I Built Your Comments & They Were All Terrible

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No you didnt built your comments

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/toycatisno 📅︎︎ May 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello i'm mpx toy cat and recently i did a little bit of a frankenstein and merged four of my different creative worlds together there are many obvious benefits to having all of these different builds in the same world but the less obvious downside are these ugly chunk boundaries between the different worlds because obviously one world ends and has to be stitched to another one and it creates this weird kind of border that isn't so pretty the ugliest and biggest of those was in this gap right over here i mean this was a nightmare that i've now converted into a brand new biome as you can see i've got amazing terraforming skills uh this truly looks like it's a a fresh plains biome that came naturally in minecraft even these ugly chunk boundaries are gone because of my beautiful uh curved terraforming skills but i've got this huge flat land now and so i put out the cool four comments me to build here and let's go ahead and build some of those today i'm gonna build your comments for the first time ever starting with this first one because jonathan wants me to build a giant black concrete box and you know what that doesn't sound the most inspiring on the surface but i'm sure when we finish it it'll look great oh god no that was not worth the time all the effort it's just a giant black block of concrete there's nothing exciting about it although to level of you it does look big and mysterious it looks like something strange should be inside of there but according to the next comment instead something strange should be on top because they say i should make a desert well on top of it and you know what i could do with one of those now you can correct me if you think i'm wrong here but i'm pretty sure this is the ingredient the desert wells are made out of at least in the correct version of minecraft and just like that we get ourselves the structure itself the definition of beauty and i would be willing to bet i would go as far as to say it is now guaranteed a certainty also wow you need four bits of water for a desert well yeah look at that now it's not just mysterious now you know that something important is going on in there they probably should have asked me to send to that but they didn't so we're going to move them to the next comment because connor smith asked me to build this comment which is of course a ridiculous idea but i guess that hasn't stopped any of them so far okay so this is substantially harder than i thought it was because of how big uh letters need to be this is my clever way of making an eye while still fitting that space i mean i say clever i'm using a button you know i've become the very thing that i hate but now we've got to make an l so i guess that's just a straight line yeah this is this is going wonderfully look this this looks exactly like connor smith's comment right i have nailed this yeah for whatever reason the the d and the l are actually taller than the rest of the the letters in this font which i guess means we can actually remove this and just go ahead and make it like that yeah sure yep that that is the youtube font i don't like that this is correct but apparently it do be that way you know the youtube funk for the t is one of the ugliest i've ever seen what is this this isn't a t this is a cross with a little bit of a a thing coming from the bottom what's what's that all about you know i you might question the method but we are getting results here i think you'll find you know this looks surprisingly accurate right this that you know i i never realized how weird youtube spot was until i tried to build it in minecraft but i think we nailed it there now we just have to have his profile picture on the left yep i'm pretty sure that's how you build a circle too boom we are we are killing it today it's funny because when i was picking out this comment i was like sure i could nail this and it'd be such a perfect replica inside of minecraft but as i'm looking more and more at what i'm creating i'm not sure what it is sorry am i looking at the youtube screen right now oh no this is minecraft whoa whoa oh this is the youtube comment yeah it's i get these two mixed up a lot because of how perfectly alike they are oh this is this is perfection in minecraft form honestly again not as bad as it could have been i think following this text shows you that in minecraft you can have really inaccurate imprecise simming text that still conveys the message i think that connor smith was trying to get to me just just very badly okay so the two big builds have really added some character to this space i like that they're slowly starting to fill it up and how better to celebrate than to add a third large bill to this because i have this comment saying i should build my favorite minecraft youtuber and uh so i don't want to say his name obviously i don't want to draw too much attention to him but this is what his skin looks like again i don't want to say his name don't embarrass myself but he's got this really fun skin it makes me laugh a lot cause it's got a smiley face on there and when i see smiles i smile it's really great i actually worried that this guy had like done some uh below board stuff you know faked some runs on youtube um but then even though they were very clearly fake from looking at them he actually hired an astrophysicist that said oh yeah the odds of this looking fake are actually more likely than it not looking fake and then he even uh afterwards never actually directly apologized but just said it probably looked fake and you're right for thinking that and the sort of person who never owns up to the mistakes is the sort of person i look up to but again i don't want to name names that i wanna draw attention to this uh lovely fella that i'm a big fan of and instead i wanna talk about the next uh build we're gonna go into because this one says to build a giant uh desert well made of desert whales that is a challenge but it's one i'm going to rise to i guess okay so this is easy right we just take the desert well and then we move it into oh there's a lot of positions that need to be desert modified we'll try our best okay okay so desert well number one is in place i think it's slightly wrong i feel like the water is never actually overflowing but sure we're gonna take advantage of the fact that it's not anyway and we're gonna build a second desert well on top of this no way this is this is more confusing than i thought actually there's a lot of desert worlds required to make a desert world desert well and you don't you don't realize it until you start with the base and then you realize it has to come all the way out there this is just the outside ring but let's continue okay i'm using a structure block to do this now and let me just tell you significantly easier all the way around and uh so the plan here is is very simple i feel like the plan is just copy in find a structure where there should be caught oh no that is wrong too you know structure blocks are easy until they're not huh but i made this nice tower look out look how nice my tower is do you like it please compliment my tower so that i can justify the time i'm gonna have to spend removing these desert wells okay there we go the desert world desert well it's coming together slowly but surely you know i'm just gonna i'm gonna remove this one because it's just too close i might leave those other two floating as a reminder of the fact that we can just build this anytime okay so the way the desert well has this little slab coming out i think rather than just having a second desert well there i'm gonna make this last desert well super tall that is my probably very genius idea that can definitely not backfire and uh yeah tall desert well is something you might not have thought you needed in your life but let me assure you you've you've been needing it this whole time you've just been missing it oh yeah this is this is gonna be it this is gonna be the glorious centerpiece that makes this weird build into a real thing oh i did it in the wrong point yeah look at look at that right there that is the tall desert well that makes the whole thing come together brings the hat on the whole thing and makes it a desert world desert well although it's missing water look i made a desert well out of desert wells i'm so proud of you i mean i don't want to brag but my girlfriend said i was proud of that so clearly it's gotta be pretty good i mean it's not like people in relationships just lie to each other that is that is never a thing that happens karen bring the kids back anyway that said uh this is a delightful uh desert well desert well i think you know have we peaked i think we might have peaked today do i only build dumb things i'm starting to realize maybe we do well this next comment surely will prove that wrong because tet jim lads says you've already built your real life house so how about your dream real life house and you know what that's a good idea if you don't recall just over here past the never village and past the giant uh glowstone lamp block you can see how i have my real-life house i did that very generic youtubers build their house thing but i built my actual house and i live in a sad victorian terrace house uh so here is what it looks like on the inside it's delightful it's not a lot of space if you go by square meters but you know what who does go by square meters weird people and europeans and you're not i might technically be a european but we're gonna pretend i'm not for the sake of that comment let's build a realistic house but not realistic because it's sad realistic because it's what i dream of but in the real world not in minecraft people dream of living in castles in minecraft but you've got bad ambitions let me show you my dream real house so i'm gonna build it from bricks because bricks is how everything i've ever seen in the uk is built and uh unlike most houses which are built as like boring rectangles i mean look at the shape of that house so boring right i've always wanted to live in a weirdly shaped house i would love the idea of living in an octagon so let's let's make that happen i guess you know what i'm looking at this house and i'm going if it's my dream house i think i would like a little bit more space i actually don't like the idea of like huge mecca houses where you have to like ride a bike to get from one side to the other actually i do like that idea if you could ride a bike once at the other um but i think like you know this sort of like cozy living room setup this cozy uh office setup i actually kind of like that i like the idea of cozy i think small can be good or small could even be better than large because it's easier to get around but i think you know if i'm having a dream setup i want a little bit bigger anyway okay so we have ourselves an octagon it's about three maybe four stories tall but you know what just making it all out of brick that is a little boring something i always love the idea of even though i'm not a big fan of windows everywhere i mean why do you want people singing to your house but i do like the idea of like lots of glass to that light in so this entire back wall i'm just going to build out of glass you know i i've always wanted to just have one of my walls be glass as long as it's not one that points to the neighbor or something why not have a giant glass wall and since as you can see no neighbors just a mountain this will be a beautiful view from the garden downstairs we're of course gonna make the floor out of wood i think having wood or vinyl i actually like vinyl a lot i think it's like seen as cheap and garbage but like i think it looks great in real life having like some you know clean easy to you know get floors because honestly a lot of people like really fancy things but then they're hard to maintain and it's like do you really like your floor if it takes you know hours to clean every day no you don't so instead what we do is we make a floor of wood so if guests come around they can enjoy my mega downstairs room you know people like open plan living room dining room kitchen combinations and so we're doing that today except this is in minecraft so i guess this will be my kitchen wait i've always wanted to do something you know something that disappoints me is how kitchens and stairs are always far away from each other so people love to use granite as like the you know their work top surface right that's a big trend that's coming back but what if like the counter space on the other side like was actually underneath the stairs that way you make yourself a snack in the kitchen you know like as as people do but then right after you make those snacks actually what if the stairs were artistic as well right after you make those snacks which will also be on a staircase because we'd be fancy over here uh you can make your snacks and then oh you're already in the staircase room now you can go straight upstairs and get yourself to your delightful bedroom which will be on this floor by the way and you better believe i'm treating myself to the good carpet up here by the way my walls are of course going to be made from lime concrete that seems like a very logical next step i mean i'm a youtuber i've got to have a green screen background it just it just makes sense actually while we're here anyway because i wanted to go for like this huge open area that doesn't have a ceiling because i love the idea of having so much space that you don't even use it for floors you just have this huge open area in fact i like the idea of not having a roof in my house but we'll we'll get to that later uh but something else that annoys me about modern house design besides the fact that stairs and kitchens are always very far apart what about this why do the stairs for one floor always be right next to the stairs for another floor like i get there's structural reasons why people choose to do that but also you know if we're having a dream house why do we have to do that so instead i'm gonna have my staircase for the top floor be on the other side of the house to the staircase for the middle floor that is that way you have to pick which floor you're going to you can't get indecisive and just be like yeah i'll just go up and see where i'm going no you you pick a floor and you stick to it you're going to the third or the second because you better darn well choose soon so we'll build a little way over here i guess so now that we've got this delightful top floor made we've got our bottom floor all the way tiled up same with the middle floor uh i think we need to add a little bit of lighting i love the idea of indoor windows why are these not more common like i want to be able to see across my house from inside my house why can't i do that oh those windows aren't parallel at all if we do a third one over here it looks like it's intentional though so yeah with that said i think the biggest and most important thing we need to add now is this top room up here which is obviously the bedroom because living in an attic is very normal it needs to have a bed and in real life i feel like the best bed is a black bed because if you make a stain on it no one even notices it's the best you have a white bed and white bed sheets every single stain that isn't white which actually now that i think about it i see why people have white bed shirts but you know when you have a white bed sheets uh it's very clear when there's a stain on there but you still you spill a bowl of pasta on this bed right here no one's even gonna notice and that's why i have a black bed in the middle of the attic because that's where it goes and then this is the room for activities i guess i mean if i'm being honest i don't do many activities but there is a game that i really like are you familiar with this one uh it's it's definitely my favorite this is such a bad joke anyway with that said uh this is pretty much a perfect house i think the less stuff you have in the house you're the better it is truthfully so i kind of like it being unfurnished the again whenever house is unfurnished you furnish it how you like when a house is furnished you have to unfurnish it to refurnish it it's terrible so now we just need to add a roof i mean i don't want to add a roof but like i'm going to be realistic it rains 100 something days a year in the uk what what roof should we use and uh it's got to be something quirky so i guess quartz yeah a nice white roof would be good right okay it's not a conventional roof oh i'll give you that but i actually really like what i've done right here i would like it if the roof to my house looked like the lid of a coffee cup and not only that but also because of the shape of the roof it lets some light in so from this big airy room i can see right out to the sun isn't that delightful i i think you'll find it is delightful there's only one thing this house is missing because i know i know it's like the american dream to have a big detached house on a giant lot where only you and your favorite minecraft youtuber live however what it is i really want is i want to have neighbors because most crimes are crimes of opportunity and so if someone is nearby your house and is thinking wow i would love to commit a crime i would enjoy some free things and they want to commit a home burglary i live in an area with so many burglaries uh right now hopefully that changes when i move i mean it probably can't get worse but anyway that said um like all you want is the the number one tip for security is to make everyone secure if you can't do that because you're not in charge of the police department or you're not in charge you know you can't stop the thiefs so what you do instead is you just make sure that your neighbors are more valuable targets so for instance we've got identical houses pretty much i mean they're flipped but their house uh in this case actually has it's gonna be obvious actually you know their house they spent a lot of money on having a diamond encrusted door and so wow their house not only looks like it's more valuable but it's less secure too because their door is always open whereas my door you know i guess we'll add like a a basic level of protection to mine like yeah if you want to get in my door you have to work out how this how this iron door works i mean how how do you even do that there's there's no way for sure to know and so yeah this is this is my dream house right next to a similar slightly nicer slightly less secure house so that all of the all of the the bad things happen there and i can live in my dream house you know again look at look at this beautiful view look at look at this view from the attic because it's perfectly normal to live in attics wow this is nice look at my view of the outside world and the beauty that's maintained within it i have all of these things that i love but also i never have to worry like i'm gonna come home and there's going to be some burglars there or something no i live in the slightly less nice house and that's all i want in life i want to live in a less nice house than those around me so that people don't want to take things from me oh and just like toiwati suggests my neighbors probably aren't subscribed to the ibx toycat youtube channel and so uh you know i'm just saying greater than 99 of house buyers happen to be people who aren't subscribed to the channel it seems very suspicious if you ask me why that happens i mean there's no way to avoid it the best you can do perhaps is to just maybe hit that subscribe button to see more of these videos on your homepage and way more importantly to avoid terrible things like this inside your very much slightly nicer than your neighbor's house don't you think so okay so the final comment that i have to build today actually i don't have to build anything you know isn't that the beautiful thing about minecraft you don't have to do anything because no one can tell you what you can and cannot do but i'm gonna take the suggestion that is to build a potato thank you for that one lochie so that said let's let's give this a try i guess it's been so long since i did this but what i usually do is i look at the item like physically and then i try to kind of you know copy it pixel by pixel and that's not particularly hard for potato because they're not particularly big they don't use many colors either though that's the problem do you think i made a nice potato i don't think i made a very nice potato i think i probably made this section a bit too big let me try that again do you think i've made a better potato i don't think the potatoes better i think the only way this potato can get better is that we give it a little bit of a personality and there's two ways you can give some your personality one is by being a good builder and the other one is by personifying dumb objects i mean look at this right here is this not an adorable little ah it's not adorable yet he's gonna have like his little tongue sticking out like that everyone's seen this potato right yeah look at that that is a happy potato and honestly i'm a happy potato um having made this video it was actually a lot of fun to make and honestly that's the great thing about creative sometimes you just want to come have access to every block try some things out sometimes you'll try some dumb things sometimes you'll try some some other dumb things but sometimes we'll try incredibly dumb things and sometimes you'll learn something about structure blocks while building dumb things and you know yeah the whole point of this video is all i build is dumb things but you know what else i build a strong community of love and affection that you can join by subscribing to this channel uh if you have any comments you'd like me to build for another one of these videos let me know in the comments down below truth be told i don't know when or if i'll do another one of these videos so uh you know give a bit i let me know if that's the thing you'd actually like to see but we'll judge it by the i'll just be honest i'm judging it by the numbers and the support in this video because did you know youtube doesn't work if not enough people watch your videos because that sends the algorithm a bad message about your channel but also means that you don't make the money that you need because for some reason you're a dumb idiot and make youtube your full-time job so with that said i hope you'll enjoy this video i hope you understand and i'll see you in uh the future unless one of us dies in a house fire hint hint intent [Music] you
Channel: ibxtoycat
Views: 39,271
Rating: 4.9501109 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft
Id: fPdyVuE3cd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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