I became a TERRIBLE employee at Roblox target

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look I don't know if this is happening than just me oh hey if I made someone mad at roblox I am very sorry I'm not talking submarine robot zoom I'm talking about admin any admins I made angry I'm sorry alright check this out so to join my stupid group I had to flip animals look doll nanotube you took too much time oh I was speedrunning it look okay I'm going real fast for now look alright there we go there we go there we go alright for seconds it said alright there we go alright too much time up dude I was just thinking the other day if Robox wants to kill off a group from getting any members they could just do that the Flamingo fan club is a very highly trained group of speedrunners who just do this their eyes are just laser focused on it Lily can't join very impossible I have to give myself Robox for this video hang the deal I'll find a way I'll figure out something because I have to get myself roblox finish I want to become an employee again it's been a very long time since I've been like a legit employee somewhere usually just by avid commands and I just just start like harassing people or that you couldn't buy your way to victory here so I'm just gonna I'm gonna go to the rank donation manager they have the call donation or else you get the thing can get banned so I might just become a store intern I was like a regular cashier I would assume and then I'll just do my thing guys roblox really sucks so bad look so you think oh I'm just gonna I flip the animals right-side up okay because that's what I've been doing that past seven ones until I read what it said so look all these are just flipped correctly nope is this a bird answer with thumbs-up or thumbs-down so that's not bird so I go like that right is this is a bird no it's not it's just like bro let me have let me give me an option to like click thumbs up don't make me spin animals how many do I gotta do five 10 I'm trying to login hundred four seconds login all right no no no oh my god no no I'm an official Target employee now hey come over here all right what do you want my coworker is a hot babe rude much answer the question dude plain open now as you can see I'm helping her lose the ad well who's the fat God my name is peaches stop following me No don't tell my manager is the worst tour ever I'm a tree everyone else like real good now like like hello how's your shopping experience she just has to witness me treating people good may I help you with anything all right I'm gonna go over there and I'm gonna say something terrible hey please leave our store hey never come back bro what if this is like Undercover Boss where she's actually like an admin here and just gonna get me banned I look at look at her coming up hello how may I help you I wonder if she's wonderful wait it says stealing wait you can steal stuff in this game wait that's why they have this security where they have a security ring somewhere there's no iPhones left there's no ps4 left there's no well there's no nothing left oh are you actually I need a box through the storage room you okay away it's an actual store work shut your mouth imbecile you pathetic disgusting worm all right and we're back Jenny so this game is so laggy dude oh the reason why I had to change my name won't Wall insulting that after insulting that guy is cuz he was like I think he was like an admin here he's like an assistant director or something like that from she just drank your coffee you 88 years hope they give you warning three excessive caps hi OMA try to get him banned I think he only knows how to type in caps how was your day I was bad for caps but what caps keep talking it's when you don't talk enough I'll know what cabs our caps is when you don't talk you gotta keep talking man let me get an admin over here okay yeah all right he's gonna get permanently banned from here did all these role play games they just have like a heart attack whenever you use all caps for some reason what do I say say something fast just keep doing it for at least five minutes here I'll be back to check on you man I'll be right back okay just stay here and keep talking give them an extra few seconds to read that all right stay there man I'll I'll be back eventually so it's like you could really steal stuff in this game you just join this across there what do you do if like you suddenly don't want it now stealing play go again I don't care oh he's talking he's actually doing it it's sober he really doesn't know what to say he just has to say stuff keep doing it man I'll be right back let me just finish something all right he's saying he's also saying he's stealing does being English a boy has no idea what stealing says in English so oh nah no no wait don't take it back I'll take it back stop right now you're spend a lot bro is everybody here an idiot oh my God he's still right here I going to a gir dude net yeah you did it you defeated the evil yeah now keep going on with your shopping have fun yeah he's gonna get banned some admin is gonna look at those chat logs and just really just freak out are you still yelling at him he doesn't know what you're saying did you you speak two different languages self-checkout more like I'm gonna steal this Jen what do you want this guy is annoying you could just walk away from him man this guy he has no idea what you're saying about him he's spam a lot you know he's just doing the same thing as you are except in a different language he follow me he's asking you work for target he's asking you a question he's just asked you'd give her a war I don't think I could give people warnings he's tough he's really just begging for like I wish I knew what he was saying all right enter warning reason reason asking too many questions successfully warned him what I'm gonna give this guy warning written for excessive caps the total warnings three he's been kicked out of here twice warning stop using caps add warning successful he warned him he's brought he's probably like wait I thought like I stopped doing caps alright next time he speaks I'm gonna give him I'm gonna give him another warning can I have golf add warning he'll have using caps I'm just gonna keep hearing the same warning Jenny he stopped yes stop warning me man he's sub using caps he accidentally pressed the caps button it wasn't me man it wasn't me well I might just I'm gonna give him some warnings uh I'll get him up to 20 warnings and then I'll stop all right I'm the only employee here right now so I'm act natural for a little bit the unranked made a customer already how do they do it that fast well I serve the game pass I can just go back here I get to go back here and get my rank back you're kicked for this game you're perfectly banned no it can't be when I changed my name after I know I didn't oh I should have changed my name how'd they catch on that fast well I don't know what to do now I did wait maybe I'm not banned in the main server yet you're no ho next time please follow the rules the target can be fun for everyone I made it more fun how am I gonna how am I gonna stop when I'm permanently banned so the game I just changed my username in the game unbanned me but it won't give me back my rank so I don't really know what to do I'll buy the store manager game pass please work please you've been successfully ranked hey no stealing no stealing I'll give this girl a warning right here all all SCOTUS hair looks like an acorn their head morning it just displays the warning right above your head hair looks like an acorn alright where are you running away to I'll just say I'm dumb on there I just put a million of these all right let's see how this looks alright I think it froze my game I can kick her now just sweet war pigs like it kick her where is she all right where are you hiding a little rat dude she could be anywhere she's right here oh I thought it would like spam the whole screen someone gave me false warnings on your bread you're ratting out I'm kicking you got kicked out I need to pay alright I'm gonna give her a warning for that I'll make up something I'll just say stop doing that just stop I have a report what's your report I'm gonna give that girl on another warning again stop it now warder you'll get nerd this is the guy who's arguing with so doesn't speak English this guy's having a rough day alright she had an actual port I'm just gonna send it on to someone else alright the guy who are you so does English warning for you no warning for not speaking any other languages hey you're stealing my outfit you're stealing it stealing my outfit you've been given 200 Target bucks Wow all the hard day's work hey rat okay uh one more warning for you sister I'll slap you until you bleed II oops looks like I could kick it out oopsies I love how it displays your warnings above your head just like like it's like it's like looking up someone's criminal record it's just it's just there the public can see it except this time it's just like random like slight mess-ups you had it's just like a lot of shame well guys there's the the target employee experience and the the roblox joining a group experience it was very very difficult to join it was easier to avoid a band than to join a roblox group that that's how hard roblox is making it right now scan your guard she's yelling at her I'll just let it happen
Channel: Flamingo
Views: 17,595,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, roblox flamingo, flamingo, flamingo funny, roblox albert, roblox troll
Id: 6xUXweU_G0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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