It Finally Happened -- The Biggest Bass Of My Life

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to have been chasing a fish of that caliber for so many years and to have in many ways like fallen short and not get to that that level that that giant legendary status fish you know you invest a lot of time and hours and frustration but we're still hunting for the dd let's go baby no it just came off then i take what i do on a daily basis and that is film and fishing so seriously and to have that fish i've been chasing for so long in my boat was um it's a giant does it go i can't put in the words it's quite literally undescribable so the fish comes up and i was blown away it was giant nut please i've never seen a bass that big in my life that's bigger than ten dude congratulations yeah i know i just wanted to show you and that is why you keep fishing never stop this is unlike any fishing trip that i've personally ever planned 9 p.m i'm at my house kelly and i are sitting down watching some tv and i'm scrolling through social media i'm seeing countless giant fish being caught from this this lake for the longest time been keeping my distance from this specific location because it does receive a lot of pressure and it is one of those places that is heavily publicized i'm on my phone i'm thinking to myself like listen i don't want to miss out on this opportunity there's no way that i'm going to just watch other people reap the benefits of how amazing this place is i need the experience for myself so screw it i texted caleb i said hey dude are you down to film tomorrow we'd have to wake up at 2 a.m to drive three hours to the spot like do you think you can make it happen of course he's super gung-ho he's about it along with caleb i have to bring someone else there needs to be someone else on the boat the only person that i think would ever be down for a spur moment trip like that and that is my buddy grant i received a text from john he texted me and he said meet me at the ramp at 6 00 am and i was like wow this is very last notice so obviously quit watching football with the boys went home so grant's down caleb's down i'm of course down i fall asleep at 12. my alarm goes off at 2 30. i haven't even gone to bed yet my i'm literally sitting upright barely awake on the couch i'm completely exhausted but i remember we're on a big fish mission and that's when it kind of dawns on me that we're about to do six hours round trip spend all this money travel all this way spend all this time to potentially not even catch a single fish today matter of fact last time we visited this lake it went a little something like this oh my god the giant fish it's a giant fish get the net isn't that that's giant that's a big fish let's go i don't know how big that is man that might be one of my biggest texas bass but we're gonna put her in the box just because absolute you know i guess probably like high sevens giant fish though there's another one down there with her big girl let's go dude all right girl this may be my biggest texas bass ever caught on one of the slowest days in my entire life seven uh not definitely not the biggest best in my life 705. i know right very deceiving short fish but absolute beaut very short and stocky so much fun probably my biggest fish in the a-rig no doubt quality quality bass i'm gonna snap a few pictures and put her back i think girls like this deserve to live there you go absolute unit went from catching literally nothing all day to pull up to the spot smoking a seven pounder very tough two days we did catch a seven pounder but in the realms of what this lake is capable of that is the equivalent of going to somewhere like lake fork and catching a two or three pounders so unfortunately could not sleep at all that night but i hopped in my truck at 2 30 a.m and i got on the road headed to west texas when i arrived it was pitch black i didn't see a single trailer and i instantly knew that i was not at the right ramp cool three hour drive later we pull up to the ramp grant says he's here i don't see him it's pitch blackout it's 5 20 a.m he's nowhere to be found we just figured he's probably right around the bend so we go and grab a quick breakfast no service by the way too so communicating with grant and figuring out where the hell he's at is quite difficult so i went on snapchat because i have uh caleb on snapchat and i saw where his bitmoji was and i stared at my phone driving with my phone in one hand which is not safe at all um following my bitmoji to his bitmoji which happened to be 20 minutes from the spot i was on the completely opposite side of the lake grant finally finds us he drives 30 minutes to the other ramp in which we're at we get there i give him a little flack all good fun it's still dark he throws his rods in the boat we put the boat in the water we're off first spot of the day look at these look at these look at this look at this look at this dude oh my god those have got to be bad are those those have got to be bass look at that one right above the tree above the trees look at that one oh my oh god god he's following it look at he's falling it's a giant there's a got him got him got him oh my god dude the giant net please that's a beluga it's a double digit that's a 10 pounder oh my powder that is the biggest bass i've ever seen in my entire life in person that is huge so the fish comes up and i was blown away it was giant i've never seen a bass that big in my life i can't really put in towards what that felt like you know um knowing that i was looking at the biggest bass in my life and not only that but in an enormous one like i was pretty certain once it got into the net and we got it in the boat that this was bigger than 10. what are we talking 14 pounds no yes 14 hold we're rocking right now no yeah it's stopping at 14.06 1406. 1406. i had to blink about 30 times just to make sure i was seeing this right i had to check my vision i i like i was in awe i mean to have caught many sevens and eights and come pretty close to catch me at 10 and then just skip past that in the catch of 14 is like like an insane feeling that my head was gonna explode this is absolutely insane the first fish of the day this is the biggest bass i've ever seen in person this place is stupid i haven't even caught a 10 pounder yet this is my biggest bass of my entire life i'm like blown away and shocked but this is what this place is all about you come out here not to catch stink you come out here to catch absolute behemoths now funny enough this lake has a share lunker weigh station just up at the ramp where we started our day and what sharelunker is is it's a program here in texas where you can catch a big fish anywhere from eight to you know 16 17 18 pounds you basically hand that fish off to share lunker and they use those genes and the genetics of that fish whether it be a male or female to breed other giant fish and then they disperse that offspring to other lakes like you know lake fork or lake lewisville so that they can continue the growth of the bass fishing sport and and all that so it's not an uncommon occurrence for you know anglers to take giant fish whether they be you know eight pounds or bigger to this place to weigh them in a basket up at the shop but this was an opportunity for me to just kind of take that fish and put it back where i truly believe it belongs this is how lucky we got this is actually one of my favorite a-rigs they're like like titanium wire something like that really good earrings nothing wrong with these but i just goes to show how big that fish was one of the areas where it was hooked was right here just snapped it off clean brand new a-rig just tied this on last night on the goog and saucy swimmers got a bit of a weird combination of colors but seemingly doesn't matter out here that's what that fish wanted landed giants like what the hell insane i knew i knew when you hooked it i just i just went completely silent because i knew that fish was i saw him on the ground that thing was disgusting can you facetime me yeah okay facetiming okay you ready guess how big it's definitely 10 baby oh my god 14. yeah 14 pounds first fish first fish of the day on an a-rig i'm with grant congratulations i know i just wanted to show you of course 1406 is not the official weight that we would have gotten that share lunker um could have been bigger could have been smaller but this was uh it didn't matter you know it just really didn't matter it's a big freaking fish and we got to share this moment and i think we're all in this level of high of just knowing that we rolled the dice on this trip we took a chance we really were aware that we could be spending six hours on the road 12 hours of fishing and not catch anything and this was our reward this fish was our reward and we got to you know capture that on footage and share it with you guys to show you that these things can happen you can go out there and make something happen out of essentially nothing we are going to release this fish right where we caught her no uh manhandling just a big beautiful bodacious large mouthful go back down there and spawn i like i don't even know what to say that's a very special moment for me but like it's something not to be taken granted but i think a lot of people are coming here and taking this place for granted i don't know how much longer this place has and that's one of the reasons why i wanted to take that fish get the measurement get the weight then put her right back in the water share lunker program think what you want about it i've got my opinion i think it's awesome to some degree but you got to send these fish back if you want a good fishery catch the fish document them have a good time put them in the well for a bit but then send them back that fish is literally in the same area where we caught her and uh yeah she's gonna go dump her eggs this spring and she's gonna make some 13 14 pounders next season one more time boys all around on let's go real knowing john for as long as i have um and all the fishing memories we've made on and off the water um in my opinion he deserved it he uh we've gotten so close so many times um and just hadn't beat that mark up until that specific day in fact that was his fourth time beating his personal best bass with me uh coincidence i think not so grant said that wasn't a coincidence to have that fish before well because i always catch big fish with grant yeah i mean this might sound harsh but the kids are he's a rabbit's foot i don't know what it is with him but he's so lucky um you know i yeah no he's not wrong this is the fourth i'm thinking about this is the fourth personal best bass i've broken with him if you want to catch your biggest fish go fish with grand i suppose so that is my big fish story a life goal of mine finally completed but just know this journey is not over we are going to continue to film big fish videos chase after giant bass and capture all this on footage and don't forget as the motto goes keep fishing never stop [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey caleb you're not gonna freaking believe this dude we just caught it you
Channel: Jon B.
Views: 570,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing, survial, camping, outdoors, cooking, fish, bass, lures, travel, traveling
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 08 2022
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