all been waiting for all right each player will cast a vote Marco hasn't said a word I might have to get rid of them yeah goodbye Marco it's been nice wait it's just Marco yeah whatever you're dead goodbye Marco wait unicorn that's unicorns boyfriend she said no me in the chat I don't know where she is to this or maybe she means not me unicorn Rebecca oh you're okay you are safe I am surprised Marco you have been affected all right go get a prize you're not playing the game anymore it's like a spamming die on the brothers like now I kind of want to get voted off so you say oh these are my friends list I'm gonna I'm gonna pee I'm gonna private message me probably hey go get a prize now you win a prize just privately messaging of that dude he probably feels really special having you do that welcome to bop bop oh this way is dodge the bomb bamboozled like it's a bomb get the prize the bomb get the prize you're right no you're right dude you make good points when you said that in the chat I just I thought it it came to mind I said it I felt good about it okay we got one we got oh oh yeah no dodged the bomb and you can get like kicking that people look you're a corn dude what's it okay nice we got to ceiling I push it to her oh this is cool literally hit me but it didn't move me that much watch out watch how this prize is falling from the sky aah Oh God he literally hit me but didn't like yeah how did you not die no idea because it favors you this game favors you oh my god yes you got what you literally there's no one I'm sorry I caused you to fall by being myself this is your fault I know it's okay hi they're having different conversations with each other unicorn wine no do we shirt have voting them out we saved them though so maybe they'll pity us good job good job good job good job oh wait two players or two teams oh god what is it where they put us against each other no no the first one I'm not meeting is Rebecca her teammate teammate oh man they didn't get along oh it's not us it's the leader you're gonna put both get prizes against each other unicorn has no sense of loyalty her teammate and one of her friends that told her it okay and then the to scam boss she's like Dickens day those guys good people I heard of that before this company is called EFA's I know him now I almost had em now in the chat and that would have ruined it they would have kicked us out by said am now if you bring back the wrong item you're also out wait what's the right item I think it'll tell us the sooner we start I think it changes Oh II fuzz is safe backwards oh look at that nice spring back in a tree bottle and don't be less all right I got rib a Boomer hmm ate fruit bags and Mandy for me please I made it already first I'm literally gonna be first reminds me you should go to cash Gigi to redeem your roebucks prize I'm gonna be so mad of some idiot roblox youtuber like makes that like a free robux website yeah that would be that would be really an upsetting if I would delete them that sounds like a threat maybe say right now I didn't mean that sorry no die can I pick it up I don't know if I picked it up I think you did because it should say drops oh no I didn't I didn't I didn't I didn't so okay why I'm safe at least so I can save you maybe oh my god dude there's numb up there's literally oh you have to win okay I got this I hope I got this I'm gonna say this for my brother bring back Red Frog and don't be last more like bring back Red Frog you're really fast roll you're not fast oh you're right I'm not too great there you go yeah I'm gonna bring back a dead frog instead of a Red Frog Frank oh god this sucks dude I don't know if we're gonna win I got this hi bro probe didn't bring back an item he doesn't get a prize hey frog you're right you're right Here I am ah this one right here nice thank you it's nice of you all right bottle let's do this you're like directly ahead slightly to your right you have an advantage you have an advantage you have an event yes yeah I am winner get a prize yeah yes that was scary my heart is beating through my chest that was that was really I didn't give him price by giving them knowledge on how to get a prize it's like you give a man a fish he eats for a day you teach a man to fish you teach a man a fish who and who it ran out of time so I just choose Oh hi bro oh you use safety on Rebecca it only gave me the option to choose Rebecca or the other guy oh now you gotta choose someone else look back over is unicorn all put bacon boy yeah okay thank you I I don't like him man pull up get it prize wait I actually didn't even choose that I don't know why it went through with it that means it could have wait he told you to put up me haha go get a prize for all I care buddy yeah get a prize wait why didn't I get to put the person up I won the prize you stupid well I am voting for him now dude this is a bad idea he's trying to act unbothered about not getting a prize right he's like yeah get me out please half an hour to lose oh it's unanimous to do you mean unanimous yeah unanimous sorry unicorn you are never safe on this earth after this game nobody on earth is safe there's a dangerous world we live in all right Katie this is this one's easy so you got to touch the tiles but we we have to go our separate ways so we can just cover their tiles so it's like splatoon but just with your feet yeah he keeps putting sad faces your sadness won't save you that's right go to your cake the right side you take the right side okay okay yeah got you as the contest leader I get to kill this guy cuz he put a sad face but he actually has a happy face is your name so he's disgusting liar ha ha take him out and Rebecca um more like yep wait you're at risk Katie you're at risk currently I am yeah Oh No somebody just messaged me go to Kash GG to redeem your roebucks wait actually who yeah Tobias if only he message that to me I would have saved him he could have been saved told why I said go to cash don't so he is definitely at the most at risk right now oh wait we can all do this wait what do we do stare at the screen and then remember what it says in the frosting butter sugar frosting father sugar wait wow really it was shown two or more time none none butter none yeah easy we got two people for this so we're gonna get the prize no I'm really bad at this rat Rebecca haha you like smell Becca salt eggs frosting eggs salt eggs frosting that sounds like a good thing salt eggs and frosting yes oh wow okay cool he died and put a sad face Amelie frosting sugar eggs eggs eggs which ingredient is not shown spice wait wait big idea first ah I think you did too I did it no butter salt butter butter dough salt frosting I don't know frosting it's but I did it first yes you did because I am a lesser person than you oh it's just gonna keep going bronzing Monroe sings butter butter salt sugar frosting butter dough whoever does the best gasps window which agreed he was not shown it none not that actually was my fault well you better vote good not bad congratulations no winning I didn't actually say that you're just insane did that wait wait why would you use safety now I'm at rest it said which nominee would you like to wait what the person you pick will be at risk of eviction wait I have to choose you now that doesn't make sense I'm so confused I don't think I'm playing this correctly no I think it's broken cries okay that works out you're sitting on them I have no idea what's going on right here wait so I'm house leader so I I have the ultimate choice oh okay time so you're probably gonna lose but I can kill Rebecca with my fists okay by a vote of one to zero no Rebecca what Oh what's gonna happen yes not you goodbye Rebecca die die die die he said okay to die you fools will die in fiery pain they hated oh the problem made to the final part of the game final house I've actually never made it this far I don't think I don't know if I have either you will then have to decide who to a bit now it's like the boss fight it's like Tobias versus the secretly revealed real people that aren't BOTS yeah oh it's street shooters let's just team up on him he keeps saying em now what does that mean your secrets Tobias what are you hiding from us he's the real mysterious one he is he's a myth I am now oh he doesn't run out to him kill him in cold blood okay I hit him twice already alright let me do this like really I quietly wait okay I love you well I've always worked please I want to get a prize no I got the ultimate prize yeah hey Tobias so Tobias died to forget prizes mighty wrath cadence get prizes around stay on the wall as long as you can oh this one's hard I'm actually gonna try you better too okay I'll try my best I won't try that hard I'm scared and now I'm just teasing competition here oh yeah why is he saying it yeah he won't stop saying oh maybe it's cuz we're spamming and so he's like I'll say something too that's like what he comes up with he won't stop maybe he say he's going to the website always okay now why would you spell all right which one of these and which one of you am I gonna kick out hmm hard decision with my soul vote I to move it it's time for you to go fight like he's a punk the biggest twist I love the people who like play survivor eviction notice and they won't say a word up into the last moment whether getting farted out you're like oh yeah screaming as they leave clinging to the staircase letting them be dragged out welcome to finale where is he it's just you okay look it's me over here where is he vote for him okay he sent a private message to me saying AM curse word then said oh he won't vote make him win make make him win cuz he came up with something really good at me said am now that's all the lot of the world's problems alright since he's such a good person I'll vote for him get prize remember hi bro PO the winner of eviction notice - hi bro foe and now oh he's he promised me saying mag I don't know what it means nobody said it where is he I don't know he's just he's gone he's he's like one of those famous and he's like too famous for this now after the whole am now thing he doesn't even show up to his own awards ceremony he didn't want to get like flooded by all the fans in the in the audience I mean there's a lot it's a packed house it's not a seat that's not filled man well guys make sure to make sure to comment if you are feeling that way as well also cache GG isn't a real website don't go to Robox websites because the old m now
Channel: Flamingo
Views: 15,760,081
Rating: 4.8947644 out of 5
Keywords: ROBLOX, Roblox Flamingo, Flamingo, Roblox survivor, Roblox eviction notice, Roblox albert, Roblox funny, Roblox funny moments, Roblox voted off
Id: 5XIbCDo1yo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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