I can't keep doing it this way... This causes me severe anxiety!

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you know all these youtubers moving into their new offices and stuff as somebody that's had one for a while now super embarrassed not embarrassed no jealous that's it i'm also embarrassed to explain why but i'm also super inspired i'm inspired to show you this ad the phanteks g360a pc case features a mesh front panel for ample airflow room for full length gpus up to 400 millimeters long 360 millimeter radiator support and integrated drgb lighting compatible with all motherboard rgb lighting controllers to see the full list of specs and colors available follow the link in the description below okay so phil is currently out for a couple of days he has some family stuff to attend to and so nick is filming this and i'm not doing any sort of well maybe phil will be editing this i don't know but we need to talk about our space so our our office here we've been in here three years now does it feel like three years since we did this it doesn't holy crap have i completely just let this place go to crap so our entryway here has got couches and chairs this this theoretically was where we were gonna be like hey let's just sit around and talk about video ideas and eat hot pockets and you know just be like our jobs are cool i think we've all sat here like twice i actually laid down there when i wasn't feeling good one day and i took a little nap but um this this couch over here for like the last three months has been doing nothing but keeping my original glass from my 68 camaro like sitting there can't even sit in that look the ottoman's flipped up anyway our little break area is pretty embarrassing i did get us a sparkles water jug though you know anyway our editing then over here so if you see the theme here is just poor utilization and poor audio because this is going this is going because this room gets really hot because this is where all our computers and stuff are you've seen this room a bunch again no design flow going whatsoever it is as messy and discombobulated as i am as a person which is why it fits perfectly and that's why i i'm done living and working like this my team deserves better let's look at the warehouse this place gives me anxiety it's like how can i be the kind of person that is obsessed with cable management and i allow my place to look like this i'll tell you how it's the fact that we do so much as such a small team and we have very little dedicated time to go through the effort to offload products that we don't use anymore that are old and obsolete i keep a lot of things on hand that are previous generations because i was like we'll go back and test all this but the reality is we don't have the manpower to properly do any sort of regression testing i would love to and i'd love to expand the team to do that and that's in the plans but not right now um remember this set this is where we had this kind of a cool talking headset for a while there and then it sort of turned into like the 3d printing area even nick today was asking me he's like can we do something with this like can we rearrange this so it makes more sense and i'm just like you know what we need to do we need to rearrange all of it look at the tunnel to the bathroom so it's like hold on i gotta go gotta go to the bathroom here hold on you know fire marshall actually i think i don't these are the problem right here in terms of egress if we had to ever leave the building quickly like these are a trip hazard but this is our our fake you know bedroom set that we made that has now changed a bunch throughout all the years that we've had it so even this is a complete disaster like most of the lights are off right now and it's cool because i'm sure the moment i walk in here you notice the audio sounds better that's because we have a lot of sound dampening material and stuff going on in here you know test bench this area right here which is perfect or even like a whole other workstation doesn't even get used right because of the fact that this ended up being talking headset then it turned into the rtfn podcast set and now it's turned into the flex set we basically use it for whatever we're working on this is a project that we finally finished that we'll be doing our video about which is the all rog setup you know the the really awesome sit stand desk and whatnot probably the most stable stand desk we've ever used but you have to wait for the video on that did the wood paneling and i really got creative when i built this the reason why i even built this was because one i wanted to make a reminiscent bedroom set where which is where i started but two when i come out here in the warehouse it's not the best when it comes to sound it's truly not we did put in this giant air conditioning unit it's a 10-ton unit it cost me 20 000 to put that in here but again working out in a warehouse like this that's got 15 foot ceilings in the socal desert gets really hot so with that comes really high electricity bills because that thing is 10 tons worth of ac this is just storage which again was an idea of being a set but look at this with the monitor reviews and stuff we've been doing my personal rigs still sitting here like jsu sends gaming mats and and all that this has just completely gone under control this actually right here this is all parts for the 68 camaro restoration project you guys have seen and maybe not seen lately on the car channel because we're still waiting on one major sub frame piece to come in and then the reassembly starts but this is this is all parts for that car taking space out here our door as you can see is unusable because we put storage racks in front of it and then we put insulation foam against it to keep that from being a giant heater a giant heat source keeping this room hot when the ac is trying to combat that so believe it or not that actually works really well but it's taped look at the shop do you know why this shop is a disaster other than the fact that i'm the one running this place this shop does three things remember this video the liquid propulsion it's still sitting here because we have a habit of just doing a video and then walking away when we're done this shop serves as a build space when i'm doing regular builds a customization space when i'm doing grinding and metal work and case mods and stuff and a talking head slash review space so it looks like this because look these fittings are still sitting on the paper towels when i did the ultrasonic cleaning on them and that's because i would go where am i going to put them this is the water cooling rack look at this this thing is all discombobulated and disheveled you know why because it's all exposed there's no cabinets i can't put anything away and organize and make it nice because these wire racks don't allow me to even organize things properly without stuff even falling through and here here's the other thing i hate we've got industrial extension cords running all over the warehouse because this is the only source of power for this entire outdoor area sure we got a 480 volt coming in here which is you know what we're able to use to power the ac and all that sort of stuff we've got two panels here 120 and uh 277 4277 this bugs me what we're gonna end up doing is i just made a call to a contractor and we're gonna build out the space out here i'm gonna i'm gonna reinvest some channel money into this space i wasn't entirely sure if we were gonna be staying here past our lease which is up in two years that's why i brought up the initial like oh my god we've been here three years can you believe it because i'm more than halfway through this lease now and that's when this becomes like a make or break are we gonna stay or are we gonna go and in terms of fiscal responsibility and financial responsibility i would then have to weigh the cost what are property values i'm not i'm not ready to buy commercial especially with these high prices i don't have millions of dollars that i can invest into that at least i'm not comfortable doing that so i and with even leasing prices being so high because we've already been here as long as we are we have a really good relationship with the landlord and the property owner we we don't really want to leave that the other thing too is the cost of moving all of this stuff not just the physical cost of hiring movers to load up a truck and take it wherever we're going which is what we did when we moved out of our old studio to here if you guys remember that vlog what's the opportunity cost lost what's opportunity cost it's what money and or opportunity did you miss out on because you were occupied doing this right so that's the kind of thing like that's why rtfm really became an issue for a while it's the opportunity cost with loss with rtfm was so high because of the fact that it really wasn't producing anything for the content of the channel other than like some the die hard people would watch it um we had to go what are we not able to do with that time well the time it took to put together our outline get our topics sort of do a dry run with each other make sure everything's working you know do the actual podcast itself you know when it's done convert everything upload it that's that's a full day lost and it's like okay the rtfm show was really not bringing in any sort of income for the company and if anything we were losing the opportunity to do more stuff for the company so that's opportunity cost there would be a astronomical amount of opportunity to lost the size team that we have to move out of the space and build a new space not only that the ac unit that's in here the way it's installed is designed to be able to come with us it is modular which means that we don't have any major holes or anything in the ceiling that's causing a problem i'd have to pay a crane company to come and crane it off the roof and then put it on a flatbed and then the hvac company will take it to the new place and crane it back on that roof and then get it all plumbed in that's a lot of money why to have bigger space if my space went from a fifth of what we have now to this and it still turned into this the problem isn't the space the problem is me hanging onto and hoarding crap crap that we don't need stuff that's obsolete in terms of what we need to make videos so that's why i'm doing a full reset we i actually talked to a contractor and we're going to have him come out here and give us some quotes i got some drawings i'm going to do let me kind of walk you through my vision here actually no actually the code wait what's the code oh best giveaway ever that's my line b e s t g i v e a w a y a e v e r when you type it in if you get a green check mark it means you can spell and if you don't then sucks three quarters of this space is warehouse and the problem with the warehouse is we have a noisy alley you guys have heard me mention in videos before people out there grinding you got trash trucks you got delivery trucks there's there's two buildings that are identical that butt up against each other on the back side and there's an alley between them so we're constantly dealing with that noise when i go into this set over here we can't hear that noise at all so that's why i started thinking we leave this wall we leave this door but we bring a new wall out to about here which is a good half of the warehouse so we have another wall coming all the way across like a real wall not a fake wall right a people door here that's just straight across right a people door the shop set would still be there but this would be more like i would actually have real work benches set up with the table saw and the skill saw and the grinder and an air compressor always plugged in and set up you know truly set up to do the case mod type stuff while in here we tear all this down i had a lot of fun building this and i learned a lot i would never use two by fours again i'd use one by threes and build proper slots like they do in hollywood which are lightweight you can move them around this this was this was overkill but by fours were only a dollar forty four for eight foot to twelve foot boards at the time you know things obviously went up since then but tear all this down have proper electrical drops run into this space so we have electrical outlets all along the walls that are added except that wall that's a concrete wall so they have to do a surface conduit i don't need that there we have plugs on that wall already but they could add some here add some here then all of this becomes much usable space like we no longer have to deal with this aisle way here we'll be literally just getting rid of all the crap here i don't need anymore like i've got so many empty boxes it's unnecessary but you know we bring in the nice wood flooring into here paint it some trim actually make it look nice in here and then what we can do is we can have like one corner like a corner set could be where i build computers build computer slash even do like product review the other corner which actually has the bathroom door somehow be creative with that maybe take the bathroom sign off so it's just a regular door and then somehow make that creative another talking headspace um we're not gonna put the 3d printers in this room because of the fact it'd be noisy over here once again be super creative because if you don't do straight on shots you use corners man you can get a lot of stuff happening but this would be so much bigger by utilizing all the floor space of having it be a true you know drop ceiling with sound insulation panels above it the ac which is already here we could literally have the vents ducted right into them so plenty of cooling here even add some of those vents into this space over here because the three ton unit that works in there is old and doesn't work very well so we just utilize some of that then out here we can take that crap off the door uh because we wouldn't even need the space to be like super cooled anymore but this would be the actual outdoor workshop and i want to get some like tabletop mills and lathes and stuff like that so i can really start making stuff that's custom even tabletop cnc's or something i really want to do that i feel like that's the next step for me um and then over here would be all of our storage and stuff nick really wants to utilize racks that are twice as hype this height but i don't have like a little i wouldn't buy a scissor lift for something this small that'd be pretty ridiculous are you disappointed about that would have been cool you know you know what happened what happened to my liability insurance if they knew we had a scissor lift on hand so we would just be able to get creative with the storage but the storage wouldn't need to be massive because what i realistically have to do is purge like literally the purge and when my idea about that is i told you guys before i wanted to do like an online like pop-up shop and sell it nick and i were talking about this off camera it's that opportunity cost thing again the amount of time it would take the amount of energy and effort because nick would be the one actually running that nick actually made a spreadsheet i went through here one day and i put orange tags on everything i want to get rid of and that's what actually one of those shelves over there is full of that stuff but there's more now even since then i orange tagged everything i wanted to get rid of and he went through and he cataloged it he took photos of everything he put spreadsheet together with a list of everything all the motherboards all the graphics cards all the cpus all the ram all that sort of stuff and they took photos of everything socket photos of all the motherboards he has all that but then i went you know what how much am i gonna spend having you list it curate it respond pack it ship it like how much all the time you're spending doing that means you can't do any he couldn't do anything anymore for the like production of the of the videos that we make he wouldn't be able to help in any way whatsoever so i went that's not a good idea so what we're actually thinking about doing is i know i've got an absolute like i've got thousands and thousands of followers in socal and we're thinking about doing a one day pop-up not here at myspace we'll actually lease a space somewhere out maybe near towards la or something where we'll get a u-haul truck we will load up everything even if i think it has no value i'm sure it will help someone the cases the motherboards the graphics cards like half this crap will be gone yes rtx cards amd cards ryzen cpus intel cpus power supplies all these coolers like half of them we don't need that crap keyboards mice you you we got so much random stuff and then what we would do is we would just set up a whole bunch of tables inside like a pop-up office or warehouse or whatever for the day and be like and we would lead up to that and say hey this day this time this location be there bring your best offer i wouldn't even put prices i'd be like give me an offer first person to grab it say hey i'll give you 200 bucks for this rtx 2080 or whatever you're like sold you know that kind of thing um that would be worth it because it's one day loss versus all the time to pack and ship and all that but i have to do that to make this plan work i have to downsize the stuff and uh yeah it's it's insane how much we've accumulated here mostly it's the cases i'm so sick of being sent cases and crap but anyway i just wanted to kind of do this vlog to let you guys know like you guys are the reason why we even are able to do what we do so i think it's very important that we be transparent and kind of show you where a lot of the money and a lot of the time and expense and stuff goes uh to bring you content and to try and be the best content that we can but also still love and enjoy what we do the day i no longer love what i'm doing is the day i shut down my channel so obviously i still love what i'm doing or i would have shut it down already that would be spending money to to utilize and build out this space even more and make it all work but i'm excited i'm actually getting excited thinking about it the contractor can't even come out until next week to take a look at my drawings that makes me sad because i want to do it now but i can't even have him do anything until we have this all cleared out and we tear all that down that makes for some fun vlogs i think you know shenanigans always happens when we all start doing stuff so anyway thanks for watching this long rambling video um i know that probably disappoints a lot of you of not doing like an online fire sale kind of a thing but i hope you understand the explanation as to why that just i we don't have the manpower and the bandwidth to do that so that's why a local pop-up i mean here's the thing nick will tell you i have considered just take taking so much of this and just literally throwing in an e-recycler and i know that's literally like handing them money i've even thought about renting a 40-yard bin and just throwing it all in there which is actually not environmentally conscious or friendly because of the fact that it's all e-waste so i'd have to actually utilize that differently with the waste company and say it's all e-waste but it's working stuff and i can't just bring it upon myself to just get rid of it which is why it's still here so i'm sure this stuff will help somebody like why are my wheels and tires here because i have nowhere else to put it because guess what my garage at home was in the same situation and i finally really really uh dealt with that recently with putting overhead racks and stuff there nick i liked him he was like those are some cool racks so anyway there you go that's my vision like the furniture and stuff that's in here i'm probably gonna give that to my sister because remember the house that i told you that we had to buy for my for my mom uh my sister's moving in there too like that furniture can go there and actually have some use and we get some space back but this is what we need to be able to do like rtfm again even is have a dedicated space that doesn't take up another opportunity to film in to just be able to sit down hit record and off we go even if it's just an audio podcast i kind of wanted to bring that back i missed doing it both of the guys nick and phil really enjoyed that it was the best part of our fridays so we're going to try but i might even reconfigure everything in there like i said i might even bring our our editing i might even bring our offices out here like i might even put our own desks and stuff out here because that also would make a very nice backdrop for like talking head videos and stuff then we'd be forced to keep it clean so our starbucks cups i have one cup on the desk right now okay not as bad as it used to be and you know it true all right guys thanks for watching if you have any ideas of what we could do here like i said nick wants me to build a mezzanine above the shop to put more storage up there i will get a quote on that um but yeah we're we're going to be here for a while we're not moving anytime soon which means i need to now utilize this as best as possible does that mean we can bring back tiny little break thing tiny what is going to have less space because there's going to be more office now even smaller warehouse i know it's more technical you lose it on the roof you're climbing up there to get it
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 455,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: youtube studio, film studio, jayztwocents studio, test space, workspace, jayztwocents filming space
Id: RKYy6qKYFpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2022
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