The *RANDOM* ANIME Challenge in Fortnite

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fortnite is basically an anime game now there's a million anime skins in game so today we're doing the random anime Challenge and let's see which one is really the best it's time for Dragon Ball Z we're starting off we're good I have literally one Health I was about to say we're starting off strong with the Goku challenge uh but we're actually starting off horribly oh hi there no if I got pickaxed I would have been very sad okay uh I already got two kills I haven't even gotten to explain the challenge yet every kill I get I charge up and I have to use whatever Rarity I get great I've got two kills already so I charged up twice and also the heavy shotgun's back all right what a crazy start uh I don't even remember what I was talking about I didn't even really get to introduce the video yet basically there's a bunch of anime collabs in fortnite now so I decided to do the random anime challenge Naruto Dragon Ball Z my hero and we're only going to get more and more and with Dragon Ball specifically this was probably the biggest collab fortnite has ever had when Dragon Ball dropped it was the most hyped time in fortnite for a long time the Kamehameha you saw all over the internet and it brought millions of people okay wait is that by Matthew oh no but I gotta kill let's transform oh what do I do now I'm back to normal I guess that means I could use whatever I want as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted by that player the Dragon Ball Z collab brought so many people back to fortnite and it was so much fun it was definitely the most memorable oh my bounty there's gotta be an enemy in here luckily I am Goku and hold on wait for it relax relax okay that's bad hey you better not do that oh I'm excited I'm out of bullet oh okay I'm not insane I'm trash I am literally trash all right bad news starting off as this form of Goku and technically I'm only allowed to use Golden Weapons sadly that's going to be really hard to do but oh I'm bad hi there uh what what why are all these shots missing this is insane get over here you banana ah I literally missed almost every single bullet but it's fine somebody's here that was scary you have a golden weapon I can buy nope that's a dub maybe I'll get a perk that gives me a golden weapon nope all right you know what I got two kills oh wait there's a I've emoting I'm insane I'm insane I got one bullet left one bullet and a dream see ya wait there's more players here why who had a rock where did you get a rocket greetings bye transform uh now I need a blue weapon yes we're good we've been saved oh golden weapon oh close enough does Goku have purple hair Dragon Ball Z had such an impact on fortnite that I have to get this win because next game I'm swapping to the next challenge and it's actually really fun ah why did I get out I could have just stayed in the car or I could have been in are you kidding me one bullet one bullet two bullets that's all I needed and now I'm becoming gray Goku I am Goku and I hear about five million people oops uh I shot a rocket by accident ow whoa whoa whoa all right you know what I'm switching and I'm going to zero build too so I forgot to switch to zero build but it's fine because now we're doing the all might Challenge and this was really good except I I okay I need a gray weapon so here's the deal when I'm in this form I can only use gray weapons and every three minutes I swap forms when I'm all might I could use whatever I want but when I'm small all might I can only use gray bye I don't wait wait no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no listen I wasn't supposed to do that but at least I got my gray weapon now somebody nearby I'm gonna hide under the stairs also I forgot to set a timer I don't know how long it's been but let's just say in one minute and five hi I can't believe I'm alive I am wow I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead you gotta be kidding me I needed one bullet and now it's time to enter weak form all right timer set for three minutes before I can turn into all might and while I'm all might I could use whatever I want so I'll start storing some weapons for that but for now I'm stuck with gray only hi there whoa my kills no no no wait I would like both kills please how do you have Shield all right so my hero is the most recent anime collab and it was a huge hit I'm not sure if it was as good as Dragon Ball Z but I really enjoyed it Deku smash is no longer in the game which is very sad but while it was here it was extremely fun speaking of extremely fun it's gonna be extremely fun to win this game ah timer and now it's time to swap to all might I don't know what's funny about doing that but whatever and now for the next three minutes I can you hi what is going on okay that's fine for the next three minutes I could use whatever weapons I want and that includes wait I just used a gray weapon even though I didn't need to well that's the power of all mine I could be good even with gray weapons why hello there I'm bad hey what do you do whoa whoa whoa get out of here I can't reload I'm so okay you know what hey I got the kill I didn't even really take damage that's all that matters that kill was mighty good oh boy wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa stop that why am I so bad with the bow is this a bot I I just want to hit a bow shot all right dude this is not funny this is really not funny come on there we go I hit it only took 18 arrows yeah I should have just did this from the beginning that was much easier bad news everybody there's a player right there and the timer just went off which means I have to swap to weak form now I can only use these trash gray weapons for the next entire three minutes I may only have gray weapons but watch this oh no wait whoa whoa I'm getting attacked by a chicken guys wait for me what what is going on here how many people are here what how's that Miss thank you oh Adventure crop someone else is here no hey uh what's up ah we're good golden weapon somebody chicken can somebody explain to me what's going on because I have no idea what oh no no where's my Red Dot okay you know what we're good I think that was the most insane thing I've ever seen also I think I was accidentally using my golden weapon but it's fine I didn't get the kill anyway dude I cannot wait to turn back to all might because I have some insane weapons now you know I hear a huge fight outside I would like to steal the kills except oh it's just two NPCs fighting what why guys stop fighting well I'll just go steal these chests all right has it been three minutes yet oh perfect timing and now it's time back to all my 10 players left can all might win this it's the player from before I gotta get this kill hey so I have this legendary rifle but it doesn't have a scope the dot is missing so how am I supposed to win bye bounty whoa whoa whoa relax with that are you kidding me I'm bad dude this is really hard without a red dot it's not easy where don't get a shot for like eight people hey you guys fight instead oh hi this gun is really Archy use no oh all right I'm so bad if I had a DOT I would have won that for sure you know what I'm switching next anime collab I'm so sad that was such a good game it's time for Naruto so Naruto was the first anime collab that fortnite ever did and this was extra special for me because fortnite actually sent me a real jacket celebrating it so thanks fortnite you should uh send me more sadly Naruto's Mythic was not as good as the others nothing compares to Deku Smash and the Kamehameha the paper kunai were just not as cool but the collab was still awesome and to celebrate I can only use gold or Mythic weapons only and do this a lot oh hey hey what are you doing who's fighting jedo no I need to Fight Shadow but I'll let you do all the work all right well General got the kill so now it's all up to me and I am shredding him ow uh I don't have enough ammo for this here we go let's go thank you for that and that and now I am good to go in the comments I want you guys to let me know what your favorite anime collab was for me I'm gonna have to go Dragon Ball Z but all three of them have been insane you know what maybe this one is better if I could get this win somebody's trying to take the square hi hello low oh see you later bye bye bye oh didn't expect that to work [Music] hello here we go where'd they go hey don't shoot is this a bot hey I don't know but either way free Hammer kill Ed bye bye oh no come on I've gotta get this kill oh and would you look at that a golden weapon what's going on here what I'm lagging so bad bye what is happening what is going on please explain hello hi open up wait wait wait oh I'm about to die that's enough for me leave a like subscribe
Channel: Tomato - Fortnite
Views: 872,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, the random anime challenge in fortnite, fortnite anime, tomato fortnite, funny fortnite
Id: 18vSI2xdjVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 28 2022
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