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hi i'm donna jordan from jordan fabrics my husband Matt cuts out a lot of gel rolls or strip sets and I didn't take a picture of them so we can put it on our website so when I was taking a picture of the last one it turned out really cool and I thought I'd like to make a coat that looks just like that so I couldn't figure out exactly how to do it so this is the one I was working with it's called Cortez and it's just looking really awesome just like that that is just the strips laid out onto a poster board so I gave it some thought and I came up with a method to make that into a little quilt we're going to make it into a table topper so here's what I made it's really fun and it's really quick and I used strips from this jelly roll I used half of each strip so I'm going to show you how to do this really fast project here's my strip set I'm going to open it up now this is cut with straight edges this project works best if you have a strip set that has straight or not pinked edges so we've got all these beautiful colors here and I'm going to keep them right in this order but I only need half a strip at a time so I'm just going to cut it in half and I'm going to set half aside for another project and I'm going to use this half here so one of the time cut each strip in half just right along that fold one here one here so do that for the whole roll I'm keeping my colors separate here because I like to the look of that with a bunch of the Coralie peach colors then I'm going to have a bunch of the teal some more coral some more teal it also would look good if you just alternated colors and that's kind of what I've got here the colors are not clumped together but it's still pleasing it's very abstract so that's a matter of preference you can either alternate them or you can keep them in color clumps I have all my strips cut in half so this is a a 22 inch piece of batik there the other product you're going to need is some fusible interfacing this is lightweight fusible pellon interfacing so you can feel the gluey side on it and that side is facing upwards take your first strip and put it on the end of the fleece there the interfacing now we're going to meet these corners up and move this over about half way there's no exact way to do this you're just going to want to spread them out a little bit I'm just fanning and I'm making this end much wider so do that with the first four or five then we're going to start Fanning the other way so now I'm going to make this one meet here and have a little more space showing there so you can play around with this you can change the angles you can lay them all out and then shuffle them just a little bit so there's not an exact way to do it these are not laid out exactly the same as the first one I made and there's no exact way to do it you just want to get something that looks good to you so maybe you want to do a smaller section of the coral and then put in some more greens and maybe you want to stretch them out further it's okay there's no exact perfect way to do this so I'm going to put a couple more darks here and then I'm going to end with a couple of lights so you want it roughly perpendicular to the edge there so we've got a nice color swatch here so if you want to make a little more of something show you can just make that one more prominent if there's a crowd if you don't like very much you can just cover it up a little more when you have it laid out how you want it make sure it's nice and flat and you want a nice steam iron for this and we are just going to fuse it now so you see you can put a ironing cloth over this I'm just going to give it a little bit of steam to make it glue down a little bit so this is kind of tacking it's not permanently on there yet so we're only going to get the boutique's to stick to this interfacing where they're touching the interfacing so where it's on top of the other batik it's not fused at all it's just down underneath here that it's going to be fused and that's okay because after we fuse it on we're going to stitch it I've got all the strips fused on to the interfacing now so you can see here this is fused to the backside of all of these strips since the strips are overlapping this part is still loose so we're going to take this over to the sewing machine and we're going to top stitch this raw edge along every seam here it goes really really fast and I'm not even going to pin it I'm just going to pick it up and take it over to the sewing machine and start sewing I'm going to stitch down here and then I'm going to stitch along Andry strip and I'm just going to use a straight stitch you can use a blanket stitch if you like so I'm going to anchor this first piece down here we could see how fast ago now we're going to go on to the next one and I'm going to go right on the edge so I'm putting the inside of my foot here kind of on the edge of that strip [Music] so keep sewing I'm using coordinated colored thread here so I'm using coral on the coral strip then when I come to these turquoise ones I'm going to change thread one of the reasons it lays so flat is because I'm not cutting off any of the excess fabric from underneath there so there's multiple layers everywhere it gives it a nice way to feel which is really nice for a table topper piece I'm in the middle of the project here and I just went ahead and did all of the coral stitching so I did some coral stitching here then I skipped over and started stitching here you don't have to sew the pieces in order so if you want to do if your pieces are mixed color you can just go through and do all the brown ones first and then all the Kremlin's so you don't have to sew here here here you here you can do all the corals soft corals here all the corals here this is a very relaxed that whole process went really really fast now we're going to take it over to the cutting board and we're just going to make it nice and rectangular and then we're going to quilt it the next step is to straighten up these crooked edges here so I'm going to put this on my cutting board and I'm going to use my big yard stick here lie everything up I think I'm going to go up a little bit higher so I've got interfacing behind all of it and I'm going to make a nice straight cut here I'm going to use my wait for a helper now we're just reading that last edge and we will have a piece that's nice and rectangular we've got the whole top of the runner done here now and it's got the interfacing all over the back and all of the strips are stitched down now you could just put a backing and binding on this if you want it really thin or you under there at the wall hanging but I love to put a little more bulk in it so I'm going to put it onto the long arm and I'm going to put some batting in it so on [Applause] [Applause] that's the fun part I've got the whole piece quilted now and I took it off of the long arm you can see the stitching a little bit here I used kind of a swirly pattern I used the peachy thread on the back so you can see the quilting a little bit better back here it's kind of fun so now I'm going to trim off the excess backing and batting so I can put binding on this so just line up your straight edge along the edge of the quilted piece and use your blade to cut all that off the idea here is to get a nice straight cut so you may be cutting off a teeny bit of your top you just want a nice straight cut to when you sew your binding on it's nice and straight I have a big piece of the backing that was left over so I'm going to use this to cut the binding out of I like to cut my binding two and a half inches wide so this is long enough it's not quite as long as if it came off the bolt but it's long enough for me to get some nice things binding pieces so I'm going to fold it in half fold it again like this because I like to cut four layers at the time put it on a straight line here and cut our two and a half inch pieces I don't really need to use the weight to help hold this down because it's not real long and I can press down right in the middle and get a good straight cut without anything moving I've stitched all of the binding pieces into one long piece and I used small seam allowances here about a quarter inch seam and I pressed them open now I'm going to take this long strip and I'm going to fold it in half and iron it it's important to use fabric that is cut on the widths of the fabric because it's got a little bit of give to it you don't have to use buy his pieces but you do need to have this on the width because see this way there's just a little bit of stretch and if you're doing a square or a rectangular quilt this will work a great I'm going to start stitching about four inches from the end here and I'm going to lay the binding right along the edge of the little topper here I'm going to use a little bigger than a quarter inch seam on this I'm coming to the corner here so we want to stop stitching about a quarter inch up from the edge here so we're going to want to stop stitching about right there so about right here you can either stick a pin in or you can draw a line with your fingernail I can see the line with my fingernail but you probably can't tell just leave the pin there and I'm going to stitch to that point and then back tack you might want to turn your flywheel by hand till you get to that pin and then back up so you don't hit the pin now we're going to turn the table talker and we're going to fold the binding back at a 45 degree angle here so that is heading the fold right towards our corner then we're going to fold it down this way so that the binding edge is laying right on top of the quilt so I can feel where the binding is here with my finger I'm kind of drawing a line there so we're going to have like a little flap so you see where the stitching stopped there that's where we want to start which again it's about 3/8 down or 1/4 down because I'm right in the middle between 3/8 and 1/4 so we're going to want to start stitching right there you could put a pin in just kind of eye it up put your needle down there and then back tack a little then keep stitching I've got the binding all the way around now you want to be sure that you pull it away and finger press along here so that it's nice and flat and pulled away so this will lay flat so we are now going to turn this to the back side and we are going to stitch in the ditch here and it's going to catch that on the back side right near the edge so I'm folding this binding right over the edge of the quilt you want it right up snug all the way turned snug and then stitch in the ditch so I'm sewing nice and slow but this whole process really goes pretty quick to get a small coat like this young to turn the corner here fold the batting the binding to the back on this side here a couple inches and just feed it down towards the corner and then fold that corner down now you want to have a nice neat turn there see how that isn't turned far enough so we're going to take a straight pin and just move that fold a little so that it's 45 degrees see how it's a nice 45 degree angle there and just hold it while you stitch so press everything down keep your needle down in the corner make sure you've got enough of this side it turned back and hold it as you spin your quotes around and then keep stitching [Music] see how nice and neat that corner is so we're just going to continue on like that all the way around this was so much fun to make it went really fast and I loved all the stripes of all the colors now I just used a top stitch here you can use a blanket stitch you can use a zig zag I like the fact that these are going to fray out a little bit on the edge here it's going to look a little a little more worn as we use it on our table because I'm pretty sure I'm going to take this home and put it on my table you can also use a product called tray check along each of these raw edges and that will keep it from fraying out the back you can really see the quilting pattern on the back and I like to use something fun on the back so I used the contrast color thread so I will flip this over sometimes in my table if I'm using a fancier flowered centerpiece I'm going to want something plainer than this this took half of a jelly roll you could also make smaller pieces and make coordinating play snacks that would look really fun so grab a jelly roll and make a really fun table topper [Music]
Channel: Jordan Fabrics
Views: 144,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Quilt, quilting, quilts, 12 block, log cabin, fabric, fabrics, pre cuts, table runner, table runners, sew, sewing, log cabin 12 blocks, Jordan Fabrics, Jordan's, jordan, floating point, Floating Point, North Star, north star, Donna Jordan, Matt Jordan, Patterns, Pattern, Trade, Winds, trade winds, batik, Batik, Bali Batik, bali batik' sister's choice, Jelly Roll, tospy, turvy, topper, table topper, bali pop, strip, strip set, tutorial, lets make, let's make!, let's make
Id: zIkErdyWGF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2017
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