I Can’T Believe They Did This To Me - Pastor Jamal Bryant | Sep 22, 2021

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the rattlesnake said i promise you i will not bite you can you please just take me to the mountaintop so i can see the set one last time the little boy thought about it and decided to pick up the snake and take him to the mountaintop they sat there together the little boy and the rattlesnake and they watched the sunset it was a beautiful sight a magical moment when the sun had cascaded down the snake turned and said to the little boy will you take me home now cause i'm old and i'm tired the little boy said i'll do it but let's rest here first they went to bed the next morning the little boy got up and uh picked up the snake and took him on home halfway home while everything was seemingly going well the snake bit the little boy and he cried out in agony mr snake why would you do that after i took you to a level you've never been why would you do that after we shared precious memories why would you do that knowing what you just did was gonna hurt me and potentially kill me the snake slyly responded you knew what i was when you picked me up while i feel bad for the little boy i'm perplexed as to what to prescribe for those of you who have been bitten because you never knew it was a snake you were dealing with how are you to know when there are over three thousand variations of the species to be clear i'm not talking about pythons and cobras and anacondas i'm talking about the kind of snake that would borrow your car to drive to see somebody else i'm talking about the kind of snake that will pretend to love you when in actuality they really don't like you i'm talking about the kind of snake that will laugh with you in the break room and then turn on you in the boardroom i'm come up the kind of snake that will borrow your clothes and then strip tease your secrets to your enemies the only way the snake could bite the little boy hear this is he had to be close to him if you're not going to write down anything else i need you to write this down you can only be betrayed by people who are close people who don't have access to you will never be in proximity of betrayal but the people who have left the deepest darkest wounds of betrayal are the people who you spent quality time with you have memories with inside jokes share laughs with have favorite songs hear this struggled with and it's because you got close that the wound hurts so bad there's an older amish axiom that says never worry about your enemies here's what the amish people say never worry about your enemies because if anything happens to you they will be the first suspects worry about your friends because nobody will ever suspect them you got to be careful family because all snakes are not low down in sri lanka there's a snake called the chalipa which is a flying snake they're dangerous because they're low down but they can rise high a lot of snakes think that they are fly i'm not talking about the cicadas in the district of columbia but there are snakes in the senate who just this week they passed a law to make juneteenth a national holiday but they would dare not even discuss reparations time out the same snakes before you pull out your grill to celebrate juneteenth this same senate that won't do anything about aggressive policing but unanimously will stop asian hate but won't do anything about the hatred of black people [Applause] gotta look out for snakes y'all look out for this same senate group that unanimously voted for june 10th but twice refused to indict trump same senate that won't flush the filibuster same senate that will fund israel and turn its back on palestine i want you to know that ecclesiastes was right there's nothing new under the sun watch what god says to moses before deliverance can happen he tells moses pick the snake up by the tail why because this is the end of you hurting me i need you to know whatever snake bit you before will never get the opportunity again i hope they got the blood they needed to sustain them because if you thought feeding off of me was going to be able to keep you for the rest of the year i am not ppe there's another grace that is on my life you will not get another chance to bite me i better say that to your enemies to your haters and even to the demon assigned to you my mistake was not recognizing you and i need you to be mindful of the fact that the snake that addressed eve was not slithering it is not until he ran up on eve that he lost his feet i need you to know whoever got away with it before will never stand again whoever it is that thought that they could in fact suffocate the life the joy the peace and the self-esteem out of you they need to know they miss their shot in the garden of eden even after they ate of the forbidden fruit god said something that i think that we have lost sight of he said that the head of the serpent will be crushed hallelujah you don't even understand that the authority that rests on your life is not for cars the authority on your life is not for six figure income the body on your life is to disrupt what has been designed to bite you at some point in your life you got to put your foot down and say i am not going to play the fool twice you got me once but i promise you this it ain't ever gonna happen again and i need some real people that got experiences dealing with some snakes and understand now i know when i hear their hits you can't lie to me and think i'm just gonna fall for it i hear your hiss you ain't gonna manipulate me with your kind words yeah i hear your hiss i don't need your compliments for the affirmation of who i am i don't dealt with enough snakes and all snakes ain't on the plane some snakes are in the church but god said today i gotta mow the grass so that the snakes will be revealed william blake said um here's what william blake said it's easier to forgive an enemy than a friend it's easier to forgive an enemy than it is to forgive a friend betrayal at its core is treachery [Music] betrayal is deception betrayal hear this is violated trust it shows up uh betrayal does it shows up as a broken promise betrayal is duplicitous betrayal comes in the form of a lie betrayal hear this is the truth you didn't tell betrayal is a secret liaison betrayal is an affair that is not necessarily sexual you had an affair by hanging out with who you knew was my enemy [Music] the injury of betrayal can be so ghastly that some never find the strength to recover so because of betrayal they've sworn off i'll never get remarried because of betrayal i don't trust nobody because of betrayal that's why i don't hang out with other women you don't even know that you are speaking out of your trauma and not out of the expectation of your wholeness betrayal is so abiding and pervasive that even though we were betrayed catch this we were the ones betrayed but we kick ourselves how did you betray me and i'm mad at me we kick ourselves because uh i can't believe i let my guard down can't believe i allowed you into my space i feel crazy cause i let you get close to my kid we become psychologically and emotionally intimate so betrayal is psychological rape you took it against my will i never gave you permission i believe you had my back and didn't know you had it with a knife [Music] betrayal up ends my security betrayal represents a traumatic death not of a person but it is the traumatic death of a relationship you are watching me right now and you should have on black pajamas because you're still in grieving over the death of a friendship the death of a relationship hear this you don't even know what it means to have the death of a mother that's still living because you felt betrayed it hurts at a different level because even though you did it to me i blame myself and so people who have been betrayed have uh escapades with depression i've been betrayed and so now i feel numb i don't feel anything it comes out other side because you've been betrayed you exercise hyper suspicion you don't trust who you just met god help me you launching investigations on somebody who don't fit the profile because you've been betrayed you're going through withdrawal even though you never made a deposit because you been betrayed you keep replaying moments and you keep looking for signs when god hadn't even flashed the light betrayal is so heavy that i don't even know how to pray about it don't even know how to pray through it don't even know how to pray for it and betray yourselves messing with your brain and all the more it messes with your soul in psalm 41 we cross over the yellow tape of a crime scene david has uh stepped out with another man's wife a woman by the name of bathsheba not only does he sleep with her he gets her pregnant then to cover up the crime he kills the woman's husband uriah and now everybody knows about it and uh i'm with david i'm with david in verse number 4 psalm 41 i'm with david lord have mercy on me um because david is showing us you can be anointed and mess up [Applause] you can have destiny and still have bad decisions i need everybody in this room to lift up that hand only if you anointed lift up that hand and cry out loud lord have mercy on me [Applause] yeah some stuff i said some stuff i did some things i participated in he should have killed me right there but he left me and you mean to tell me you sitting there with your arm folded like you ain't never done nothing like you ain't never slept with nobody like you ain't never been in the wrong place like you ain't never been in the wrong environment like you ain't never perpetuated the wrong rumor being a part of some elaborate lie like you ain't never tried to cover up your own stuff i need five of y'all to be honest and don't say it to me but cry out loud to heaven lord have mercy on me i'm with them verse number four lord have mercy on me verse number seven um he gets high tight because uh he says oh my enemies are whispering against me i need you to know when you are knowing it when you are destined adjust to being talked about if you want to be like to sell ice cream but when you know the call of your life is controversial i better say that to somebody the call of your life does not come with an explanation or an apology because what god has put on you you never prayed for as for a train for he just deposited into your life lord have mercy on me because my enemies are saying all kind of stuff about me here's what he says in verse number seven they imagined the worst [Applause] for me i want to say to you whatever your enemies thought was going to happen to you it is not going to happen whatever they hope is going to you are not going to fall off anytime they see your head down it's only because you bowing it in prayer whenever they see think you're gonna fold it must be because you had the laundromat there was something about your life that no matter what they planned it is not going to manifest because no weapon formed against you shall be able to prosper he said my enemies are so desperate that they making up rumors about me they think that i'm sick and i'll never recover i need you to lay hands on yourself and tell yourself i will recover all i will i will recover i need you to say it with conviction i need you to say it robust i need you to say it with authority do you know how crazy your faith is i'm saying i'll recover oh watch this while i'm guilty i'm saying i'mma recover all when i know i did wrong i i'm saying i'm gonna recover all when i know god justifiably should wipe me out but in spite of all of it his grace and his mercy is gonna cover me through i i i will recover all i'm in verse number nine and verse number nine comes to the rising climax of our text in verse number nine he says my close friends hallelujah my close friends who ate hear this now that cheesecake factory with me not a capital grill they were sitting in my house god i can't hear nobody in here i'm that they was eating the food i prepared god i can't hear nobody in here god told me to tell you this week guys this week i need you to do me a favor i'm asking you this as your pastor this week i need you to do me a favor as a matter of fact it's a busy week you in revival this week you got so much to do i need you between juneteenth and july 4th i need you to do me a favor please i need you to take yourself to lunch hallelujah i need you to take yourself to lunch and i need you to sit across the table and remind yourself why you ain't ever gonna let them sit with you again why do you want me to do that i need to do that so i never get tempted to go back i'd rather eat by myself than eat with somebody that's got a knife that is aimed at me you are not gonna lose your appetite why he prepares a table in the presence of my enemies table for one please is anybody joining you no it's just me and my god because if god before me who can be against me hallelujah i'm i'm i'm okay tall people can eat by themselves i need to the elbows somebody around there and tell them i used to not be able to i used to be preoccupied about what other people would think and what other people will say but they don't know i've been at enough tables that in this season of my life i do not want to sit at a table where they gonna talk about me when i leave i'd rather be at a table where i can be at peace where i know the joy of the lord is my strength hallelujah it says my close friends ate at my table ate my food they're the ones that betrayed me i'm here with 50 ride or die worshipers i need 50 y'all to just shout out loud i'm still going to eat come on i need you to say it again i'm still going to eat in other words i am not going to lose my appetite over what negroes got to say i am not going to lose my appetite cause you think i ain't gonna make it without you i'm still gonna eat my time is up but i got to give you this one verse in psalm 41 verse number 11 let's go home hallelujah verse 11 psalm 41 here's what it says i i want you to get it verse number 11 of psalm 41 this is your scripture for the rest of this week but my enemies will not have victory over me y'all didn't hear what i just said i can't believe they did that to me but he is for five screamers they not gonna believe what he about to do for me because they made it for evil but god is gonna work it out for my good i need somebody that's thankful that the enemy is not gonna have the last laugh but tables are getting ready to turn that they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up on wings as eagles they'll run and not get weary they'll walk and they shall not paint if you're in the studio look at somebody and i need you to tell somebody i can't believe what they did to me come on look at tell them i can't believe how they betrayed me look at somebody and tell them i was too good of a friend i was too good of a woman i was too good of a man to be treated like that look at that neighbor and say i gotta be honest with you it hurt me and it hurt me bad but do me a favor give me till wednesday by wednesday i'm gonna pull myself together by which day i'm not gonna cry over this no more by wednesday i'm gonna come out of my feelings it may take me a while but by wednesday i feel better so much better ever since hey hey hey give somebody a air high five and tell them wednesday i'll be better wednesday i'll be over this wednesday i ain't gonna cry about it wednesday i'm don't even discuss their name to me i'll be healed hey by wednesday by wednesday i promise you i can't believe they did this to me when the only thing i tried to do was help them [Applause] can't believe they would do this to me when the only thing i did was love somebody who didn't deserve it i can't believe they did this to me when i came to them with clean hands in a pure heart but they weren't used to real friends i can't believe they did this to me when i'm their own flesh and blood i can't believe they would do this to me when i told them about the trauma of my past and they would use the exact same stuff to hold it over my head i can't believe you did this to me when i confided with you about where my wounds are and you still pulled the scab off and watched me bleed [Music] i said you can't believe it but the blessing i have in store for you your own family ain't gonna believe it god i wish i had some praises in here how many of y'all know your next blessing you ain't even gonna believe it i i never seen god do nothing like this i can't believe this is what eyes have not seen what is have not heard lift up that hand i want to pray for you because i feel with every fiber of my being that there's those of you who have been uh wounded by betrayal and it's amazing all my years in church never seen an altar call for people who've been betrayed [Music] and it's amazing all the times i've been a revival they never laid hands on people who've been betrayed i'm telling you in this pandemic it's been prayer calls for everything i never seen no 6 a.m prayer call for the betrayed [Music] today god says i'm putting you back together [Music] because you should have never seen it here's your shout and your children will never see it i speak of every lifted hand that you will have full recovery from every diabolical act of betrayal i don't know who it is that went behind you trying to talk to your man i don't know who it is sent you a text by accident i don't know who it is that um [Music] didn't even get the memo from oprah winfrey who said you can't be my friend if you want to be me you get get in your mind that um judas betrayed jesus and his betrayal was the best thing that ever happened to me i'm thankful for whatever you went through in this lot of life that brought you through betrayal [Music] but you shall recover from it you're gonna be fine at tables alone god is purging them out of your system and out of your spirit and he's getting you ready for your next level lift that hand high to receive it god says i'm going to bless you even though i know you're broken [Music] i'ma bless you even though you have fallen short i'mma bless you when you know you are not worthy of my goodness so i speak of every lifted hand that god will give you a force field around betrayal not that you won't ever be betrayed but that you will recover quicker you recover faster you'll recover stronger why because you were built for this i speak it over your life i speak it over your loved ones i speak it over your circle that whoever is close to you will never be demonically imposed to betray your trust to betray your confidence and to betray your security and those of you here it is who know in this moment that god is healing you from betrayal i want you to give god glory for it right now if you know that he's healing you from it come on do better than that i'm talking about unaddressed pain unaddressed issues undiscovered problems god says i'm going back into the reservoir of your memory bank to deal with it wherever it is that you are i need you to know i know that father's day is a heavy day for a lot of people i know it's a weighty day for a lot of people i know some of you are glad you are not physically in church father's day mother's day makes you uncomfortable but i want to tell you that our heavenly father will never betray you so one thing i can tell you about our heavenly father whatever he says it will come to pass whatever it is that he speaks it will begin to manifest the amazing thing about adoption here it is is that in adoption you may not even know adoption is better than natural birth pastor help me i said adoption is better than natural birth and natural birth you don't know what's coming out [Music] you don't know what the issues are you don't even know what it's going to look like but in adoption you already know what it looks like already know where the problems are already know the genetic code but you still make the decision i want them anyway we were adopted by grace he knew our problems knew our weaknesses knew our brokenness knew our sin nature but still took us in and claims us as his own this is new birth adoption agency i want you to come under foster care all of us in this house all of us in this house are wards of the state of heaven that heaven has to make sure that i've never seen the righteous forsaken or the seed begging for bread if you need a church home you need a ministry to adopt you you need a covering that you can be connected to new birth is that church this is your home and i want you to be plugged into the heavenly father i want you to tell everybody i found my daddy today i want you to tell the world me and my daddy got it right today i want you to go to work be on that zoom this week say y'all ain't gonna believe what happened [Music] i felt my father's presence today come out the heavenly father all of the prompts for you to join the church all of the prompts for you to get saved are right below me right beneath me i ask that you will please follow them i want you to be a member of new birth i want to be your pastor do me a favor please i want you to do this uh it is often said that um god picks your family but you pick your friends some of us wish that was in the reverse but god picks your family and you get to pick your friends god chose mary and joseph but jesus chose the 12 disciples i'm believing that god is going to help you do a better job of choosing people who are not snakes believing that god is going to help you choose people to be in your intimate space in life with who you can lay it all down let your hair down who you can be free without any fear of reprisal i need you to do me a favor i know this is a quirky uh request but i want you to sow a seed hear this on behalf of the people that are getting ready to come into your life i want to challenge you to give a seed if you will of twelve dollars that's all i'm asking for on this day is twelve dollars every person i want you to do it the god is gonna help you choose isn't it amazing that jesus chose a doctor chose a lawyer chores chose an accountant because he said i gotta choose people who gonna cover and handle every area of my life i want you to make better decisions in whom you choose to spend your life with i want to go a step further i want you to be more shrewd about who you choose to spend time with what's the point of you having a conversation and you're not sure what you can say
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Keywords: jamal h. bryant sermons, jamal h. bryant sermons 2021, sermosn2021, sermons, pastor jamal bryant, dr jamal bryant, church 2021, jesus, sermon, dr. jamal harrison bryant, harrison bryant, pastor jamal bryant net worth 2021, pastor jamal bryant net worth
Id: gVklmIjJfsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 21sec (2001 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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