Changing my ROBLOX name to theirs to get them VOTED OUT...

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okay there's gonna take a second of explaining and I'm not really sure where to do this um do I do it at eviction notice do I do it at Survivor I don't know so what I'm really trying to do is like so I have like 4,000 stop 4,000 robots on this brand-new account named um anyone I want to be anyone I want to be zero because I'm gonna be anyone I want to be so if I want to be beluga Trump - I would just quickly you know step on here while the games starting change my name to beluga Trump - and then just buy everything she's wearing but she just has the chill face on and that's way too expensive uh no but I want to like find someone who has money I want to find someone who has money and like has a name with like an L in it or a capital I because like Beluga Trump - obviously I can't change my name to be exactly her name but what I can do so I got a do my email for us but like Beluga Trump - I could change that L right there - a capital I and look but capital I do good Trump - it looks pretty much the same so people would like mistake it and then I could be like hey everyone vote for Beluga Trump - I hate her and then they wouldn't know which one to vote for you know what I mean so it's like I I could make a strict enemy with someone and really just ruin their entire life I got to verify this account for so does that make sense though cuz that's what I'm trying to do right now I want to do it to someone who has like robots though because like what if they get eliminated the first round or it's like or if we're playing survivor what if we get on different teams that's why I'm thinking like I like survivor a lot more but eviction notice it's like no not this not this random Russian game eviction notice would probably work easier because like eviction notice is like a big free-for-all where like everyone could just vote for anybody in this game but I like survivor so much I'll take my chances I'll drain a lot of money in this video all right God do this extremely fast uh it's Ruby I'll do it's Ruby double-oh-seven alright once I got to change the name really really fast I might have just messed it up no I'm too late I'm too late see this is why this is so difficult this is this is so so difficult I have to do it I'd like start the recorder then do it within like two seconds and then I have to make sure like it will work if we're not on the same team because survivor has two teams oh okay I see I'll just cut to like where I can actually get into someone's server okay all right I have found the perfect person totally squeaky and as you can see I have plenty of time to just alright just gonna change my name and the other thousand robux yup there we go alright just need to buy all of this this is probably gonna drain the rest of my money maybe actually no she's a good spender this is she's making it pretty easy for me obviously I'm just doing this for fun don't like a reach out to any of these people that'd be just weird and dumb and I would stop doing these if you guys did that Oh bro she's played this a lot too she has like a skin on her on the torch alright so just gonna do this gotta get all my new he's gonna be so confused I had to like put my height down as well I need to try to match her as good as possible I wish I could know like everything like her dimensions like her body okay wait there that should be good imagine like after all that she just leaves I would start crying alright one thing I'm kind of worried about so look there you can see that you clearly see that it's a capital I right there so I'm wondering would that make it too obvious or do I like should I name myself totally squeaky but change around the the E and a right there because sometimes people misspell squeaky with like a cute squ a e KY so that's like the big decision right now maybe people might just think that's a glitch cuz like nobody would ever do it like nobody in the real world would actually do this as somebody like spend 1000 of roblox on that alright it's starting hopefully she doesn't leave um and hopefully nobody else leaves teleport failed due to an unexpected error well everyone else is still here oh yeah wait I think because I changed my name okay Pearlie that guy got it too bro alright back to square one give me a second this is hard alright I'm just waiting for I changed my name already this somebody's name over there my name will be my name okay she literally just gave up the tea for me alright so 13 seconds left this is good this is good I'm just gonna swim around for a few more seconds so she doesn't notice alright alright I'm not cutting it any closer I'm gonna put my name like right here so it like merges in with everybody now I'm going to go I probably like a crazy person right now so excellently PI X 10x will be her name okay we got to work all right now I will buy everything that she has all right just give me all that okay got the jade necklace blue and then like this font right here she has oh my god I gotta change to what she has gotta get these maybe hurt I should team up alright just buying her face now and hopefully it'll update my look in a sec all right reset okay now it's just gonna show me exactly like her she left she left she left the game okay just as I started recording the person I was impersonating just left look as you see says quiet - oh my god I wasn't personating this person they literally just left back to the drawing board again yay I finally got someone okay so we have different names in-game like I'm ex FCB trainer she's xx evey trainer but she has like a different nickname than me cuz look she has viscose and I hope I didn't have enough time to type it out so I couldn't well I am right here and she's right there I wonder if she's just like really just trying to figure it out right now to see if it like it makes sense in her head who's just like look at her then look at me look at me I would be so mad if I was her all right one thing I got to do is buy this real quick the stylish animation pack that's the one thing I had I don't have a pers yet vote for the tribe leaders Eevee trainer look she's like directly looking at me now look she's like she was like that she went like that now she's looking are you for real she's in the jet this is all she said so far oh my lord vote me are you girl man oh my god fake Eevee trainer no I'm not fake thank you thank you for voting for me hashtag coffee Frankie me traitor no I'm real the view the real Evie traitor has visco and I hope my identity has been stolen don't pick her no they're all gonna vote me out if we lose I'm probably gonna get voted out so fast right now oh my lord I love how she got picked last no brother same team she got picked last but I got picked like before she did no because the real Evie trainer has an eye in trainer and fake a has J they're all actually all be nice I won't be mean hey guys it's me Evie Cherno let's all have a good win dive Joelle aghh alright I don't know what this one is they're probably her friend goose so confused especially because we're on the same team right now it took so long to get to this point she a fake whoo I'm just being natural me that's all just natural me you guys got this doing us our team because we probably do hey nice outfit visco I'm talking to the real Evie trainer I wonder if they're gonna like if they're gonna know who to vote out like whatever four friends accidentally vote the real one out like what if they just make a mistake everyone's made a mistake before this video is a mistake see I'm just standing here for a sec just to like extend my time you know like make people kind of mad at me how do I get it wait what was I supposed to do there I didn't read the instructions we're still winning though sorry someone is impersonating me and it's yeah fakie evb sorry so sorry no you're not more sorry than me so what is impersonating me it's really distracting me oh my lord you are such a fake who Evie do you mean Evie or Evie if only they knew a 22 year old man stop I'm literally I'm not doing anything at this point I stopped I'm just being natural me hello you really can't tell at first glance which one is which I really hope we win so I don't get voted out immediately oh now we're losing stop you guys over there stop it come on brothers let's win I'm trying to talk like the opposite of how she would probably talk I'm going up next okay I have to figure out what to do then I want to make it so like they want to vote me out but - good - vote out as y'all can see the real no no no no no we're not doing that anymore we're not doing that we're just having a good time going diving we're having fun and we're winning look 15 to 12 I really caught up on them oh god wait okay okay no way we're gonna win we're gonna win we're gonna render right it's not gonna be a tie we want good win guys who we really had a good win am i right am i right fellas - all my fellas out there am i right I would like to one day have a friend group as supportive as Evie trainers friend group but until then I just sit alone in my in my room making roblox videos mostly by myself this is identity theft it is and I shouldn't be doing it you're right I'm we're all on the same team here I'm not I'm not that great of a person so I don't know what this one is um but there talk about like oh who should we vote out next so I'm probably gonna be like hey let's all vote out Evie girl I think that's our Evie trainer I think that's a really good idea I think I should like I know I know her friends are all gonna vote for me but like I feel like if I tell everyone vote for Evie Trainor they might all just merge in and vote for the wrong Evie trainer you know what I mean cliques and piles to dig up things whatever I'm Evie trainer and I'm struggling watch as I struggle yes I am it says it right there on my nametag liar okay I might be a liar you all might be right you all might have really good reason you ain't you trainer because as a Jay in it know it has an L in it it was just a lowercase L it looks like a little curvy house like if you look at the chat looks like guys a little curvy and then so it kind of looks like a backwards Jay cool who should we vote out tonight Evie Trainor hey guys okay here guys guys guys here's why you should vote for the other BB Trainor a super Idol super Idol super Idol so whenever I spawn in like a secret super Idol I never know where it would spawn I'm assuming in the bushes but like bro how is anyone gonna find that they're gonna find that before I do so I just have to take such a gamble with this right now man I'm like not looking forward to this they're gonna vote me out board up the other Eevee trainer she had bad things it's like I don't want to say anything cuz I don't want them to like accidentally vote for me or I don't want them to like on purpose vote for me either well it's such a waste of money spending any roebucks in Survivor my gosh man just give me a super Idol I paid for it it's like a hundred fifty robux why would I pay for someone else to get it this is a tribal council everyone here will cast a vote eliminate challenge vote to eliminate someone and the person with the most votes will be eliminated good luck so let's sort out the fake EB trainer no vote out for doubt gerald vote EB trainer you submit your think know she's the fake no I got us multiple victories oh god they're all voting for me oh my god they're literally every single no I say that we should vote the fake and you said no vote for this one vote for the real EB trainer oh my god I hate how you can like so easily tell the difference with the names oh god man I should have been able to get her nickname I messed up bad I messed up real bad I messed up really really bad why could have any of the other ones word why'd that one girl have to leave I literally off camera fault her into another game and she left that one too you're a fake you copied me Coco I should have bought it for Coco I should oh no that was my vote that was my vote oh no no no no no no no no no Coco yes vote I should have voted for Coco now I might have just like yes oh that's the real one that's the real one and she has more votes than me Coco Midway jump over oh my god they voted for her Coco me accidentally voted for the real EB traitor instead of Mia literally her friends actually voted for the real one oh my gosh they actually I only got one vote Coco God for real Evy trainer got three three of them one of them was for me but like ro nobody should be on my side right now literally nobody I'm probably dead the next time around but whatever please brother pig Eevee whoever voted me is diet well well you're also diet coke oh oh that was a rush either I'm unhealthy errs that or that was really intense because my heart is racing right now a fly am i sorry my phallus has flies right now we're getting rid of them I'm genuinely in disbelief that three of them voted for the fake like three including me but like two other people she got three votes and she's the real one and I only got two and three of them hate me three of them are like friends and they want me out so that means like one of her friends had to accidentally have voted for her like the real one that would have been so tragic if she got actually fully voted out for that that genuinely would have been so sad if like her friends accidentally voting for the real one like when it like if that actually like went through so I kind of need us to lose right now because I want to see I want to see if they'll actually vote for her we were so close but you voted for the wrong one one of you did at least okay we're definitely gonna lose cuz they have two and we have zero and that's like that's pretty bad so I might like I might make us lose who knows what I might do wait there's nothing I can get I'm not sure what I should be doing in this position what do I do oh my god ours is glitched we're gonna lose look she has she brought a shell into the spawn it's glitch it absolutely glitz rot row could you pass that over to her your tribe lost the challenge I need to find that super Idol I need to find that super Idol really bad if I if I want to live I can feel my upcoming death so I'm just having a mental breakdown in the chat as you can see I'm just just really going in just really going in on the dance floor right now I deserve nothing in this world fry I had that I have darned alright I love vote for Johnny I want to see if her friends can actually get her kids like the goal of the goal isn't to get her kicks I'm not even I'm not gonna vote for her I'm gonna vote for Johnny she's johnny has been a little bit too silent this time around I'm not gonna try to get evey trying to get kicked off I'm gonna see if her friends will accidentally do it again I don't think we'll make that same mistake twice though but maybe they'll vote out Johnny I don't know first vote IVA traitor me Johnny that's probably my vote if we're being real why they boat her now stop that's two votes yeah I'm aware uh-oh two votes for why though no three third person no I hate everything I would have gotten away with it too that darn nickname you ruined my plans well I am doing the walk of shame I do deserve it I have caused a lot of chaos this time around more than usual I have accident knows you've been voted out yeah usually I leave before even I like usually rage quit before I even get to this part so hey I made it this far you reached halfway no I haven't let me know any other challenges I felt really bad because I think her friends accidentally almost boarded her out for no reason or I think people who wanted to vote me out for being an impostor accidentally voted her out too so it's like we're almost voted her I'm glad they didn't cuz that would have been too far but yeah let me know any other survivor challenges you guys want me to do
Channel: Flamingo
Views: 11,994,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ROBLOX, Roblox survivor, Roblox vote, Roblox voted out, Roblox eviction notice, Roblox flamingo, Flamingo, Roblox albert
Id: znMJ5Utk8oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2019
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