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today I'm only allowed to use loop from a chest but here's the catch I can only open one chest per elimination I get make sure to watch to the end because I might get super lucky or super unlucky boy do I have a fun challenge for you guys today and by fun I mean potentially really bad I'm only allowed to loot from one chest and every kill I get I can open one more so basically my inventory is going to get better and better the more kills I get and we start off with one chest which is the brand new burst rifle and would you look at that a kill I'm so great clap for me usually at this point in the video I've already died 12 times but I actually got a kill which means I can open another chest whoa well that was very scary and now guess what I could open two chests here's one perfect got a shotgun and some Shields also I'm not allowed to heal unless it's from a chest so this video is going to be harder than you think but I can open one more chest and we got ooh a blue weapon and some more Shields not bad the problem is I need to get wait hold on yes take that and take this did they try to what there's two people why got one um maybe I should just run away there's a chest right there that I can open don't mind if I do thank you very much and I'll be taking that for sure don't know what's better the auto shotgun or the Thunder but whatever it doesn't matter all right I really gotta get this kill though because I'm gonna need to open another chest to get some health so far this is going hello can I borrow that wait hey stop that whoa where'd you come from how many people are here I'm gonna be honest I have no idea what's going on I'm just gonna hide right here and pick my perk there's two people in this house that could be potentially two chests here we go that's one chest bye I would get this kill right now but honestly I need some help this is going great honestly I thought I was gonna die 500 times wait more people really all right I'm going this way I'm not ready to fight right now okay I said I wasn't ready wasn't ready okay I basically have no Health right now but it's fine everything's fine this is probably one of the hardest challenges I've ever decided to do is it cheating if I use this fire oops so right now if I remember correctly I have one chest that I can open and hopefully it has uh some ammo in it because I'm running out basically I need a chest that has everything in it actually I found a chest everyone leave a like on this video and your like will give me an energy to give me something good it is just are you kidding me my game literally crashed that's and actually leaving a like this time so that last game was going great until unfortunately I crashed but it's okay it gives me hope that I can get a win and all we gotta do is start off with chest number one all I gotta do is get one kill let's go I am back and better than ever uh just kidding I'm getting grenaded wow that's a lot of huh oh hey shattered slabs more like my shattered hopes and dreams of winning a game of fortnite let's start off with chest number one hopefully it's good because somebody just shot at me a second ago and it's the brand new burst rifle who wants to be shattered this player does yes that unlocks a new chest for me oh hey oh that was close that was very close but I persevered because I'm the greatest fortnite player ever and my greatest I mean extremely bad I don't know what's going on with me recently but I've lost all my fortnite skill but it doesn't matter because I can now open two chests this one's pretty bad but I've got one more and hopefully it's good that's not that good at all but I got some Shield so that's fine what really needs to happen is I need to find an epic chest then I could get a golden weapon just from getting a Kill oh dude don't do this to me am I allowed to use this probably not right oh I can't believe I have to skip this why fortnite first you crash my game then you give me the best perk ever when I'm not allowed to use it it's okay it's all right I'll get revenge by getting this done I've just spotted the player they just drove into a tree or something somebody just captured the flag at Anvil square but they're about to become the anvils okay how do they see me nobody's nearby oh yes oh no that is way too much building why is everyone so good ever since my first attempt where I had some really good kills uh this has not gone so well but I will not give up hope I know I'm insane ooh a jedo chest does that count why not I didn't get any what oh good a green pistol great but I've also got the guardian Shield what is going on over here wait I hear an epic chest somebody just opened it hey can I borrow that if I get this kill I'm definitely stealing it whoa did you guys see that chapter four is broken yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no no no uh somebody explained to me what's going on should I be healing right now probably not but I'm doing it anyway oh good lots of grenades where is it hello you gotta be kidding me that should have been my rocket launcher I swapped over to zero build to see if it makes a difference it probably won't because I'm trash no matter what but it's worth a chain okay I'm not gonna get that weapon all right all I gotta do is get one chest let me borrow this nope not not that okay let me open the chest did I pick up the weapon can I pick up the weapon Beast boss let me pick up thank you was that so hard this is why I'll always be better than you use coat tomato I'm stuck I'm I'm literally I'm literally stuck all right after that waterfall start all we gotta do is get some kills and here's one right here that was easy and guess what I've unlocked the chest here we go please give me some good stuff not bad not bad at all I'm liking my chances this game I think I'm gonna win I hope if I don't win I'm gonna rage Quinn somebody's nearby right around the corner I think where are they aha they have no idea that I'm here now they do and would you look at that that's a second chest that I've unlocked oh I hear an epic one yes let's go come on not bad I'll take it let's go all right now I'm feeling good look at my inventory right now it's actually really good a blue burst a purple shotgun all from one chest per kill that's not bad I hear somebody hi there Stormtrooper let's hope that you can't aim whoa somebody else is here if I don't move you'll have no idea that I'm here [Music] see ya and there's a victory crown for me I have now unlocked two more chests I have a really good chance of getting a really good inventory except I don't want that at all here we go I just got that weapon and I didn't want it then so I don't want it now fortnite but it's okay we're doing good 30 players left I've got full health and I've got really good weapons oh no thanks no thanks I'm not interested I don't want to do that stop that okay you know what it's slap juice time and I'm running directly into another fight aren't I great hi there whoa okay no thanks no thanks no thanks no thanks no thanks did somebody explain to me what is going on there's like 50 people here [Music] I just got hit with a hammer and a person foreign I'm not playing anymore the one chess challenge Elimination Challenge more like the one lost challenge except I lost a lot
Channel: Tomato - Fortnite
Views: 596,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite but each elimination = new chest, tomato fortnite, funny fortnite
Id: X5BRoSZZcu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 14 2023
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