I CAN'T BELIEVE WE SAID THAT | Cards Against Humanity

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hey guys how's it going welcome to cards against humanity' so you guys love this and we do too the last game was a lot of fun so we decide to give it a go with the remaining cards that we got left so same old deal it is done in this fashion [Music] oh and so when we will go to best-of-five and that'll be the end of it Rando will be included in this one as well and then we will see how it goes so alright oh no we get dropped really uncomfortable everybody out there how am I compensating for my tiny penis my minuscule tiny penis how many compensating for my tiny penis grandpa's ashes swiftly achieving orgasm for her sudden penis loss I'm sad I'm gonna go with swiftly achieving orgasm for her random random his new self-produced album Kanye waist raps whoa everybody a waste say that again I said raps they're self-produced album Kanye West's raps over the sounds of blank okay it's good no he's really funny we're not laughing at you by the way I want to be very clear you said you said Wiest said Kanye West and then what's it over the sounds of a man on the brink of orgasm over the sounds of teenage pregnancy and over the sounds of depression just read out the things in his new self-produced album Kanye West's raps over the sounds of a man on the brink of orgasm teenage pregnancy and depression or depression all of them it's just one new rap album it's does sound like actually no way this is a story man on the brink of or go teenage pregnancy depression I just this this is what I think would be the funniest listening to music wise yeah because or listening to Kanye rapping because what is the sound of yeah it's normally the complete and utter silence so he's just rapping in silence so it's like just drink sound of a single tear so I think of this as Kanye West reading poetry so depression wins yeah blank kid tested mother approved walking in on me kiss kid tested mother approved not believing in giraffe walking in on dad peeing into mom's mouth is the winner yeah yes hi this is Jim from accounting we noticed a 12 under dollar charge labeled blank could you explain hi this is Jim from accounting we noticed a $1200 charge labeled getting your dick stuck in a Chinese finger drop with another tick explain this label dismiss [Music] 12 a little charge label mouth herpes explain when all else fails I can always masturbate to blink I can always masturbate to permanent orgasm face this masturbate to dying alone and in pain my reality turns what's your reality here dying is open to you you can do anything we can't we're all 27 word I aim yes I am sweeping oh I don't I actually have no idea my girls faces cuz I've never looked in a mirror gir horrifying ya know why anyone would want that just like naked me in the mirror oh [Laughter] that's so saying it's weird yeah nothing I like that no you're just in a room full of the mirror so you can't escape [Music] circle-jerk yeah but no I've never seen my own okay so neither have I what's yours [Laughter] please tell me to smile behind every powerful man is good to go no no I'm just remembering cuz it's always gonna be burned in my brain completely from the side go forward behind every powerful man is behind every power is [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] like they cut it out and put it 34 because you only choose like one second the blind day was going horribly until we discovered our shared interest in blank so the blind date was going horribly until we discovered our shared interest in teaching a girl how to know teaching a girl how to handle VP sorry the blind date would go horribly and do we discovered our shared interest in a vagina then leads to another dimension now yeah portal intercourse say that love inter portal intercourse the blind a was gonna orderly until we discovered our shared interest in whipping an obedience late a disobedient slave that's your honest super interested does it like shock you through like does it immediately enter into some other species basically your penis goes through the dimension it could it could it could go through like multiple interdimensional vaginas so you're [ __ ] one you're [ __ ] the universe [Music] why am i stinks that's my Akash why is he sticky oh yeah get your orgasms out of your ear listen gosh I am sticky because of flying insects snakes I am sticky because the amount of gay I am finally a service that delivers blank right to your door finally a service that delivers shaft right to your door now is this the movie shaft or is it up to me okay finally a service that delivers super suicidal thoughts right to your door finally a service that delivers penis envy right to your door turns out that Blankman was neither the hero we needed nor wanted turns out that was neither the we needed or wanted it turns out that party Mexicans man was neither of at your who we needed nor one now that sounds cool party Mexican soup again with like turns out that Boris the Soviet love hammer I love party Mexicans but it's it doesn't fit the criteria so I got a limit that what we really don't need black in this place yeah that's the one I pick yes Boris the Soviet love I just like the idea of love hammer man yeah God a successful job interview begins with the firm handshake and ends with play a successful job interview begins with a firm handshake and ends with my dead son space successful job interview begins with [Music] [Music] what has been making life difficult at the nudist colony mark you could win with this one if you choose the right card what has been making life difficult at the nudist colony a snapping turtle biting off the tip of your penis oh very possible surprise sex boob explosion disease see the surprise sex oh this is that big turtle biting off the difference your penis is a tough one both both very possible scenarios in the nudist colony I'm gonna go with the snapping turtle yeah I was Randall I was poop yeah I don't want to win yet let's go to a set let's go I never truly understood blank until I encountered blank I never truly understood a Japanese tourist who wants something very badly but can't communicate it until Anders until I encountered going to a high school reunion I never truly understood breastfeeding a ten-year-old until I encountered making the penises kiss I never truly understood wifely duties until I encountered injection the inside another man's wave all of them very I gotta go with this there you go good job you did it I did it I did it should we should we bump it up to ten cards sad about your options yeah that's the challenge of the game you gotta make it funny yeah I got 99 problems but that ain't one I got 99 problems but AIDS monkeys anyone I'm glad I'm really happy for you man motions oh good good I think I think that's standard for most males you produce so much every day how much do you masturbate so much the smells are so used to mass produce II know the male the average male produces like millions of sperm every day oh yeah but this is even true not the same thing running out of yeah [ __ ] him on a fire you are home bow before on a fire I'm on fire this month's Cosmo spice up your sex life by bringing blank into the bedroom this month's Cosmo spice up your sex life by bringing September 11 2001 into the bedroom at our costume that somebody's in in there this does not dive deeper into this I imagine that the plane was this month's Cosmo spice up your sex life by bringing getting eaten alive by Guy Fieri into the bedroom okay this is this month's Cosmo spice up your sex life by bringing ancient Athenian boys that is cards against humanity' once again we've gone down a path of horribleness but hey we learned a lot of things out of this one our old faces [Music] [Music] like a chicken getting some seed anyway so that's guys again humanity don't take all this too seriously of course - do you guys know our cards against humanity' is it's horrible and that's the whole point so thank you everybody so much for watching let us know what you thought of it down in the comments below check out Ethan's channel in the description check out Tyler's Twitter and channel in the description so thanks again and as always we will see you in the next video bye bye [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,890,784
Rating: 4.9639187 out of 5
Keywords: cards against humanity, markiplier, funny, cards against humanity funny moments, card game, offensive, i cant believe, cards, against, humanity
Id: YUxIF5mDU8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2017
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