Jordan Fabrics How I Pick Fabrics For New 12 Block Quilt Kits

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[Music] [Music] yeah hi I'm Matt Jordan here at Jordan fabrics in this video what I'm going to show you is what I'm going to be cutting out into twelve block log-cabin patchwork kits I just got in some beautiful fabrics from Mota fabrics it's part of their French general line this one is called Pondicherry I think I ordered every piece in the in the complete line there's beautiful Reds traditional Reds from french general creams they're adding blues to it I love it taupe and grays and so I'm playing around with this putting together combinations that I think would be effective and beautiful in this French general line okay I'm going to show you now how I sort kind of sort the fabrics in a line when I'm thinking about doing a log-cabin 12 lots yet and I have this Pondicherry line out here and I'm going to sort these now and let me show you how I go what I like to do first is divide them up light backgrounds dark background nothing real serious I'm just going to take the items the fabric sugar I think has a lighter background picking those out now my background light background if it's kind of neutral just do what you want to do with it not this is not a big deal but I'm going for a light in the dark side so to speak so this start see we got less putting the darker background for any I think on these I think I'll divide up into reds and backgrounds and blues back now it's going to make it a little easier later here's a red red up here for a second these over and I've got this is a really nice line this is going to this is going to come out really nice I have an idea that maybe I have so many nice darks and lights that I'm thinking about cutting two separate we'll get in the same line but to separate with two separate lines of fabric and everything now two slit just separate separations the log cabins that we use use you can use as little as three darks of three lights or six starts with six lights depending on how much fabric you put in each particular L or each particular block and that's a little bit not complicated but this language we use here but what I like to do is look at the lines here's my darks my blues sorry about that I'm getting hiding your way and here's this here so you know as I look at these blueprints I I think about the large the largest L so to speak is this it's the dominant fabric in the log cabinet it's not you see so much of it so I like these two here a lot I think they're nice prints I like this one this would be great as just a block you know you could cut that in the different spots and it looks really adds a lot of dimension a lot of detail to your quilt personally this one I'm not that crazy about the nice print it's got some red net which will be nice with a nice blue nice blue so here's what I do without getting too complicated and cutting this part of this video a little slower I would take something like these these two I really like together I could run them as an L in the log cabin I'll show you what that's like later and I like these two and I'm going to add a little bit of red on the dark side on the else so to speak and I'll show you that what I'm talking about I like that one and I think in this case I'd probably do something like this so what I've done is I've got all different prints in the different colors they're in this you know they're separate prints it's different designs and so one two three four five six these will all be blocks and I'll show you what that means later it's not something you have to remember anything it's just how I do it how I think about it and as my center square I'm just going to run this blue I like to have a nice little highlight that's very cool and I mean my light color I just get a nice blend and this particular quote and quote has more blue on it I will do something now let's see let me just look real quick and maybe something like this run this run this as the biggest L maybe come back with this we look for six prints here and this together as another L and then maybe maybe this one and maybe run is both elves and I'll show you what that means later and I could have done this many different ways I'm just kind of playing around with it just showing you what we do here at Jordan fabric to get these log cabins done and what I was saying earlier I have a lot of fabric left here I've got a lot of nice Reds a couple of nice balloons I can use and I have a lot of nice light patterns over here so what I'm thinking about doing is cutting log-cabin sets and a combination like this now I'll make my final you know choices later and a combination like this which would be just grand so to speak and and then what I'd like to do maybe is combine them both into one quilt so you have two separate sets cut in two different colorways and then you combine those colorways together because these are so nicely coordinated already and you have a a quilt that has a lot of variation and you can do a lot of things with it all right I made my choices on these on this Pondicherry line from motor fabrics and I did do two different combinations and as you can see I've got a red background with a red background that I really liked red too little blue I stuck a little red in here outlined it with some cream fabrics that I really liked and I think that's looks good I actually think I like this square a little better that's just my own personal taste and everybody has on personal taste either wrong with that blue blue red background blue Center square and the lights nicely designed by french general fabric designs at moto fabrics now obviously we cut these we've got the squares ready and we put these in packages of 12 blocks you can see here here's the red squares right here and you can see how we package them there's 12 blocks in each one of course we put instructions on them and inside but so that was packaged I think I have we did about 44 of these and 44 of these same idea here's the blue square see this is exactly all the little pieces cut and this is just one of the squares sewn we have 12 in each package it's a lot of fun they're cutting everything everything's right I want to show you this because we've got this finished late today this is if you check this out this is 12 blocks of the one color combination and 12 blocks of the other you'll notice there's kind of a red diagonal of darker fabrics running through and there's a blue diagonal that runs through and I'm going to set this on the table and let me slide these little kits and squares over a little bit so they do a really nice job for me you'll see here let me get a kit this will be mine this about this is this is a look this is you see the red squared center here which is easy to identify it's more of a red color although it's all blue a little bit it runs on a diagonal through here you see the red so here you see the red and it's just the way you take these blocks there's 12 of these blocks in this quilt 24 blocks and it's the way you turn them it's made a diagonal pattern I think they call this log have a patterns furrows or something something along that line and you'll see my little blue squares in here with a predominantly blue fabrics in them and they made a blue diagonal running through and it's just the way you turn them that it creates that effect them inside of our kits we have different ways you can turn the blocks to make this I'll show you one more time and you'll see the red in the blue as you stand back from it it's really cool and important got all the different light prints too there's a huge risers 24 different prints in this top which is really cool and we have of course we're going to put borders on this and that will bring it to a really nice size I'm going to do a throw size out of this one and with the borders they're just outstanding so that's kind of the process that I use in putting these log cabins together of course we do all the cutting on them thank you for your time in watching this video if you liked the video please give it a thumbs up and let me know because I'll be more it's kind of fun showing you what we do is it's very different and I'll see you soon thank you you [Music]
Channel: Jordan Fabrics
Views: 126,448
Rating: 4.9585705 out of 5
Keywords: Quilt, quilting, quilts, 12 block, log cabin, fabric, fabrics, pre cuts, table runner, table runners, sew, sewing, log cabin 12 blocks, Jordan Fabrics, Jordan's, jordan
Id: FLrj1UbiD9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2017
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